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Keyword: 2004election

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  • We have the October Surprise!!!!!! (Bush's campaign is TOAST!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!)

    10/20/2004 7:58:39 PM PDT · by AnusInTheMorning · 316 replies · 10,050+ views
    John Kerry Campaign | 10/21/04 | Me
    <p>Kerry will have the race in the bag very soon!!!!</p> <p>Mod note: I hesitate to leave this thread up, realizing how difficult it is for us poor conservatives to match up against liberal intellectuals. But in the interest of fairness...</p>
  • Confirmed: ‘PR Executive -1’ in Durham Indictment Docs Is Charles Dolan Jr.

    11/05/2021 6:39:06 AM PDT · by Red Badger · 45 replies ^ | THU, NOV 4 2021 | JOEL B. POLLAK
    Attorney Ralph Martin confirmed Thursday that his client, DC-based communications executive Charles Dolan, Jr., is the person referred to as “PR Executive-1” in Special Counsel John Durham’s indictment of researcher Igor Danchenko. ... Durham indicted the Russian-born, U.S.-based Danchenko on five counts of lying to the FBI in connection with his role as a major source for Christopher Steele’s fraudulent “Russia dossier” on Donald Trump. The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee paid the Fusion GPS opposition research firm, which hired Steele, to prepare the dossier and then provided it to the FBI. It became a basis for...
  • Fourteen indicted in Appalachia election fraud probe (pork rinds, beers, smokes - 1,000 counts)

    03/03/2006 5:41:20 PM PST · by Libloather · 18 replies · 2,189+ views
    Kingsport Times-News ^ | 2/03/06 | STEPHEN IGO
    Fourteen indicted in Appalachia election fraud probeFriday, March 03, 2006 By STEPHEN IGO Times-News WISE - Fourteen individuals, including the mayor/town manager of Appalachia, a town councilman, and two law enforcement officials, were indicted by a Wise County grand jury on multiple counts stemming from an alleged conspiracy to conduct election fraud during the 2004 town elections. The indictments show the investigation hasn't been just about pork rinds, Special Prosecutor Tim McAfee said during a press conference at the Wise County Courthouse. The investigation into allegations of voter fraud evolved from early reports of attempted vote buying before town elections...
  • Kerry Preparing Grounds to Unconcede; Election Challenge likely on Jan 6th

    12/25/2004 1:17:51 AM PST · by Petronski · 103 replies · 2,397+ views
    Break for News ^ | 12-24-04 | Fintan
    Election Challenge likely on Jan 6th If you haven't been following John Kerry closely, get ready to hear of surprising developments. The vote-defrauded, potential president-in-waiting has just indicated through his lawyer that the validity of George Bush's reelection is no longer a given. On 23 December, 2004 Kerry's lawyer confirmed to MSNBC's 'Countdown' that John Kerry will be seeking (likely on Monday 27 Dec.) to expedite court proceedings in an ongoing recount suit by the Green and Libertarian parties. That might sound like just another "count every vote" exercise by the Kerry campaign, were it not for two important details....
  • Three Kerry friends

    10/24/2004 6:51:04 AM PDT · by Jean S · 3 replies · 679+ views
    Pittsburgh Tribune Review ^ | 10/24/04 | Dateline D.C.
    Steven Bing, Peter Benjamin Lewis, George Soros It is late in the day, but there is still time to ask the Kerry-Edwards campaign and the Democratic National Committee about their financing sources. Equally important to ask is just what do these ridiculously rich and strange people expect to get for their millions of dollars. Let's look at three of Kerry's friends, probably responsible for at least $30 million in donations. Steven Bing: Our Victorian ancestors had the right words to describe Bing. He would have been known as "a cad and a bounder," while today he is dismissed as a...
  • Mika: Will Bloomberg Put 'Money Where His Mouth Is' to Get 'Pass' from Al Sharpton?

    02/17/2020 8:03:11 AM PST · by governsleastgovernsbest · 19 replies
    NewsBusters ^ | Mark Finkelstein
    [snip] On Morning Joe today, Mika Brzezinski told Sharpton that he was in a position to grant Bloomberg a "pass" on racial issues. Saying that Bloomberg was "certainly looking for" such a pass, Mika wondered whether Bloomberg would "put his money where his mouth is?"What is she asking? That Bloomberg give money to Sharpton's National Action Network? As the MSNBC screen hinted about Bloomberg "buying" the presidency? Get the rest of the story and view the video here.
  • Al Sharpton's 2004 campaign still owes $900K after failed presidential bid

    02/17/2020 3:47:33 AM PST · by Libloather · 17 replies
    Fox Business via MSN ^ | Evie Fordham
    Rev. Al Sharpton's unsuccessful presidential campaign had nearly $1 million in debt at the end of 2019 ⁠— more than 15 years after his 2004 presidential bid. Sharpton's former campaign treasurer Andrew Rivera is responsible for paying off the $925,713.78 in debt. "I have asked Andrew Rivera, the finance chair of my 2004 campaign, to set up a meeting with the Federal Election Commission so that I can resolve any campaign debts related to Sharpton 2004,” Sharpton told the New York Post. “I am willing to work out a settlement for all claims with my own money to the degree...
  • Obama administration partners with Brett Kimberlin

    05/29/2012 9:52:32 AM PDT · by Starman417 · 7 replies
    Flopping Aces ^ | 05-29-12 | DrJohn
    Who is Brett Kimberlin? Brett Kimberlin, also known as the "Speedway Bomber," is the infamous male who set an Indiana town ablaze with a series of coordinated bombings in 1978. The man behind the madness was also convicted of thirty three additional crimes, including illegal use of a Department of Defense insignia, and the Presidential Seal, both of which were used to procure the hard-to-come-by explosives used in the bombings. As a result, Kimberlin served a 17 year prison sentence, in which time he mastered his skills of persuasion by earning a law degree, which he reportedly uses routinely. A...
  • Democrat Says Party Should Abandon White People

    07/15/2019 7:48:16 PM PDT · by GuavaCheesePuff · 67 replies
    Mark Pantano ^ | December 2018 | Mark Pantano
    When exactly did racism become acceptable again? Anti-white racism has been a motivating force on the Left for a while now, but until recently they tried to hide it. Just a few years ago, you had to parse their language to decode their racism. Our colleges and universities concocted new phrases such a “white privilege” to express their hatred for people based upon the color of their skin. When challenged, they denied that the term “white privilege” was used to denigrate whites, but rather was simply a way to refer to social power inequality.
  • New U.S. mayor sets sights on 'black nation'

    09/29/2013 4:52:24 AM PDT · by rktman · 126 replies
    World Net Daily ^ | 9/29/2013 | unknown`
    Voters in Jackson, Miss., a mid-sized city in the heart of the Deep South, have picked a Democrat as their mayor. What’s different about this individual is that he is a former leader of the Republic of New Afrika, a group dedicated to creating an independent black nation out of five southern states. Now leading the city of about 175,000 is Chokwe Lumumba – who has a long history of radical activism and whose plans for the largest city in Mississippi could be called “revolutionary.” A co-founder of the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, which promotes black “self-determination,” Lumumba was sworn...
  • Democrats in 2 Southern States Push Bills on Bible Study [Or: Howard Dean Finds Jesus] (NYT)

    01/27/2006 9:30:35 AM PST · by summer · 12 replies · 469+ views
    The NYT ^ | Jan 27, 2006 | DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK
    WASHINGTON, Jan. 26 — Democrats in Georgia and Alabama, borrowing an idea usually advanced by conservative Republicans, are promoting Bible classes in the public schools. Their Republican opponents are in turn denouncing them as "pharisees," a favorite term of liberals for politicians who exploit religion. ...The Democrats who introduced the bills said they hoped to compete with Republicans for conservative Christian voters. "Rather than sitting back on our heels and then being knocked in our face, we are going to respond in a thoughtful way," said Kasim Reed, a Georgia state senator from Atlanta and one of the sponsors of...
  • Democrats need Southern strategy

    01/16/2005 2:47:19 PM PST · by nickcarraway · 50 replies · 1,370+ views
    The State (South Carolina) ^ | Sun, Jan. 16, 2005 | LEE BANDY
    South Carolinian Donnie Fowler put it simply: “A Democratic Party without the South is a little bit like greens without the cornbread.” He made the comment at a meeting of party officials who gathered last weekend in Atlanta to grill candidates for the party’s highest position — chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Fowler, 37, a political consultant and son of a prominent South Carolina Democrat, is one of seven candidates seeking the job. “I did this out of frustration,” he said, after seeing the party commit the same mistakes of past defeats. Divided and battered by the second bitter...
  • Dean, Other DNC Chair Candidates Campaign for South's Endorsement

    01/08/2005 4:03:15 PM PST · by Pharmboy · 39 replies · 732+ views
    Associated Press ^ | January 8, 2005 | Harry R. Weber
    COLLEGE PARK, Ga. (AP) - Seven candidates for chairman of the Democratic National Committee promised Saturday to address the concerns of Southern voters, saying they had learned the lessons of the past two elections. "You want to know my Southern strategy, show up," said Howard Dean, the former Vermont governor who dropped out of the presidential race during last year's Democratic primaries. Dean and the other candidates seeking to replace Terry McAuliffe as the face of the Democratic Party spoke before a Southern audience at the first of several regional caucuses to give Democratic Party officials a chance to hear...
  • Dean Crafts Own 'Southern Strategy'

