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Keyword: flee

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  • Worried migrants flee NYC shelters as Trump ICE raids loom: ‘It is better to leave before’

    01/20/2025 1:55:54 AM PST · by Libloather · 32 replies
    NY Post ^ | 1/19/25 | Kevin Sheehan, Melanie Marich, Jorge Fitz-Gibbon
    They’re getting out of Dodge. Migrants shacked up at Big Apple shelters are jittery over promised ICE raids on the eve of Donald Trump’s inauguration Monday — and many are ditching their tax-funded digs to duck deportation. “It is better to leave before,” Venezuelan migrant Kervin Nava, 31, said outside a Long Island City shelter Sunday. “I am making arrangements, somewhere else.” One Manhattan migrant who asked to be identified only as Rafael said the fear has gripped his shelter. “It’s in God’s hands, but there are people who have started leaving the hotels because they’re scared,” he told The...
  • ‘This town is dead’: Haitian migrants flee Ohio amid Trump deportation threat

    01/04/2025 11:13:30 AM PST · by Libloather · 41 replies
    The Telegraph via Yahoo ^ | 1/04/25 | Benedict Smith
    A message circulating on a Haitian WhatsApp group in Springfield, Ohio, lists the best destinations for those fleeing the town in the wake of Donald Trump’s election win. All of them are states run by Democrats who could provide sanctuary for Haitians worried about being deported following Mr Trump’s election victory: New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Vermont, Massachusetts and California. It is believed that thousands have left for those states in the weeks after polling day. More of Ohio’s sizeable Haitian population is preparing to follow. Springfield has had an uneasy time in the political spotlight since Mr Trump declared,...
  • Top Story at the Washington Post Today Advises Liberals on How to Move to Another Country

    11/12/2024 7:07:21 AM PST · by dynachrome · 46 replies
    Gateway Pundit ^ | 11-11-24 | Mike LaChance
    The liberal Washington Post is out with a story today about how to leave the United States and live in another country. It’s one of their top stories for today. As the Gateway Pundit recently pointed out, we have been down this road before, but the people who claim they want to leave rarely follow through and actually do it in the end. Threatening to leave the country because Trump won the presidency seems to be some sort of rite of passage on the left. The most read story on the Washington Post right now is a how to guide...
  • Californians reportedly preparing to flee country pending election results

    11/06/2024 12:19:24 PM PST · by ChicagoConservative27 · 4 replies
    NY Post ^ | 11/06/2024 | Kristine Parks, Fox News
    A new report highlighted a growing number of Americans, and particularly Californians, who are planning to move overseas because they are “fed up” with the divisiveness of US politics. The Los Angeles Times spoke to global migration experts who’ve documented a spike in the number of Americans seeking to move out of the country since 2020, with many of them being California residents. The number of requests this election year has already exceeded last year, global firm Henley & Partners said. The consultant company helps clients obtain residency and citizenship in other countries and said that about 80% of their...
  • Keith Olbermann Tells Trump to ‘Flee’ While Pushing Assassination Attempt Conspiracy Theories

    07/22/2024 1:59:33 PM PDT · by ChicagoConservative27 · 26 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 07/22/2024 | WARNER TODD HUSTON
    Keith Olbermann, who has been hired and fired repeatedly over the years for his unsuitable behavior, is still on X pushing BluAnon conspiracy theories that claim Trump wasn’t shot on July 13. The ex-ESPN personality has pushed out one X post after another, claiming there is “no evidence” that Donald Trump was the target of an assassination attempt, according to Fox News. On Sunday, the distempered sports man even advised Donald Trump to “flee,” for some reason. Advice to Trump: Flee. Now. — Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) July 22, 2024
  • Half of all New Yorkers will flee city in next 5 years as quality of life plummets post-pandemic: poll

    03/19/2024 12:38:36 PM PDT · by ChicagoConservative27 · 42 replies
    NY Post ^ | 03/19/2024 | Jesse O’Neill
    Just half of all New Yorkers plan to stay in the city over the next five years, and anger over quality of life has skyrocketed since the pandemic — with just 30% saying they’re happy here, according to a damning poll from the The Citizens Budget Commission. The non-profit think tank’s first such post-pandemic survey, released Tuesday, also found that only 37% of New Yorkers thought public safety in their neighborhood was excellent or good, down from 50% six years ago. When asked if they planned to stay in the Big Apple until 2028, only 50% of those surveyed said...
  • German Government Expects 10 Million Migrants to Flee Ukraine if Russia Wins War: Report

