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  • James Gandolfini Was Never the Same After 'The Sopranos'

    09/13/2024 6:53:49 AM PDT · by ChicagoConservative27 · 83 replies
    collider ^ | 09/12/2024 | Shawn Van Horn
    The new docuseries from HBO, Wise Guy, is out now. In it, David Chase, creator of The Sopranos, speaks about the creation of the show that changed television history. Wise Guy takes an interesting look at how Chase came up with the idea, as well as a look into the writer's room where so many classic episodes were created. The Sopranos was one of the best series of all-time, with brilliant writing, thrilling twists, and some memorable characters, but none of it would have mattered without James Gandolfini, the actor tasked with playing The Sopranos' lead, a tortured man filled...
  • Progress in the management of patients with cholestatic liver disease: Where are we and where are we going?

    Cholestatic liver diseases (CLDs) are a group of disorders characterized by the impairment of bile formation, secretion, or excretion. Chronic cholestasis can lead to liver fibrosis and cirrhosis. The most common types of CLDs are primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) and primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC). CLDs are classified into intrahepatic and extrahepatic types based on their etiology. Intrahepatic cholestasis is mainly caused by immune dysfunction, viral infections, drug-induced injury, and alcohol-related damage, whereas extrahepatic cholestasis often results from bile duct stones, tumors, or strictures. Pharmacological treatment of PBC include: Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA): UDCA is the first-line treatment for PBC. It improves...
  • Israel and Ukraine are fighting the same fight

    12/04/2023 12:47:07 PM PST · by ChicagoConservative27 · 48 replies
    The Hill ^ | 12/04/2023 | JULIE FISHMAN RAYMAN
    At first glance, the wars in Israel and Ukraine seem unrelated and bear little similarity. One is a rapid-response counterterrorism operation, the other a years-long, multi-front defensive action focused on reclaiming and protecting sovereign territory. But what is at stake in both conflicts will have rippling effects for generations to come, far beyond Israel and Ukraine. These are existential struggles against murderous aggressors who possess no regard for human rights or civil liberties. Unprovoked, both Hamas and Russia used spurious historical justifications as casus belli to invade democratic countries that they wish to wipe off the map. Their position is...
  • President Joe Biden: ‘The Pope and I Are on the Same Page’

    10/24/2023 11:04:41 AM PDT · by ChicagoConservative27 · 61 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 10/24/2023 | THOMAS D. WILLIAMS, PH.D.
    ROME — U.S. President Joe Biden told reporters Monday that he and Pope Francis are “on the same page” regarding the crisis in Gaza. As Breitbart News reported, Pope Francis telephoned President Biden on Sunday to discuss the best way to address “the latest developments in Israel and Gaza,” the White House said in a statement. Speaking with journalists Monday, Biden said the pontiff could not have been more supportive of current U.S. policy in the area.
  • MSNBC’s Maddow: GOP Wants to Go ‘Back to the Good Old Days Where Everybody Was the Same Color’

    12/03/2022 6:52:36 AM PST · by ChicagoConservative27 · 65 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 12/02/2022 | Pam Key
    MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow said Friday on “The ReidOut” that the Republican Party wants to “go back to the good old days where everybody was the same color.” Discussing Donald Trump, Elon Musk and Kanye West, Maddow said, “A certain proportion of the American public likes this stuff and falls for it over and over again and discovers it anew, the same way every new generation believes they discovered sex. Every new generation of Americans believes they have discovered this efficient wave of the future where slow, boring democracy lets all the wrong people have decision-making power instead will be...
  • Hooters manager brutally attacked over some chocolate bars

    10/13/2022 9:14:15 AM PDT · by Midwesterner53 · 32 replies ^ | Oct 12, 2022 | Staff Reports
    PLANO, Texas - A manager of a Hooters restaurant was brutally attacked last week all over some chocolate bars. The fight happened on Oct. 6 at the Hooters off Central Expressway near Southwestern Avenue in Plano.
  • Reagan and Trump: One or the other, or one and the same?

