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  • Putin Claims He's Made Less Than $1 Million as President in Past 6 Years

    01/30/2024 4:40:29 PM PST · by marcusmaximus · 32 replies
    Newsweek ^ | 1/30/2024 | Jon Jackson
    Russian President Vladimir Putin claims he has earned less than $1 million during the past six years as president, according to financial documents published Tuesday by Russia's election authority. The documents from the Central Election Commission (CEC) show Putin reported making 67.6 million rubles, which is approximately $753,000, between 2018 and 2024. Along with his salary as president, this figure includes income from bank deposits, a military pension and money made from property sales. -snip- According to information Putin provided to the CEC, he has savings of 54.5 million rubles ($606,000) spread across 10 different bank accounts and owns a...
  • Supreme Irony (Trump picks a Libtard for the Supreme Court to replace Kennedy)

    06/29/2018 11:02:30 AM PDT · by Zakeet · 19 replies
    Stilton's Place ^ | June 29, 2018
    It's a glorious time to be alive. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy is stepping down, meaning that Donald Trump gets to pick another Supreme Court nominee, and those on the Left are having a white-hot thermonuclear meltdown which is more spectacular and beautiful to witness than any sunset...especially since this likely does represent the sun setting on many of their most beloved violations of the Constitution. Many progressives are especially bereft of hope because, judging on their social media posts, they actually believe that all laws come from the Supreme Court rather than being created by our elected officials...
  • Drive-Bys Go Nuts Over Trump Typo

    05/31/2017 1:20:55 PM PDT · by Kaslin · 49 replies
    Rush ^ | May 31, 2017 | Rush Limbaugh
    RUSH: Trump sent out a tweet today, and he meant to write “network coverage” and he instead wrote network c-o-v-f-e-f-e. It was a typo later deleted. The media and Twitter went absolutely nuts. Here is one sound bite example of a montage. Cut 15 in three, two, one. AMY ROBACH: President Trump’s mysterious message overnight taking on the press in a tweet and then ending with a typo. CHRISTINE ROMANS: It appears to be an unfinished tweet with a typo. “Covfefe” is not a word. SAVANNAH GUTHRIE: Let’s go back to this tweet for a minute. Does it signal any...
  • Obama Eyeing Internet ID for Americans

    01/07/2011 8:57:35 PM PST · by LibWhacker · 320 replies
    CBS News | CNet ^ | 1/7/10 | Declan McCullagh
    STANFORD, Calif. - President Obama is planning to hand the U.S. Commerce Department authority over a forthcoming cybersecurity effort to create an Internet ID for Americans, a White House official said here today. It's "the absolute perfect spot in the U.S. government" to centralize efforts toward creating an "identity ecosystem" for the Internet, White House Cybersecurity Coordinator Howard Schmidt said. That news, first reported by CNET, effectively pushes the department to the forefront of the issue, beating out other potential candidates including the National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security.
  • Michelle Obama’s pledge: Barack will save all the children

    07/22/2008 9:41:02 AM PDT · by vietvet67 · 60 replies · 150+ views
    Hot Air ^ | July 22, 2008 | Ed Morrissey
    Charles Krauthammer wrote last week about the enormous arrogance of Barack Obama, but even Krauthammer couldn’t imagine that the Obamas would claim to rescue all of the world’s children through their election.  Michelle Obama appeared in Colorado last week, the same time as Krauthammer wrote his column, and told the audience that she didn’t have time to get angry — but she wishes she did.  Why?  Well, let her tell you: “We have one candidate who essentially is telling us every day that the world as it is just fine. That what we’ve been doing for the last eight years...
  • Don't Vote

    11/03/2006 7:35:36 PM PST · by Political Junkie Too · 27 replies · 908+ views
    Don't ^ | 11/3/06 | Self
    "Don't vote until you know where the candidates stand on the issues." That's the message on the AARP website, but you have to go there to see it. How many people have seen the commercial of the singing and dancing politician, while the voice-over tells people "don't vote" until you go to their website to learn the issues? Yes, the campaign is about going to their website, but how many people really will do that? How many people will just get the subliminal message to "don't vote" because their politician is just playing them with a song and dance and...
  • Chuck Norris

