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Keyword: 2007

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  • Man who says he accompanied Walz on trip to China calls VP candidate ‘Maoist to the core’

    08/17/2024 3:58:02 PM PDT · by george76 · 37 replies
    Alpha News ^ | August 17, 2024 | Liz Collin
    The former student also told Alpha News that he submitted a report with the House Oversight Committee and spoke to a staffer for Rep. James Comer.. A man who says he joined Tim Walz on a trip to communist China is speaking out about his experience of traveling to the country with the future vice-presidential candidate. “It was almost a daily revelation of how much he adores the communist regime,” the former student told Alpha News. For over a decade, Tim Walz traveled to and from China. First arriving in the country in 1989, Walz taught at a high school...
  • Climate Greenshirts: The Rise of Eco-Fascism

    01/27/2010 6:20:01 AM PST · by RogerFGay · 16 replies · 1,326+ views ^ | January 27, 2010 | Carey Roberts
    I like liberals. In fact I count liberals among my best friends. But when they get peeved, liberals can say the darndest things! I’m not bothered by the progressives’ sky-is-falling predictions or the off-key Mother Earth dirges. But when the environmentalists begin to call for disinformation campaigns, criminal prosecutions, and cold-blooded executions, I say, “Hold on a green minute, fella!” Before proceeding, I’ll give credit where credit is due, to Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma who has documented many of the jackboot tactics on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee website. The first tactic of the Climate Greenshirts...
  • EXCLUSIVE: The Hidden History of Robert Mueller’s Right-Wing Terror Factory—Part 1

    07/01/2024 12:35:00 AM PDT · by CFW · 17 replies
    Headline USA ^ | 6/26/24 | Ken Silva
    In 2007, Orlando residents were furious to discover that an FBI informant had organized a neo-Nazi rally through one of the city’s mostly black neighborhoods a year earlier. “To come into a predominantly black community, which could have resulted in great harm to the black community? I would hate to be part of a game,” Orlando City Councilwoman Daisy Lynum said at the time, calling for a “full-scale investigation” into the matter. However, an FBI agent testified that his informant participated in the event, but didn’t organize it. The city’s uproar passed without a public investigation, full-scale or otherwise—until now....
  • Two Additional Defendants Sentenced for Conspiring to Kill U.S. Soldiers

    04/29/2009 4:41:02 PM PDT · by Cindy · 8 replies · 512+ views
    US - Press Release ^ | April 29, 2009 | n/a
    Note: The following text is a quote: Two Additional Defendants Sentenced for Conspiring to Kill U.S. Soldiers WASHINGTON – The remaining two men convicted of plotting to kill members of the U.S. military during an armed attack on a military base were sentenced today to federal prison terms of life for one defendant and 33 years for the other for conspiring to kill members of the U.S. military, Ralph J. Marra Jr., Acting U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey; David Kris, Assistant Attorney General for National Security; and Janice K. Fedarcyk, Special Agent in Charge of the...
  • Did the 4 Albanian terrorists have connections to Holbrooke, Clark?

    05/09/2007 4:34:42 AM PDT · by dj_animal_2000 · 26 replies · 3,675+ views
    Serbianna ^ | May 8th, 2007 | M. Bozinovich
    Did the 4 Albanian terrorists have connections to Holbrooke, Clark? May 8th, 2007 According to Bloomberg the Kosovo Albanians that were planning to kill as many Americans as possible are: Dritan Duka, 28; Shain Duka, 26; Eljvir Duka, 23. Agron Abdullahu, 24. Bloomberg says that: The Dukas and Abdullahu are ethnic Albanians from the former Yugoslavia [read: Muslim-dominated Kosovo], U.S. officials said. The Duka brothers operated roofing businesses based in Cherry Hill… and Abdullahu worked at a supermarket, according to authorities. Now, the New Jersey is stone throw from New York where the big-dog in the roofing business among the...
  • They Don’t Make Mobsters like Zip Connolly Anymore

    04/23/2023 6:36:26 AM PDT · by billorites · 14 replies
    Howie Carr Show ^ | April 23, 2023 | Howie Carr
    John “Zip” Connolly is apparently one of those hoodlums who cares what his obituary says about him after he’s dead and gone. At age 82, the infamous ex-FBI agent seems obsessed with clearing at least one indelible stain off his remarkably squalid (even by Boston G-man standards) underworld career. He’d prefer not to have “Mob hitman” in the first sentence of his death notice. There’s not much he can do about the racketeering conviction, or all his tawdry connections to the Bulger Crime Family. But “Mob hitman” is a bit much. Sadly, Zip has failed yet again to remove “assassin”...
  • Who runs the American agitprop machine?

