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Secret Handshake
FreeRepublic ^ | Saturday, March 6, 2004 A.D. | SunkenCiv

Posted on 03/06/2004 12:43:01 PM PST by SunkenCiv

I'd been here a couple of months, and had begun to worry about handling all the threads. Sooooo, today I grabbed all of the pages by source, grabbed the tables of links to posts to and from me, and sorted them (the easy way, well, as easy as it gets) alpha instead of chrono.

Please, don't tell me that there's a way to do that automatically, or my brain will hurt.

TOPICS: Chit/Chat; Dimensional Doorway; Freeoples
KEYWORDS: alphabet; antikythera; antikytheramechanism; davidrohl; godsgravesglyphs; greece; hugevanity; orderly; pickles; rohl; smooch; socks; sunkenciv; wtf
Navigation: use the links below to view more comments.
first previous 1-20 ... 41-6061-8081-100 ... 221-238 next last

pingin' me

61 posted on 06/20/2004 9:46:37 PM PDT by SunkenCiv (Unlike some people, I have a profile. Okay, maybe it's a little large...)
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To: All
recent threads:
62 posted on 06/26/2004 9:42:29 PM PDT by SunkenCiv (Unlike some people, I have a profile. Okay, maybe it's a little large...)
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To: ValerieUSA
More recent posts (alpha order):
63 posted on 07/27/2004 10:03:30 AM PDT by SunkenCiv (Unlike some people, I have a profile. Okay, maybe it's a little large...)
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To: SunkenCiv

You need *smooching* civ, yes, that starts with "s" ... do you have to work yourself up to smooching mode alphabetically?
Let's see you try......

64 posted on 07/27/2004 10:20:25 AM PDT by ValerieUSA
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To: ValerieUSA
:') No, I take those as they come in...
65 posted on 07/27/2004 11:03:59 PM PDT by SunkenCiv (Unlike some people, I have a profile. Okay, maybe it's a little large...)
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To: PAR35

Or the Mother of all Opuses, or is that Opii?

66 posted on 10/19/2004 12:45:00 AM PDT by BigSkyFreeper (Real gun control is - all shots inside the ten ring)
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To: vannrox
I did this long after you'd done the same thing, but hadn't seen yours until a month or so ago, only use this one topic to do mine, and I'm way behind on it... but figured, of all people, you'd understand. ;')
I started it: Abydos Royal Enclosures
I started it: Ads Raise Hackles In 4th District Fight
I started it: Ancient Germans weren't so fair
I started it: Annan sequitur
I started it: The Antikythera Mechanism: Physical and Intellectual Salvage from the 1st Century B.C.
I started it: The Antiquity of Man in America
I started it: Archaeologist's dig reveals solution to ancient riddle of lost Roman town
I started it: Archaeology Team Helps Find Oldest Deep-Sea Shipwrecks
I started it: An Argument for the Cometary Origin of the Biosphere
I started it: The Black Knight from Space
I started it: Books, Magazines, Movies, Music
I started it: "Bosenova" -- Implosion and explosion of a Bose-Einstein condensate
I started it: Boston Bakes Beans: The world puzzles over the Democratic convention
I started it: Burial complex of Mentuhotep II
I started it: Bush's commander, dad wrote each other
I started it: Calvin to show Petra exhibit
I started it: Camisea Pipeline Unearths Ancient Peru Relics
I started it: Cannon goes missing during Syrian pullout
I started it: A Celestial Collision
I started it: Chris Matthews Continues Slide Toward Bottom
I started it: City in the Clouds (Sagalassos, ancient city in Turkey)
I started it: Country Stars Push Vote Campaign
I started it: Dating Early Man in the Americas
I started it: Deepest Wreck
I started it: Democratic Debacle (1964 convention, repercussions today)
I started it: Did the First Americans Come From, Er, Australia?
I started it: Early volcano victims discovered
I started it: The Egg Island theory (Where Did Columbus Make Landfall?)
I started it: The Eltanin Impact Crater
I started it: Emperor Aurelian (Lucius Domitius Aurelianus)
I started it: Ethnic Groups in Philistia
I started it: Etruscan Engineering and Agricultural Achievements: The Ancient City of Spina
I started it: EU irked by Turkish adultery law
I started it: EU Pushes for U.N. Sanctions Against Sudan
I started it: EU Rebuff Would Affect Ties With Turkey: Turkish PM
I started it: First Americans - Homo Erectus in America
I started it: First Mariners
I started it: Franchthi Excavations: 17,000 Years of Greek Prehistory
I started it: From Hand-drag to Jumbo: A Millennium of Dredging
I started it: Giant asteroid rocked Antarctica
I started it: Gods, Graves, Glyphs (alpha order)
I started it: Herodotus' History
I started it: High oil prices hurt OPEC's influence
I started it: How Long Will the Oil Age Last?
I started it: In the shadow of the Moon
I started it: Inscription in Carian and Greek
I started it: Iranian president postpones Turkey visit
I started it: The Kadakkarapally Boat: An Ancient Sailing Barge in India
I started it: Kerry opposes driver's licenses for illegal immigrants
I started it: Kerry's 'northern exposure'
I started it: Latin Course Stage 6 (Pompeii Slave Girl)
I started it: Latin the Easy Way
I started it: Lawless in Gaza
I started it: Malta's Magnificent Hypogeum
I started it: Mindell has role in ancient shipwreck discovery
I started it: Minister unwilling to blame Chechens
I started it: Minor Political Parties
I started it: Muslim Initiative
I started it: Myth of the Hunter-Gatherer
I started it: National Geographic Explorer covers "female resistance in Gaza"
I started it: Nestorian Tablet in China
I started it: Nestorian Tablet in China
I started it: New Dating For Wat's Dyke
I started it: New Ice-Core Evidence Challenges the 1620s age for the Santorini (Minoan) Eruption
I started it: Non-Attic Characters
I started it: Ogham alphabet
I started it: Palestinians 'made millions' selling cheap cement for barrier they bitterly oppose
I started it: The Peekskill Fireball (October 9, 1992)
I started it: Police: Wedding guests eat victim
I started it: The Porticello Wreck: A 5th Century B.C. Merchantman in Italy
I started it: Quarry, Setting and Team Marks: The Carian Connection
I started it: Quest for the Phoenicians (National Geographic special)
I started it: Quiet Riot: The lame protests of the Democratic Convention
I started it: Rare coin find stuns historians
I started it: Republican Party's Diminishing Strength in NY
I started it: Retracing the footprints of time
I started it: The Romans in Ireland
I started it: Roman roads in Britain
I started it: Romans in Brazil During the Second or Third Century?
I started it: Romans in China?
I started it: SC Members Deny Receiving Favors from Saddam Hussein
I started it: Secret Handshake
I started it: The Shipwreck at Assarca Island, Eritrea
I started it: Shocked Quartz from Chesapeake Asteroid
I started it: Sifting for Clues at W.Md. Dig
I started it: The Skeleton in Armor
I started it: Small Comets and Our Origins
I started it: Smenkhkhare, the Hittite Pharaoh
I started it: The Solutrean Solution--Did Some Ancient Americans Come from Europe?
I started it: Split Between English and Scots Older Than Thought
I started it: 'Status' drives extinction of languages
I started it: Strand of Ancient Yarn Suggests Early European Presence in Canada
I started it: Swallowed by the Sands
I started it: T.R.N.C. Called Turkish Cypriot State
I started it: Turkey Concert Blast Injures at Least 14
I started it: Two-Faced "Progressive" Democrats: One message in private, another in public
I started it: Under U.N. pressure, Syria removing troops in Lebanon
I started it: Vanunu tells Australian radio: Israeli nukes unjustified
I started it: Vast and Deadly Fleets May Yield Secrets at Last
I started it: The Voyage around the Erythraean Sea
I started it: Viking burial ground dispels myth of longship marauders
I started it: Was There a Trojan War?
I started it: When the Days Were Shorter
I started it: Why Turkish business needs the EU
9/11 -- Plane Crashes into World Trade Center
Aladdin Mac
Aladdin PC
Alleged "Global Warming" Alert
Ancient Site in Newfoundland Offers Clues to Vikings in America
Another Global Warming Theory Discredited
Answers for Anti-Israeli, anti-Jewish Propaganda
Astronomers unravel a mystery of the Dark Ages
A baby dragon, or a bad joke?
Be heard against homicide/suicide bombings
'Boiling Point': Who's to Blame for Global Warming?
Big Chill Killed Off The Neanderthals
Books, Magazines, Movies, Music
Can't Find It? The update to information for freepers
Case Against Scientifically Honest Bjorn Lomborg Dismissed
Cataclysmic Global-Warming Prediction Could Have Been Released on April 1st
Catastrophic event preceded Dark Ages - scientist
Citizens United
computer questions: ethernet, spyware, viruses
Did hardy Ice Age hunters find the West?
Did the Vikings Stay? Vatican Files May Offer Clues (1)
Did the Vikings Stay? Vatican Files May Offer Clues (2)
Eating our own...Time to make a new start in Free Republic.
Electoral Vote Predictor 2004
Excerpt okay, or Link only?
Finish the X-33
FR worldwide location links
Free Republic "Bump List" Register
FreeMail SunkenCiv
Freeper Views on Origins
French nutritionists give Big Mac seal of approval
Frosty Blast of Reality for the 'Global Warming' Crowd
Genesis correctly predicts Y-Chromosome pattern
Geologist rebuts claim of forged Jesus inscription on ossuary
George Orwell "1984" from Bibliotheque ~ Virtuelle
Gods, Graves, Glyphs
Gods, Graves, Glyphs (alpha order)
Google search for FR & GGG
Have You Filled Out Your FR Profile Yet? #2
Have You Filled Out Your FR Profile Yet? #3
Heavy Lift Is Needed
Huge Idiocy Posted at FreeRepublic
Humans march to a faster genetic 'drummer' than primates?
I want my 250 posts back!
Illarionov Attacks Britain, Vows to Bury Kyoto
An Impact Event in 3114BC? The beginning of a Turbulent Millennium.
International Red Cross Still Refuses to Recognize Israel Red Magen David
Is changing screen name possible?
Israel Strikes Oil
James P Hogan BBS
Jerusalem police raid Temple Mount
JFK's fatal head wound: The truth for those who want to know (very graphic)
Kerry as Pruneface (Romney vetoes bill requiring special election for Kerry's seat)
Kinko's Telephone Records
Lexicon of FreeRepublic
Mac bus error at startup caused by Enternet broadband extension
Mac Software Archive
Mac: Mozilla / Mozilla Firefox Vulnerability
Macs A Key Part Of Controversial Anti-Bush Ads
malakhi's replies -- Jesus in the Talmud
Mars: A Water World? Evidence Mounts, But Scientists Remain Tight-Lipped
McIntyre & McKitrick
Mesopotamian Climate Change (8,000 Years Ago)
Mexican Women flocking to Holland.
Momaw Nadon
Moon Base Has Certain Advantages
My Amazon page
Napalm In The Morning
NASA to Announce 'Significant Findings' of Water on Mars Tuesday!
Neanderthal Extinction Pieced Together
Neanderthal Forefathers
Netscape DL area
Oldie: Did the Vikings Stay? Vatican Files May Offer Clues
On to the Moon, and to Mars, via von Braun
"Our Culture of Violence" by a Moslem
PDF to HTML translation
PEOPLING OF THE AMERICAS:Late Date for Siberian Site Challenges Bering Pathway
Petroleum Will Not Run Out Before We Burn Up
Pilgrims at Mecca hear call for Muslim victory
Policy Memo: Kerry's 1993 Tax Vote
Pollution Indicated as Most Likely Cause of Most Coral Reef Die-Off
Professor Says Mayan Calendar Does Not Portend Earth's Doom (2012AD)
Read John Kerry's "The New Soldier" online
Reference HTML Cheatsheet
Reworked images reveal hot Venus
Russians fear Chinese takeover
Science Trumps Ritual in Mystery Skeleton Row [Kennewick Man]
Science Wars: We need to free science from the Commissars who now control it.
Secret Handshake
See, Hear, Speak no evil -- Cohen, Clinton, Albright (Berger)
Siberian Graveyard's Secret (More Redheads)
Starlite (can withstand 2,700 degrees Centigrade)
The FreeRepublic List (old)
The legacy of Eric Hoffer posted by John Huang
The Poe Toaster to appear on the 19th?
The Prince of Tides- Bush ads, Kerry ads, the Tides Foundation, and so much more...
The Revision of Ancient History - A Perspective
The Sun, Cosmic Rays and Our Environment
Top Saudi Cleric Assails Terrorists
Translation page
Ultimate Sidebar Management
Update on Fire at Yankee Air Museum
Update on Mysterious Deep Water Sonar Images Off Western Cuba
vanmorrison on FreeRepublic
VANNROX Bookmark Archives - JULY 2004
Web Archive / Wayback Machine
Were We Misled on Iraq?
What are the most influential books you have ever read?
When in Doubt, Blame the Jews
Who Killed Jesus? (Newsweek)