    05/10/2022 5:36:52 PM PDT · by ChicagoConservative27 · 41 replies
    Local12 ^ | 05/10/2022 | GRAYCE MCCORMICK
    HUNT VALLEY, Md. (TND) — As Republicans set their sights on majorities in the House and the Senate this midterm election cycle, some prominent lawmakers have come out with negative things to say about the party or point to a new direction they believe conservatives should take. For Maryland GOP Gov. Larry Hogan, it’s a complete “course correction.” Last week at the Reagan Library’s “Time for Choosing” series, the governor said Republican voters need to “stand against extremes and for the majority of Americans.” He directly criticized former President Donald Trump, saying the riot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan....
  • The Cop Who Allegedly Murdered Ashli Babbitt is a Black Lives Matter Militant

    05/13/2021 9:42:11 AM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 50 replies
    Populist Press ^ | 05/13/2021
    Click here to read the full articleAppar­ent­ly this has­n’t got­ten any atten­tion… This is no dif­fer­ent than any oth­er police shoot­ing and they need to release his name offi­cial­ly. We know who did it, why are they ignor­ing it? If the DOJ will not release the names it will be up to cit­i­zens like Red­Pilled Media and oth­ers to inves­ti­gate it and get to the bot­tom of it.BREAKING ALERT: PALM BEACH PREPARING FOR TRUMP ARRESTSAY HER NAME: @DrPaulGosar Stands Up For Ash­li Bab­bit, Demands To Know Who Mur­dered Her— Chief Amer­i­ca 1st Trump­ster (Pres­i­dent Elect) (@ChiefTrumpster) May 12, 2021REDPILLED...
  • How to Be More Obedient & All Causes of Death 2018 vs 2020(Facts via Comedy Gold- AwakenWithJP)

    11/27/2020 10:38:38 AM PST · by Vendome · 19 replies
    AwakenWithJP via YouTube ^ | Nov 24, 2020 | AwakenWithJP
    When you see the overall death rate During this year of a deadly pandemic is a little bit less than the death toll of 2018 keep trusting the untrustworthy people Who tell you it's deadlier than the factual numbers you see belowUnited States Death Totals 2018 vs 2020 2018:Days: 365Deaths (all causes): 2, 839, 205Deaths per day: 7,778.64 2020Days: 317Death<span;>s (all causes): 2,475,323Deaths per day: 7,777.04 Deaths by December 31, 2020: 2,838, 621Come out of the Coffin of your Comfort zone, once there's no more death in the world You can be a sheep... And sheep are...
  • Iran prepares to confront Israel in Syria via Hezbollah - report

    06/07/2020 11:34:05 PM PDT · by RomanSoldier19 · 17 replies
    jpost ^ | JUNE 7, 2020 20:46 | By SETH J. FRANTZMAN
    Iran may be preparing for conflict with Israel in Syria and no longer will accept Israeli airstrikes on its warehouses without a response, a report over the weekend suggested. Veteran journalist Elijah Magnier wrote on the website Medium about whether the “great Middle Eastern war will begin in the Levant” and cited Syria as a potential flashpoint. Magnier’s report is interesting because he asserts that according to “private” sources, Iran is evacuating “sites of the gatherings of its advisers, not for withdrawal or for redeployment, but to find bases within the Syrian Army barracks. Hezbollah has taken over the vacated...
  • Everybody Is Forgetting That Clinton Allies Did The Same Thing As Don Jr.

    07/11/2017 5:08:01 AM PDT · by Enlightened1 · 25 replies
    The Daily Caller ^ | 07/10/17 | Peter Hasson
    Many journalists reacted breathlessly to a New York Times report on Sunday revealing that President Trump’s oldest son, Donald Trump Jr., met with a Russian lawyer who indicated she had damaging information about Hillary Clinton. Donald Jr. admitted to the June 2016 meeting — to which he brought campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Trump adviser Jared Kushner — but downplayed its significance. “Obviously I’m the first person on a campaign to ever take a meeting to hear info about an opponent,” he wrote on Twitter Monday morning, adding that the meeting “went nowhere” but that he “had to listen.” Many...
  • Rubio is a Hispanic Obama that Has a "R" by his Name.

    02/04/2016 4:50:36 AM PST · by Enlightened1 · 75 replies
    If you like the current condition of our Republic, then vote for Rubio. Rubio and Obama for the most part agree across the board. 1) Illegal Immigration and a Pathway to Citizenship 2) Rigged Trade Agreements that exports jobs overseas 3) Big supporter of H1-B that encourages U.S. companies, through taxes and regulations to fire their American workers and replace them with someone from overseas. 4) Going to war with Syria and endless perpetual state of war. 5) Rubio is in favor of big government. 6) Rubio is for the Police State. He wants to spy on all Americans, but...
  • Danny DeVito On Oscars Diversity Controversy: "We Are A Bunch Of Racists"