    11/03/2006 8:19:41 PM PST · by Flavius · 85 replies · 3,131+ views
    Yimg ^ | 11/2/06
    Actor and martial artist Chuck Norris (L) and fellow actor Marshall Teague inspect a 155mm M-109 A6 Paladin howitzer that has Norris' name stencilled on the barrel during a stop on a USO-sponsored tour to boost morale of U.S. troops, at Camp Ar Ramadi in Iraq November 2, 2006. Norris and Teague met with thousands of service members, shaking hands, taking photos and signing autographs in a week-long tour of Iraq and Kuwait. Picture taken on November 2, 2006. Top Nuck Chorris Facts 1. Nuck Chorris is faster than the speed of sound and quieter than the speed of light!...
  • NRA TRIUMPHS! False AHSA Ad Campaign Taken Down

    11/03/2006 7:18:53 PM PST · by neverdem · 19 replies · 1,088+ views
    NRA - ILA ^ | November 03, 2006 | NA
    ·11250 Waples Mill Road ·   Fairfax, Virginia 22030    ·800-392-8683 NRA TRIUMPHS! False AHSA Ad Campaign Taken Down Friday, November 03, 2006 Fairfax, VA – The National Rifle Association (NRA) succeeded in ending a misleading and false advertising campaign in Missouri produced and/or paid for by the American Hunters and Shooters Association (“AHSA”) – an anti-gun group deceptively masking itself as a pro-hunting organization.  The radio advertisements contained egregiously false and misleading statements regarding the NRA.NRA Chief Lobbyist Chris W. Cox stated, “These radio stations and their management made the correct and lawful decision to cease and desist the erroneous advertisements created...
  • T-shirt case taken to Supreme Court

    10/28/2006 5:34:47 AM PDT · by radar101 · 35 replies · 2,180+ views
    San Diego Union ^ | 28 OCT 2006 | Greg Moran
    Lawyers for a former Poway High School student who was pulled out of class for wearing an anti-gay T-shirt have asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review an early ruling in the case. Papers filed yesterday by the Alliance Defense Fund urged the court to take up an April ruling by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which said high school administrators were justified when they removed Tyler Chase Harper from class. In 2004, Harper, then a sophomore, wore a shirt on which he wrote, “I will not accept what God has condemned,” and on the back, “Homosexuality is...
  • Dixie Chicks Just Now Blamed Free Republic For Their Downfall On "Hardball"

    10/26/2006 2:54:54 PM PDT · by PJ-Comix · 1,010 replies · 29,040+ views
    Self | October 26, 2006 | PJ-Comix
    FLASH!!! Dixie Chicks Natalie Manes just now blamed the Free Republic for their downfall on "Hardball." She claims the FR had an organized effort to bring them down.
  • IAF attempts to assasinate Hizbullah leadership [Hezbollah Scumbags Turn to Pink Vapor??]

    07/19/2006 4:59:50 PM PDT · by Enchante · 63 replies · 2,303+ views
    Jerusalem Post ^ | 7/19/06 | YAAKOV KATZ AND AP
    IAF fighter jets dropped over 20 tons in bombs late Wednesday night on a Hizbullah bunker, possibly the hiding place of the group's leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, in the Bourj al-Barajneh refugee camp in southeast Beirut. It was still unclear who was in the bunker at the time and what their fate was, but IDF sources said the bunker was totally destroyed and that all that was left was a crater. The IDF obtained intelligence information late Wednesday night that Hizbullah leaders possibly including Nasrallah had taken refuge inside the bunker. A wave of aircraft immediately took to the air...
  • Israel drops 23 tons of explosives on Hezbollah bunker

    07/19/2006 2:29:17 PM PDT · by varyouga · 435 replies · 28,890+ views
    CNN | 7-19-06 | CNN
    Just saw on CNN that 23 tons of explosives were dropped on a Hezbollah bunker. Top Hezbollah officials are believed to have been inside. No story on the website yet.
  • squareboggling and screwpa and Zots, oh my!

