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Annoyed Reader

Posted on 08/16/2002 7:39:49 AM PDT by Merchant Seaman

The purpose of's multiple message boards is to limit the topics for each board to particular topics. Posting the same message on all the boards defeats the purpose of multiple-boards for special topics. It is very annoying to see the same message on every bulletin board.


KEYWORDS: 0; 000; 00001aforeverzot; 0000h0000hmrkotter; 0001azotsnot; 000acutezot; 00aconspiracyguy; 00conspiracyguyrewls; 00y; 0aardvark; 0abrains; 1; 10; 100; 10000; 1000asshat; 100proof; 10acrebutt; 11; 110; 11imfirst; 11oksecond; 12; 120; 123; 12monkeys; 13; 14; 143; 15; 16; 17; 1721; 17year; 18; 18000; 19; 191; 1979; 1980; 1980s; 1981; 1988; 1990s; 1992; 1993; 1994; 1995; 1996; 1998; 1999; 1aaaabsurdnewbie; 1bigzot; 1imfirst; 1longthread; 1toomanyseamen; 2; 20; 200; 2000; 2001; 2002; 2003; 2004; 2005; 2006; 2007; 2008; 2009; 2010; 20gerbilteamborax; 2112; 22; 23; 23cent; 24; 25; 250; 26; 27; 28; 29; 2k; 2stoopid2notbezotted; 30; 3000; 31; 3isamagicnumber; 3purplehearts; 4; 40; 400; 41; 42; 4scoreand7zotsago; 5; 50; 50000; 50th; 53; 6; 64; 666annoyedseamen; 8; 80; 800; 911; 9513532; 9aaa1zot; a; a1a; a1sauce; aaa1zot; aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa; aaaaabsurdnewbie; aaaaarrrrggggg; aaaaliquors; aaabest; aaarrrrgh; aardvark; aardvarksrus; aaunspunisthemariner; abacha; abadaardvark; abandoned; abba; abbazabba; abcdefg; abcdfghij; abducted; abdul; abduljabbar; abdullah; abertisback; ability; able; abortion; about; above; abr; abracadabra; abroad; absence; absent; absolute; absolutely; abu; ac130; accept; acceptance; accolla; accomplish; accord; according; accordingly; account; achieve; achievement; acnekrakatoa; acotesworth; across; acslater; act; acting; action; actions; active; activities; activity; acts; actual; actually; adapt; adaptation; adaptationand; adapts; addadictomyfailed; addakeyword; adding; addition; additional; additionally; addmywordtoo; adeedo; adequate; adhering; adjourn; adjournment; administration; administrations; administrative; admiralhalsey; admiralty; admit; admitted; adopted; adoption; adults; advance; advent; advice; advocates; afer; afewgoodzots; affair; affairs; affect; affected; affecting; affiliate; affiliation; affirm; affirmation; affirmationi; afghanistan; afghans; africa; africas; after; afterwards; again; against; age; aged; agencies; agency; agenda; agent; agents; agentstarling; agrarian; agree; agreed; agreement; ahead; ahhhbach; ahoy; aid; aiding; aimed; aims; air; airliners; airport; aitape; akennedyfatheredme; al; alablaj; alafghani; alafghanis; alalamiyyah; alanalda; alarabiya; albanian; albatross; albinoblacksheep; albion; alert; alexander; alexis; alexlifeson; algamaa; algeria; algerian; algerianbased; alghamdi; alice; alienate; alienating; alieninvasion2012; alike; alislam; alislamiyya; alislamiyyah; alislams; aljabhah; aljihad; alkhidamat; alkhifa; all; allah; allan; alliance; allied; allow; alltimekeywordrecord; allymcbeal; allyourbase; allysheedy; almajallah; almasri; almost; almuqrin; alnedacom; alone; along; alpaca; alqaeda; alqaedas; alqaedastyle; already; alsaeed; alsheikhli; also; alter; alteration; alternate; although; altschul; alvin; always; alyahud; alzarqawi; alzawahiri; am; amanaplanpanama; ambassadors; amendment; amendments; america; american; americans; americas; amid; amifirst; amiloggedin; amiloggedon; amishmoderator; amman; amnesty; among; amount; amrica; an; anagrams; analretentive; analysis; analyst; analysts; and; andihelped; andthewhineris; andthewinneris; andthewinterspast; andzotsthewayitis; anewrecord; animalrights; animalrites; anitabryant; anitahillismybabe; ann; annapolis; anniversary; annoyingreader; anonymity; another; ansar; antartica; anticircumcission; antiislam; antimasons; antwion; anwar; any; anyone; anyonegotanyideas; anything; anywhere; apartheid; apartment; apennyforyourzots; apocalypsethen; apollocreed; apostate; appeal; appear; appears; appeasermeat; appellate; application; appoint; appointed; appointment; appointments; apportioned; apportionment; apprehended; approach; appropriation; appropriations; approve; approved; approximately; april; arab; arabia; arabiaisnt; arabian; arafat; arc; architect; are; area51; areas; arebelongtous; areyouloggedin; argentina; argue; argylesocks; arising; armed; armies; arming; armories; arms; army; around; arrest; arrested; arrivals; arrived; arrrsaidthepirate; arsenals; article; articles; artiestolemyjob; artificialpaper; artillery; artistformerlyknown; arts; arugala; as; ascertained; asia; asian; asked; askjeeves; assailants; assassinating; assassination; assassinations; assaults; assemble; assembled; assembling; asserted; assigned; assistant; associate; at; atkinsdiet; atlashunched; atleehammaker; atta; attack; attacked; attackers; attacking; attacks; attainder; attained; attainted; attempt; attempted; attempts; attend; attendance; attest; attract; audiotape; august; augusto; austin316; author; authorities; authority; authorized; authors; authurmcgowan; automatic; autonomously; autonomy; average; aviation; avoidspaghetti; awarded; awardofmerit; away; axisofweasel; ayman; aynrand; aziz; azotforyourthoughts; azzam; azzarello; b; babiesforsale; back; backlash; backpack; backpackfullagerbils; bacteriarights; bad; badiosmofob; baggage; baghdad; baghdadbob; bahamas; bakedzot; baldwin; bali; ballot; baltimoreravens; bandwidthwaster; banfishingnow; banglist; bank; banking; bankruptcies; banme; banningcomingsoon; barackobama; barkingmoonbat; barnes; barred; barrels; barrymanilo; barrymanilow; barrywilliams; bars; bartcorppunk; base; bases; basic; basketball; bass; bassett; batheweekly; battle; battleships; bay; be; beaverfever; became; because; becauseyourestupid; become; bedford; beeber; beeberbarber; beeberdocduvale; beeberlikedebice; beeberneener; beebersinthenight; beeberzot; been; beer; beerforbreakfast; before; began; begentilwithme; begin; beginning; begoyumwithme; begun; behavior; behaviour; behest; behind; being; belfast; belgian; belgrade; believe; believed; believing; bellygirl; belonging; below; belt; bemybeeber2nite; benazir; benefits; bennett; benyamin; beowulf; beprivileged; berg; bergen; bermudatriangle; best; bet; betterknown; betteroutthanin; betterthanlotrcrap; betteruseofyourtime; between; bhutto; bigbrother3rules; bilderbergers; bill; billion; billlaimbeer; billmoyers; bills; bin; bitemyshinymetalass; bittinger; black; blackhelicopter; blahblahblah; blair; blast; blessings; blinking; blood; bloody; blot; blount; blueoyster; blueparty; bob; bobbyvalentinerocks; bodies; boiledzot; bomb; bombed; bomber; bombers; bombing; bombings; bombs; bondjamesnbond; boogerfever; boogerhead; book; boot; boowho; border; borders; boris; born; borrow; bosnia; boston; both; bound; bovinesemen; boxcuttercontrol; boxofjuice; boysinthehud; braindonor; branch; brand; brasil; breach; breachbirthanoxia; breadandcircus; break; breaking; brearley; bribery; bridges; bring; bringbackdukakis; bringing; brinkley; britain; brithumerules; british; broaden; broiledzot; broke; broken; brokered; brookings; broom; brother; brought; brown; brutal; bubbahubbadubba; bubbashotthejukebox; buchananwakenedgiant; buck; bucket; buckwheatbaby; budselig; bugsbunny; building; buildings; built; bulletbobcowashere; bulletin; bullwinkle; burden; burmashave; burnedoutbloomers; burninzot; burntsienaparty; burst; bush; business; businesses; but; butler; buttpirate; bwahahahahahahahaha; by; bycession; byman; cache; cage; california; call; called; calling; cambodia; cambodian; cambodians; came; camp; campagna; campaign; campaigns; camps; can; canada; canardlyseastraight; candlelightsupper; candlestickpark; cannot; cant; cantfindassindark; canvas; capabilities; capable; capital; capitals; capitation; captainklutz; captainpeacock; captainplanet; capture; captured; captures; car; care; caribbean; carlperkins; carlsaganisdead; carolina; caroline; carried; carroll; carry; carrying; cars; carvilleonrogaine; casablanca; case; cases; cashinurchips; caspersen; caspiansea; castaway; casualties; catsareapainintheass; cause; caused; ccellbatteries; ceasefire; celebrations; cell; cells; cemetery; census; center; centers; central; century; cerealposting; ceremony; certainties; certificates; certify; cfr; chair; chairman; challenged; chance; chancellor; change; changed; changes; chapoton; characteristic; charged; charges; charles; charliedontsurf; chatroom; chattyclams; chechen; chechnya; check; cheerupsleepyjean; cheese; cheeseburgerparadise; cheesenzot; chickenofthesea; chief; chiefs; children; chile; chilean; china; chinesetakeaway; choice; chopzot; chosen; christian; christopher; chubulus; church; chuse; chusing; cia; cichlids; circumstances; cites; cities; citizen; citizens; citizenship; city; citys; civil; civilian; civilians; civilwar; cixelsyduoyera; claim; claimed; claiming; claims; clamlegs; clamsgotlegs; clamsspoutingpoe; clamtalk; class; classes; classicthread; clause; clauses; claymation; cleanupinailethree; clear; cleric; clicktoaddkeyword; clinton; clintonatryourbottom; clintonclockstrucker; clintonscabanaboy; clintonshowmexxxx; close; closely; closer; clothes; club; clubs; cluelessincyberspace; clymer; cnn; cnncom; coalition; coast; coastal; cockroachlover; code; coffeestainedteeth; coffey; cognitivedissonance; coin; coincided; cokeisit; cole; coleman; collapsed; collateral; collect; collusion; colonelmustarddidit; combat; combination; combining; come; comehereoften; comfort; coming; command; commander; commenced; commencing; commerce; commercial; commiecabanaboy; commission; commissioners; commissions; commit; committed; committee; common; communicate; communicated; communicating; communication; communications; communist; community; commuter; compact; company; compassionate; compel; compensation; competed; competitive; completed; completely; complexes; compliance; compliments; complying; composed; compound; compounded; compounds; computer; concerned; concerning; concerns; concluded; conclusive; concur; concurrence; condemned; condition; conducting; confederation; confessed; confession; confidence; confirmed; conflict; conflicts; conformity; congress; connected; connecticut; connection; conscripts; consent; consequence; consider; consideration; considers; consist; constantly; constipatedliberal; constitute; constitution; construction; construed; consulate; consuls; consultant; consume; contact; contacted; contacts; contaminants; contents; contingent; continuance; continue; continued; continues; continuing; continuity; contracted; contracts; contrary; control; controul; controversies; convene; convened; convention; conventions; converted; conveyed; convicted; conviction; convinced; convoys; cooperation; coordinated; coordinating; copingwithsenility; copy; cordero; coreyhart; corporate; corporations; corpus; correspondence; corrupt; corruption; cosine; cost; costaricarocks; costs; could; council; counsel; counted; counter; counterfeiting; counterterrorism; countries; country; countrys; couricisahottie; course; court; courts; cover; covert; covertly; cowsgivemilk; crackofdoom; cracksausagebreath; crackweasel; cranialrectumitis; crash; crashed; crazyasafootballbat; crazylikeabox; create; created; creation; credit; crime; crimes; crippled; crisis; criteria; critics; cropcircles; crops; crossdressing; crossposter; cruise; cruised; cruising; crusaders; crush; csiss; cucucachu; currency; current; currently; cyanide; dairyproducts; damage; dams; dan; dance; danceswithdems; dancingqueen; danger; daniel; danl; danrather; dark; darkshearesfault; dates; david; dawa; day; days; dayton; dc; de; dead; deadlock; deadly; deadnewbieposting; deal; dealing; deanmartin; death; deaths; debate; debka; debts; decades; decapitated; december; decentralized; decided; declaration; declare; declaring; dedication; deem; deemed; deep; deeper; defeated; defence; defend; defended; defense; define; defleppard; dejavualloveragain; delaware; delay; delegated; delegates; delgrosso; delivered; deltaburkefanclub; demand; democracy; democratast; democratic; democrats4buchanan; demonstrated; demoralized; dennis; denounced; density; deodorant; department; departments; dependent; deportation; deprived; deputies; deputy; descriptivelanguage; deserves; designate; designed; desire; desperateareyou; destabilization; destinations; destroy; destroyed; destroyers; detail; detained; detaining; determine; determined; detonate; detonated; devalued; devastating; developed; development; devise; devolve; dianna; dickinson; dictator; dictatorship; did; dididothat; dididrivehome; didnt; die; died; diehard; dieunspundie; difference; differences; different; differentiate; difficult; dilaudid; dillingham; dilute; dimensions; diminish; diminished; diminishing; dingleberry; diplomacy; diplomat; diplomatic; diplomats; dipstick; direct; directed; directly; director; directory; disability; disagreement; disappeared; disapproved; disasters; disastrous; discern; discharge; discharged; discipline; disciplining; discontinuing; discosucks; discount; discover; discovered; discoveries; dismantled; disney; disneyland; disorderly; disperse; dispose; disqualification; disruption; district; divided; djerba; do; doasisaynotasido; dobbs; docked; dockyards; documents; does; dollars; dolphinlove; domestic; dominated; done; donkeys; dont; dontbehardonthe; donthatemebecauseim; dontjuwmebossman; dontlookethel; dontmesswithbrithume; donttreadonme; doobiebrothers; doomed; doozie; dowling; down; downfall; dramatically; draw; drawn; dream; dressed; drinking; drinkkerrykoolaid; drno; dropthefbomb; drudge; du; duassmonkey; due; dujan; dumby; dunne; during; dusucks; duties; duty; dx; e; each; early; earlylifecrisis; earth; earthquakes; easier; easily; east; eastern; eatatjoes; eatmyshorts; eatyourpeas; economic; economy; edition; editor; edmartin; edmundfitzgerald; educational; effect; effective; effects; effectually; efforts; egypt; egyptian; eight; eighty; either; eldridge; elected; election; elections; elector; electors; electrifying; electronics; eleven; eligible; else; elsewhere; elvis; elvisisalive; elvisisking; elvissucks; embassies; embassy; embassys; emerge; emergency; emerging; eminem; emirates; emit; emolument; emoluments; emphasized; employed; employment; empty; en; enable; enabling; enclave; encreased; end; endeavors; ended; enduring; enemies; enforcement; engage; engagements; engineer; engineered; engineering; english; engorgedmammaries; engrossed; enjoy; enslaved; enter; entered; entire; entitled; entrepreneurs; enumeration; equal; equally; equipment; equity; eradicate; erected; erection; erikestrada; escape; escaped; escapees; escaping; espaol; especially; essentially; establish; established; establishing; establishment; estate; estimated; estimates; ethnic; eu; europe; european; europeans; even; events; eventually; ever; every; everyday; everyone; everything; evidence; evident; evolves; ex; exactly; example; examples; exceed; exceeding; except; excepted; excepting; exception; exceptions; excises; excitement; excluding; exclusive; execute; executed; executing; execution; executive; exercise; exigencies; existed; existence; existing; expatriates; expect; expectation; expedient; expel; expelling; expenditures; experienced; experiment; expert; expiration; expire; explanatory; exploded; explore; explosions; explosives; exported; exporting; exports; expressing; extend; extensive; extradite; extradited; extradition; extraditions; extraordinary; extremely; extremist; extremists; eye; eyeofthetiger; eyewitnesses; f; face; facilitate; facilities; facing; fact; facto; factory; failed; failure; fair; fairly; faith; faithfully; falk; fall; fallenandicantgetup; family; familys; famine; famous; fantasy; faq; far; farah; farmer; favor; favored; fbi; fearandloathing; fearthewhitesox; feasible; featured; february; federal; feel; fellow; felonies; felony; feltching; felzenberg; fenderguitar; ferociously; few; fiatconspiracy; fidel; field; fifth; fifths; fight; fighters; fighting; figure; figures; fill; filled; filling; final; financial; finbar; find; finsbury; firesidechat; first; fitzsimons; five; fix; fixed; fjackie; flared; fled; flee; fletchffletch; flexible; flights; flood; floods; floor; flown; floydsknobs; flying; flyingsaucers; fnord; focal; focus; focused; focusing; foley; follow; followers; following; follows; foothills; footnotes; for; force; forced; forces; foregoing; foreign; forfeiture; form; formal; formed; former; formerfetus; forth; forts; forum; found; foundation; founded; founder; four; fourteen; fourth; fourths; fractaleconomics; frail; framed; franais; france; franchise; franchised; franklin; franksinatra; frankstallone; fredo; free; freebird; freedom; freemasons; freenoam; freepersrule; freerepublic; freerepublicvacuums; freetrade; french; frequently; fresh; friday; friedzot; friendoffidel; frigates; fristooserious; from; front; frontier; frozenseaman; frumundacheese; fuelled; full; function; fundamentalism; fundamentalist; fundamentalists; funded; funds; fungusrights; funk; funkymonkeybagpipes; funwithkeywords; further; future; g8; gabbagabbahey; galleries; gardeningismurder; gas; gatt; gave; geddylee; gen; geneaology; general; generated; generation; gentilgerbil; geo; geoffrey; george; georgecarlin; georgia; gerald; geraldfjord; geraldfordindrag; gerbilonmyshoulder; geritol; german; germaniumfoiledhat; germany; gerry; get; getoutofjailfree; getoutofmyhead; gia; gibsretooh; gilman; girlfromipanema; gitchiegoomie; gitnlongrnlongr; give; given; giving; glaad; glad; gloated; global; globalfruitsociety; globaltest; globalworming; globe; gniksamdrawkcab; go; goal; goals; goinfor2k; going; gold; goldfinger; good; goodgollymissmolly; goodolgratefuldead; goods; googoogachoo; gorham; gorton; gotzot; gouv; governing; government; governments; governors; grant; granted; granting; grants; grapejelly; grapple; grappling; gravedancers; gravity; greasestain; great; greater; greatest; greatly; greatthreads; greendrippingthings; greeneggsnzot; greenmammals; greenparty; greetingsearthlings; grenades; grew; groceries; ground; group; groups; growth; gtavicecity; guantanamo; guarantee; guard; guarded; guardians; guards; guinea; guise; gulf; gun; gunaratna; gunning; gunships; gunsnfnroses; gutmroning; guy; h; habeas; had; hagenbeck; half; hallmark; hamburg; hamilton; hampshire; hamza; handed; handler; hands; handsacrossbelize; happen; happened; harbor; hard; hardline; hardly; harmony; has; hasan; hashimoto; hastalabyebye; hastert; have; haven; haveyahugedazottoday; haveyounoshame; haveyouseenmatrix; having; hawaii; he; head; headed; heads; heard; hearingvoices; heathren; heavily; hegemony; held; helenthomasfds; helenthomasinlatex; helmut; helpmeunnerstand; helps; hemingway; henrycabotlodge; here; herein; hereunto; heroism; hesnopighesmybrother; heystupiditsfjord; hickam; hiding; high; highdensity; highest; highprofile; highvalue; hijacked; hijackers; hijackings; hill; hillarysahottie; hillarysmaxipad; hillside; him; himalayas; himom; himself; his; historic; hitlerisdeadsorry; hitmeonemoretime; hizbiislami; hockmajuwlsnow; hold; holding; holdings; holiday; holy; holycow; home; homecomingqueen; homeland; homelesspoliticians; homes; homoeroticreligion; homophobast; honeymoons; honolulu; honor; hootthemopple; hope; hopes; horn; horror; horsewhipme; hospital; hostages; hostagetaking; hotel; hour; house; housed; houses; housing; houstontexansrule; how; however; hu; hughandseries; hulkhogan; human; humanahumanahumana; humanity; hume; hundred; hurricane; hussein; hydrology; i; iamabadamerican; iamahumanbean; iamaragorn; iamdeadtoo; iammanhearmewhine; iammattdrudge; iamthekeymaster; iamthewall; iamthewalrus; ibelieveuhavmystpler; ibelieveyouanita; ibrahim; iburiedpaul; icanspellkweisimfume; icantseamenanymore; ichbineinjuwliner; ichyscrotum; ickwad; idea; identifying; ideological; idontknowonthird; if; ifeelclaustrophobic; ifyoudid; igpayatinlay; ihavahugeazz; ihaveaplan; ii; iii; il; ilikecheese; ilikepie; illegal; illicit; illness; illuminati; illustrate; illustrations; illustrative; iloathethemilitary; ilootedthemuseum; ilovekerry; ilovemerchantseamen; imadrjimnotafreeper; imagined; imalittleteapot; imdeadseries; imfeelingzotty; imforya; iminmyhappyplace; immediately; immigration; imminent; imminentthreatofzot; immunities; immunity; imnotlisa; impairing; impeached; impeachment; impeachments; implementation; implemented; imply; important; importantly; importation; importexport; imports; imposed; impossible; imposts; improving; improvised; improvising; imsoconfused; in; inability; inc; incapacitated; include; included; including; income; incomes; increase; increasing; increasingly; independence; independently; india; indian; indians; indicate; indicating; indictment; indonesia; indonesian; indonesias; indulgence; infamous; inferior; inflation; information; informed; infrastructure; ingersoll; inhabitant; initial; initiative; initiatives; injured; injuries; injuring; innerhomodemon; innernutjob; inside; inspection; inspectors; installations; instance; instead; institute; institution; instructed; instructions; insure; insurgency; insurrections; intact; integration; intelligence; intents; intercepts; interest; interestingasshit; interests; interior; internal; international; internet; interview; intifadeh; intlinkconsortium; into; intregal; introduced; invaded; invasion; invasions; inventors; investigating; investigator; investigators; investments; involved; involvement; iran; iraq; iraqi; iraqis; iraqs; irbil; ireland; ironmaiden; irresponsible; irs; is; iseamenpeople; ishillaryhotorwhat; islam; islamabad; islamast; islamiah; islamic; islamist; islamists; islamistsponsored; island; ismellozone; ismokefrozenpeas; isolated; israel; israeli; israelis; issue; issued; issues; istanbul; isthisavanity; isthisthingon; isuisrisuantmybeeber; iswallowedabug; it; italian; itfaileddoofus; ithinkthereforenaaa; its; itsalive; itsallaboutillegals; itsalllies; itsazot; itsbaaaaaaaaaaaaaack; itself; itsfjord; itsfjordstupid; itsfnordcantuseethem; itsgoingtoblowup; itshardtobreathe; itsnotatumor; itsnotjeffords; itsrainingmen; itsshakenbake; itstheshoes; itstrueitstrue; ittakesavillage; ittakesavliiageidiot; itwasthestrawberries; iv; ivandrago; ix; izitagirl; izzadine; j; jackson; jaco; jakarta; jakeandelwood; jalathejihadgerbil; james; janefkerry; janes; january; japan; japanese; jared; jarjarbinks; jaroftrollsouls; jellopudding; jemaah; jenifer; jersey; jessica; jewish; jews; jewtellme; jhoffa; jihad; jimjonesforever; jinsa; jjbrokaw; jjjennings; jjjjjbeeberstuned; jjrather; joanne; job; jobs; joepesci; joeybishop; john; johnson; join; joining; joint; jona; jonathan; jooooooooooooooooooz; jordan; jordanian; josephwilson; journal; joycelynelders; jr; judge; judgecrater; judges; judgment; judicial; judicialwatch; julioeglesias; july; jun; junction; june; jungle; jurisdiction; jury; just; justforthehalibut; justice; justified; justlaythere; juwast; juwcalled; juweatyet; juwgentils; juwguysknockitoff; juwish; juwishconspearsy; juwishkeywordtrick; juwishprudence; juwishpwudence; juwjuwbeans; juws; karachi; karbala; karim; keep; keithmoon; kenneth; kenya; kenyans; kerrey; kerryfordogcatcher; kerrymebacktooldva; kerryscabanaboy; kerrysglobaltest; kerrywalksintoabar; kerrywasinvietnam; ketchup; kevorkians4life; keyboarddrool; keyword; keyworddictionary; keywordrecord; keywords; keywordspamhead; khmer; kidcharlemagne; kidnapping; kidnappings; kill; killed; killerasteroids; killerhemmorhoids; killers; killing; killthisthread; kim; kind; king; kingdom; kingkong; kissmeimazot; kissmyzot; kittenchow; kittylitter; kittytime; knightsinwhitesatin; knightstemplar; know; known; kofiannan; kohl; kojm; kookycommies; korea; kosovo; kryptonite; ksm; kurdistan; kurds; kurtangle; kurtcobainlives; kuwait; l; labour; lacking; laden; ladens; ladin; ladins; ladyinred; laid; lance; land; lands; langdon; large; largest; laroucchewasright; larrykingstud; larrylinville; larrywilcox; last; lastboyscout; lastly; late; later; latina; laughatthenewbie; laughter; launched; laurence; laurencefishburne; law; laws; lawsuitlarry; lay; lead; leader; leaders; leadership; leadfoiledhat; leading; leadsmihdhar; learn; learned; learning; least; leave; leaving; led; lee; leeermey; left; legacy; legal; legislation; legislative; legislature; legislatures; lehman; leninmccarthy; leonzotsky; less; lestormaddox; letmygerbilsgo; letter; letters; level; levitt; levying; lewd; lewinsky; liable; liberalsareevil; liberation; libertarianssuck; liberty; lieberman; life; lifeatrthetop; lifetime; like; likely; likewise; limbaugh; limitations; limited; lincolnswar; linder; line; lined; link; linked; linking; links; liqital; list; lithium; live; lived; lives; livingbeeberhistory; livingbraindonor; livinghistory; livingston; loans; lobby; local; located; location; locations; logistical; logistics; lol; london; long; longasskeywordlist; longdelayed; longer; longtime; look; lookatme; lookatmeagain; looking; looms; looooooooooooooooong; lord; lose; loser; losing; lostintheozone; lot; lotsokeywords; love; lower; luxor; lyinghistory; lyndonlarouche; m; machine; madamimsaddam; made; madeleine; madeyoulook; madison; madrid; magazine; magazines; magic; magicbullettheory; magnitude; magnumopus; magnumpi; magnumpiaresquared; mahathir; mahoney; main; mainly; maintain; maj; major; majority; mak; make; makeroom; makes; making; maktab; malaysia; man; manafort; management; manager; manner; manpower; manuals; manufacturing; many; maoideprived; map; maps; march; marco; marcus; maritime; mark; marked; market; markets; marking; maroon; marque; marquittia; marshmeeeeeeeeeelow; marsupialbeeber; martyrs; maryland; masab; mason; masons; massachusetts; massacre; massacred; massive; mastermind; material; materialized; materials; matter; matthew; maujaidoonnet; maxinewaters; may; mayyourzotscometrue; mbuna; mcauliffesraiders; mchenry; mcotw; mean; measures; media; meet; meeting; meetings; meetmycatfristy; megawati; meinschwanz; melgibson; melissa; member; members; memorial; memories; memorizethekeywords; men; meninblack; mentioned; mentions; mentor; mercenaries; merchanseaman; merchanseamanlives; merchantseaman; merchantseamanleft; merchantseamanlives; merchantsemen; merchantstaineddress; mercurytubefeed; merechanceseeman; merging; messrs; met; methadonezone; methods; metsownyankees; michaelmoore; middle; midnight; mifflin; might; migration; mikedukakis; mikemooregloryhole; miles; militant; militants; military; militia; millennium; million; millions; minister; ministers; minor; misdemeanors; missile; missing; mitch; mmmmmmmmmmmmmmcheese; mmmmmmmmmmmmmmdonuts; mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmbeer; mmmmmmmmmmmmmporkfat; mobygrape; mobyneedsyou; mode; moderate; mohamad; mohammed; mombassa; monarchy; monday; money; monica; monitor; monitoring; monolaterals; monstermash; months; mookieblaylock; moonraker; mooreismymentor; moose; mooseandsquirrel; moosecheese; moosedroollbear; moosefetish; mooseisverboten; moosepie; moosepoop; morale; more; moroccan; moroccans; morocco; moron; morris; moscow; moslash; mosque; mosques; most; mostnaziast; motive; motorcycles; mourning; moussaoui; move; movement; movements; moveover; mr; mrhumphreys; mroninginamerica; mrrumbold; mrsbucket; mrsslocombe; mrt; ms; much; muchmuchmuchworse; muchmuchworse; muchworse; mujahideen; multiple; munchinseamen; murder; murrymomhotflash; musab; mushbrain; muslim; muslims; must; mutilated; mxico; my; myballsitch; mybeeberhurts; mybeeberisstuned; mydoglikespizza; myers; mylies; mysideofthesemicolon; naacpdraggingdeathad; nadlerateit; nafta; name; named; names; narrow; nathaniel; nation; national; nationals; nations; native; nato; natural; naturalization; nature; naval; navy; nays; naziast; naziastbaby; naziasttroll; nbc; near; nearly; necessarily; necessary; neck; needaride2la; needed; needful; needle; needviagra; neilpeart; neither; neoconsfornader; net; netanyahu; network; never; nevertheless; new; newageoutlaws; newbie; newbiechewsundies; news; newsweek; newyork; next; nicehair; nicholas; nietzsche; nigeria; nigerian; niggardly; niggle; night; nightclubs; nights; nine; nineteen; ninth; nippleshield; nixonlives; no; nobel; nobility; nominate; nomorekeywords; nonadaptation; noncooperation; none; noneoftheabove; noneofthebelow; nonsequitur; noone; nor; north; northern; northwest; not; notable; note; noted; notes; nothing; nothisissirius; notifications; notify; notion; notwithstanding; november; now; nowherenohow; nuclear; nukethewhales; nukethisthread; number; numbernine; numbers; numerous; nwa; nwfp; oath; obama; object; objections; objective; objectivism; obligation; obliged; obstruction; occasions; occassion; occassionally; occupants; october; octopussy; odd; of; off; offbrandsoup; offences; offered; office; officer; officers; offices; official; officials; offing; often; ogjuws; ohsaycanyousee; ohsaycanyouzot; ohwow; oil; oilforzot; oink; oink0; oink1; oink2; oink3; oink4; oink5; oink6; oink7; oink8; oink9; ojdiditwaitno; ojisinnocent; okgotit; oknoproblem; old; older; oldmanandthesea; oldpost; olsentwinfan; omgstfu; on; once; one; onehourphoto; onemorekeyword; ones; online; only; oompaloompas; oopsnevermind; open; operate; operation; operations; operatives; opinion; opium; opponent; opposed; opposite; opposition; oppressive; oprahsbutcher; options; opus; or; orangejews; orangeparty; orchestrate; orchestrated; ordain; order; orders; organization; organizations; organized; organizes; organizing; original; originate; originated; orleansparrish; ormerchantseaman; osama; osamabinladen; oslash; ostensibly; ostriches; other; others; otherwise; otros; our; ourselves; out; outside; outstanding; over; overpopulation; oversaw; overseas; overt; overthrow; overthrowing; own; oyvey; ozonealert; paginglklayman; paid; pakistan; pakistanafghanistan; pakistani; pakistans; paleontology; palestine; palestinian; palestinians; panic; pantload; pantyrashweekly; papaoomowmow; paperwork; papua; paragraphs; paramilitary; pardons; parent; paris; park; part; partial; participate; participated; particular; parties; partner; parts; party; partyatgroundzero; partyhat; pass; passed; passenger; past; patbluecannons; patbuchanan; paterson; patriotic; patrols; patterns; pay; payment; payroll; peace; pearl; pelosi; penalties; pennsylvania; pentagon; people; percent; percentage; perfect; perhaps; period; perjury; permanent; permission; perpetual; person; personnel; persons; peshmerga; peter; peterframpton; petunia; philadelphia; philip; phizappacrappa; phones; photographs; picked; picture; pierce; piercedboyz4kerry; pillar; pilloryhillary; pilots; pinckney; pingauthurmcgowan; piningforthefjords; pinkeye; pinkfloyd; pinochet; pinpointing; pipes; piracies; pissedoffpat; place; places; plan; planes; planned; planning; plant; plantation; plantations; planting; plantrights; plants; plastics; play; played; playintraffic; please; pledged; plot; plotting; plstpstgsmsgonalbds; point; points; poison; poisoning; pol; police; policeacademy2; policies; policy; political; politically; politics; pollywantacracker; ponchwasonthetake; pooooooooooooooooooo; population; populous; porkfatrules; ports; portugus; positions; possibility; possible; possibly; post; postagainandagain; posted; posterity; postnobills; postwar; pot; potential; pounds; poverty; power; powerful; powers; practiced; pre911; preaching; preceding; preface; preference; prejudice; prepare; preparedness; prescribe; prescribed; presence; present; presented; preserve; preside; president; prevent; previously; prices; primakov; prime; prince; principal; principalbelding; prior; prison; prisoners; privacy; private; privately; privilege; privileges; prize; pro; proamerican; probably; problem; proceed; proceeded; proceedings; process; procure; produce; production; professional; profit; program; progress; prohibited; prologue; promised; promises; promote; promptly; propellerdriven; proper; property; proponents; proportion; propose; proposed; proposing; prosecution; prostatehealth; protect; protege; prove; proved; provide; provided; providence; providing; province; provisions; proximity; psoriasisoftheliver; public; publikedukashun; publish; published; puk; pull; pullmyfinger; punish; punishment; punk; purchased; purpose; purposes; pursuance; pursues; pushingupdaisies; put; qaeda; qaedas; quadlaterals; quagmire; quakquaktallywack; qualification; qualifications; quantities; quarter; queenbeatrix; queenjoycelyn; queerasa3dollarbill; question; questioned; quintlaterals; quitit; quorum; r; rabidbeeberalert; racast; radical; radiofreebotswana; radios; raid; raids; raise; raised; raising; rajesh; ramalamadingdong; rammingspeed; ramos; rand; randolph; randomwords; randomwurdz; range; rant; rate; rates; ratification; ratified; ratifying; read; reademall; ready; realized; really; reappear; reason; reasons; rebel; rebellion; rebels; receipts; receive; received; recent; recess; recession; recommend; recommending; reconciliation; reconsider; reconsideration; reconsidered; record; recording; records; recovery; recruited; recruiting; recruitment; red; reduced; redundancy; reelectgore2004; reference; reflecting; reflection; reform; refreshingicedtea; refugees; regimes; region; regional; regions; registry; regular; regulate; regulation; regulations; reinvents; reinvigorating; relating; relations; relative; relied; religious; relocated; remain; remainder; remained; remains; remnants; remote; removal; removed; render; renewal; rep; repassed; repealed; repel; repetition; replace; replacements; replica; report; reported; reportedly; reporters; reports; representation; representative; representatives; represented; reprieves; reprisal; republican; require; required; requisite; research; reserve; reserved; reserving; reservoir; resident; residential; resignation; resolution; resolutions; resolves; resort; resources; respect; respecting; respective; respectively; responded; response; responses; responsibility; responsible; rest; result; retail; rethinkingabortion; return; returned; returning; returnofsonofzot; returnofthezot; returns; reubenkincade; reveal; revenue; review; reviewing; revision; revoked; reward; rga; rhode; rhodeisland; richard; richardbelding; richd; ricin; rickmahorn; rid; rifles; right; righteousgerbil; righteouslentil; rightous; rights; rightwing; riots; rise; risk; river; riyadh; road; roadapples; roadkill; roads; roared; roastzot; robertbyrd; robertpine; robt; rocked; rocky; roemer; roger; rohan; role; rome; rose; rossperot; roswell; rotateyourtires; rothschilds; rouble; rouge; roughdoberman; royal; rufus; rule; ruled; ruler; rules; ruloggedin; rumpelstiltskin; rumsfeldforever; run; running; runwithscissors; rushlimbaugh; russia; russian; rustyrollsroyce; rutledge; ryutaro; s; sacked; sacking; saddam; safe; saferbullets; saferweapons; safesax; safety; said; sail; salafist; saleem; sales; salibiyyin; sam; same; sameoledudumbasses; saml; sammydavisjr; samuel; sanctions; sanderson; sandersons; sandinhisvagina; sandwichshyofpicnic; sani; sanity; sarin; sarkawt; satellite; satisfied; saudi; saudis; savagecustomes; savesovietjuwry; savetreeseatbeeber; saw; say; saycheese; scandal; scare; scenarios; schanzer; schedules; school; schools; schtupid; science; scott; scottishlaw; scottishsinglebullet; scottishspecters; screech; screedgoeson; scwewywabbit; se; sea; sealed; seamanstains; search; searching; seas; seat; seats; second; secondlargest; secondly; secrecy; secret; secretary; secretly; secretservice; section; secular; secure; securing; securities; security; seductive; see; seeing; seek; seeking; seem; seen; seeyourdoctor; seinfeld; seized; select; selling; seminarposter; senate; senator; senatorlandrieu; senators; senior; sense; sent; sentence; separate; septelaterals; september; serb; serialposting; series; serious; served; serves; service; services; session; set; setusupthebomb; seven; seventeenth; several; sex; sexandlies; sexast; seymourspitanlickit; shabedbeeber; shall; share; sharia; sharkbait; sharpened; sharpton; shavedbeeber; sherman; shift; shifted; shifting; shifts; shiite; shipboard; ships; shook; shooting; shopping; short; shortcircuit; shortly; should; show; shriners; shrines; shut; shying; sick; sides; sign; signed; significant; signifies; signs; silentbutdeadly; siliconfoiledhat; silver; similar; simple; simulated; simulations; simultaneous; simultaneously; since; single; singlebulletscotch; singlebullettheory; singlescotsmen; sinjari; siryessir; sirzotsalot; site; sites; sitting; situation; situations; six; sixteen; sixth; size; skidmark; skullandbonessociety; slade; slavery; slimeintheicemachine; slimlinetelephone; slowing; slumping; slurpyflavors; small; smaller; smeagolismyname; smellslikecabbage; smokincrack; snark; so; social; societies; society; soft; softer; sofunyimstuned; soldiers; sole; solemnly; solitary; somalia; some; somepeoplesseamen; somewhat; somewhere; somthinganything; soon; soon2baclassicthread; soscratchem; sought; sound; sources; south; southeast; southriseagain; sovereign; soviet; sovietafghan; soviets; soylentgreenispeople; spacealien; spaghettios; spaghettiosarent; spaight; spamispeople; spamspamspamspamspam; spanish; sparked; sparking; speaker; speaking; specialoperations; specific; specifically; specterinakilt; speculation; speech; speedstick; spend; spent; sphinctersaywhat; spies; spiritoftheboogie; spiroagnew; splainlucy; split; spoken; spokesman; spongebobspants; spongebobsquarepants; spongewarfare; sporadic; sport; spots; spree; sprintparrots; spug; square; st; stabbed; staff; stage; stall; standard; standoutinthecrowd; starchamber; start; started; starting; state; stated; statement; statementofaccount; statements; states; stating; station; stationed; stations; status; stay; stayed; steeped; stepbystep; steps; stevecarltonwasright; steven; still; stimpyrocks; stimulate; stock; stone; stonecoldsaidso; stonecutters; stood; stopaddingkeywords; stopcrowdingme; stoplookingatme; stopmebeforeipost; stopputtingwordsinmy; stopstaringatme; stopthemadness; stories; strategic; strategies; strategy; streamofconscience; stressmanagement; streudelhund; strict; strike; strikes; strong; struck; struggle; student; students; studies; stunedbeeber; stunemybeeber; stuningbeeber; stupid; subject; subjects; submarines; submitted; subscribed; subsequent; subsequently; subway; successful; succession; successively; successor; such; suckit; sudan; sudanus; suffer; sufficient; suffrage; suggestive; suharto; suhartos; suicidal; suicide; suicidebyzot; sukarnoputri; sulaymaniya; summer; summit; sundays; sunflower; sung; superduperman; superior; superseded; supplies; supply; supplying; support; supporters; suppress; supreme; sure; surethingdude; surfacetoair; surfbangladesh; surprised; surprising; surrealism; surrounding; surveillance; survey; survive; survived; survivor; suspected; suspects; suspended; suspicion; suspiciously; sustained; suv; swear; swept; swimming; swisscheesezot; switching; sylvestertweety; symbolic; synagogue; syphilliticdementia; system; systems; tables; tactics; take; taken; takeyourmeds; taking; taliban; talkingclams; tangent; tangoandcash; tanker; tanzania; tapes; target; targeted; targeting; targets; taskforces; tax; taxed; taxes; team; teams; technical; tedbaxter; tednugent; teenaged; telephones; telephonesattack; television; tell; temporary; tempore; ten; tend; tender; tenet; tens; tensions; tequila; term; terms; territories; territory; terror; terrorism; terrorist; terrorists; test; tested; testforecho; testimony; testingpleaseignore; tests; text; th; than; thanosconcedes; that; thats; thatsnotaparrot; the; theartistformerlyas; thebusheconomy; thebutlerdidit; thefrequencykenneth; thegogosrock; their; thekingofzots; theletterj; them; themooseishere; themselves; then; thenphilippine; thenumber4; theocracies; there; thereby; therefore; theregalbeagal; therein; thereisnogeode; thereisnogod; thereof; theresonly1word4you; theropers; these; thesingingsenators; theslugsareback; thesunisevil; thetemptations; theunspunzone; thevoicesthevoices; they; theykilledkenny; theyre; thezotfather; thing; things; think; third; thirdly; thirds; thirteen; thirty; this; thisdogbiteme; thisisannoyingtoo; thisisfun; thisisgoofy; thisishugh; thisisnotfunny; thisisseries; thisisthelastkeyword; thisistheoneafter; thisparrotsdead; thomas; thompson; thos; those; though; thousand; thousands; threadstamina; threadthatwontdie; threadviagra; threat; threatened; threatening; threats; three; threw; thriving; through; throughout; thunderball; tidal; tiddlywinks; ties; tijunnabeeberzot; time; times; timothy; tinyamericanflags; title; to; today; together; tokyo; told; tomatoflavoredgum; tommyvercetti; tonnage; tony; tonyrandall; too; toomuchtimeonhands; top; tottering; touchmymonkey; tourism; tourists; towards; toys4zots; trace; track; trade; trail; train; trained; trainees; training; trains; tranquility; transfer; transformation; transmit; transmitted; transnational; transportation; travel; traveled; treacheryisafoot; treason; treasury; treated; treaties; treaty; trial; tribbletrouble; tribes; tribunals; tributes; tried; trilaterals; trillion; trimble; troll; trollphonehome; trollsinmyshorts; troops; trouble; troubled; trryhnzhasbigknckers; truck; truckloads; true; truly; trust; truth; try; trydeodorant; trying; tsunami; tuition; tulipmafia; tumble; tunisian; turbulent; turkey; turmoil; turned; twelfth; twelve; twenty; twin; twistedsisterssister; twoandahalf; twothirds; typical; tyrannic; tywebb; uberbeeber; ucanthandlethetruth; ufunny; uglyboys; uglychildren; uglygirls; uglywomen; uk; uloser; umbrella; umletmethink; ummagumma; un; unanimous; unanimously; uncertainty; unclealbert; under; underbelly; undergoing; underscored; underweargnomes; unification; uniform; unintentionalhumor; union; united; uniteyourshoes; universal; university; unless; unlike; unresolved; unrest; unsolicitedadvice; unspun; unspunsdone; unspunundone; unstable; until; ununquadiumfoil; unused; unwillingness; up; updated; upon; urban; urged; uruguayundiesfetish; urwithusragainstus; us; us325; usaf; use; used; useful; uses; usetheforceluke; using; usled; uss; utility; utilizing; v; vacancies; vacated; vacation; vaderwaslukesdad; valid; value; vanhalen; vaportrails; various; varying; vegetablerights; vehicles; vermont; very; veryseries; verysmallgentils; vessels; vest; vested; vests; veteran; veterans; veyseries; vi; viable; vice; vicepresident; video; videotape; videotapes; viewtoakill; vii; village; villages; vindiesel2004; violence; virginia; visiting; visualizewhirledpeas; viz; voice; voiced; volume; volunteers; vote; voted; voter; votes; voting; vowed; voyageofthedanged; vwbug4sale; w; waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh; waaaaaaahhhhhh; waddayawant; wage; waging; wahabbast; wait; waiting; wal; waldo; walid; walids; wall; walt; waltermondale; wanderindiana; wanted; wants; war; wardtalktobeeber; warn; warned; warning; warrants; warren; warships; was; washington; washingtonpresidt; watchyourelbows; water; wave; way; ways; we; weakened; weakening; weakestlink; wealthy; weaponry; weapons; wearealljuwsnow; weaselmeister; web; website; websites; weddings; week; weeklyworldnuws; weeks; weights; welfare; well; wellplanned; were; west; western; westerners; westernstyle; wewearshortshorts; whacky; what; whatareyouthinking; whatdoyaknow; whatever; whatisthatsmell; whatmadness; whatsoever; whatsontv; whatsthefrequency; whatsthekeywordken; whatsyoursign; whattastinker; whatzitallabout; wheeltrninhamsterded; when; whenever; where; whereof; wheresbarnabyjones; wheresillbay; wheresmygum; wheresthebeef; wherestheprozac; whether; whhhhyyyyyyyyy; which; whineandcheese; whiner; whinneyweiner; whipinflationnow; white; who; whoami; whoareyou; whocutthecheese; whole; whom; whose; whosjohnny; whoskenneth; whosonfirst; whyamihere; whyareyoulookinghere; whymelord; wide; widespread; wil; will; william; williamson; williamwallace; willing; willthisthreadend; willwork4food; willworkforzots; wilson; winep; wiping; with; withdrawal; within; without; witness; witnesses; wkrp; wm; wnyx; wombat; won; wonder; wonkette; wooooooooowie; wore; work; worker; workers; working; world; worldnetdaily; worldpeace; worlds; worldwide; worse; worsened; worsening; worshippers; worst; would; wouldbe; wouldnt; wounded; wraithoo7; writ; write; writing; writings; writs; wto; wxyz; wye; xanadu; xi; xii; xiii; xiiixiv; xiv; xix; xparrot; xrayvision; xv; xvi; xvii; xviii; xx; xxi; xxv; xxvi; xxvii; yabbadabbadrool; yasser; yatta; ydoo; year; years; yeas; yellow; yellowparty; yellowsnow; yellowtoenails; yeltsin; yemen; yeowza; yershoesuntied; yesmassa; yet; yetanotherkeyword; yevgeny; yippeekaiaye; yokahamamama; yomama; york; you; youareminenow; youareobsolete; youdamnman; yougotzot; youmeanfjord; youmightbearedneck; young; youngmrgrace; your; yourdingoatemybaby; youre; youreusingmyletters; youroncandidcamera; youssef; youve; yoyoma; yugoslav; yugoslavia; yungs2pid; yurisonobovich; zackattack; zappacrappa; zappalives; zarqawi; zarqawis; zebradoodoo; zeitqeist; zelikow; zero; zionastentity; zippidydozot; zippityay; zippitydooda; zogby; zoiks; zoopsia; zootsuit; zot; zotaholic; zotaholicsanonymous; zotalot; zotalotadingdong; zotandzotter; zotauflambe; zotaugratin; zotfest2004; zotforbrains; zotforfood; zotgoestheweasel; zotgoestheweasle; zotittilithurts; zotman; zotmeagainlikeyoudo; zotmeimaidiot; zotmesilly; zotmetilibarf; zotntot; zotsallfolks; zotsbewithyou; zotsforustodecide; zotsgonnahurt; zotskyandhutch; zotsnot; zotsnotright; zotsrightbuttwipe; zotsupersized; zotsylvania; zottapalooza; zotthemonkey; zotyoudliketoknow; zotzilla; zotzotbaby; zuberbuhle; zuluhistory; zuluoscartango; zuyoufeelcrushed; zymurgy; zyzygyzottenhammer; zzyzx; zzzzbest; zzzzzzzzzzzzzpffffft; zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzctj; zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzot; zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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1 posted on 08/16/2002 7:39:49 AM PDT by Merchant Seaman
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To: Merchant Seaman
What the hell are you talking about? Duplicate threads?
2 posted on 08/16/2002 7:42:27 AM PDT by SunStar
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To: Merchant Seaman
I foregot that were forcing you to read every damn post that crosses your screen
3 posted on 08/16/2002 7:43:01 AM PDT by Michael Barnes
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To: Merchant Seaman
Kinda strong for a newbie...
4 posted on 08/16/2002 7:43:50 AM PDT by RoughDobermann
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To: RoughDobermann
Ain't it though? Must be aiming for the AM job.
5 posted on 08/16/2002 7:44:29 AM PDT by TomServo
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To: RoughDobermann
Yeah, I'd have to agree w/ you on that one...
6 posted on 08/16/2002 7:44:46 AM PDT by Guillermo
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This must be a joke. Look at all the topics he himself cross-posted to! Physician, heal thyself!
7 posted on 08/16/2002 7:45:57 AM PDT by TrappedInLiberalHell
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To: Guillermo; TomServo
Annoyed reader? Shoot, I'm pretty much annoyed all the time; I just keep it to myself...
8 posted on 08/16/2002 7:48:48 AM PDT by RoughDobermann
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To: Merchant Seaman