67 posted on 10/24/2004 6:47:43 PM PDT by SunkenCiv ("All I have seen teaches me trust the Creator for all I have not seen." -- Emerson)
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To: SunkenCiv

Drugs are bad, mkay?

68 posted on 12/04/2004 7:26:25 PM PST by airborne (God bless and keep our fallen heroes.)
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To: Swordmaker
D***, that works nicely. "That's Not a Picture" converts an image into a TABLE so that it will display (one would hope) on most browsers, even with "load images" shut off. On my first try I neglected to crop and reduce the size of the picture, so it's good that I didn't try to load that one into a browser. The second attempt produced HTML north of 2 MB in size. This one (including this text) is about 136K. I should think that, since there is far more bandwidth involved, it would slow things down, but it appears to pop right up, and (at least on a Mac) looks like the original image to my eye. Oops, scratch that... it looks perfect in iCab and in IE, but not in Mozilla or Netscape (this is all under OS X). I suppose this is how content providers foil image theft...

69 posted on 12/24/2004 5:07:07 PM PST by SunkenCiv ("All I have seen teaches me trust the Creator for all I have not seen." -- Emerson)
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To: SunkenCiv
AH, I think I get you... interesting. Where did you run across this trick? Interesting thing is that when you can SEE it draw, it is a picture of someone's upper head that draws in five steps... which then disappears into a green bar code thingy. It takes a while to upload... and to download. My DSL took a distinctly longer time than usual. If one loads a page and then scrolls to it, it is already drawn and all you see is the thingy. This is on Safari.

IS that your Sunken forehead Civ?

