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Keyword: moussaoui

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  • Al-Qaida video shows alleged 20th hijacker

    06/21/2006 3:23:29 AM PDT · by edpc · 4 replies · 461+ views
    AP (via Yahoo!) ^ | June 21, 2006 | KATHERINE SHRADER
    WASHINGTON - Al-Qaida has identified a would-be 20th hijacker for the Sept. 11 attacks as a Saudi operative who was killed in a 2004 shootout with his country's security forces. In a statement accompanying a new video, the terrorist network's propaganda arm identified Fawaz al-Nashimi, also known as Turki bin Fuheid al-Muteiry, as the operative who would have rounded out a team that ultimately took over United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed into a Pennsylvania field before reaching its intended target. A 54-minute video featuring al-Nashimi was obtained Tuesday by IntelCenter, a U.S. government contractor based in Virginia. U.S counterterrorism...

    01/10/2004 2:41:14 AM PST · by kattracks · 20 replies · 311+ views
    New York Post ^ | 1/10/04 | NILES LATHEM
    <p>WASHINGTON - U.S. intelligence agencies have launched a worldwide manhunt for al Qaeda's master bombmaker, who may be building a "dirty" bomb and other new devices for terror attacks inside the United States, sources said.</p> <p>U.S. counterterrorism officials told The Post it was new information about the activities of Egyptian-born bomb maker Midhat Mursi, in part, that led the Bush administration to secretly dispatch Department of Energy radiological detection teams to New York and four other cities over New Year's Eve.</p>
  • Remembering 9/11: The plot nearly unraveled in Minnesota

    09/10/2021 10:30:46 AM PDT · by ButThreeLeftsDo · 25 replies ^ | 9/9/2021 | Tom Hauser
    The terrorist attacks on 9/11 impacted every single person in the United States and most people around the world. To this day, those terrorist attacks impact how we travel and our overall sense of security. All this week on "Nightcast" at 10 p.m., Chief Political Reporter Tom Hauser will look at various aspects of those attacks from a Minnesota perspective. We started on Tuesday with how 9/11 unfolded in Minnesota. On Wednesday, KSTP talked to relatives of victims of 9/11 about how their families and others are honoring their loved ones. On Thursday, we heard from a flight instructor and...
  • Seems legit...FISA chat at the WH maybe?

    01/26/2018 4:47:00 PM PST · by mojito · 33 replies
    Katica on Twitter ^ | 1/26/2018 | Katica
    Hey @maggieNYT I heard you need investigative material. I revealed this in DEC. April 13, 2016 Robert Mueller: S.C. Aaron Zebley - Justin Cooper's (Hillary's IT guy) atty Stefanie Osburn - Obama's Exec Dir Intelligence Advisory Board
  • Moore interviewed Berg for "Fahrenheit" [index to thread at reply #1859]

    05/27/2004 9:26:51 PM PDT · by Rennes Templar · 2,047 replies · 6,258+ views ^ | May 27, 2004 | Rebecca Traister
    May 27, 2004 | Filmmaker Michael Moore filmed an interview with American Nicholas Berg in the course of producing his documentary film "Fahrenheit 9/11" before Berg left for Iraq, where he was taken hostage and killed, Moore confirmed to Salon in a statement Thursday. The 20 minutes of footage does not appear in the final version of "Fahrenheit 911," according to the statement. Word of the footage reached Salon through a source unaffiliated with Moore or his film "Fahrenheit 9/11," which is reported to feature stark images of U.S. civilians and soldiers grappling with conditions in war-torn Iraq, as well...
  • Moderate Muslims are ‘Uncle Toms,’ said Muslim set to be London mayor

    05/06/2016 8:09:15 AM PDT · by Behind Liberal Lines · 88 replies
    © 2016 NYP HOLDINGS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ^ | May 6, 2016 | 9:35am | Victoria Craw
    In London, Labour’s Sadiq Khan is favored to beat Conservative multimillionaire environmentalist Zac Goldsmith in the race to run the English capital... Khan has taken heat for calling moderate Muslims “Uncle Toms,” the website Heat Street reports. Heat Street’s also detailed his links to Zacarias Moussaoui, who pleaded guilty to conspiring to kill US citizens as part of the Sept. 11 attacks.
  • Al-Qaeda chief commits suicide in Libyan prison, report says

    05/11/2009 11:54:49 PM PDT · by bruinbirdman · 33 replies · 1,102+ views
    The Telegraph ^ | 5/11/2009 | Duncan Gardham
    Ibn al-Sheikh al-Libi, whose real name was Ali Mohammed al-Fakheri, 46, took his own life in his prison cell, according to the Libyan newspaper Oea. Information gained from the interrogation of al-Libi was cited on several occasions by the Bush administration as justification for the war in Iraq. He told his CIA interrogators that al-Qaeda had sent two men to Iraq to seek training in chemical and biological weapons in December 2000. Classified documents added that the men did not return, so al-Libi did not know whether the training took place, and that, in any case, he was probably "intentionally...
  • New Allegations Renew Old Questions About Saudi Arabia, 9-11

