Keyword: civilwar
[OFFICIAL.] WASHINGTON, Sept. 10-9 P.M. Maj.-Gen. Dix: This department has received dispatches from Gen. SHERMAN down to 10 o'clock yesterday morning. His army is concentrated at Atlanta, his troops in position and well. He says WILSON and STEADMAN are stirring WHEELER up pretty well, and hopes they will make an end of him as GILLEM did of MORGAN. The weather is beautiful and all things bright. No recent intelligence has been received from Mobile. No movements are reported in the Shenandoah Valley, or in the Army of the Potomac. Recruiting is progressing vigorously in most of the States. EDWIN M....
From our late Richmond files, covering dates to Aug. 6, we make the following extracts: ATLANTA. THE EFFECT. From the Richmond Whig, Sept. 6. We cannot agree with those of our cotemporaries who believe that the fall of Atlanta will necessarily concentrate the war spirit of all parties at the North. Such will undoubtedly be the effect in the Republican party, but in the Democratic the effect will be the reverse. The chief point of opposition to LINCOLN, as set forth specifically in the second resolution of the Chicago platform, is the confessed failure of the experiment of war; and...
The steamship Ariel, Capt. RUSSELL, from New-Orleans Sept. 1, with merchandise and passengers to D.B. ALLEN, arrived yesterday, Sept. 6, off South Carolina, spoke United States gunboat Gettysburgh cruising for the Tallahassee. She reported having, seven days' previous, captured the blockade-runner Lilly -- all well on board. The steamers Arthur, from New-Orleans on the [???]1st ult., and the Belle, from Memphis on the 5th last., have arrived at Cairo. The latter had 250 bales of cotton for St. Louis, which was seized here by the military authorities on account of alleged irregularity in the shipment. The steamers White Cloud and...
Kamala Harris has already signaled that she is coming for our guns. She called mandatory gun confiscation “a great idea” that she’d do by executive action within her “first 100 days.” Here’s Kamala calling mandatory gun confiscation “a great idea” that she’d do by executive action within her “first 100 days.” — Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) September 8, 2024 Top Harris surrogate, far-left Georgia Democrat Senator Raphael Warnock, appeared on Meet the Press with Kristen Welker on Sunday morning to endorse this overt attack on Americans. Despite Democrat water carrier Welker uncharacteristically pushing Warnock for an answer, he did...
[OFFICIAL.] WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, Sept. 7 -- 10:30 P.M. To Maj. Gen. John A. Dix, New-York: The department is still without any dispatches from south of Nashville. It is supposed to be Gen. SHERMAN's design to withdraw his advance columns, and give his army rest in Atlanta, and reestablish himself securely there and restore his railway communications, broken by WHEELER and FORREST, before making further advances. No operations by the armies of Gen. GRANT or Gen. SHERIDAN are reported to-day. The Provost-marshal-General's office is busily employed in arranging the credits of the several districts, and is ordered to draft without...
[OFFICIAL.] WAR DEPARMENT. WASHINGTON, Sept. 6 -- 8:10 P.M. To Maj.-Gen. John A. Dix, New-York: A dispatch from Gen. GRANT, just received, gives a statement from the Richmond Examiner of this morning, that JOHN MORGAN was surprised and killed, and his Staff captured, at Greenville, Tenn., yesterday. An unofficial dispatch, received by this department this morning from Lexington, states that Gen. GILLEM had officially reported the surprise and defeat of MORGAN at Greenville; that JOHN MORGAN was killed and his Staff captured; from 50 to 100 rebels killed, 70 prisoners taken and one gun captured. This report being confirmed by...
[OFFICIAL.]WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, Sept. 5, 1864 -- 11 o'clock A.M.Maj.-Gen. John A. Dix:The President has issued the following recommendations and orders in relation to the recent successes of the United States forces at Mobile and Atlanta: EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War. EXECUTIVE MANSION, WASHINGTON CITY, Sept. 3, 1864. The signal success that Divine Providence has recently vouchsafed to the operations of the United States fleet and army in the harbor of Mobile, and the reduction of Fort Powell, Fort Gaines and Fort Morgan, and the glorious achievements of the army under Maj.-Gen. SHERMAN in the State of Georgia, resulting...
Washington CNN — Judge Tanya Chutkan has set a schedule in the federal election subversion case against former President Donald Trump that will allow prosecutors to release never-before-seen evidence, such as grand jury transcripts, ahead of the presidential election. The deadline for the filing from prosecutors is September 26, according to the latest order from the judge, which largely sides with special counsel Jack Smith’s proposed schedule discussed at Thursday’s hearing. Trump’s defense team had sought to delay the public release of evidence in the case until after the November election.
