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Keyword: vikingkitty

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  • Feline defender: Belden guard cat helps prevent would-be robbery

    08/03/2022 10:10:18 AM PDT · by BenLurkin · 28 replies
    daily journal ^ | BLAKE ALSUP
    Bandit, a 20-lb. calico cat, lives with Everitt, a 68-year-old retired former oral and maxillofacial surgeon, near the Tupelo Country Club in Belden. When a couple of would-be robbers attempted to break into their shared home, the cat did everything she could to alert her owner of the danger. As he often does, Everitt had gone to bed at around midnight on Sunday, July 24. Between 2:30 and 3 a.m. on Monday morning, Everitt heard Bandit letting out loud guttural meows in the kitchen. At first, he didn't think much of it. He assumed she'd seen another cat out back....
  • Trump Doctrine 2.0: Former president lays out plan to reverse Biden agenda

    03/29/2022 8:44:17 PM PDT · by bitt · 44 replies ^ | 3/29/2022 | john solomon
    45th president says he’s not interested in House speaker's job, and knows what next president needs to do on inflation, crime, the border, Russia and China. Former President Donald Trump is laying out a 2.0 vision on how he would make America great again, again, offering Just the News his plan for defeating Joe Biden and the Democrats and reversing soaring inflation and gas prices, high crime, surging illegal immigration and global instability. In a wide-ranging interview aired Tuesday night on the Just the News television show on Real America’s Voice, the nation's 45th president said his plan begins with...
  • Viking Kitty/ZoT Rebuild

    01/13/2022 4:21:32 AM PST · by Bikkuri · 419 replies
    FreeRepublic ^ | 1/13/2022 | Bikkuri
    Ok, deleted 4 paragraphs.. We need to bring back the Kitties (Viking Kitties/ZoT).. It is getting 'lax' here on FR, and I have received both Freepmail and email about the currant situation...
  • M1911 takes down an Enemy Plane

    09/30/2020 4:54:13 AM PDT · by w1n1 · 14 replies
    Am Shooting Journal ^ | 9/30/20 | J Carson
    A War Story for the Ages - During World War 2, the 7th BG's 9th Bomb Squadron was dispatched to destroy a railroad bridge at Pyinmana, about halfway between Rangoon and Mandalay and near two active enemy fighter bases. The formation was led by Col. Conrad F. Necrason, 7th BG commander. The B-24 on his right wing was piloted by 1st Lt. Lloyd Jensen whose copilot was 2d Lt. Owen J. Baggett. On that mission, Baggett was to earn a distinction believed to be unique in Air Force history. Before reaching Pyinmana, Burma, to destroy a bridge, the American B-24...
  • Video: Courageous Cat Fends Off 3 Coyotes in Highland Park

    01/13/2020 6:43:08 PM PST · by nickcarraway · 68 replies
    Surrounded by three coyotes in the backyard of his family's Highland Park home Monday night, a brave cat named Max held his own and tried to fight them off all by himself -- and the tense standoff was captured on video. Maya Gurrin and her husband were watching a movie in their home on Crestwood Way when they noticed a shadow of a tail through the window. The went outside to check it out and were stunned to find a group of coyotes in their yard. “I just kind of scream and lunge at them, and then they run away,...
  • They were looking for a place to smoke marijuana. Police said they found a tiger instead

    02/12/2019 11:53:30 AM PST · by dennisw · 30 replies
    USA Today | Feb 12 2019 | N'dea Yancey-Bragg,
    You must go to the source.....unfortunately. Pot heads went to an abandoned house to get high. Instead they found a tiger in it.
  • Hello...

    12/30/2018 12:25:18 PM PST · by OnlyLiberalHere · 379 replies
    Me | Today | Me
    I guess I'm here... I came to understand why and how you guys think the way you do. I'm extremely liberal and have a burning hatred for a good amount of the right, however I still want to contribute. I dislike being divided, I dislike any phobias that I know many of you have, and after reading some of the opinions on here I can honestly say that I see no good that can come from this website. The garbage spewed on here makes me want to puke. The clear disregard for political correctness and the way others may feel...
  • Q Anon: (3/28/18) FRiendly Freeper Collaboration

    03/28/2018 7:15:36 PM PDT · by ransomnote · 1,884 replies ^ | 3/28/2018 | FReepers, Vanity
    This thread is a friendly collaborative place for FReepers to analyze information and share opinons. FReepers have a wide variety of reasons for investigating Q Anon content; this is not the appropriate place to criticize or badger those who choose to use some of their time in this manner. I plan to post one thread at a time and ping new drops posted to it. When I post each (new) thread, the prior thread is retired and all new posts occur on the newest thread. If you are new to Q Anon, the three links below provide overviews to...
  • Wife urges ex-teacher to surrender as search continues for man, teen girl

    03/18/2017 1:02:12 PM PDT · by Morgana · 116 replies
    cnn ^ | march 18, 2017 | Jamiel Lynch, CNN
    (CNN)A former Tennessee teacher has been added to the state's "Top 10 Most Wanted" list after being charged with aggravated kidnapping in the disappearance of a 15-year-old girl. Authorities say Tad Cummins, 50, kidnapped Elizabeth Thomas, a freshman at the high school where Cummins taught until this week. The girl is in imminent danger, they said.
  • Gabriel the cheetah purrs and plays like a house cat when he is reunited with favourite carer