    01/24/2016 9:20:12 AM PST · by EveningStar · 96 replies
    Deadline ^ | January 23, 2016 | Ross A. Lincoln
    While on the scene at the Sundance Film Festival this weekend, Danny DeVito took a moment to comment on the tinderbox subject diversity in the entertainment industry, and the actor-producer didn't mince words at all. Bluntly attributing the lack of diversity in Hollywood and subsequently in awards-recognized films to systemic racism, he said that "it's unfortunate that the entire country is a racist country."
  • Amazon Prime, now with free, same-day deliveries

    05/28/2015 12:40:16 PM PDT · by Enlightened1 · 33 replies
    CNET ^ | 05/28/15 | Ben Fox Rubin
    The e-commerce company announces free, same-day shipping on over 1 million items in 14 metro areas across the US. Over 1 million items will be available for free, same-day shipments -- a fraction of the 20 million available in the US for two-day deliveries. Orders must total more than $35 to qualify. The purchase must also be made before noon, or it will arrive the next day. The service will initially be available in 14 metro areas across the US.
  • Ingraham Calls For Rep. Hal Rogers To Be Primaried And Thrown Out of Office

    12/04/2014 2:59:50 PM PST · by ObamahatesPACoal · 17 replies
  • Video Capturing Al Sharpton Saying the Exact Same Words as the President Is Hilarious

    02/26/2014 12:32:37 PM PST · by Nachum · 31 replies
    the blaze ^ | 2/26/26 | Becket Adams
    MSNBC’s Al Sharpton has a habit of repeating President Obama. And we’re not talking about paraphrasing. It looks like rather than analyzing the president’s remarks, according to a new video from the Washington Free Beacon, the cable news host prefers to read them back to his audience word-for-word. “Sharpton will play a clip of the president, and then simply rehash, verbatim, whatever Obama just said,” the Beacon noted. “As the reverend isn’t particularly regarded for his eloquence, his balance or any real depth on his program, perhaps he can be forgiven for this curious habit.” Now, it’s no secret that...
  • Branded Curcumin Matches Effects of Prozac on Depression

    07/28/2013 11:19:21 AM PDT · by neverdem · 49 replies
    WholeFoods Magazine ^ | 7/24/13 | NA
    Chester, NJ—A recent clinical trial published in Phytotherapy Research indicated that a high-absorption curcumin (BCM-95 from Dolcas Biotech, based here) had similar effects as a generic form of Prozac (fluoxetine) on depression, sans the adverse effects. “It is a novel and surprising application for this natural medicine,” said Ajay Goel, Ph.D., Baylor Research Institute and Charles A Sammons Cancer Center, Baylor University Medical Center and study co-author. “People with depression have higher levels of inflammation in the brain. Also, people with depression have lower levels of neurogenesis in the brain, meaning they make fewer new brain cells than people with no...
  • Democrats and Republicans: No, Both Parties Are Not the Same

    06/11/2012 6:57:10 AM PDT · by Paladins Prayer · 36 replies
    The New American ^ | 11 June 2012 | Selwyn Duke
    There is a certain tiresome message we’ve all heard: the notion that the Republican and Democratic parties are the same. It’s often put forth by people who consider themselves outside-the-box thinkers, and they fancy their point of view the enlightened one. Sometimes cynical George Carlin types, their message is, “Hey, I’m smart enough to know both parties are playin’ the game. Don’t try to fool me!” This attitude was apparent in a few of the comments under a recent piece I wrote about liberal immorality. One respondent opined, for instance, “What still amazes [me] is that there has been definite...
  • Owe The IRS? Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights For Delinquent Taxpayers

    04/05/2012 5:13:59 AM PDT · by Cringing Negativism Network · 86 replies
    CBS 2 LA CA ^ | 4/4/12 | unattributed
    After clearing the Senate on a 74 – 22 vote on March 14, SB 1813 is now headed for a vote in the House of Representatives, where it’s expected to encounter stiffer opposition among the GOP majority.
  • Obama gives us just a taste????

    09/06/2011 2:57:28 AM PDT · by AlwaysVigilant56 · 35 replies
    Fox News | 9-6-11 | AlwaysVigilant56
    Obama was speaking to a Union audiance today and stated he'd give them a taste of his Jobs speech. If you have seen this, answer me a question. Is he seriously going to announce that there are plenty of bridges and roads that need fixing? Does he think we don't know that THOSE type of jobs are paid for with the working population's money? I.E., taxes? Mr. President the federal government along with the majority of state governments are B-R-O-K-E!