Keyword: 30
As much as any other spirit, it’s safe to say there’s a style of rum for everyone. Nations across the globe have made it for centuries, with regions and producers offering different interpretations via distinct base ingredients — fresh cane juice, cane syrup, and molasses — as well as varied fermentation and distillation techniques.
Homeless families already in emergency shelters, including migrants from other countries, may be eligible for a state-run program that provides up to $30,000 over two years to find stable housing. The program, HomeBASE, has long served homeless families with children or pregnant women living in the emergency shelter system, which provides temporary housing under state’s decades-old right-to-shelter law. About half of the shelter system houses Massachusetts residents, according to state officials. Resettlement agencies are also working with Gov. Maura Healey’s administration to stand up a pilot program that would, according to one draft plan, help up to 400 migrants in...
Poster's Note: This is a very long article documenting how zinc is Anti: Weight, diabetes, cholesterol, inflammation, oxidation, metabolic syndrome, stroke, atherosclerosis, death, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, cytokines, liver damage, blood vessel damage, kidney damage, etc. I'll post the first dozen paragraphs or so, and you're welcome to follow the link to the extensive article. ------------- A number of studies have reported that zinc plays a substantial role in the development of metabolic syndrome, taking part in the regulation of cytokine expression, suppressing inflammation, and is also required to activate antioxidant enzymes that scavenge reactive oxygen species, reducing...
Special counsel John Durham requested a federal court to issue 30 subpoenas for testimony in the trial against Igor Danchenko, British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s alleged main source for his discredited dossier. Danchenko was charged with five counts of making false statements to the FBI, which Durham says he made about the information he provided to Steele for the dossier. His trial is scheduled for October. The DOJ’s watchdog said FBI interviews with Danchenko “raised significant questions about the reliability of the Steele election reporting” and concluded Danchenko “contradicted the allegations of a ‘well-developed conspiracy’ in” Steele’s dossier. He has pleaded...
NEW - French Health Authority (HAS) no longer recommends the Moderna #COVID19 vaccine for people under 30 years of age.
The strain, which was first detected in India, has wreaked havoc in the United Kingdom, where it now makes up 91 percent of all new cases. Covid cases in that country surged by 109 percent in a single week, with the government now considering extending lock down restrictions by another month. The UK is headed for a 3rd Covid wave and, at the current rate, could have 80,000 new cases a day by mid-July. Stoking fears, a study by Public Health England shows 29% of 42 people who have died after catching the new strain had received both of their...
"Six affidavits now, we had four, now it's six. Six affidavits of veteran election officials are alleging that up to 30,000 of these 147 [thousand] ballots are fake," said John Fredericks. After a judge ordered 145,000 Fulton County absentee ballots to be unsealed, “Outside the Beltway” host John Fredericks explained on Steve Bannon’s “War Room Pandemic” series that Georgia election officials are alleging that up to 30,000 of the ballots are fraudulent. “Six affidavits now, we had four, now it’s six. Six affidavits of veteran election officials are alleging that up to 30,000 of these 147 [thousand] ballots are fake,”...
This deal has a precedent in the history of Athens and Sparta. The Athenian government disloyal to Athens’ laws and contemptuous of its traditions was known as the Thirty Tyrants, and understanding its role and function helps explain what is happening in America today. For my last column I spoke with The New York Times’ Thomas Friedman about an article he wrote more than a decade ago, during the first year of Barack Obama’s presidency. His important piece documents the exact moment when the American elite decided that democracy wasn’t working for them. Blaming the Republican Party for preventing them...
Thread #29 here:
Residents in 31 congressional districts are about to be inundated with millions of dollars’ worth of TV spots, Facebook ads, texts and tweets blaring that the “radical left” is trying to remove the president after a “witch hunt” - and that their Democratic representative is complicit. Conservative organizations are blanketing those districts - which one group dubbed the “Dirty 30” - because each one voted for Trump in 2016, but later elected a Democrat in 2018. They’re convinced that impeachment has handed them a golden opportunity to flip those House seats in 2020, part of a long-shot bid to win...
In honor of the Rush Limbaugh Show reaching 30 years old today, I would like Freepers to post and collect their memories. Memories of when they first listened to the Rush Limbaugh Show, and why you kept on listening to it. I'll start... It was 1993. Bill Clinton was elected and he was on television, and the radio discussing his budget. He was talking about all the great plans that he had to remove man from space, end the "boondoggle" of the "Freedom " space station, and mothball the space shuttles so the money could be used "for the children"....