70 posted on 12/24/2004 9:14:10 PM PST by Swordmaker (Tagline now open, please ring bell.)
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71 posted on 02/15/2005 11:02:47 AM PST by SunkenCiv (Ted "Kids, I Sunk the Honey" Kennedy is just a drunk who's never held a job (or had to).)
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72 posted on 08/18/2005 10:15:17 PM PDT by SunkenCiv (Down with Dhimmicrats! I last updated by FR profile on Sunday, August 14, 2005.)
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I'm pruning my Links page. Too big, shouldn't be wasting Jim's bandwidth (or anyone's around here). I've saved a couple of iterations of it in this vanity topic, so here's the latest. In a few minutes I'll rid myself of the Politics topics I've saved.
  1. America: 2005 Republican Freedom Calendar
  2. America: Boycott French Products (message 49, Johnny Depp / Ira Einhorn) NEW LIST
  3. America: Can History Save the Democrats? (I started it)
  4. America: Citizens Coalition For Responsible Media
  5. America: Citizens United
  6. America: EnronGate -- a Democrat Scandal
  7. America: GOP Plants Flag on New Voting Frontier (I started it)
  8. America: JFK's fatal head wound -- The truth for those who want to know (very graphic)
  9. America: McFarlane on Reagan's Foreign Policy (I started it)
  10. America: Minor Political Parties (I started it)
  11. America: Plane Crashes into World Trade Center (thanks hellinahandcart)
  12. America: Reich -- "Clinton Killed the Democratic Party"
  13. America: Repeal 16th Amendment, Abolish Income Tax (?)
  14. America: Republican Party's Diminishing Strength in New York
  15. America: See, Hear, Speak no evil -- Cohen, Clinton, Albright (Berger)
  16. America: Shot In The Dark -- National Academy of Sciences study of Gun Control (thanks neverdem)
  17. America: Two-Faced "Progressive" Democrats, private vs public (I started it)
  18. America: Were We Misled on Iraq?
  19. America: Women Can't Be Gun-Shy About Defense (I started it)
  20. Astronomy: Astronomers Find a New Planet in Solar System (all such topics listed)
  21. Astronomy: Fairie Dust acronym
  22. Astronomy: Far-out worlds, just waiting to be found (I started it)
  23. Astronomy: Jupiter's Metallic Hydrogen
  24. Astronomy: Oliver Manuel's Iron Sun
  25. Astronomy: Partial Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2005 (I started it)
  26. Catastrophism: Argument for the Cometary Origin of the Biosphere (I started it)
  27. Catastrophism: Astronomers unravel a mystery of the Dark Ages
  28. Catastrophism: Catastrophic event preceded Dark Ages -- scientist
  29. Catastrophism: Celestial Collision (I started it)
  30. Catastrophism: Early volcano victims discovered (I started it)
  31. Catastrophism: Electric Arcs in Planetary Science (thanks Swordmaker!)
  32. Catastrophism: Eltanin Impact Crater (I started it)
  33. Catastrophism: Forests Frozen In Time (I started it)
  34. Catastrophism: Giant asteroid rocked Antarctica (I started it)
  35. Catastrophism: Grains Found in Ga. Traced to Asteroid (I started it)
  36. Catastrophism: Hazard of Near-Earth Asteroid Impacts on Earth (I started it)
  37. Catastrophism: Huge Idiocy Posted at FreeRepublic
  38. Catastrophism: Ice-Core Evidence Challenges 1620 BC date for the Santorini Eruption (I started it)
  39. Catastrophism: Impact Event in 3114 BC? The beginning of a Turbulent Millennium
  40. Catastrophism: In the shadow of the Moon (I started it)
  41. Catastrophism: It Came from Outer Space? (I started it)
  42. Catastrophism: June 1975 Meteoroid Storm, Encke, and Other Taurid Complex Objects (I started it)
  43. Catastrophism: Lake Michigan Impact in 1919 (I posted it)
  44. Catastrophism: New evidence for the Moon's soft middle (I started it)
  45. Catastrophism: Niue 'flattened' by tsunami-type waves [blast from the past] (I started it)
  46. Catastrophism: Peekskill Fireball -- October 9, 1992 (I started it)
  47. Catastrophism: Powerful Quake Shakes Seabed Near Vanuatu (I started it)
  48. Catastrophism: Professor Says Mayan Calendar Does Not Portend Earth's Doom (2012AD)
  49. Catastrophism: Reality of Ancient Catastrophism
  50. Catastrophism: Red Planet's Ancient Equator Located (I started it)
  51. Catastrophism: Reworked Images Reveal Hot Venus
  52. Catastrophism: Road to Saturn by Dwardu Cardona (thanks Junior)
  53. Catastrophism: Shocked Quartz from Chesapeake Asteroid (I started it)
  54. Catastrophism: Small Asteroid Passes Between Satellites and Earth (I started it)
  55. Catastrophism: Small Comets and Our Origins (I started it)
  56. Catastrophism: Spitzer Sees the Aftermath of a Planetary Collision (I started it)
  57. Catastrophism: When the Days Were Shorter (I started it)
  58. Civ: Books, Magazines, Movies, Music
  59. Civ: Enemies List (I started it)
  60. Civ: Freemail me
  61. Civ: My Amazon page
  62. Civ: My Posts
  63. Civ: Secret Handshake
  64. Civ: World a Century from Now (I started it)
  65. Civ: zzz: Mars Exploration Rover Mission, Spirit Lands (my first FR post 1/03/2004)
  66. Civil War: Robert E. Lee Letter to Wife on Slavery (1856)
  67. Civil War: Robert E. Lee on Slavery (1856)
  68. Climate: Another Global Warming Theory Discredited
  69. Climate: Boiling Point: Who's to Blame for Global Warming? (major barf alert)
  70. Climate: Case Against Scientifically Honest Bjorn Lomborg Dismissed
  71. Climate: Cataclysmic Global Warming Prediction Could Have Been Released on April 1st
  72. Climate: Effective vs Honest (thanks StopGlobalWhining)
  73. Climate: Frosty Blast of Reality for the 'Global Warming' Crowd
  74. Climate: Global warming killing Great Barrier Reef (alleged "Global Warming" Alert!)
  75. Climate: Hurricane Scientist Leaves U.N. Team, Cites Politics in a Letter (thanks FairOpinion)
  76. Climate: Illarionov Attacks Britain, Vows to Bury Kyoto
  77. Climate: McIntyre & McKitrick
  78. Climate: Petroleum Will Not Run Out Before We Burn Up
  79. Climate: Pollution Indicated as Most Likely Cause of Most Coral Reef Die-Off
  80. Climate: Rhythmic Submarine Volcanos And El El NiÒos (I started it)
  81. Climate: Science Wars -- We need to free science from the Commissars who now control it (thnx JohnH)
  82. Climate: Scientist demolishes The Melbourne Age on 'global warming'
  83. Climate: Sun, Cosmic Rays and Our Environment (I started it)
  84. Cryptobiology: Mysterious amphibious human-like creature spotted in the Caspian Sea (I started it)
  85. Election 1964: Democratic Debacle -- 1964 convention, repercussions today (I started it)
  86. Election 2000: Roger Ebert on the 2000 Election (I started it)
  87. Election 2004: Ads Raise Hackles In 4th District Fight (I started it)
  88. Election 2004: Boston Bakes Beans -- world puzzles over the Democratic convention (I started it)
  89. Election 2004: Bush's commander, dad wrote each other (I started it)
  90. Election 2004: Chris Matthews Continues Slide Toward Bottom (I started it)
  91. Election 2004: Country Stars Push Vote Campaign (I started it)
  92. Election 2004: Country Stars Push Vote Campaign (I started it)
  93. Election 2004: Dan Rather Exaggerates Military Record
  94. Election 2004: Electoral Vote Predictor 2004 (thanks freedom44)
  95. Election 2004: Kerry as Pruneface, Edwards as Hy Habeas (Romney vetoes bill...)
  96. Election 2004: Kerry opposes driver's licenses for illegal immigrants (I started it)
  97. Election 2004: Kerry's 'northern exposure' (I started it)
  98. Election 2004: Kerry's 1993 Tax Vote (thanks RWR8189)
  99. Election 2004: Kinko's Telephone Records
  100. Election 2004: President Bush's 2004 Thanksgiving Day Picture (thanks Ras')
  101. Election 2004: Prince of Tides -- Bush ads, Kerry ads, the Tides Foundation, etc (thanks Backhoe)
  102. Election 2004: Quiet Riot -- The lame protests of the Democratic Convention (I started it)
  103. Election 2004: Read John Kerry's "The New Soldier" (thanks Thanatos)
  104. Election 2004: Were We Misled on Iraq?
  105. Election 2006: Activists Ask Who Led Them From Bush Event (I started it)
  106. Election 2008: Defeat Hillary Clinton 'blog (I started it)
  107. Election 2008: Hillary_Clinton_Forum_409 -- Supporting Hillary Clinton Since 1995