    12/08/2003 8:01:07 AM PST · by NYC Republican · 22 replies · 112+ views
    Washington Post ^ | 12/8/03 | Jim VandeHei
    <p>Former Vermont governor Howard Dean on Sunday accused the Republican Party of purposely dividing the country over "guns, God and gays" and "stirring up racial prejudices" to win presidential elections.</p> <p>"In 1968, [Republican] Richard Nixon won the White House," Dean said in remarks prepared for delivery in South Carolina. "He did it in a shameful way: by dividing Americans against one another, stirring up racial prejudices and bringing out the worst in people. They called it the southern strategy, and the Republicans have been using it ever since." Republicans deny they divide the nation over race.</p>
  • Get To Know Southern White Male (the author is clueless)

    11/10/2003 6:51:59 PM PST · by Lauratealeaf · 30 replies · 145+ views
    Times Record Online ^ | November 10, 2003 | John Brummett
    Get To Know Southern White Male Somebody with the Democrats needs to get a handle on the quintessential Southern white man, with whom I am well-acquainted by a lifelong coincidence of residence. Bill Clinton almost got it but was a bit too eastern in his education. His babe magnetism made him resented by this quintessential Southern white man, who does not like to share beauty pageant winners with elitists. Howard Dean wants to get it for electoral purposes, which is all he has been trying to say with these suddenly controversial declarations that he wants to be the Democrat who...
  • Dean's Southern Strategy: Reaching Out to Hicks, Rednecks, Hillbillies, Crackers & Nascar Fans

    11/05/2003 11:08:29 AM PST · by pinochet · 55 replies · 278+ views
    November 5, 2003 | Pinochet
    I'll bet that every Southern freeper, who watched Howard Dean in yesterday's CNN debate, could not help but shake his head in amazement. In trying to reach out to the South, Dean did not reach out to Southerners as people, but, instead, he reached out to a stereotype that many Northerners have of the South. It is not just a problem with Northern Democrats; I have seen the same attitude in some North-East Republicans. Everyone should make a point of reading Zell Miller's recent book, which he is now promoting. All Southerners have ever wanted, is to be treated with...
  • Michael Dukakis sends support letter ahead of Phillipos sentencing (Boston Bomber ally)

    06/05/2015 3:35:19 AM PDT · by cotton1706 · 22 replies ^ | 6/5/15 | Laurel J. Sweet
    Former Gov. Michael Dukakis says a Cambridge man facing five years in federal prison for repeatedly lying to the FBI about his pal Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is “a fine young man” who “could have a great future in public service.” Dukakis went to bat for Robel Kidane Phillipos, 21, in a letter to U.S. District Court Judge Douglas P. Woodlock ahead of Phillipos’ sentencing today for making false statements to the FBI in its investigation of the Boston Marathon bombings. Prosecutors want five years. Phillipos and Tsarnaev, both 21, grew up together in Cambridge and were classmates at the University of...
  • Ellsberg urges insiders to give leaks about war in Iraq

    09/27/2004 2:02:11 AM PDT · by Cincinatus' Wife · 36 replies · 920+ views
    Gazette Times, Oregon ^ | September 27, 2004 | AP
    EUGENE — The man who leaked the Pentagon Papers during the Vietnam War called for government insiders to provide similar classified documents about the war in Iraq. Daniel Ellsberg, 73, said federal insiders owe a "higher allegiance'' to the Constitution, the public and U.S. soldiers in Iraq than to their government bosses. He acknowledges that whistle-blowers risk personal setbacks, such as losing their jobs, but urged them to act nonetheless. "I'm asking them to ask themselves whether their highest duty to this country really consists in keeping secrets of an administration that has acted like this ... in protecting lies,...
  • One Hundred African American Mayors Endorse John Kerry

    05/27/2004 9:47:41 AM PDT · by chance33_98 · 57 replies · 1,100+ views
    One Hundred African American Mayors Endorse John Kerry 5/27/2004 12:41:00 PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: National Desk, Politics Reporter Contact: Devona Dolliole of John Kerry for President, 202-712-3000, Web: WASHINGTON, May 27 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The John Kerry for President campaign announced today that Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry has been endorsed by 100 African American mayors from across the United States. "I am committed to building a stronger America and I believe that in order to be successful in that effort there must be a strong partnership between federal and local government," Kerry said. "I am honored to have...
  • Dan Rather-gate Remembered on Twitter

    02/15/2019 12:04:59 PM PST · by Trump_the_Evil_Left · 20 replies ^ | February 15, 2019 | Steve McIntyre
    one of the great things about the internet is that we can hear from an actual expert in destructive testing of gas cylinders in a controversy where condition of gas cylinder is of critical importance. Not just from NGOs and neocon think tanks. Dan Rather's downfall came because (as I recall) a typewriter specialist was able to recognize that fonts in forged document were not available in 1970s. An expert in relevant narrow topic observed detail that eluded the news reporters and think tanks. outing of Dan Rather was cool and one of first examples of outside eyes on establishment...