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Forum: Religion

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  • Archbishop Viganò: Bergoglio uses the Throne of Peter to act as a servant of Satan

    01/22/2025 1:43:52 PM PST · by ebb tide · 7 replies
    LifeSite News ^ | January 20, 2025 | Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
    Archbishop Viganò: Bergoglio uses the Throne of Peter to act as a servant of SatanThe day will come when the prelates of the Catholic Church will be asked to clarify what intrigues and conspiracies may have led to the throne one who acts as the servant of Satan’s servants.Deus, qui beato Petro Apostolo tuo, collatis clavibus regni cælestis, ligandi atque solvendi pontificium tradidisti: concede; ut, intercessionis ejus auxilio, a peccatorum nostrorum nexibus liberemur.O God, who, by entrusting to your apostle Peter, the keys of the heavenly kingdom, gave him the pontifical power to bind and to loose: grant, through the...
  • [Catholic Caucus] The End of the Male Clergy? Here's What's Happening Behind the Scenes

    01/22/2025 11:52:49 AM PST · by ebb tide · 10 replies
    The Remnant Newspaper ^ | January 21, 2025 | Gaetano Masciullo
    [Catholic Caucus] The End of the Male Clergy? Here's What's Happening Behind the ScenesAre we reaching the end of an all male clergy in the Catholic Church? Pope Francis disguised phase 1 of this change, breaking with 2000 years of Church precedent. Pope Francis, at the end of the recent Synod on Synodality, stated that “times are not yet ripe” for the female diaconate. This statement, far from being a definitive closure, seems rather to indicate a path to be developed gradually: shifting public debate towards initially unthinkable positions until they become acceptable.Pope Francis' motu proprio Spiritus Domini, promulgated about...
  • [Catholic Caucus] Cardinal Sarah: Plans to ‘abolish’ Latin Mass would be ‘diabolical’

    01/22/2025 10:13:43 AM PST · by ebb tide · 12 replies
    LifeSite News ^ | January 22, 2025 | Michael Haynes
    [Catholic Caucus] Cardinal Sarah: Plans to ‘abolish’ Latin Mass would be ‘diabolical’Cardinal Robert Sarah has blasted efforts from the Vatican to ‘abolish’ the Traditional Latin Mass, describing the move as a ‘diabolical project’ that breaks with 1,600 years of tradition.Any attempt to “abolish” the traditional Mass would be a “diabolical project” that “seeks to break with the Church of Christ,” said Cardinal Robert Sarah this week.“In the history of the liturgy there is growth and progress, but not rupture,” noted Sarah at an event Monday.Drawing from Pope Benedict XVI’s now famous remark, Sarah made it his own, stating that “what...
  • [Catholic Caucus] My Catholic Life! Grieved at the Hardness of Heart - Wednesday, January 22, 2025 - Catholic Caucus/Devotional

    01/22/2025 7:35:40 AM PST · by fidelis · 6 replies
    My Catholic Life! (YouTube) ^ | January 22, 2025 | My Catholic Life!
    Daily Readings from the USCCBThen he said to the Pharisees, “Is it lawful to do good on the sabbath rather than to do evil, to save life rather than to destroy it?” But they remained silent. Looking around at them with anger and grieved at their hardness of heart, Jesus said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out and his hand was restored. Mark 3:4–5Sin damages our relationship with God. But hardness of heart is even more damaging because it perpetuates the damage done by sin. And the harder one's heart, the more permanent the damage....
  • January 22 - Satan Revealed as a Liar - Evangelical Caucus/Devotional

    01/22/2025 5:47:24 AM PST · by metmom · 6 replies ^ | 2008 | John McArthur, Grace Community Church
    “[The devil] said to Him, ‘All these things I will give You, if You fall down and worship me’” (Matthew 4:9). Satan’s promises for better things, obtained more quickly and in a “preferred” manner to God’s plan, are actually counterfeit offers. He always wraps them in claims that seem easier, less expensive, and far less burdensome. After all, that’s the savvy way to success, he reasons. Our adversary’s argument is essentially just a form of the old “end justifies the means” concept. But Satan has been a liar from the beginning of redemptive history. With his third temptation of Jesus...
  • Pray For The Peace of Jerusalem (1/22/25)[Prayer]

    01/22/2025 5:08:07 AM PST · by left that other site · 16 replies
    The Holy Scriptures (KJV) | 1/22/25 | left that other site
    Pray For The Peace of Jerusalem (1/22/25)[Prayer]Names and Titles of God the Holy Spirit (Inspiration of the Almighty) Job 32:88 But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.King James Version________________________God Bless America.ML/LTOS
  • Catholic Caucus: Daily Mass Readings 22-January-2025

