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Seriously, Why Don't You Trolls Try Something Original?
Posted on 01/01/2006 9:27:23 AM PST by inquisitive
Why does anybody support George w Bush as President? He is clearly the worst President I have ever seen -- a complete disaster.
And before you say anything, I have been a registered Republican for 25 years.
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KEYWORDS: 0; 00; 000; 0000; 00000; 000000; 0000000; 00000000; 000000000; 0000000000; 0000000conspiracyguy; 0000000gotzot; 00000trollbooth; 0000irishthatcherite; 000firstkeyword; 000freedumb2003; 000zot; 00aazotthebabytroll; 0acaguy; 0pentoall; 0reaganfanaticzot; 0wn3d; 0wn4g3; 0wned; 1234zot; 123lookatme; 15yardpenalty; 1dipshitslivehere; 1dumbtroll; 1stupidsob; 4mycountryskeyword; 65535; 65kposts; 666; aa0011iwannabefirst; aaaaaaaaaaaaaacaguy; aaamaglevpingalo; abortazot; abrokensphincter; abstemious; absurd; acluphaggot; addictedtozot; addmetoalllists; afraid; agenerationoftards; alcoholforoil; allthemsquaters; allwalksoflife; allyourbase; almedina; alquida; alurbabesrbelongtome; ammorites; amongotherthingsderr; andzotsthewayitgoes; annoying; anotherdruggie; anotherkeyword; anotherundeadthread; antiamerican; appeasesatan; apprehensive; arabmyths; areyouseries; arguethis; arse; arthurmcgowan; asphalt; asphaltisverysmart; ass; assclown; asshat; asshatcrybaby; asshattroll; asskicked; astickfromawheattree; astronaut; asymptoticbozoncount; awkward; awwwwww; azotcoming; azzhat; baathist; baathparty; babbling; baby; badaping; baffled; bahhumbug; banme; banmyass; banmysorryass; banned; bannedorsuspended; bastardlyandmuttly; battered; bawling; beeber; beeberstuning; befuddled; bellsarepinging; benlurkin; bewildered; bhabg; bigrubberball; binladin; bitchingforcolumbine; biteme; bitter; blahblahbullshit; blessyourheart; blingbling; blueoyster; bnpbooster; bobrunsthingshere; bobsyouruncle; boing; boneheaded; boneless; bongwaterdrinker; boredtotears; boring; borisandnatasha; bornlosers; braketard; breachbirthanoxia; breakingnews; breastfedbyjanetreno; brideofundeadthread; brilliant; bringyourpinger; brokaw; broke; broken; brokendown; browbeaten; brownacid; bugupyourbutt; buhbye; bushhitler; bushknew; butnobodylikesspam; bwahahaha; cabal; calllingyoumrgrumpy; callmemrgrumpy; canaanites; canaaniteslang; cassettememory; castrated; catcia; catfood; censor; censorship; cheerless; cheese; cheesecake; chestersayshi; 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sadtruthaboutatroll; sanctimoniousness; sandwichshyofpicnic; satan; savethedrama4urmama; saynotoderr; saynotogeico; scambaiting; scared; scooterlibby; scrawny; scum; scumbag; scurvy; selfrighteous; senatorlandrieu; seventhsojourn; shameful; shithead; shocked; shortattentionspan; shy; sickly; signeduptopostthis; sillysillytroll; simperingwimp; singforpings; skyluswashere; sleazy; slight; smacktard; small; smashed; smokingpot; sniveling; sobbing; socialist; somanytardssofewzots; somebodyneedsahug; sonofsatan; sonoftheundeadthread; sorry; sortofdead; southpark; spam; spamspam; spamspamspam; spamspamspamspam; spamspamspamspamspam; spastic; spawnofcarvilleanus; speechless; speedracer; spellcheckerworking; spellczech; spineless; spiritless; spootheotherbluemeat; spoozemonkee; squanto; stickingitupyournose; stillzotting; stingmypinger; stingyourpinger; stinkypete; stinkypinky; stolenvalor; stomtajora; stoned; stonedtroll; stopvanitykeywords; stuckonstupid; stuckonzot; stune; stuned; stunedmybeeber; stuneme; stunememore; stunemybeeber; stunemybeeberbaby; stupidtroll; subordinated; suckstobeme; sucktard; superduperman; suuuuuuure; syphilliticdementia; takeyourmedication; takeyourmeds; tannedhidesfromcuba; tardextrordinare; tardzot; taxbrakesfortherich; taxchick; tbsshow; technicalfoul; teresaisthatyou; terminated; terrischiavo; thatdokuthing; thatsall; thatsgonnaleaveaping; theotherreindeer; therebenonetonight; thesaurus; thethreadthatwontdie; thingsgobettrwithzot; thingsthatgozot; thinkb4posting; thinskinned; thiskeywordsux; thistardiszotted; thorazineshuffle; threadthatwontdie; threadwithoutendamen; thumbsuckingmaroon; thunderbird; timexsinclair; timid; timorous; tinfoil; tinfoilhat; tiny; tonguetied; tonythetiger; toomanykeywords; topingornottoping; touchmypingy; travel; trifling; trivial; troll; trollagewhine; trollingforassholes; trollingfordummies; trollingforidiots; trollingforzot; trollisgay; trollisgayer; trollisgayist; trollishigh; trollisinneedofazot; trolllikesituptheass; trolloncrack; trollonpot; trollonspeed; trollonweed; trollschooldropout; trollsoup; trollstoned; trollzot; trollzotted; trounced; trs80; tuliptree76; turkeyonhead; twat; twit; ufoscomingforyou; uncontrolled; undeadthread2; undisciplined; unfortunate; unhappyliberals; unimportant; unimpressive; unprincipled; useadultdiapers; usefulidiot; ut2; valueless; vanity; varmintkong; veryevil; verylongkeywordspam; verynaughty; veryseries; veryungodly; viceisclosed; viceisclosing; victimhood; vikingkitties; vikingkitty; vikingkittychow; vulnerable; waaaaaaaaaa; waaaaahhhh; waaaambulancechaser; wacko; wacktard; wackyposter; wackytroll; waffling; wanker; wanting; wastedbanwidth; watchout4zombies; weak; weakkneed; weakwilled; weareyouroverlords; wee; weed; weenerhead; weeping; welcomeslip18; wellbutrin; whack; whacked; whackedtroll; whackjob; whackman; whackme; whacktard; what; whatamaroon; whatatard; whatisderr; whatsthatsmell; whattheheckisthis; whatthehell; wherearemypants; whereistomdaschle; whimperingsimp; whinecheese; whiners; whinetard; whinewithcheese; whiny; whitelightning; whocutandpasted; whopingedinmybed; whysomanykeywords; wimp; wodlist; worried; worthless; wp; wreck; wretched; yogibear; youaremrgrumpy; youknow; youngandstupid; youramoron; youreouttahere; yourpingaling; yousillypinger; yousillypwanger; youzotmelongtimegi; yoyodyne; yoyyoyyoy; zapped; zappedtroll; zippidyzotday; zoloft; zot; zotadumbass; zotadummy; zotadunce; zotaholic; zotanidiot; zotarts; zotatardforscience; zotathon; zotatroll; zotbait; zotcrazy; zotfest; zotforvictory; zotgasm; zothead; zotiseverywhere; zotittomeonemoretime; zotjudgegreer; zotloft; zotlover; zotmalldaylong; zotmaryrobinson; zotme; zotme247; zotme247365; zotmeagain; zotmeagainandagain; zotmealldaylong; zotmeallmonthlong; zotmeallnightlong; zotmeallweeklong; zotmeallyearlong; zotmeatthepumps; zotmebaby; zotmebabyonemoretime; zotmebiweekly; zotmedaily; zotmeforever; zotmegentlyzotmeslow; zotmehard; zotmehardandlong; zotmeharder; zotmeimaloser; zotmeimanassclown; zotmeimanasshole; zotmeimanidiot; zotmeimashithead; zotmeimdumb; zotmeimstupid; zotmeindanuts; zotmeintheass; zotmeinthebutt; zotmeintheevening; zotmeintheface; zotmeinthemorning; zotmeintonextweek; zotmeintothesky; zotmelong; zotmelongandhard; zotmelongtime; zotmemore; zotmenow; zotmenownownow; zotmeoverandover; zotmeplease; zotmesohardithurts; zotmesolongipuke; zotmesolongithurts; zotmesomemore; zotmetilithurts; zotmetillimdead; zotmetillipuke; zotmetilliscream; zotmeuptheass; zotmeweekly; zotmichaelshiavo; zotmobile; zotmyass; zotmybilderberg; zotmyislamicass; zotmysorryass; zotmyworld; zotnip; zotomatic; zotopedia; zotorama; zotpeterson; zotsallfolks; zotsalot; zotsarecool; zotsfortots; zotsmcginty; zotsrus; zottalicious; zottarget; zotted; zotted247; zotted247365; zottedassclown; zottedbacktomecca; zottedbacktothedump; zotteddumbass; zotteddummy; zotteddunce; zottedidiot; zottedislamofascist; zottedleftist; zottedloser; zottedmoron; zotthestupidtroll; zotthisassclown; zotthisdutroll; zotthisidiot; zotthisloser; zotthistroll; zotthyself; zottotheright; zotty; zottynewyear; zottytrained; zotusmaximus; zotwaseverywhere; zotwashere; zotwasthere; zotwhatithought; zotwhore; zotyourmamma; zotzilla; zotzinger; zotzotbaby; zuluoscartango; zzzhowmanykeywords; zzzmanykewords; zzzmanykeywords; zzzmorekeywords; zzzotspiracy; zzzztoomanykeywords; zzzzzooooottttt; zzzzzz; zzzzzzot; zzzzzzzot; zzzzzzzzzzscott0347; zzzzzzzzzzzzzottarts; zzzzzzzzzzzzzz; zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzot; zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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To: inquisitive
If you're so inquisitive, go ahead and try it.
