Uncle Miltie
Since Nov 25, 1999

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I’m a Jew to non-Jews. I practiced hard for 25 years, kept kosher, attended 5 synagogues ending with Chabad, read Torah cover to cover, celebrated the holidays and Shabbat every week, raised a very Jewish daughter who married a Jewish gentleman and have a Jewish granddaughter, assisted the IDF 5 weeks this year in Israel on base, believe and think like a Jew. When I was explaining to my second wife after 12 years how Judaism requires a specific thorough conversion process that I haven’t done, and that I was therefore not Jew to Jews, she said, “Wait! So you’re not actually Jewish?” Had her fooled, I guess.

So to a goy, I’m Jewish. To me, I’m Jewish. To a Jew and the Israeli government, I’m not Jewish. To a jihadi, I’m Jewish enough to murder. I know all this and I’m very comfortable with where I stand.

So there ya go there then now, eh?

Sadly, it's time to start the Anti-Semite Hall of Shame. Here we go!


"Israel will just have to ... kill more Christians” - FR's own "nitzy"


"Unfortunately 95% of the site is zionist"

12/18/2024, 6:46:55 AM by wastedyears

And, about 50% of wasted years posts find a way to indict Jews, and nobody else to speak of, including libs.


It’s now my eternal pleasure to make the allahu akhbar chorus ham ass cheerleader “hardspunned” eat the following words: ​

"Hah! I knew it. You’re chickening out now. Look, you can still do your part as planned. Go to Dearborn, sneak into a hospital, find an infant and slap her around. That ought to get you off.

When are YOU leaving? You were making yourself out to be the big brave Zionist defender of the women and children threat to Israel when the wholesale massacre of innocents was going strong. When? We know you are all about fighting “Muslim pussies”, WOMEN. When?

When are you going to Gaza, as promised, to get hands on some genocide? Pretty soon you child murderers will have to fight through real fighters to kill women and children. I know you’re not man enough to do that. When?"


FReeper "I got the rope":

"Deep state = dual citizenship jews in our government"

"We now know that most slave owners were jewish."

"Why doesn’t he say why he got his ass beat. Say it. What were they (the Jews) chanting and what were they doing why they walked the streets of Amsterdam."

"Sick of these dual citizenship jews holding office or running parts of our government. How about we end this nonsense once and for all."

"Surprise surprise. Another jew commie"

"Jews have tried to destroy Christianity and Christianity countries."

"Because Muslims are just another type of jew."

"It’s jews that hate Christians."



Do many successive generations of cousin marriage in closely related tribal or clan groups cause substantially increased rates of birth defects and cognitive impairment?

ChatGPT said:

Yes, successive generations of cousin marriages within closely related tribal or clan groups can potentially lead to increased rates of birth defects and cognitive impairments, especially if the population is isolated and the gene pool becomes more limited over time.

When cousins marry over multiple generations, the genetic diversity within a group tends to decrease, which increases the probability that recessive genetic disorders will be inherited. Recessive conditions require two copies of the defective gene (one from each parent) to be expressed. In populations where cousin marriage is frequent and generations of intermarriage occur, harmful genetic traits can become more common in the gene pool, leading to an increased likelihood of these conditions manifesting in offspring.

Some of the potential outcomes include:

Increased Birth Defects: The risk of birth defects can rise due to the higher chance of inheriting autosomal recessive genetic disorders (conditions that need two copies of a faulty gene to be expressed).

Cognitive Impairments: Certain genetic disorders linked to cognitive impairments, such as developmental delays, intellectual disabilities, and other neurodevelopmental disorders, are more likely to appear in the offspring of cousin marriages, particularly when such conditions are more common in the family lineage.

Genetic Bottleneck: Over generations, as genetic diversity narrows, harmful mutations can accumulate, increasing the likelihood of serious health issues. This is known as the "founder effect" or genetic bottleneck, where certain traits (including harmful ones) are overrepresented in the population.

Inbreeding Depression: Over time, successive cousin marriages can lead to inbreeding depression, where the overall fitness of the population (in terms of health and reproduction) decreases. This can manifest in lower fertility rates, increased infant mortality, and higher rates of various genetic disorders.

The Scale of the Effect

The severity of these effects depends on several factors:

Frequency of cousin marriage: The more frequent the cousin marriages, the higher the chances of genetic problems appearing over time.Genetic isolation: In small, isolated populations or communities where cousin marriage is common, the risks are higher compared to more genetically diverse populations.Pre-existing genetic conditions: If there are already genetic disorders in the family or community, the risks are further compounded.Environmental factors: Nutrition, prenatal care, healthcare access, and overall lifestyle also influence the outcomes of such marriages.Examples

In certain isolated communities or rural areas where cousin marriage is prevalent (such as some regions in the Middle East, South Asia, and parts of Europe), studies have shown an increase in rates of birth defects, hereditary diseases, and cognitive impairments compared to populations where cousin marriage is less common. However, these effects can be mitigated by better healthcare, genetic counseling, and screening for inherited disorders.

In short, while many generations of cousin marriage can increase the risks of birth defects and cognitive impairments, the actual outcomes depend on genetic factors, the degree of relatedness within the community, and access to healthcare and genetic counseling.

ChatGPT can make mistakes.



From this we can conclude that muslims marrying their cousins generation after generation has made them stupid. In other words, INBRED IGNORAMUSES.

More antisemitism:

"Oh great. Another jew wants a land grab. Next thing they will do is have their NGOs flood it with third world free loaders.

6 posted on 1/24/2025, 7:25:59 PM by I got the rope"


"Tired of the synagogue of satan yet? Jews protecting jews. Elon is unmasking them all. Rather than say deep state. Say who it really is."

44 posted on 2/8/2025, 4:23:15 PM by I got the rope