    04/28/2024 5:20:27 AM PDT · by MtnClimber · 50 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 28 Apr, 2024 | James Lewis
    “First, conquer the organs of propaganda,” wrote Karl Marx, who was a genius mob agitator and nothing else. Mob agitators were already a kind of specialty in Prussia, Poland, Russia, and Eastern Europe, but Marx wrote the instruction manual, just as Saul Alinsky did in his Rules for Radicals, which became Barack Obama’s manual for political agitators. SNIP About ten years ago, Tucker Carlson helped to expose a radical propaganda internet list called JournoList, a secret Google group of media influencers who made up the headlines for the next day’s news, in places like the New York Times, the Washington...
  • Tutored by the Tragedy of Turkish Democracy (rise of AKP)

    03/08/2017 2:40:54 PM PST · by Texas Fossil · 5 replies
    War on the Rocks ^ | March 7, 2017 | Nick Danforth
    When Turkey’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) came to power in 2002, it generated considerable debate between those who saw its success as a potentially liberalizing force and critics who feared it would ultimately bring the end of Turkish democracy. Depending on who you spoke to, the AKP was poised to turn Turkey into either Sweden or Iran; to finally realize Ataturk’s vision of making the country modern and Western or permanently destroy it.Today, a decade and a half later, the future of Turkish democracy certainly looks grim. With President Recep Tayyip Erdogan now leading a heavy-handed campaign to further...
  • The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

    02/05/2021 5:29:20 AM PST · by MNDude · 49 replies
    That's why the participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream–a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it.“
  • One-on-one with Iran's opposition

    11/07/2007 5:09:25 PM PST · by humint · 1 replies · 100+ views
    Christian Science Monitor ^ | November 7, 2007 | John Hughes
    Provo, Utah - The head of the Iranian opposition group in exile that supplied early intelligence on Iran's clandestine nuclear program says President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has engineered a clever disinformation campaign to convince foreign experts that Iran is eight to 10 years away from developing a nuclear bomb. But in fact, she says, the regime is less than two years away from producing such a weapon, as part of its plan to "create an Iranian empire" in the Middle East. In a wide-ranging weekend telephone conversation from her base of exile in Paris, Maryam Rajavi told me that Mr. Ahmadinejad...
  • 'The West Shouldn't Humiliate Us' (SPIEGEL interview with Putin confidant Vladimir Yakunin)

    10/10/2007 3:53:50 AM PDT · by Argentine-Firecracker · 6 replies · 398+ views
    Spiegel Online ^ | 10/10/2007
    In a SPIEGEL interview, leading Russian politician and potential Putin successor Vladimir Yakunin discusses the president's plans, the Bush administration's "political arrogance" and the need for nations to consider the interests of other countries when defining their own.Vladimir Yakunin, 59, who worked as a diplomat at the Soviet mission to the United Nations in New York and later as the Russian deputy minister of transportation, became the president of the powerful Russian railroad corporation in 2005. He is considered a possible presidential candidate. SPIEGEL: You have known (Russian President) Vladimir Putin for a long time. In fact, you had neighboring...
  • N. Korea: Russia and China Vie for Najin Port(strategically critical port)

    02/01/2007 6:27:21 PM PST · by TigerLikesRooster · 3 replies · 524+ views
    Chosun Ilbo ^ | 02/02/07
    Russia and China Vie for Najin Port Russia is trying to strengthen ties with North Korea, citing a "China threat" in Korea and the Far East. The Gudok, the daily newspaper of Russian Railways, said in an article Tuesday, "If China takes control of Najin port in North Korea, Russia may suffer huge losses in the project to link the TKR (Trans-Korea Railway) and the TSR (Trans-Siberian Railway)." Gudok is published by Vladimir Yakunin, the president and CEO of Russian Railways and one of the closest allies of Russian president Vladimir Putin. Sources say the report can be viewed as...
  • Meet the Would-Be 'Trans' Shooter Who Wanted to Kill 'Transphobes'

    01/18/2024 3:29:15 PM PST · by lightman · 28 replies ^ | 18 January A.D. 2024 | Mia Cathrell
    Last week, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) apprehended a would-be "transgender" shooter who wanted to mass murder "transphobes." However, the FBI didn't swiftly nab the gunman until discovering months later that the "indigenous" suspect, a self-described "Nazi dominatrix," was posting racist, antisemitic content on social media vilifying blacks, Jews, and immigrants. The few media outlets that did cover the arrest also opted to focus on the Nazi flag-waving suspect's white nationalist ideology and downplay his "trans"-fueled bloodlust. Both The Oregonian and CourtWatch referred to the "transgender" as an "Oregon woman." Elizabeth Ballesteros West, formerly Francisco Frank Paramo, of Cottage...
  • Iran’s Revolutionary Guard deployed in Yemen