posted on
01/01/2006 9:38:24 AM PST
DJ Taylor
(Once again our country is at war, and once again the Democrats have sided with our enemy.)
To: inquisitive
I fart in your general direction.
posted on
01/01/2006 9:40:00 AM PST
Slings and Arrows
(The Israelis slaughtered every man, woman and child in Gaza! (Well, some of us got better...))
To: inquisitive
Take THAT, troll!
To: inquisitive
Why does anybody support George w Bush as President? Because he is the anointed of Heaven.
He is clearly the worst President I have ever seen .
Have you been blind since birth?
And before you say anything, I have been a registered Republican for 25 years.
Then it's time you returned to your soul's roots. First, re-register to your true allegiance: the Democrats. Secondly, disembowel yourself.
Problem solved.
posted on
01/01/2006 9:40:21 AM PST
To: Mamzelle; freedumb2003
Holy Mother of Pearl someone went nuts with the key words!
If it was at type job and not a cut and paste then he (or she) has a bright future. (and a melted keyboard)
posted on
01/01/2006 9:40:36 AM PST
Harmless Teddy Bear
(Your shovel use permit has been revoked, please turn in all digging tools by noon tomorrow. -OP)
To: inquisitive
And before you say anything, I have been a registered Republican for 25 years. Funny, I'm a life-long Marxist socialist Democrat, and I think Bush is great and Reagan was fantastic. I'm really disappointed in the latest crops of Democrats.
posted on
01/01/2006 9:40:42 AM PST
(California bashers will be called out)
To: Tax-chick
posted on
01/01/2006 9:40:53 AM PST
(~~~A vote for Bertie Ahern is a vote for Gerry Adams!~~~)
To: nuconvert
Viking kitties taste like chicken. Yum!
posted on
01/01/2006 9:41:17 AM PST
(Viking kitties taste like chicken.)
To: Irish_Thatcherite
posted on
01/01/2006 9:41:54 AM PST
(I am just not sure how to get from here to where we want to be.)
To: Tijeras_Slim; inquisitive
Betcha he's the one that killed your minions! GRRRRRR!
To: inquisitive
Brilliant politcal mind you have...
posted on
01/01/2006 9:43:05 AM PST
(The stone age didn't end because they ran out of stones.)
To: Tax-chick
posted on
01/01/2006 9:43:08 AM PST
(~~~A vote for Bertie Ahern is a vote for Gerry Adams!~~~)
To: inquisitive
posted on
01/01/2006 9:43:23 AM PST
(Senator Kennedy actually criticized the President for acting as if he is above the Law!)
To: inquisitive
There isn't a person on this board who doesn't have some gripe about the President. But I noticed you didn't even try to spell out in any logical detail why you believe how you believe. Guess you're suicidal.
posted on
01/01/2006 9:43:33 AM PST
(Hillary: Accessory to Rape)
To: Harmless Teddy Bear
I think do not dub me did it -- they showed up around when he did ;)
posted on
01/01/2006 9:44:00 AM PST
(American troops cannot be defeated. American Politicians can.)
To: freedumb2003
posted on
01/01/2006 9:44:20 AM PST
(Flies,fleas,ants,ticks,cockroaches,lawyers,judges & politicians All the same. Useless!!!)
Excuse me is this the original title of this thread? If so, than the original poster seems to be making fun of trolls who say the same dumb stuff time after time.
To: freedumb2003; Do not dub me shapka broham
Doesn't matter if he did it or not... I vote that we blame him anyway. ;^)
posted on
01/01/2006 9:47:25 AM PST
Harmless Teddy Bear
(Your shovel use permit has been revoked, please turn in all digging tools by noon tomorrow. -OP)
To: tirednvirginia
Mods frequently change the title when they ban a troll.
posted on
01/01/2006 9:47:57 AM PST
("We're a meat-based society.")
To: inquisitive
posted on
01/01/2006 9:48:12 AM PST
(My kitty disappeared. NOT the rifle!)
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