This has potential to be as useful as an "TESTING" post.

9 posted on 08/16/2002 7:51:58 AM PDT by b4its2late
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To: Merchant Seaman
Ooops, I meant:


This has potential to be as useful as a "TESTING" post.

10 posted on 08/16/2002 7:53:22 AM PDT by b4its2late
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To: b4its2late; dighton
Am I logged on?
11 posted on 08/16/2002 7:54:24 AM PDT by BlueLancer
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To: Merchant Seaman
The interesting thing is that nobody knows what the HELL you're talking about.

You might be talking about people who post the same message on multiple threads. You might be talking about people who click multiple topics for a single new thread. Or you might be talking about people who post identical threads in multiple forums, although I've never seen that.

Basically, all we know is that you're an annoyed reader who didn't compose a coherent thread, which is something that most readers find rather annoying.

12 posted on 08/16/2002 7:55:49 AM PDT by Dog Gone
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To: Merchant Seaman
Cross bumping for sh*ts & giggles. So sailor, what made you decide to dock here at FreeRepublic?
13 posted on 08/16/2002 7:58:01 AM PDT by small voice in the wilderness
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To: RoughDobermann
Shoot, I'm pretty much annoyed all the time; I just keep it to myself...

Lol. But then, MS seems to be a more than usually annoyed critter :)).


14 posted on 08/16/2002 7:58:10 AM PDT by Cachelot
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To: Merchant Seaman
This message won't do any good at all unless you cross-post it to all the different boards here so everyone can see it.

By the way, do you like cheese? I sure do...

15 posted on 08/16/2002 7:58:25 AM PDT by Billthedrill
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To: Merchant Seaman
What other boards? You mean Free Republic has other forums?
16 posted on 08/16/2002 7:58:35 AM PDT by SamAdams76
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To: Billthedrill
By the way, do you like cheese? I sure do...

What a coincidence! My moose likes cheese, too!


17 posted on 08/16/2002 8:01:07 AM PDT by archy
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To: Merchant Seaman
Hey! They let you add a 't' to your name. :D
18 posted on 08/16/2002 8:02:31 AM PDT by hellinahandcart
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To: Merchant Seaman
Artist's rendering of crossposting suspect:

19 posted on 08/16/2002 8:02:41 AM PDT by archy
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To: archy
Is that the same moose that bit your sister?
20 posted on 08/16/2002 8:02:46 AM PDT by Spruce
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