    02/07/2015 5:35:00 PM PST · by Enlightened1 · 31 replies
    AP via ABC News ^ | February 7, 2015, 8:25 AM ET | KEN DILANIAN AP Intelligence Writer
    Lynch said the classified 28 pages, which are drawn from intelligence collection and FBI investigations, "are consistent" with Moussaoui's testimony. The New York lawsuit argues that Saudi rulers were playing a double game in the years before the attacks, expelling Osama bin Laden and declaring opposition to al-Qaida, while secretly funding it to assuage the kingdom's religious conservatives. Moussaoui, in testimony from a supermax prison in Florence, Colorado, told plaintiff lawyers it was "an absolute lie" that Saudi Arabia severed its ties with bin Laden and al-Qaida in 1994. "This is a complete misleading ... assumption of people who are...
  • Scandal Rocks Fox News Over Saudi Terror Link

    02/06/2015 9:39:58 PM PST · by Rusty0604 · 37 replies
    The Counter Jihad Report ^ | 02/06/2015 | Cliff Kincaid
    Fox News Correspondent James Rosen reported on Wednesday night that a “major investor in the parent company” of Fox News has been implicated in financing the terrorist group al-Qaeda. Rosen made the embarrassing disclosure in a story on the channel’s “Special Report” show hosted by Bret Baier. The alleged al-Qaeda financier, Saudi billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, is a very close friend of Rupert Murdoch and his family, who control major media companies like News Corp and 21st Century Fox. The latter is now the parent company of the Fox News Channel. Fox News is to be congratulated for reporting...
  • (20th hijacker) Moussaoui Calls Saudi Princes Patrons of Al Qaeda

    02/03/2015 7:14:03 PM PST · by Tea Party Terrorist · 15 replies
    The New York Times ^ | 2-3-2015 | SCOTT SHANE
    WASHINGTON — In highly unusual testimony inside the federal supermax prison, a former operative for Al Qaeda has described prominent members of Saudi Arabia’s royal family as major donors to the terrorist network in the late 1990s and claimed that he discussed a plan to shoot down Air Force One with a Stinger missile with a staff member at the Saudi Embassy in Washington.... There has long been evidence that wealthy Saudis provided support for bin Laden, the son of a Saudi construction magnate, and Al Qaeda before the 2001 attacks.
  • Former al Qaeda operative freed, sent home to Qatar

    01/21/2015 2:34:43 AM PST · by Brad from Tennessee · 10 replies
    Long War Journal ^ | January 20, 2015 | By David Weinberg
    Ali Saleh Kahlah al Marri, an admitted former al Qaeda operative, has been released from a American jail and permitted to return home to Qatar. No formal statement has been released yet by either government, but it is being reported that al Marri's release was the result of a bilateral agreement between the Qatari and American governments. According to the US Bureau of Prisons, a prisoner with the same name and estimated age (ID number 12194-026) was freed on Friday. Additionally, a source from al Marri's family told the Qatari press he was recently released and arrived in Doha Saturday....
  • About that L.A. terror plot... (DiChiFi admits "I have no way of knowing whether it did or not," )

    02/11/2006 9:50:49 AM PST · by NormsRevenge · 15 replies · 587+ views
    LA Daily News ^ | 2/11/06 | Lisa Friedman
    WASHINGTON - California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a top member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said she has no information to support White House claims that its secret wiretapping helped thwart a 2002 Los Angeles terrorist attack. President George W. Bush implied in a speech Thursday that information gleaned from the wiretaps helped foil an al-Qaida plot to crash a commercial jetliner into the US Bank Tower. But after a closed-door briefing, Feinstein said she'd heard nothing to indicate a wiretap played any part in foiling the plot. "I have no way of knowing whether it did or not," Feinstein said....
  • Officials: Malaysian pulled out of L.A. terror plot after seeing 9/11 carnage

    02/10/2006 9:48:51 AM PST · by NormsRevenge · 13 replies · 804+ views
    ap on San Diego Union Tribune ^ | 2/10/06 | Sean Yoong - ap
    KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia – A Malaysian recruited by al-Qaeda to pilot a plane in a second wave of Sept. 11-style attacks on the United States pulled out after observing the carnage of the 2001 assaults, Southeast Asian officials said Friday. President Bush on Thursday outlined details of an alleged plot to hijack an airliner and fly it into a skyscraper in Los Angeles. He said cooperation between Washington and several Asian countries helped expose it. The plan never appeared close to the stage where it could be put into execution. Scores of arrests in the aftermath of the Sept. 11,...
  • '20th hijacker' seeks transfer to Guantanamo