  108. Election 2008: Winds of Political ChangeÖ And Why You Almost Never Feel Them Coming (I started it)
  109. Energy: Alberta's Tar Sands
  110. Energy: California's crisis
  111. Energy: Coal in a Nice Shade of Green (thanks neverdem)
  112. Energy: Coal-to-liquid solution for energy woes
  113. Energy: EU in push for support on nuclear fusion reactor... (thanks AKSurprise)
  114. Energy: Fossil Fuels Made without Fossils
  115. Energy: Heavy-Metal Nuclear Power (I started it)
  116. Energy: Here is what the acolytes of solar power don't want you to know... (thanks Boot Hill)
  117. Energy: High oil prices hurt OPEC's influence (I started it)
  118. Energy: How Long Will the Oil Age Last?
  119. Energy: Iran warns US, European pressure on nuclear could prompt oil crisis (I started it)
  120. Energy: Israel Strikes Oil ("New Find Fuels Israel's Economy")
  121. Energy: Japan's Top Court Gives OK To Reopen Monju Fast Breeder Reactor (I started it)
  122. Energy: Major Iraq wheat deal for US (I started it)
  123. Energy: New Mystery of Water (I started it)
  124. Energy: Norton Confidently Makes Case for Alaskan Oil Drilling
  125. Energy: Oil from Coal (a nice digest post from 2001)
  126. Energy: Petroleum Will Not Run Out Before We Burn Up
  127. Energy: Resolved -- It wasn't about oil
  128. Energy: Tumbleweeds good for uranium clean-up [DU contaminated soil cleansed, plants harvested]
  129. Energy: Warning -- the Hydrogen Economy May Be More Distant Than It Appears (I started it)
  130. Energy: Where Our Energy Will Come From
  131. Energy: Windmills in the Sky (I started it)
  132. Energy: World's Fastest Electric Car (I started it)
  133. Europe: Constitution: Austria says it will have referendum on Turkey (I started it)
  134. Europe: Constitution: Brussels to pursue Greece and Hungary for breaking euro rules (I started it)
  135. Europe: Constitution: Diplomats asked to revise ties with Cuban opposition (I started it)
  136. Europe: Constitution: EU becomes China's biggest trading partner (I started it)
  137. Europe: Constitution: EU considers US-style green cards for migrants (I started it)
  138. Europe: Constitution: EU entry talks with Croatia could start in April (I started it)
  139. Europe: Constitution: EU's military capability is 'worrisome' (I started it)
  140. Europe: Constitution: European Commission to start new accounting system (I started it)
  141. Europe: Constitution: European social model must be modernised, says Barroso (I started it)
  142. Europe: Constitution: External relations Commissioner calls for EU seat in UN (I started it)
  143. Europe: Constitution: Greece one step away from massive fines
  144. Europe: Constitution: Hungarian Parliament ratifies Constitution (I started it)
  145. Europe: Constitution: Ireland not to take part in EU battlegroups (I started it)
  146. Europe: Constitution: Kok -- Europe should not 'copycat' US (I started it)
  147. Europe: Constitution: Monetary union with Israel not to be ruled out, says Verheugen (I started it)
  148. Europe: Constitution: Norwegians remain split over EU membership (I started it)
  149. Europe: Constitution: Poll shows UK big business against EU Constitution (I started it)
  150. Europe: Constitution: Rapid reaction force to monitor Constitution debate (I started it)
  151. Europe: Constitution: Sacked Boris 'will bounce back' (I started it)
  152. Europe: Constitution: Stability and Growth Pact (I started it)
  153. Europe: Constitution: Why pro-Europeans should oppose the EU Constitution (I started it)
  154. Europe: France: Chirac to make Turkey's case on French TV (I started it)
  155. Europe: France: Chirac to snub Iraqi leader (I started it)
  156. Europe: France: France calls on Turkey to recognise Armenia killings (I started it)
  157. Europe: France: France cools towards EU project (I started it)
  158. Europe: France: French Commissioner in the spotlight (I started it)
  159. Europe: France: French nutritionists give Big Mac seal of approval
  160. Europe: France: Germany and France to take common position on Turkey (I started it)
  161. Europe: France: Saddam's Nuclear Reactor
  162. Europe: France: Security Council Members Deny Receiving Favors from Saddam Hussein (I started it)
  163. Europe: France: SNL video about "Cowardly but opinionated" France
  164. Europe: Germany: Germany and France to take common position on Turkey (I started it)
  165. Europe: Germany: Saddam's Nuclear Reactor
  166. Europe: Rock and a Hard Place -- UK Maxim's Greg Gutfeld (I started it)
  167. Europe: Russia: Putin admits Russia's anti-Semitism (thanks familyop)
  168. Europe: Russia: Russia calls for more involvement in EU security and defence (I started it)
  169. Europe: Russia: Russians fear Chinese takeover
  170. Europe: Russia: Two Russian generals given awards in Iraq on war eve
  171. Europe: Turkey: Austria says it will have referendum on Turkey (I started it)
  172. Europe: Turkey: Chirac to make Turkey's case on French TV (I started it)
  173. Europe: Turkey: EU irked by Turkish adultery law (I started it)
  174. Europe: Turkey: EU Rebuff Would Affect Ties With Turkey -- Turkish PM (I started it)
  175. Europe: Turkey: France calls on Turkey to recognise Armenia killings (I started it)
  176. Europe: Turkey: Germany and France to take common position on Turkey (I started it)
  177. Europe: Turkey: MEPs give thumbs-up to Turkey (I started it)
  178. Europe: Turkey: Mixed reaction to Turkey decision -- Turkey into the EU in 2005/2006? (I started it)
  179. Europe: Turkey: Parliament president to deliver verdict on Turkey (I started it)
  180. Europe: Turkey: T.R.N.C. Was Called Turkish Cypriot State at U.N. (I started it)
  181. Europe: Turkey: Turkey warns of terror wave if EU membership is rejected (I started it)
  182. Europe: Turkey: Turkish FM stands firm over EU bid (I started it)
  183. Europe: Turkey: Why Turkish business needs the EU (I started it)
  184. Europe: WOT: Annan sequitur (I started it)
  185. Europe: WOT: Catholic Attitudes toward Jews before the Holocaust
  186. Europe: WOT: China steps up pressure to lift arms embargo (I started it)
  187. Europe: WOT: EU expresses solidarity with Palestinians (I started it)
  188. Europe: WOT: EU frets over Arafat but sticks to roadmap (I started it)
  189. Europe: WOT: EU offers support for embattled Annan (I started it)
  190. Europe: WOT: EU praises Bush speech (I started it)
  191. Europe: WOT: EU Pushes for U.N. Sanctions Against Sudan (I started it)
  192. Europe: WOT: Moor-slayer statue removed in Spain (thanks Incorrigible)
  193. Europe: WOT: Solana unveils Mid East plan (I started it)
  194. Europe: WOT: Turkey warns of terror wave if EU membership is rejected (I started it)
  195. Europe: WOT: UN Food for Oil program Master list topic
  196. FReepers: All (Since Nov 9, 2001) in case you thought as I did that it meant "all"
  197. FReepers: Berosus (Raseneb / Charles K / Zalmoxis)
  198. FReepers: Berosus (Raseneb / Charles K / Zalmoxis)
  199. FReepers: Bert
  200. FReepers: Blam
  201. FReepers: Boris
  202. FReepers: Buckhead, a FReeper champion
  203. FReepers: Congressman Billybob, a FReeper champion
  204. FReepers: Cornpone
  205. FReepers: Do not dub me shapka broham
  206. FReepers: Do not dub me shapka broham: Oh, now I understand. That clears up everything.
  207. FReepers: Eleni121
  208. FReepers: Ernest_At_The_Beach
  209. FReepers: FairOpinion
  210. FReepers: Fred Nerks
  211. FReepers: freebilly, part of the Artificial Cloud Generation
  212. FReepers: GrayBeard58
  213. FReepers: Janus (not in since 2001)
  214. FReepers: jbloedow
  215. FReepers: Larry Schweikart (Patriot's History of the United States)
  216. FReepers: Lonesome in Massachussets
  217. FReepers: MeekOneGOP
  218. FReepers: Momaw Nadon
  219. FReepers: Mr.Atos
  220. FReepers: Pharmboy
  221. FReepers: physicsphairy must be around here somewhere
  222. FReepers: Richard Poe (author "Black Spark, White Fire")
  223. FReepers: Scott Alfter's blog (not really a FReeper afaik, just a conservative blogger)
  224. FReepers: ScudEast
  225. FReepers: Southack
  226. FReepers: StayAt HomeMother
  227. FReepers: SwordMaker
  228. FReepers: Tortoise