    01/16/2024 5:09:40 AM PST · by george76 · 24 replies
    Semafor ^ | Jan 15, 2024 | Jay Solomon
    Commanders and advisors from Iran’s elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps are on the ground in Yemen and playing a direct role in Houthi rebel attacks on commercial traffic in the Red Sea. The IRGC has stationed missile and drone trainers and operators in Yemen, as well as personnel providing tactical intelligence support to the Houthis, U.S. and Middle East officials told Semafor. The IRGC, through its overseas Qods Force, has also overseen the transfer to the Houthis of the attack drones, cruise missiles, and medium-range ballistic missiles used in a string of strikes on Red Sea and Israeli targets in...
  • Potential Biden Officials’ Firm Is Promising Big Profits Off Those Connections

    11/30/2020 8:21:24 PM PST · by Beave Meister · 4 replies
    Daily Poster ^ | 11/28/2020 | David Sirota
    Former government officials Tony Blinken, Michele Flournoy & Lloyd Austin may run Biden’s national security agencies — their firm is telling investors it expects to profit off ties to those officials. Two former government officials who may now run President-elect Joe Biden’s national security team have been partners at a private equity firm now promising investors big profits off government business because of its ties to those officials, according to government documents reviewed by The Daily Poster. Pine Island Capital Partners lists former Under Secretary of Defense Michele Flournoy and retired General Lloyd Austin as a partner in the firm,...
  • 2007 FBI Investigation Resurfaces – A Biden Is Clearly Heard on the Tapes (audio and transcript)

    12/18/2023 8:04:21 AM PST · by bitt · 7 replies
    Out of all the topics the Joe Biden White House didn’t want to see in Sunday’s Washington Post, this had to be up there on the list. The capital city’s newspaper of record published recordings Sunday of President Joe Biden’s brother, James, engaged in scoring off his famous last name during the late 1990s. The fact that the recordings were made by FBI investigators couldn’t have made things easier in the Biden household either. The Post article was headlined “James Biden’s dealmaking caught on FBI tapes in unrelated bribery probe,” and just the words alone had to be unsettling at...
  • Bin Laden the Communist

    09/10/2007 10:17:29 AM PDT · by Tailgunner Joe · 10 replies · 845+ views ^ | September 10, 2007 | William M. Arkin
    Since Osama bin Laden made his first appearance in almost three years on Friday, the government and the news media have exhaustively scrutinized his video for clues as to the Saudi terrorist's whereabouts and well-being. ...his message has been dismissed as meaningless psychological warfare and propaganda, put forward in a claim for relevance on the sixth anniversary of September 11. But what bin Laden actually says in his "message from Sheikh Osama bin Laden to the American people" has the potential to be quite revealing. Gone is any mention of Israel, of the Christian and Jewish crusaders, or of the...
  • Pro-Palestine Party Crashers

    11/28/2009 10:47:46 AM PST · by jazminerose · 8 replies · 536+ views ^ | 11/28/2009 | Joy Tiz
    Ostensibly, White House party crashers Tareq Salahi and his wife could facilely be dismissed as another pair of publicity infatuated cretins. Commentators have been quick to compare them to the deranged Balloon Boy parents, desperate for fame at any price. Obamanutz devotes an entire chapter to the putrification of our pop culture that has spawned and enabled this kind of narcissism. Two strangers getting access to the President of the United States is disturbing enough by itself. We were told early on that Salahi is “half Palestinian.” That’s not the half of it. The Salahi’s are deeply in debt as...
  • Ex-FBI Agent Accused Of Security Breach

    11/13/2007 1:40:28 PM PST · by thegreatbeast · 46 replies · 293+ views
    CBS News via Drudge ^ | Nov. 13, 2007 | NA
    A 37-year-old woman who previously worked as an FBI agent and a CIA analyst, pleaded guilty Tuesday to charges involving improper access of information, CBS News has learned. Sources say Nada Nadim Prouty, a Lebanese national and resident of Virginia, entered the United States on a student visa and earned citizenship through a sham marriage.
  • State Dept's Chris "Jong" Hill Spotted at D.C. Airport/Heading to North Korea (JapanTV)

    11/28/2007 2:38:02 AM PST · by AmericanInTokyo · 16 replies · 279+ views
    ANN, JNN, NTV, etc Stream Video News from Japan ^ | 28 November 2007 | AmericanInTokyo (with Japanese TV news sources)
    Top US State Department negotiator Christopher Hill was spotted yesterday at Washington's Dulles International Airport by Japanese TV reporters and crews.When pressed, he indicated that he would be going to "one additional stop" on the way to China from Japan.Later it was confirmed he is going to Pyongyang, North Korea. He will meet his counterpart, Kim Gye Gwan, Kim Jong il's chief negotiator.He will apparantly be in the "Peoples Paradise" between 3-5 December, to work out details facilitating the removal of North Korea from the US Government's list of "Terrorist Countries", which is expected within the next few weeks...