    07/04/2016 12:34:43 PM PDT · by CorporateStepsister · 52 replies
    Daily Mail ^ | 4 July 2016 | John Hutchinson for MailOnline
    This adorable footage shows the moment a wildlife volunteer is reunited with a cheetah he helped care for a year ago. When he was volunteering at Cheetah Experience in South Africa, Dolph Volker bonded with 10-month-old cheetah cub Gabriel. He spent a lot of time with the cub, feeding him, playing and cuddling him. When he returned to the sanctuary, Mr Volker was reunited with the big cat, and their embrace is adorable.
  • Adorable video shows the moment a tiny kitten makes a break for freedom from a pet store pen

    06/29/2016 11:31:13 AM PDT · by CorporateStepsister · 17 replies
    Daily Mail ^ | 29 June 2016 | John Carney for Daily Mail Australia
    It's hard to know whether this kitten was trying to escape from its confinement or looking to meet up with his canine friend, but they both ended up together anyway. The JoLinn Pet House, a pet store in Taipei, Taiwan, posted a video on its Facebook page of a kitten clambering its way up the glass in its pen to get to the gap at the top. After getting stuck there for a few seconds the kitten then has to quickly size up what to do next as the puppy in the pen next door suddenly realises he may have...
  • My Father's Day gift

    06/21/2015 10:24:20 AM PDT · by Squidpup · 23 replies
    June 21, 2015 | squidpup
  • Cat That Gained Viral Fame After Saving Young Boy Wins Hero Dog Award

    06/20/2015 1:26:59 AM PDT · by Slings and Arrows · 70 replies
    AP via HuffPo ^ | 6/19/15 | Sue Manning
    LOS ANGELES (AP) — For the first time, a Los Angeles shelter's Hero Dog award has gone to a cat. In May 2014, Tara the cat fought off a dog that attacked her 6-year-old owner as he rode his bicycle in the driveway of his Bakersfield home.
  • What is the full name of JohnWK ZOT?!

    01/02/2015 6:41:24 AM PST · by marieswood1 · 65 replies
    A response to Rob Natelson’s Article V Constitutional Convention speculations 9-1-2013 | johnwk Posted on 9/3/2013, 5:31:15 PM by JOHN W K
  • Mod question

    12/02/2014 12:43:12 PM PST · by jyro · 155 replies
    will a mod please send me a pm, I have a question
  • Watch a Hero Cat Charge Down a Dog Brutally Attacking a Child

    05/14/2014 3:33:00 PM PDT · by lowbridge · 60 replies ^ | may 14, 2014 | liz klimas
    A little boy was out enjoying his bicycle in his family’s driveway on Tuesday when out of no where he was attacked by a loose dog. Luckily, a hero cat was on hand to save the day — yes, a cat. The incident occurred just before 5 p.m., in Bakersfield, California, according to KERO-TV. Different angles from the home’s surveillance camera show the boy and then the dog prowling around the corner. When the canine spotted the boy on the other side of an SUV, he trotted over and then lunged, violently pulling the boy from his toddler bike. Then, the...
  • Cat on a Sochi tin roof? Feline collapses Olympic arena ceiling

    02/16/2014 7:02:05 PM PST · by CorporateStepsister · 29 replies
    Fox Sports ^ | February 16 2014 | Fox Sports
    Does Putin know about this? The Adler Arena at Sochi, venue for Olympic speedskating, was hit by a feline attack.
  • Battle of the real super 'Bowls': Puppy vs. Kitten

    02/02/2014 5:00:35 PM PST · by CorporateStepsister · 15 replies
    Today Entertainment ^ | February 2, 2014 | Ree Hines and Anna Chan
    Forget the Seahawks versus the Broncos. There's another big showdown scheduled for Sunday, one that involves ferocious, snarling, amped-up ... and absolutely adorable four-legged furry friends. Yes, for the first time in game-day history, this year there will be both Puppy and Kitten Bowls.
  • Ted Cruz Only Cares About Zotting Moronic Blog Pimps

    09/26/2013 11:49:33 AM PDT · by · 179 replies
    TSG ^ | Spetmeber 26, 2013 | Brian Woodward
    I hope that our elected officials will start to pour their efforts and energy towards legislation that is pragmatic. This showmanship and posturing from the junior senator from Texas is ill conceived and ultimately detrimental to the Republican party. Ted Cruz does not care about Obamacare, it does not affect him. He cares about advancing his political career, and he seized the opportunity. Can we really blame him?
  • Drunk Man Advertises for Cat's Owners on Craigslist After 'Accidentally Stealing' it After Night Out

    09/13/2013 1:25:43 PM PDT · by nickcarraway · 27 replies
    Metro UK ^ | Anthony Bond
    The American thought the animal was a stray but discovered its collar the next morningA drunkard is searching for a cat's owners after 'accidentally stealing' it after a boozy night out. The unnamed man has placed an advert on Craiglist in a desperate attempt to find the pet's owner . The American said he picked the animal up while walking home from a night out, thinking it was a stray . But when he woke up the following morning, he discovered the cat’s collar with its name written across it. Under the title ‘Possibly stole someone’s cat when I was...