RUSH: So I have this note on the call screener computer: “On the hotline…†We don’t have a hotline. “On the hotline, you’re receiving a phone call in recognition of your anniversary broadcast. You’ll want to take this immediately.†Okay. So we’re going to the phones and we have a special guest. Who is it? THE PRESIDENT: So, Rush, I just wanted to congratulate you on 30 years.RUSH: (laughing)THE PRESIDENT: This is your favorite president, and I think you are fantastic.RUSH: (laughing)THE PRESIDENT: I heard about it, and today’s the big day, 30 years. I wanted to call personally and...
Former top FBI lawyer Lisa Page testified during two days of closed-door House hearings, revealing shocking new Intel against her old bosses at the Bureau, according the well-placed FBI sources. Alarming new details on allegations of a bureau-wide cover up. Or should we say another bureau-wide cover up. The embattled Page tossed James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok and Bill Priestap among others under the Congressional bus, alleging the upper echelon of the FBI concealed intelligence confirming Chinese state-backed ‘assets’ had illegally acquired former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s 30,000+ “missing” emails, federal sources said. The Russians didn’t do it....
The U.S. economy unexpectedly maintained a brisk pace of growth in the third quarter. An increase in inventory investment and a smaller trade deficit offset a hurricane-related slowdown in consumer spending and a decline in construction. Gross domestic product increased at a 3.0 percent annual rate in the July-September period after expanding at a 3.1 percent pace in the second quarter The U.S. economy unexpectedly maintained a brisk pace of growth in the third quarter as an increase in inventory investment and a smaller trade deficit offset a hurricane-related slowdown in consumer spending and a decline in construction. Gross domestic...
What exactly has birthed the Pajama Boy aristocracy — our overclass of pretentious, inexperienced, and smug 30-something masters of the universe? Prolonged adolescence? Affluence? The disappearance of physical chores and muscular labor? The collapse of traditional liberal education and the triumph of the therapeutic mindset? Disdain for or ignorance of life outside the Boston–New York–Washington corridor? Political correctness as a sort of careerist indemnity that allows one to live a sheltered and apartheid existence? The shift in collective values and status from production, agriculture, and manufacturing to government, law, finance, and media? The reinvention of the university as a social-awareness...
In the wake of the tragedy, Democrats are calling to pass the Assault Weapons Ban. When asked by Breitbart News, Manchin disagreed that his remarks on MSNBC show his stance on the second amendment have flipped. "I didn't change my mind on anything. I think everything is open for discussion." It should be noted that Manchin, also known for breaking campaign promises on tax hikes, may have a difficult time explaining his turnaround on guns to voters in his own state. West Virginia, a state President Obama lost in 2008 and 2012, has one of the highest rate of gun...
California Governor Jerry Brown hailed his signature tax-hike to fund education—known as Proposition 30—as a towering achievement that will ensure educational excellence in higher education and spare those trapped in poor and failing K-12 California public schools from budget cuts. But a new study by five UC Berkeley doctoral students titled “Swapping Our Future: How Taxpayers And Students Are Funding Risky UC Borrowing and Wall Street Profits” says that millions of dollars of the freshly raised revenues won’t go to California’s school children.
Millions of dollars in new tax revenue earmarked for the University of California system as part of the state’s recently passed Proposition 30 will instead be routed to major financial firms, because of bad bets made by a Wall Street-influenced UC Board of Regents. Proposition 30 was passed last week by California voters in part to stem the tide of perpetual tuition hikes and the rapid decline of public higher education in the state. But because of the Regents’ predilection for gambling with student tuition money, much of that new tax revenue will be routed away from tuition relief and...
The federal government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes monthly tallies for the employment-population ratio. That stat shows something rather straightforward: Among those who are living in America and are free to pursue employment, what percentage are employed? (The bureau excludes those who are under 16 years old, are active-duty military, or are — in the bureau’s own words — “inmates of institutions (for example, penal and mental facilities, homes for the aged),” from its tallies.) Over the past quarter of a century (a total of 300 months), dating back to May 1987 and the Reagan administration, here are the 30...
Did you see Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on 60 Minutes the other night? Bernanke portrayed the Federal Reserve as the great protector of the U.S. economy, he claimed that unemployment would be 15 percent higher if the Federal Reserve had sat back and done nothing during the financial crisis and he even started laying the groundwork for a third round of quantitative easing. Unfortunately, 60 Minutes did not ask Bernanke any hard questions and did not challenge him on his past record. It was almost as if they considered Bernanke to be above criticism. But someone in the mainstream...