    12/10/2014 9:53:40 AM PST · by aimhigh · 10 replies ^ | 12/10/2014 | Curt Anderson
    An imprisoned man known as the "20th hijacker" in the 9/11 terror attacks is asking a South Florida federal judge for a transfer to the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The request is part of a rambling, handwritten letter filed Wednesday in Miami federal court by Zacarias Moussaoui. He is serving a life prison sentence after pleading guilty in 2005 to conspiring with the Sept. 11 hijackers to kill Americans.
  • Mueller on anthrax,

    07/19/2008 3:41:59 PM PDT · by ZACKandPOOK · 10 replies · 232+ views
    ABCNews ^ | July 19, 2008
    I never give time frames, because you never know where you'll have sufficient evidence to go public with a prosecution, " Mueller said.
  • Holder's ignorance of terrorism: The attorney general is mistaking terrorists for common criminals

    02/04/2010 7:26:06 PM PST · by Abakumov · 10 replies · 346+ views
    The Washington Times ^ | February 5, 2010 | Editorial
    Mr. Holder cited Zacarias Moussaoui as an example of a successful terrorism prosecution, ironically choosing the worst possible example to make his case. Moussaoui could be the poster child for the perils of Mr. Holder's preferred policies. In 2001, FBI agents suspected that Moussaoui was involved in a terrorist plot but could not arrest him because they could not prove he had done anything illegal. He finally was detained in August 2001 on immigration charges. Over the next few weeks, FBI agent Harry Samit sent 70 messages to superiors warning that Moussaoui was a dangerous terrorist who probably was involved...
  • US court rejects Zacarias Moussaoui's appeal

    01/04/2010 4:43:24 PM PST · by ButThreeLeftsDo · 4 replies · 320+ views ^ | 1/4/10 | STEVE SZKOTAK , Associated Press
    RICHMOND, Va. - A federal appeals court on Monday upheld the conviction of Zacarias Moussaoui, the only person to stand trial in a U.S. court in the Sept. 11 attacks, rejecting arguments that he was denied access to evidence and the right to choose his own attorney. Moussaoui, 41, is serving life in a federal prison in Colorado, after pleading guilty to helping plan the attacks. Since his sentencing, he has said he lied when testifying that he plotted to hijack a fifth jetliner on Sept. 11, 2001. A three-judge panel of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously...
  • The case against military tribunals

    12/01/2009 5:09:17 PM PST · by La Enchiladita · 5 replies · 398+ views
    Los Angeles Times ^ | 11/29/09 | Andrew P. Napolitano
    In the uproar caused by Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr.'s announcement that the alleged planners of the 9/11 attacks are to be tried in U.S. District Court in New York City, and the suspects in the attack on the U.S. destroyer Cole will go on trial before military tribunals at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the public discourse has lost sight of the fundamental principles that guide the government when it makes such decisions. Unfortunately, the government has lost sight of the principles as well. When President George W. Bush spoke to Congress shortly after 9/11, he did not ask for...
  • Death penalty in 9/11 trials may be difficult

    11/30/2009 11:18:48 AM PST · by Free ThinkerNY · 12 replies · 528+ views ^ | Nov. 30, 2009 | David G. Savage
    Reporting from Washington - After Zacarias Moussaoui -- the accused "20th hijacker" in the Sept. 11 attacks -- was sentenced to life in prison in 2006 because one juror in Virginia refused to agree to the death penalty, Moussaoui clapped his hands and called out, "America, you lost and I won." Now the Obama administration plans to seek a death sentence for Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the self-proclaimed Sept. 11 mastermind. Some legal experts say President Obama was overly confident when he predicted that critics of trying Mohammed in a federal courtroom in Manhattan would be silenced "when the death penalty...
  • Eric Holder's Horrible Hearing: The Obama plan to try KSM in New York bombs on Capitol Hill

    11/22/2009 5:34:30 AM PST · by reaganaut1 · 37 replies · 1,690+ views
    Weekly Standard ^ | November 30, 2009 (print) | Mary Katharine Ham
    ... [Geraldine Davie] joined 12 other 9/11 family members at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the Obama administration's decision to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) and four other 9/11 planners not as enemy combatants and war criminals before a military commission, but as civilians in federal court in New York City. They brought with them more than 100,000 signatures gathered by three 9/11 and national security,, and (on whose board this magazine's editor serves). Holder spoke of the trials as a correction of Bush-era delays and an overdue attempt to seek justice for the victims of...