  229. FReepers: VaBthang4
  230. FReepers: ValerieUSA
  231. FReepers: VanMorrison on FreeRepublic
  232. FReepers: VannRox Bookmark Archives - July 2004
  233. FReepers: VannRox on Amazon
  234. FReepers: VannRox
  235. Genes: Man Offers $10K for Pedro Mountain Mummy (I started it)
  236. Genes: New RNA polymerase discovered in plants (I started it)
  237. GGG: AAA: Birth of Gods, Graves, Glyphs eyewitness accounts
  238. GGG: Americas: Ancient Site in Newfoundland Offers Clues to Vikings in America
  239. GGG: Americas: Antiquity of Man in America (I started it)
  240. GGG: Americas: Atlantis [euphemism] in Rock Lake Wisconsin (I started it)
  241. GGG: Americas: Camisea Pipeline Unearths Ancient Peru Relics (I started it)
  242. GGG: Americas: Cotton domestication (thanks, Renfield!)
  243. GGG: Americas: Dating Early Man in the Americas (I started it)
  244. GGG: Americas: Did hardy Ice Age hunters find the West?
  245. GGG: Americas: Did the First Americans Come From, Er, Australia? (I started it)
  246. GGG: Americas: Did the Vikings Stay? Vatican Files May Offer Clues (1)
  247. GGG: Americas: Did the Vikings Stay? Vatican Files May Offer Clues (2)
  248. GGG: Americas: Egg Island theory -- Where Did Columbus Make Landfall? (I started it)
  249. GGG: Americas: Evidence of humans in North America 50,000 years ago (I started it)
  250. GGG: Americas: Explorers Rediscover Incan City Near Machu Picchu (I started it)
  251. GGG: Americas: Fig Island has remarkable examples of shell rings (I started it)
  252. GGG: Americas: First Americans - Homo Erectus in America (I started it)
  253. GGG: Americas: Kansas Dig May Have Found Early Campsite (I started it)
  254. GGG: Americas: King George's Madness Linked to Arsenic (I started it)
  255. GGG: Americas: Myth of the Hunter-Gatherer (I started it)
  256. GGG: Americas: New World Newcomers -- DNA supports recent settlement (I started it)
  257. GGG: Americas: Peopling Of The Americas -- Late Date for Siberian Site Challenges Bering Pathway
  258. GGG: Americas: Polynesian Connection (I started it)
  259. GGG: Americas: Retracing the footprints of time (I started it)
  260. GGG: Americas: Romans in Brazil During the Second or Third Century? (I started it)
  261. GGG: Americas: Science Trumps Ritual in Mystery Skeleton Row [Kennewick Man]
  262. GGG: Americas: Seaport Museum Artifacts Ship Out (I started it)
  263. GGG: Americas: Sifting for Clues at W.Md. Dig (I started it)
  264. GGG: Americas: Skeleton in Armor (I started it)
  265. GGG: Americas: Solutrean Solution--Did Some Ancient Americans Come from Europe? (I started it)
  266. GGG: Americas: Strand of Ancient Yarn Suggests Early European Presence in Canada (I started it)
  267. GGG: Americas: Venona decodes (thanks LibLoather)
  268. GGG: Anatolia: Catal Huyuk (I started it)
  269. GGG: Anatolia: Kommagene, The Forgotten Kingdom (I started it)
  270. GGG: Anatolia: Lycian Influence To The Indian Cave Temples (I started it)
  271. GGG: Anatolia: Quarry, Setting and Team Marks -- The Carian Connection (I started it)
  272. GGG: Anatolia: Unlocking the Power of Myth -- Trojan War (I started it)
  273. GGG: Ancient Germans weren't so fair (I started it)
  274. GGG: Ancient writing found in Turkmenistan (I started it)
  275. GGG: Antikythera Mechanism (I started it)
  276. GGG: ArchaeoBlog (Sep 1 2004 archive)
  277. GGG: Archaeologist's dig reveals solution to ancient riddle of lost Roman town (I started it)
  278. GGG: Archaeology magazine (headlines)
  279. GGG: Archaeology Team Helps Find Oldest Deep-Sea Shipwrecks (I started it)
  280. GGG: Argonaut Epos and Bronze Age Economic History (I started it)
  281. GGG: Arzawa (I started it)
  282. GGG: Asia: Ancient faces brought to life (I started it, Thanks, Blam!)
  283. GGG: Asia: Scientists unearth bronze casting centre -- Vietnam (I started it, Thanks, Blam!)
  284. GGG: Biblical Archaeology Review archive CD-ROM (for Mac; a PC version is available)
  285. GGG: Big Chill Killed Off The Neanderthals
  286. GGG: Britain: Ancient coin worth a pretty penny (I started it)
  287. GGG: Calvin to show Petra exhibit (I started it)
  288. GGG: City in the Clouds -- Sagalassos, ancient city in Turkey (I started it)
  289. GGG: Cyclops Myth Spurred by "One-Eyed" Fossils? (I started it)
  290. GGG: Deepest Wreck (I started it)
  291. GGG: Dorians / Achaeans -- their origin? (I started it)
  292. GGG: Early volcano victims discovered (I started it)
  293. GGG: Egypt: Abydos Royal Enclosures (I started it)
  294. GGG: Egypt: Abydos Royal Enclosures (I started it)
  295. GGG: Egypt: Ancient Egyptian treasure shown 16 years after discovery (I started it)
  296. GGG: Egypt: Bubastis stone (I started it)
  297. GGG: Egypt: Burial complex of Mentuhotep II (I started it)
  298. GGG: Egypt: Colossal find -- Ramses II statue at Akhmim (I started it)
  299. GGG: Egypt: Djedefre (I started it)
  300. GGG: Egypt: Dynasty 0 -- Egyptian colonies in Canaan (I started it)
  301. GGG: Egypt: Glassmakers key to Egypt's status (I started it)
  302. GGG: Egypt: Great Pyramid may still contain Khufu's intact pharaonic tomb (thanks Constitution Day)
  303. GGG: Egypt: Herodotus' History (I started it)
  304. GGG: Egypt: Hyksos art and architecture in the Sinai (I started it)
  305. GGG: Egypt: Mysterious Inscription on the Great Pyramid (I started it)
  306. GGG: Egypt: Mystery of the Cocaine Mummies (I started it)
  307. GGG: Egypt: New Chronology -- David Rohl (thanks Scythian)
  308. GGG: Egypt: Pharaohs and Kings / Test of Time -- David Rohl (thanks Scythian)
  309. GGG: Egypt: Quality of Life in the Desert? High Living in Rome's Distant Quarries (I started it)
  310. GGG: Egypt: Quarry, Setting and Team Marks -- The Carian Connection (I started it)
  311. GGG: Egypt: Ramesses II Suffered From Arthritis (I started it)
  312. GGG: Egypt: Rare Nubian King Statues Uncovered in Sudan (I started it)
  313. GGG: Egypt: Remains of ancient Egyptian seafaring ships discovered (I started it)
  314. GGG: Egypt: Revision of Ancient History -- A Perspective
  315. GGG: Egypt: Smenkhkhare, the Hittite Pharaoh (I started it)
  316. GGG: Egypt: Swallowed by the Sands (I started it)
  317. GGG: Egypt: Tamil Trade (I started it)
  318. GGG: Egypt: Theban Mapping Project / Valley of the Kings etc (I started it)
  319. GGG: Egypt: Treasures of Tanis (I started it)
  320. GGG: Egypt: Voyage around the Erythraean Sea (I started it)
  321. GGG: Egypt: Who Destroyed Megiddo? Was It David Or Shishak?
  322. GGG: Emperor Aurelian -- Lucius Domitius Aurelianus (I started it)
  323. GGG: Ethnic Groups in Philistia (I started it)
  324. GGG: Etruscan Engineering and Agricultural Achievements -- The Ancient City of Spina (I started it)
  325. GGG: Etruscans -- Reopening the Case of the Mute Civilization (I started it)
  326. GGG: Etruscans: Where Did The Etruscans Come From? (I started it)
  327. GGG: Europe: Archaeologists unearth Celtic burial site (I started it)
  328. GGG: Europe: Basques in the European Y-chromosome diversity landscape (I started it)
  329. GGG: Europe: British Have Changed Little Since Ice Age, Gene Study Says (I started it)
  330. GGG: Europe: Buddha statue from 6th c found in Viking hoard in Helgo, Sweden (I started it)
  331. GGG: Europe: Ferriby boats -- 1600BC (I started it)
  332. GGG: Europe: Greek Temple Unearthed By UC Archeologists in Albania (I started it)
  333. GGG: Europe: Mandible, Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain, Homo Antecessor, 800K years old (I started it)
  334. GGG: Europe: Megalithic Sites, also outside Europe (thanks Sonofron!)
  335. GGG: Europe: Neolithic France (I started it)
  336. GGG: Europe: Oldest Bridge in Ireland (I started it)
  337. GGG: Eusebius' Onomasticon -- Geographical Knowledge in Byzantine Palestine (I started it)
  338. GGG: Finds or Fakes?
  339. GGG: First Mariners (I started it)
  340. GGG: Franchthi Excavations: 17,000 Years of Greek Prehistory (I started it)
  341. GGG: Freeper Views on Origins
  342. GGG: From Hand-drag to Jumbo: A Millennium of Dredging (I started it)
  343. GGG: Genes: Cross-cultural estimation of the human generation interval... (I started it)
  344. GGG: Genes: Genome Sequencing Projects