    02/12/2024 5:44:53 AM PST · by ChicagoConservative27 · 12 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 02/12/2024 | KURT ZINDULKA
    The German government believes if Ukraine loses the war with Russia, a mass exodus of up to ten million migrants will flee the country, particularly into Germany, where the asylum system is already cracking under the pressure of the past decade of open borders policies. Berlin is expecting that approximately ten million more people would leave the country in the event of a Russian victory, with the vast majority heading towards countries in Western Europe, a newspaper report citing parliamentary and security services sources claims.
  • NY’s soft-on-crime madness peaks with migrants beating cops, getting let go, and fleeing the state

    02/02/2024 5:48:42 PM PST · by Libloather · 4 replies
    NY Post ^ | 2/02/24 | Bob McManus
    Four border-busting thugs are freed without bail after kicking two cops around Times Square, and they promptly go into the wind. What a surprise. Who would have dreamed that cop-fighters with no jobs, no community ties - and thus no reason to hang around to face criminal charges that could send them to prison for years - would choose to bolt? Which is what Venezuelan “asylum-seekers” Darwin Gomes, 19; Kelvin Arocha, 19; Wilson Jurez, 21, and Yorman Reveron, 24, seem to have done. They weren’t the only border-busters involved in Saturday night’s West 42nd Street cop beat-down — there were...
  • Hunter Biden worried he'll have to flee the country if Trump wins in 2024: Report

    12/14/2023 6:40:48 PM PST · by bitt · 54 replies
    FOXNEWS ^ | 12/14/2023 | Gabriel Hays
    Younger Biden recently refused to comply with congressional subpoena, holding press conference in Washington D.C. A new report detailing Hunter Biden’s legal troubles revealed that President Biden's son is worried about his fate if former President Trump returns to the White House. Politico’s Jonathan Lemire reported Wednesday that the younger Biden may be forced to leave the U.S. if Trump is re-elected, amid Republican lawmakers’ investigations into him. The piece stated, "Hunter Biden knows he is in the political crosshairs. In recent conversations with family friends, he has worried that he might have to flee the country if Trump were...
  • Migrants Flee Chicago, Say It's Worse Than Haiti and Venezuela.

    11/25/2023 1:20:06 PM PST · by Rusty0604 · 47 replies
    YouTube ^ | 11/24/2023 | Nate the !awyer
    Migrants not happy in Chicago.
  • Chicago is so unpleasant migrants are fleeing BACK to Venezuela after being dumped in shelters and refused jobs, with 20,700 border crossers so-far bused to Dem-run 'sanctuary city'

    11/12/2023 8:42:05 AM PST · by Morgana · 37 replies
    Daily Mail UK ^ | November 12, 2023 | Claudia Aoraha
    Chicago has become so unpleasant that migrants are fleeing back to Venezuela after being dumped in shelters and refused better paying jobs. Since August last year, 20,700 migrants have arrived in Chicago from Texas. The Lone Star State's Governor Greg Abbott sent migrants to Chicago and other Democrat-run cities because of their proud status as 'sanctuary cities.' They offer enhanced protection against detention or deportation for undocumented migrants. Now, Illinois' harsh winters, lack of migrant infrastructure, and ambivalent support from locals has made many people, who undertook the harsh US-Mexico border journey, actually turn around and go back home. Venezuela-born...
  • WATCH: Alleged Smash and Grab Thieves Flee When Jewelry Store Employee Opens Fire

    10/10/2023 8:16:02 AM PDT · by ChicagoConservative27 · 24 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 10/10/2023 | AWR HAWKINS
    Alleged smash and grab thieves fled the premises of a Manhattan Beach, California, jewelry store around lunchtime after a store employee pulled a gun and opened fire. Video of the employee shooting at the alleged thieves last Friday was released within the past few hours and published by ABC 7: KTLA reported the same jewelry store was targeted by smash and grab robbers in August 2014, at which time they were able to “[get] away with some $250,000 worth Rolex watches and diamonds.” They were able to get some merchandise during the October 6 robbery as well, but the amount...
  • Ukrainians FLEE Country Amid General Mobilization

    07/01/2023 2:44:08 PM PDT · by ganeemead · 43 replies
    We gotta get outta this place... ...if its the last thing, we evah do....
  • Mayor Eric Adams says Biden’s migrant crisis has ‘destroyed’ NYC

    04/21/2023 1:36:24 PM PDT · by ChicagoConservative27 · 78 replies
    NY Post ^ | 04/21/2023 | Bernadette Hogan and Emily Crane
    Mayor Eric Adams raged on Friday that the ongoing surge of migrants into the Big Apple has “destroyed” the city — as he delivered his most impassioned plea yet to the Biden administration for help dealing with the flow of immigrants into the city. Hizzoner, who earlier this week blasted the White House for turning its back on NYC, sounded the alarm on the multibillion-dollar cost to the Big Apple budget during a visit Friday to Washington, DC, where he plans to press the administration for federal aid. “The city is being destroyed by the migrant crisis,” a distressed Adams...
  • Most Democrats Say They’d Flee, Not Fight, a Ukraine-Style Invasion Too many Americans have forgotten the meaning of ‘home of the brave.’