    07/07/2006 6:48:55 PM PDT · by 2piesonefork · 105 replies · 2,001+ views
    Marsha Raymondo
    America is in peril. Terrorism, illegal immigration, crime, drug abuse, hijackings, racism and the diminishing of our Judeo Christian heretige by government schools, Multi-national corporations, political correctness, and liberal Democrats are taking its toll on this nation. It's hard to imagine that God hasn’t destroyed us given the way we just stick our finger in his eye. Could it get any worse. Yes it does! All around America a dangerous trend from centuries past has begun to creep into our once proud Judeo Christian nation and it making a come back all across the nation. Square Boggle. (Or 2Boggle as...
  • You Tube - All your video are belong to us

    06/01/2006 11:47:24 PM PDT · by cowtowney · 15 replies · 1,649+ views
    You Tube ^ | 6/1/06 | You Tube
  • Senior Democrat on House ethics committee stepping down

    04/21/2006 1:55:47 PM PDT · by Third Order · 16 replies · 810+ views
    CNN ^ | April 21, 200
    The top Democrat on the House ethics committee, Alan Mollohan, will leave the panel -- at least temporarily -- while he defends his own financial conduct, Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said Friday. Mollohan's decision comes in an election year when his party is accusing majority Republicans of allowing a "culture of corruption" in Congress.
  • 'Chappaquiddick Kid' off hook with college

    02/23/2006 5:23:50 PM PST · by Aussie Dasher · 188 replies · 5,535+ views
    WorldNetDaily ^ | 24 February 2006 | Ron Strom
    The college where a student shouted 'Remember Chappaquiddick!' as Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., began a speech will not discipline the 20-year-old – even though campus police had warned the man of possible consequences of his action. As WorldNetDaily reported, Paul Trost, a student at Massasoit Community College in Brockton, Mass., was upset by an introduction of Kennedy given by Rep. Stephen Lynch, D-Mass., Tuesday in which the congressman noted how the long-time senator overcame hardship in life on his way to success. "Lynch said Kennedy had overcome such adversity to get to the place he was, and that's a bunch...
  • ZOT this Fashist!

    02/08/2006 12:53:07 PM PST · by fingerlakestennesee · 197 replies · 7,796+ views
    In this war freedom should come first not after! In New Hampshire the Motto is Live free or Die! I don't need Bush spying on law abiding americans and taking our freedoms. Anyone who surrenders a square inch of freedom to the government in the name of saftey is a traitor and should be treated like one! Let the Bush Fashists all drop dead! Filthy Commys! LET FREEDOM RING!

    01/30/2006 3:13:43 PM PST · by CANCELLMYACCOUNT · 191 replies · 3,867+ views
    I guess I'm the only one that ever wanted to get cancelled but can't. I forgot the S/N and password that logs poweqi on here.
  • NBC Cancels Seris About Dysfunctional Christian Family

    01/25/2006 6:39:38 AM PST · by Cindy_Cin · 15 replies · 597+ views
    CNS News ^ | January 25, 2006 | Susan Jones
    - A conservative advocacy group is taking some of the credit for NBC's decision to cancel its new television series, "The Book of Daniel." The American Family Association (AFA) called for a boycott of the "anti-Christian program," even before the first episode aired. In a message to its supporters on Tuesday, the AFA welcomed news that the program has been canceled. "Your efforts, combined with those of hundreds of thousands of other AFA Online supporters, had an impact." NBC said it dropped the Friday night show three weeks after the first episode aired because of low ratings.
  • WHITE HOUSE:Setting the Record Straight: Senator Levin on Iraq

    11/14/2005 1:04:36 PM PST · by mdittmar · 52 replies · 2,200+ views
    WHITE HOUSE ^ | November 14, 2005 | WHITE HOUSE
    Sen. Levin (D-MI) Tries To Separate Iraq From The War On Terror. SEN. LEVIN: "But before the war, the President was saying that you cannot distinguish between Saddam Hussein and Iraq. As a matter of fact, he said that so often that he tried to connect Saddam Hussein with the attackers on us, on 9/11, so often, so frequently and so successfully, even though it was wrong, that the American people overwhelmingly thought, because of the President's misstatements that as a matter of fact, Saddam Hussein had participated in the attack on us on 9/11. That was a deception. That...