    01/22/2025 3:24:59 AM PST · by annalex · 12 replies
    22 January 2025Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children on Wednesday of week 2 in Ordinary TimeSt. Vincent of Saragossa church, KrakowReadings at MassLiturgical Colour: White. Year: C(I).First readingHebrews 7:1-3,15-17You are a priest of the order of Melchizedek, for everYou remember that Melchizedek, king of Salem, a priest of God Most High, went to meet Abraham who was on his way back after defeating the kings, and blessed him; and also that it was to him that Abraham gave a tenth of all that he had. By the interpretation of his name, he is, first, ‘king...
  • AMERICA PRAYER VIGIL (January 22, 2025) *PRAYER*

    01/21/2025 9:06:42 PM PST · by stars & stripes forever · 15 replies
    Free Republic ^ | 1/21/2025 | Free Republic Intercessors
    Join with fellow FREEPERS to pray for AMERICA: For those in Authority in Government, Family, Military, Business, Agri-Business; End to Sex Slavery; Healthcare, Education, Churches, and the Media.Forum threads labeled [Prayer] are closed to debate of any kind.
  • Israel and the TRUMP EFFECT; Will Iran’s Nuclear Sites be DESTROYED? | Watchman Newscast LIVE (VIDEO)

    01/21/2025 8:40:59 PM PST · by SaveFerris · 23 replies
    Erick Stakelbeck on TBN YouTube Channel ^ | Streamed live 10 hours ago 01/21/2025 | Erick Stakelbeck on TBN
    You can support Magen David Adom today at: Join us in praying for Israel.
  • Trump gives scathing 5-word response on woke bishop GOP rep calls for her to be deported

    01/21/2025 6:21:27 PM PST · by Morgana · 42 replies
    Daily Mail UK ^ | January 21, 2025 | Will Potter
    Donald Trump said 'they can do much better' after sitting through a sermon from a woke bishop pleading for 'mercy' for illegal immigrants and transgender children. Asked by reporters at the White House for his verdict on the lecture from Mariann Budde, the left-wing Episcopal Bishop of Washington, earlier on Tuesday, Trump responded: 'What did you think? Do you like it? Did you find it exciting? 'Not too exciting, was it? I didn’t think it was a good service. Thank you very much.' He added at the end of his remarks: 'They can do much better.' It came after Budde,...
  • [Catholic Caucus] Pope Francis praises ‘profound’ Buddhist religious revival in Mongolia without mentioning Christ

    01/21/2025 3:45:50 PM PST · by ebb tide · 6 replies
    LifeSite News ^ | January 21, 2025 | Emily Mangiaracina
    [Catholic Caucus] Pope Francis praises ‘profound’ Buddhist religious revival in Mongolia without mentioning ChristIn an address to a delegation from Mongolia, Francis praised what he called the ‘rich religious heritage’ of Buddhism, without calling Buddhists to convert to the Catholic Church.Pope Francis applauded post-Soviet Mongolia’s “profound” Buddhist religious revival without mentioning Jesus Christ or any call to conversion to Catholicism in his recent address to delegates from the country.“By reviving traditional spiritual practices and integrating them into the nation’s development, Mongolia has reclaimed its rich religious heritage,” said Francis in reference to Buddhism, which is by far the majority religion...
  • [Catholic Caucus] 232 Years - Louis XVI, Saintly King, true Martyr: a Catholic going to death and His Last Will and Testament

    01/21/2025 3:08:40 PM PST · by ebb tide · 2 replies
    Rorate Caeli ^ | January 21, 2025 | New Catholic
    [Catholic Caucus] 232 Years - Louis XVI, Saintly King, true Martyr: a Catholic going to death and His Last Will and TestamentProcession to eternityOn January 20, 1793, the National Convention condemned Louis XVI to death, his execution scheduled for the next day. Louis spent that evening saying goodbye to his wife and children. The pope following day, January 21, dawned cold and wet. Louis arose at five. At eight o'clock a guard of 1,200 horsemen arrived to escort the former king on a two-hour carriage ride to his place of execution. Accompanying Louis, at his invitation, was a priest, Henry...
  • "Why are you delaying, executioner?" ~ The martyrdom of Saint Agnes according to the ancient sources

    01/21/2025 1:53:24 PM PST · by Antoninus · 4 replies
    Gloria Romanorum ^ | January 21, 2019 | Florentius
    Among the martyrs of Rome during the Great Persecution under Diocletian and Maximian (early 4th century AD), the name of Saint Agnes is certainly one of the most famous. A young girl of perhaps 12 or 13 at the time of her martyrdom, Agnes would later be commemorated in the Roman Canon of the Mass as well as numerous works of art both ancient and modern. Though no authentic account of her trial has survived antiquity, the passion of Saint Agnes is known from three near contemporary ancient sources. The first is an epitaph which was affixed to her tomb...
  • Who is Mariann Budde? Washington Bishop who shockingly confronted Trump at National Cathedral prayer service