  345. GGG: Genes: Origin of M1 mitochondrial DNA haplotype (I started it)
  346. GGG: Genesis correctly predicts Y-Chromosome pattern
  347. GGG: Geologist rebuts claim of forged Jesus inscription on ossuary
  348. GGG: Golden treasures from Cornwall's past (I started it)
  349. GGG: Greece: Helike, ancient Greek city swallowed by the sea (I started it)
  350. GGG: Greece: Herodotus' History (I started it)
  351. GGG: Greece: Vast and Deadly Fleets May Yield Secrets at Last (I started it)
  352. GGG: Greek Farmer Finds 2,000-Year-Old Monument (I started it)
  353. GGG: Hidden History of Men -- thanks Blam (I started it)
  354. GGG: Humans march to a faster genetic 'drummer' than primates, UC Riverside research says
  355. GGG: In Search of the Real Troy (I started it)
  356. GGG: India: Tamil Trade (I started it)
  357. GGG: Inscription in Carian and Greek (I started it)
  358. GGG: Israel: King Hezekiah's Water System (I started it)
  359. GGG: Jerusalem: Dynasty 0 -- Egyptian colonies in Canaan (I started it)
  360. GGG: Jerusalem: New Chronology -- David Rohl (thanks Scythian)
  361. GGG: Jerusalem: Pharaohs and Kings / Test of Time -- David Rohl (thanks Scythian)
  362. GGG: Jerusalem: Revision of Ancient History -- A Perspective
  363. GGG: Jerusalem: Who Destroyed Megiddo? Was It David Or Shishak?
  364. GGG: Kadakkarapally Boat -- An Ancient Sailing Barge in India (I started it)
  365. GGG: Khirokitia (I started it)
  366. GGG: King Midas' Modern Mourners (I started it)
  367. GGG: King Tut Exhibit Could Prove to Be Gold Mine (I started it)
  368. GGG: Kourion -- Monuments Of The City (I started it)
  369. GGG: Lady Eleanor Talbot (I started it)
  370. GGG: Language: Ancient Scripts, A to Z
  371. GGG: Language: Correct Dating of The Linear B Tablets (I started it)
  372. GGG: Language: Macro-Etymology: Paleosigns [writing 20,000 years ago?] (I started it)
  373. GGG: Language: Original Draconian Laws may be Revealed by New Machine (X-ray fluorescence imaging)
  374. GGG: Language: Semerano, The Scholar Feared By The Academy, Awarded (I started it)
  375. GGG: Language: Status drives extinction of languages (I started it)
  376. GGG: Language: Studies of Amazonian languages challenge linguistic theories (I started it)
  377. GGG: Laocoˆn and His Son (I started it)
  378. GGG: Latin 1 -- the Easy Way (I started it)
  379. GGG: Latin Course Stage 6 -- Pompeii Slave Girl (I started it)
  380. GGG: Majdel Tarshish -- Roman Remains 50 km from Beirut (I started it)
  381. GGG: Maltaís Magnificent Hypogeum (I started it)
  382. GGG: Mesopotamian Climate Change (8,000 Years Ago)
  383. GGG: Mindell has role in ancient shipwreck discovery (I started it)
  384. GGG: Modern: Warren G. Harding Was Black (I started it)
  385. GGG: Mysterious Deep Water Sonar Images Off Western Cuba (update)
  386. GGG: Neanderthal Extinction Pieced Together
  387. GGG: Near East: Ancient fire temple found in Sabzevar (I started it)
  388. GGG: Near East: Dilmun seals inscribed with Indus Valley inscription (I started it)
  389. GGG: Near East: Tombs of Mede Priests Found in Qom Province (I started it)
  390. GGG: Nestorian Tablet in China (I started it)
  391. GGG: New Dating For Wat's Dyke (I started it)
  392. GGG: New World Newcomers: Men's DNA supports recent settlement of the Americas (I started it)
  393. GGG: Non-Attic Characters (I started it)
  394. GGG: Ode to the Code (I started it)
  395. GGG: Ogham alphabet (I started it)
  396. GGG: Origins: Evidence for the Orangutan Relationship (I started it)
  397. GGG: Origins: First Americans - Homo Erectus in America (I started it)
  398. GGG: Origins: Neandertal Forefathers
  399. GGG: Origins: Neanderthal femur from France (I started it)
  400. GGG: Origins: Threads of old -- thanks Blam (I started it)
  401. GGG: Origins: Were the dinosaurs done in by fungus? (I started it)
  402. GGG: Porticello Wreck -- A 5th Century B.C. Merchantman in Italy (I started it)
  403. GGG: Quest for the Phoenicians -- National Geographic special (I started it)
  404. GGG: Rare coin find stuns historians (I started it)
  405. GGG: Roman roads in Britain (I started it)
  406. GGG: Roman: Rome's Villa Medici and 'Mount Parnassus' recover their former glory (I started it)
  407. GGG: Romans in China? (I started it)
  408. GGG: Romans in Ireland (I started it)
  409. GGG: Rome: Ancient Roman temple found (I started it)
  410. GGG: Rome: Bernheze Roman Bronze Hoard from the Netherlands (I started it)
  411. GGG: Rome: Domitii Mark -- Rome's Greatest Brickmakers Identified (I started it)
  412. GGG: Rome: Italian archeologists on trail of ancient warships (I started it)
  413. GGG: Rome: Pannonian gladiators (I started it)
  414. GGG: Rome: Quality of Life in the Desert? High Living in Rome's Distant Quarries (I started it)
  415. GGG: Rome: Roman Chariots Unearthed in Thrace (I started it)
  416. GGG: Rome: Roman ruins to remain under rainwater canal (I started it)
  417. GGG: Rome: Roman shipwrecks From the wine-dark sea (I started it)
  418. GGG: Rome: Unearthing the Treasures of the Mediterranean (I started it)
  419. GGG: Sacred Precincts -- A Tartessian Sanctuary in Ancient Spain (I started it)
  420. GGG: Sailing the Wine-Dark Sea -- International Trade and the Late Bronze Age Aegean (I started it)
  421. GGG: Sea: Exploring The Ocean Basins With Satellite Altimeter Data (I started it)
  422. GGG: Sensational Finding at Samoil Fortress (I started it)
  423. GGG: Shipwreck at Assarca Island, Eritrea (I started it)
  424. GGG: Siberian Graveyard's Secret (More Redheads)
  425. GGG: Split Between English and Scots Older Than Thought (I started it)
  426. GGG: Those Enigmatic Erratics -- Out-of-Place Artifacts or Out-of-Whack Chronology (I started it)
  427. GGG: Triumphalism in Science (I started it)
  428. GGG: Unclassified: Dienekes' Anthropology Blog
  429. GGG: Unclassified: Gene Expression blog
  430. GGG: Viking burial ground dispels myth of longship marauders (I started it)
  431. GGG: Was There a Trojan War? (I started it)
  432. GGG: Xenophon's Retreat (I started it)
  433. GGG: Yankee Air Museum Fire (update)
  434. Health: Drug Lingo - What does 420 mean?
  435. Health: Eating Fruits, Vegetables Won't Reduce Cancer Risk (I started it)
  436. Health: Gardening (with pics)
  437. Health: Get Rid of Smoking Habit <> This thread has been pulled. (1292581)
  438. Health: HIV vaccine breakthrough reported (I started it)
  439. Health: Masturbation -- Prevention of Prostate Cancer?
  440. Health: Puzzling Origins of AIDS (I started it)
  441. Health: Scientists Reverse Paralysis in Dogs (I started it)
  442. Health: Thimerosal neurotoxicity is associated with glutathione depletion (thanks Coleus)
  443. Health: Top 20 home remedies, a witches' brew of elixirs and potions that work! (thanks Coleus)
  444. Help: BugMeNot common password service
  445. Help: Can't Find It? The update to information for freepers
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  447. Help: Eating our own -- Time to make a new start in Free Republic.
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  466. Help: Links to News Sources v 1.6 (thanks Hal9000 and Kitchen)
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  478. Help: Wise Words from Jim Robinson (and thanks to him)
  479. Islam: 2004 a year of successes for Hizbullah, despite pressures (I started it)
  480. Islam: Abbas' campaign foreshadows further incompetence (I started it)
  481. Islam: Answers for Anti-Israeli, anti-Jewish Propaganda (thanks backhoe)
  482. Islam: Arab Delusions & Arab Defeats (I started it)
  483. Islam: Arab world is Abu Ghraib (I started it)
  484. Islam: Be heard against homicide/suicide bombings
  485. Islam: Bin Laden -- The Man Who Declared War on America (I started it)
  486. Islam: Cannon goes missing during Syrian pullout (I started it)
  487. Islam: Cat Stevens on Salman Rushdie ("Singer Cat Stevens Says Awarded Libel Damages")
  488. Islam: Egyptians are Weak with the Sword but Strong with Their Mouths (Oct 31 1948)
  489. Islam: Francisco Franco's Valiant Fight to Stay Dead!
  490. Islam: Gaza Raid Kills 3; West Bank Riot Quelled (I started it)
  491. Islam: IDF Smashes Large Hamas Terror Cell (I started it)