Kamala: I will direct the DOJ to censor "misinformation and hate" online
[OFFICIAL BULLETIN.] WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, Sept. 4, 1864. The following telegram from Gen. GRANT has just been received: CITY POINT, Sept. 3, 1864. Hon. E.M. Stanton: I have a Richmond paper of to-day. It contains a rumor of a battle at Atlanta, but says that the War Department, having no official information, it declines to form an opinion from the rumors. I have no doubt, however, but SHERMAN has gained a great success there. Before the dispatch of last night was received, announcing the occupation of Atlanta by our troops the fact was known to our pickets. The rebels hallooed...
[OFFICIAL.] WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, Sept. 3, 1864 -- 8 o'clock P.M. Maj. -- Gen. Dix: No intelligence from Atlanta later than my telegram of last night has been received. The telegraphic lines between Nashville and Chattanooga were broken last night by WHEELER, and we have nothing south of Nashville to-day. This accounts for the absence of later information from Atlanta. No doubt is entertained of the correctness of the reports received last night, which came from two independent sources, beside the official dispatch of Gen. SLOCUM. Unofficial reports this evening from Nashville state that the damage by WHEEELER to the...
A teenage farm boy is about to get a killer education Close to a half million boys under the age of 18 were involved in both the Union and Confederate forces during the Civil War. Some historians believe as many as 100,000 Union soldiers were 15 years of age or younger. Although statistics are not available for the rebel forces, it is believed the South had a similar proportion of underage soldiers. What is shockingly clear is that the boys who were exposed to the horrors of war in the four years of unbridled bloodshed were hardened and trained to...
[OFFICIAL DISPATCH.] WAR DEPARTMENT. WASHINGTON, Sept. 2 -- 8 P.M. To Maj. Gen. Dix, New-York: This Department has received intelligence this evening that Gen. SHERMAN's advance entered Atlanta about noon to-day. The particulars have not yet been received, but telegraphic communication during the night with Atlanta direct is expected. It is ascertained with reasonable certainty that the naval and other credits required by the act of Congress will amount to about 200,000, including New-York, which has not been reported yet to the Department; so that the President's call of July 10 is practically reduced to 300,000 men to meet and...
NEW-ORLEANS, Aug. 24. By the surrender of Fort Morgan we have about six hundred prisoners, sixty pieces of artillery, and a large quantity of material. In the twelve hours preceding the surrender, about 3,000 shell were thrown into the fort. The citadel and barracks are entirely destroyed, and the works generally much injured. Many of the guns were spiked, the carriages burned, and much of the ammunition destroyed by the rebels. The losses in the army were one man killed and seven wounded, (Signed.) WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, Sept. 1 -- 10:50 A.M. To Maj.-Gen. John A. Dix, Commanding: This department...
CHICAGO, Wednesday, Aug. 31. The National Democratic Convention reassembled at 10 o'clock this morning. The Wigwam is again densely packed, and the crowd outside is greater than ever. Immediately after the convention had been called to order, a prayer was offered up by Rev. Dr. HALSEY, of Chicago. Mr. WICKLIFFE then rose and said that the delegates from the West were of the opinion that circumstances may occur between now and the 4th of March next for the Democracy of the country to meet in convention again. He therefore moved the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That this...
BALTIMORE, Tuesday, Aug. 30. The American has the following: HEADQUARTERS MIDDLE MILITARY DIVISION, TUESDAY, Aug. 30. The position of our army since my letter yesterday, remains unchanged. There was a very spirited cavalry fight yesterday, at Smithfield, or as it is sometimes called, Middle Way, about seven miles from Charlestown, which proved that the enemy had not retreated up the Valley. Gen. CUSTAR's brigade of cavalry, with Capt. RANSOM's battery of artillery, were moved across the Opequan, about a mile beyond Smithfield, for the purpose of making a reconnoisance toward Bunker Hill. They had proceed about a mile when they...
This is a garbage research paper by a UK-based company using California institutes to come to the conclusion that MAGA adherents are the primary threat for political violence. You read that right. Read the paper and come to your own conclusion; but the design of the study funnels respondents to groups that would presumably have MAGA followers. Goebbels would be so proud. If you ever wanted to know why our governmental institutions are targeting conservatives, it is BS like this that passes itself off as peer-reviewed research; then goes into PubMed and elsewhere. What's the big deal, it's just a...
[OFFICIAL.] SECRETARY STANTON TO GEN. DIX. WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, Aug. 29, 1864. Major-Gen. Dix: The capture of Fort Morgan is fully confirmed by dispatches from Gens. GRANT and SHERMAN, who derive their information from Richmond and Mobile papers. It appears from Gen. GRANT's dispatch to the President, just received, that Fort Morgan was surrendered: CITY POINT, Aug. 29. A. Lincoln, President: Since my dispatch of this morning I have received the Richmond Sentinel of the 27th. It contain the following dispatch: FROM MOBILE. "The report of the surrender of Fort Morgan was most unexpected, and we await an explanation of...