    01/21/2025 1:15:47 PM PST · by Morgana · 54 replies
    Daily Mail UK ^ | January 21, 2025 | Joe Hutchison
    An Episcopalian bishop who tried to lecture President Trump on his first full day in office has a history of attacking the commander-in-chief. Mariann Budde caused a stir inside the Washington National Cathedral on Tuesday as Trump attended the National Prayer Service. Budde, 65, made comments concerning LGBTQ people and undocumented migrants during the service, seemingly taking a jab at Trump and his policies. The bishop, who proudly puts her pronouns in her Instagram biography, is also pro-gay marriage and previously donated to the presidential campaign of Barack Obama. In a piece with the Washington Post in 2011, after being...
  • Belief in miracles rising for Evangelicals, black Protestants; Catholics, mainline less likely to believe: survey

    01/21/2025 12:17:29 PM PST · by SeekAndFind · 18 replies
    Christian Post ^ | 01/21/2025
    If you're praying for a miracle in 2025, chances are you're not alone. Belief in miracles has seen a significant increase over the past few decades, specifically among Evangelicals and those with graduate degrees in the United States, according to a recent survey. The findings, which were summarized in a report last September from statistician and pastor Ryan Burge and drawn from the U.S. government's General Social Survey, suggest significant shifts in how Americans view the supernatural, with notable increases in belief among Evangelical Protestants, black Protestants and individuals with higher education. In 1991, Evangelical Protestants and black Protestants were...
  • “Once a Catholic Always a Catholic”? Not Necessarily.

    01/21/2025 11:03:08 AM PST · by ebb tide · 32 replies
    Pilgrim Priest ^ | January 21, 2025 | Fr. David Nix
    “Once a Catholic Always a Catholic”? Not Necessarily.Many Catholics casually say the following line to ex-Catholics in order to get them back into a Church building: “Once a Catholic, always a Catholic.” It sounds welcoming, but it’s theologically wrong.This is because the Magisterium of the Catholic Church and the Church Fathers, St. Thomas Aquinas and the Popes all taught: A bad Catholic never ceases to be a Catholic, provided his failure be not faith-based but morality-based (and also provided those moral failures be not excommunicable.) On the other hand, a baptized person who has purposely rejected even one tenet of...
  • [Catholic Caucus] Pope Francis’ hatred of the Latin Mass evidenced in his new memoir

    01/21/2025 10:17:26 AM PST · by ebb tide · 13 replies
    LifeSite News ^ | January 21, 2025 | LifeSite News Staff
    [Catholic Caucus] Pope Francis’ hatred of the Latin Mass evidenced in his new memoirOn this episode of Faith and Reason, the panel discusses Pope Francis’ new memoir, specifically his criticism of priests and faithful devoted to the Traditional Latin Mass and his alleged comparison of Trump to Hitler, and much more.On this episode of Faith and Reason, John-Henry Westen, Father Charles Murr, and Frank Wright discuss Pope Francis’ new memoir, specifically his criticism of priests and faithful devoted to the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) and his alleged comparison of Trump to Hitler, pro-LGBT Cardinal McElroy’s appointment as the new archbishop...
  • [Catholic Caucus] My Catholic Life! Keeping Holy the Sabbath - Tuesday, January 21, 2025 - Catholic Caucus/Devotional

    01/21/2025 8:31:23 AM PST · by fidelis · 5 replies
    My Catholic Life! (YouTube) ^ | January 21, 2025 | My Catholic Life!
    Daily Readings from the USCCBAs Jesus was passing through a field of grain on the sabbath, his disciples began to make a path while picking the heads of grain. At this the Pharisees said to him, “Look, why are they doing what is unlawful on the sabbath?” Mark 2:23–24The Pharisees were greatly concerned about many things that were distortions of the law of God. The Third Commandment calls us to “Keep holy the Sabbath Day.” Furthermore, we read in Exodus 20:8–10 that we are not to do any work on the Sabbath but are to use that day for rest....
  • Pray For The Peace of Jerusalem (1/21/25)[Prayer]

    01/21/2025 5:19:13 AM PST · by left that other site · 18 replies
    The Holy Scriptures (KJV) | 1/21/25 | left that other site
    Pray For The Peace of Jerusalem (1/21/25)[Prayer]Names and Titles of God the Holy Spirit (Do Not Quench The Spirit) 1 Thessalonians 5:19-2219 Quench not the Spirit. 20 Despise not prophesyings. 21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.King James Version________________________God Bless America.ML/LTOS
  • Catholic Caucus: Daily Mass Readings 21-January-2025

    01/21/2025 4:58:44 AM PST · by annalex · 13 replies
    Mmm dd, 2025 Saint Agnes, Virgin, Martyr on Tuesday of week 2 in Ordinary Time St. Agnes Church in Arlington, VA Readings at MassLiturgical Colour: Red. Year: C(I).Readings for the feriaReadings for the memorialThese are the readings for the feriaFirst readingHebrews 6:10-20In this hope we have an anchor for our soulGod would not be so unjust as to forget all you have done, the love that you have for his name or the services you have done, and are still doing, for the saints. Our one desire is that every one of you should go on showing the same...