  492. Islam: International Red Cross Still Refuses to Recognize Israel Red Magen David (thanks Alouette)
  493. Islam: Iran -- deal with Kuwait on water pipeline (I started it)
  494. Islam: Iran warns US, European pressure on nuclear could prompt oil crisis (I started it)
  495. Islam: Iranian Nukes Threaten the Region [Abdallah Bishara] (I started it)
  496. Islam: Iranian president postpones Turkey visit (I started it)
  497. Islam: Islam Faces a New Era (I started it)
  498. Islam: Jerusalem police raid Temple Mount
  499. Islam: Jewish General who led Indian army to victory in 1971 (thanks sukhoi-30mki)
  500. Islam: Jordan Gives Zarqawi 10 Days to Capitulate (I started it)
  501. Islam: Kurdistan -- soon to be a reality?
  502. Islam: Lawless in Gaza (I started it)
  503. Islam: Minister unwilling to blame Chechens (I started it)
  504. Islam: Moor-slayer statue removed in Spain (thanks Incorrigible)
  505. Islam: Muslim Initiative (I started it)
  506. Islam: National Geographic Explorer covers "female resistance in Gaza" (I started it)
  507. Islam: Nazi Roots of Palestinian Nationalism (thanks SJackson)
  508. Islam: not-so-grand-Mufti
  509. Islam: Osama and Saddam Worked Together for Years
  510. Islam: Pakistan forces battle militants (I started it)
  511. Islam: Palestinians made millions selling cheap cement for Fence (I started it)
  512. Islam: Pilgrims at Mecca hear call for Muslim victory (thanks yonif)
  513. Islam: Plane Crashes into World Trade Center (thanks hellinahandcart)
  514. Islam: Politically incorrect facts about The Crusades
  515. Islam: Real History of the Crusades (2nd thread, msg 24)
  516. Islam: Real History of the Crusades
  517. Islam: Security Council Members Deny Receiving Favors from Saddam Hussein (I started it)
  518. Islam: Sharon Survives No-Confidence Vote But Long Term Outlook Uncertain (I started it)
  519. Islam: Syrian activist gets rights prize (I started it)
  520. Islam: Top Saudi Cleric Assails Terrorists
  521. Islam: Turkey Concert Blast Injures at Least 14 (I started it)
  522. Islam: UN Food for Oil program Master list topic
  523. Islam: Under U.N. pressure, Syria removing troops in Lebanon (I started it)
  524. Islam: Vanunu tells Australian radio "Israeli nukes unjustified" (I started it)
  525. Islam: When in Doubt, Blame the Jews
  526. Islam: World War II and British intervention, 1939-45 (I started it)
  527. Islam: Zionism and Imperialism have Nothing to do with Our Culture of Violence
  528. Keyword: Gods, Graves, Glyphs (alpha order)
  529. Keyword: Gods, Graves, Glyphs (old version)
  530. Keyword: Gods, Graves, Glyphs
  531. Keyword: MacUser
  532. Keyword: MacUserList
  533. Keyword: Moon
  534. Keyword: Napalm In The Morning
  535. Keyword: Neo-EU-Nazis
  536. Keyword: Podkletnov
  537. Keyword: Religion of Peace
  538. Keyword: War on Terror (WOT)
  539. Keyword: Will and Grace
  540. Mac: Allume Systems (formerly Aladdin) d/l area (PC)
  541. Mac: Allume Systems (formerly Aladdin) d/l area
  542. Mac: Biblical Archaeology Review archive CD-ROM (for Mac; a PC version is available)
  543. Mac: bus error at startup caused by Enternet broadband extension
  544. Mac: Computer Questions: Ethernet, Spyware, Viruses
  545. Mac: How ATA security functions jeopardize your HD data
  546. Mac: Macintosh / Apple blog (I started it)
  547. Mac: Macs A Key Part Of Controversial Anti-Bush Ads
  548. Mac: Microsoft topics on FR
  549. Mac: Mozilla / Mozilla Firefox Spoofing Vulnerability
  550. Mac: Netscape d/l area
  551. Mac: PageStream, Professional Publishing for Amiga, Linux, Macintosh, & Windows
  552. Mac: software d/l archive
  553. Magazines: American Spectator, from R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr.
  554. Personals: Gardening (with pics)
  555. Personals: Mexican Women flocking to Holland
  556. Personals: Sick, Sick, Sick (no peekin', Val)
  557. Personals: Teacher wed girl in pagan ritual (I started it)
  558. Personals: Wedding guests eat victim (I started it)
  559. Personals: What Japanese Women Want -- A Western Husband
  560. Personals: Why men are attracted to subordinate women
  561. Personals: Why White Men Prefer Asian Women
  562. Philosophy: Day by Day, by Chris Muir
  563. Philosophy: Death of Jesus and "The Jews"
  564. Philosophy: George Orwell "1984" from Bibliotheque ~ Virtuelle
  565. Philosophy: Immaculate Conception (thanks SafiSoft)
  566. Philosophy: Jesus in the Talmud (malakhi's replies)
  567. Philosophy: Jesus' Teaching on God's Law
  568. Philosophy: Legacy of Eric Hoffer (thanks JohnHuang2)
  569. Philosophy: Papal Succession, Pope John Paul II (African cardinal tipped to succeed the Pope)
  570. Philosophy: Perceiving Beauty (I started it)
  571. Philosophy: What are the most influential books you have ever read?
  572. Philosophy: Who Killed Jesus?
  573. Politics: The Real Cuba (link in message)
  574. Prozac Nation: The Real Matrix -- Freemasonry (pulled)
  575. Space: 2004 MN4 -- Earth Impact Risk Summary
  576. Space: Asteroid May Hit Earth in 2029
  577. Space: Burt Rutan, Scaled Composites, receive $10 Million Prize (I started it)
  578. Space: End of Conspiracy Theories? Spacecraft Snoops Apollo Moon Sites (I started it)
  579. Space: Everyday Astronaut -- "for the cost of a paper study" (I started it)
  580. Space: Finish the X-33
  581. Space: Heavy Lift Is Needed
  582. Space: High Maintenance -- International Space Station (I started it)
  583. Space: Idiotic Idea
  584. Space: Mars -- A Water World? Evidence Mounts, But Scientists Remain Tight-Lipped
  585. Space: Massive Object Calls Planet Discoveries into Question (I started it)
  586. Space: Missile team homes in on the Moon (I started it)
  587. Space: Moon Base Has Certain Advantages
  588. Space: NASA to Announce 'Significant Findings' of Water on Mars Tuesday!
  589. Space: On to the Moon, and to Mars, via von Braun
  590. Space: Rare Event -- Jupiter to Hide Behind the Moon (I started it)
  591. Space: Reworked Images Reveal Hot Venus
  592. Space: Roots Of Rocketry -- Chinese would-be rocketeer in 1500 AD (I started it)
  593. Space: Saturn's Auroras Defy Scientists' Expectations (thanks Swordmaker, Gummy III)
  594. Space: Scientists Find That Saturn's Rotation Period Is A Puzzle (I started it)
  595. Space: Smart-1 On Track For Moon Encounter (I started it)
  596. Space: Yardangs of Mars (I started it)
  597. Unclassified: "Bosenova" -- Implosion and explosion of a Bose-Einstein condensate (I started it)
  598. Unclassified: "Nightfall" by Isaac Asimov
  599. Unclassified: A baby dragon, or a bad joke?
  600. Unclassified: An old topic with lots of V in it
  601. Unclassified: Black Knight from Space (I started it)
  602. Unclassified: Ending the Evolutionary War
  603. Unclassified: Favorite Science Fiction Movies (I started it)
  604. Unclassified: Flame Proof -- Starlite (can withstand temperatures of 2,700 degrees Centigrade)
  605. Unclassified: Gardening (with pics)
  606. Unclassified: Her Bra Belongs To Daddy
  607. Unclassified: Is the Sun really hot? (thanks Super Secret Agent)
  608. Unclassified: James P Hogan BBS
  609. Unclassified: Laser Cooling (I started it)
  610. Unclassified: Magnetic effects seen in water
  611. Unclassified: Magnetic Stars
  612. Unclassified: Meet the Indian who took on Stephen Hawking
  613. Unclassified: Nanotubes 'don't like' to climb steps
  614. Unclassified: National Institute for Discovery Science -- UFO page
  615. Unclassified: Physicists Announce Possible Violation of Standard Model of Particle Physics
  616. Unclassified: Poe Toaster to appear on the 19th?
  617. Unclassified: Predictions on Deep Impact mission (thanks SwordMaker!)
  618. Unclassified: Refuting Fermi -- No Evidence for Extraterrestrial Life? (I started it)
  619. Unclassified: Scientific maverick's theory on Earth's core up for a test (I started it)
  620. Unclassified: Understanding Social Security Benefits
  621. Unclassified: Why Prescription Coverage Is Soooo Needed (#1)
  622. Unclassified: Why Prescription Coverage Is Soooo Needed (#2)
  623. Unclassified: Why Prescription Coverage Is Soooo Needed (#3)
  624. WOT: Osama and Saddam Worked Together for Years (thanks Peach)