    03/14/2022 10:18:11 AM PDT · by MAGA2017 · 65 replies
    Wall Street Journal ^ | 3/10/22 | Matthew Hennessey
    A liberal is someone too broad-minded to take his own side in a quarrel. That old joke rushed to mind as I read the results this week of a Quinnipiac University survey indicating that, well, it isn’t really a joke. There are more sunshine patriots in our midst than anyone realized. The pollster asked: What would you do if you were in the same position as Ukrainians are now, stay and fight or leave the country? Shockingly, more than half of Democrats (52%) said they would cut and run if the U.S. homeland were invaded. We aren’t talking about women...
  • Poll Finds Republicans And Independents Would Stay and Fight if America Was Invaded, Democrats Say They Would Flee

    03/10/2022 1:25:17 PM PST · by Enlightened1 · 47 replies
    Tim Cast ^ | 03/10/22 | Cassandra Fairbanks
    A new Quinnipiac poll released on Monday found that if America was invaded, Republicans and independents would stay and fight — but the majority of Democrats would flee.Quinnipiac reports, “As the world witnesses what is happening to Ukraine, Americans were asked what they would do if they were in the same position as Ukrainians are now: stay and fight or leave the country?”Overall, a 55 percent majority said they would defend the nation, but there was a sharp partisan divide when you look at the responses by party affiliation.“A majority (55 percent) say they would stay and fight, while 38...
  • 150,000 Refugees Flee Across Europe As Ukrainian Fighting Intensifies

    02/26/2022 4:41:51 PM PST · by blam · 17 replies
    Zubu Brothers ^ | 2-26-2022
    The United Nations estimates 150,000 Ukrainian refugees have crossed into neighboring countries, half of them to Poland, and many to Hungary, Moldova, Romania due to the Russian invasion, and that number could easily be in the millions if the situation worsens. “More than 150,000 Ukrainian refugees have now crossed into neighboring countries, half of them to Poland, and many to Hungary, Moldova, Romania, and beyond,” UN refugee chief Filippo Grandi tweeted on Saturday. More than 150,000 Ukrainian refugees have now crossed into neighbouring countries, half of them to Poland, and many to Hungary, Moldova, Romania and beyond. Displacement in Ukraine...
  • UK to Citizens in Ukraine: Flee, and if You Can’t, ‘Stay Indoors, Away from Windows’

    02/24/2022 11:55:54 AM PST · by ChicagoConservative27 · 10 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 02/23/2022 | Jack Montgomery
    The British government has urged any citizens still in Ukraine to flee if they can or “stay indoors, away from windows” amid a large-scale Russian offensive. Britain’s Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO), helmed by Liz Truss MP, has urged citizens “to leave Ukraine immediately if you judge it is safe to do so” in an update to its official travel advice, but warned that it is “likely that commercial routes out of Ukraine will be severely disrupted and roads across Ukraine could be closed” due to the conflict.
  • Families of US Embassy personnel in Ukraine ordered to begin evacuating as soon as Monday: officials

    01/22/2022 9:07:48 AM PST · by Mariner · 40 replies
    Fox News ^ | Jaznuary 22nd, 2022 | By Lucas Y. Tomlinson
    The State Department has ordered families of U.S. Embassy personnel in Ukraine to begin evacuating the country as soon as Monday, U.S. officials tell Fox News. Next week, the State Department is also expected to encourage Americans to begin leaving Ukraine by commercial flights, "while those are still available," one official said.Moscow has massed tens of thousands of troops at the border with Ukraine, leading to fears of an invasion.
  • Trump to flee Florida heat for New Jersey this summer

    04/26/2021 3:28:13 AM PDT · by blueplum · 17 replies
    NY Post ^ | 24 Apr 2021 | Paula Froelich
    Former President Trump is ditching his Palm Beach club Mar-a-Lago for the summer, hoping to escape the stifling Floridan summer for the cooler climes of his Garden State golf club. Mar-a-Lago closes just after Memorial Day when most Palm Beach residents leave the muggy weather for the Hamptons or Europe, but the weather isn’t the only reason Trump wants to head north for a few months, according to Insider. “They’re moving the whole operation to New Jersey because they’re going to start doing more fundraising,” one Trump advisor told the site. Trump said this week he is “beyond seriously” considering...