73 posted on 08/31/2005 8:54:44 AM PDT by SunkenCiv (Down with Dhimmicrats! I last updated by FR profile on Sunday, August 14, 2005.)
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A FReepathon is under way!

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74 posted on 10/02/2005 6:20:27 PM PDT by SunkenCiv (Down with Dhimmicrats! I last updated by FR profile on Sunday, August 14, 2005.)
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To: SunkenCiv
Sorry, but I just can't resist....
Did you run out of your medication?
75 posted on 10/02/2005 6:23:24 PM PDT by wagglebee ("We are ready for the greatest achievements in the history of freedom." -- President Bush, 1/20/05)
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To: wagglebee



Here's some tidbits from Links:

Huge Idiocy Posted at FreeRepublic

Why Prescription Coverage Is Soooo Needed (#1)

Why Prescription Coverage Is Soooo Needed (#2)

Why Prescription Coverage Is Soooo Needed (#3)

76 posted on 10/02/2005 6:25:40 PM PDT by SunkenCiv (Down with Dhimmicrats! I last updated by FR profile on Sunday, August 14, 2005.)
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To: SunkenCiv


77 posted on 10/02/2005 6:31:14 PM PDT by wagglebee ("We are ready for the greatest achievements in the history of freedom." -- President Bush, 1/20/05)
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FR has some really handy and cool tools.

from Junior's list:

78 posted on 10/10/2005 3:56:41 PM PDT by SunkenCiv (Down with Dhimmicrats! I last updated by FR profile on Sunday, August 14, 2005.)
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To: SunkenCiv

Thank you for all the information you have gathered. It is very interesting. Next time try breaking the Prozac in half.

79 posted on 10/10/2005 4:08:35 PM PDT by A knight without armor
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To: A knight without armor

80 posted on 10/10/2005 4:46:39 PM PDT by SunkenCiv (Down with Dhimmicrats! I last updated by FR profile on Sunday, August 14, 2005.)
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