Keyword: zotmedaily
Big Brother watches Free Republic. I was reading the post DIESEL BLUES I had PerrGuardian 2 running; and what do I see being blocked U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Source), (destination), and U.S. Department of Energy (source), (destination). Maybe now I should wait for the knock on the door, but I don’t think they will knock first. They will probably just take my harddrive to see what other NEWS I am reading.
I am friends with Chrysler813/Lumina813. Both accounts were banned. Chrysler813/Lumina813 is a good man. He's Skitophenic, but a good Lutheran & Conservative man. He is in poverty, so high gas prices frustrated him. He has told me he's sorry he posted what he did about President Bush in September and how he's sad Free Republic banned both his accounts. He, like me, supports everything Bush dose (except President Bush's support of Nasa. We both think they should get rid of nasa & spend the $ on either 1. helping the poor 2. fixing our roads 3. tax cuts for everyone)...
Yaa, you repukes are not doing so well, huh? Imagine, you repukes control the presidency, both houses of Congress, and appointed 7 of the 9 Supreme Court justices. Yet the Supreme Court thre out sodomy laws in all 50 states and recognized the right of government to seize land for any reason. And you couldn't pass your Social Security changes could you? Sorry, that was your last shot. Come November, we're going to start seeing more Democratic faces in the House. It's the end for you guys. You guys are celebrating when Bush's numbers go *up* to 45%. Then Faux...
we need a band to fight the culture war, and entertain the troops. I have alot of exp.loads of songs related to 911. and have been interveiwed on talk radio. frist i really need a help with computer stuff. this idea is much more involved than i am explaining. hope to hear from some of you. thanks. MSS
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. -- A state senator wants to force Missouri stores to sell warm beer. Under a bill by Sen. Bill Alter, grocery and convenience stores would risk losing their liquor licenses if they sold beer colder than 60 degrees. The intent is to cut down on drunken driving by making it less tempting to pop open a beer after leaving the store. "The only reason why beer would need to be cold is so that it can be consumed right away," Alter, who has been a police offer for more than 20 years, said Thursday.
Bush "Recession" Has Lower Unemployment Rate, Higher Stock Prices than Clinton's "Economic Boom" The stock market closed Friday, December 29, 2001 up 5.68%, at 10136.99. The last week of December 1995, in the midst of the so-called Clinton economic boom, the stock market closed at 5098. The unemployment rate, which was 4.9% when the World Trade Center was destroyed September 11th, had risen by the end of October 2001, to 5.0%, rising .3% from the time George W. Bush was sworn into office in January 2001. During the economic boom we heard so much about from the media during the...
Bush’s giant Right Wing Noise Machine (RWNM) loves to preach about the Bush economic miracle. In fact, the RWNM’s current thinking is Bush doesn’t spend enough time talking about his economic triumphs. If only he did, then everyone would fall in line and believe in the great Bush economic miracle. There is one problem with this argument: it’s a lie. Any way you look at the Bush economy, it comes up short. Today, I want to compare Bush’s job creation record with other economic recoveries. As usual, Bush comes up way short. The national Bureau of Economic Research has identified...
Why does anybody support George w Bush as President? He is clearly the worst President I have ever seen -- a complete disaster. And before you say anything, I have been a registered Republican for 25 years.
Every time I sign back on here and try to post, all I get is a screen that says my account is banned. I sign up another account and the same thing happens again. What am I doing wrong?
Lies of omission about 9/11 -- stoking fears of terrorism THEY WANT YOU TO BE AFRAID The following post was censored by shortly after it was posted on their "public" forum on 9/11/04. That forum is designed to appear as though it is a community forum open to all, but this post only received three responses before it and its replies were deleted, and a repeat posting at 4 am PST on 9/20/04 didn't stay online for 5 minutes! Someone is apparently watching closely over the content of the forums and censoring them 24/7 (though they might have...
Who is a Real sniper????? And not a terroist??
This holiday season, can we all just step aside from the hatred, bile, war, torture, and killing being propagated by this awful current Administration, and just promote joy and peace for all? Thank you. That's all I had to say.
<p>You people are jerks. Not likeable jerks either, but the kind folks would like to smack in the back of the head with a shovel. Think Judge Snells from Caddyshack or Neidermier from Animal House.</p>
<p>I know this probably comes as a shock to you, but if you do some serious soul searching, you'll realize that I am right.</p>
In Cal they are calliing it an utter disaster for Schwarzenegger! A career killer and it's being dubbed the "government employees victory". Seems New Jersey- Virgina, (a state that voted for Bush) and other areas the Democrats have stomped the Republicans. Just heard they are calling this a coast to coast KO. Many are saying they could have predicted this. I tend to agree. Is anyone really surprised?
Joe Wilson is a true American hero and a genuine patriot. I will not see his name denigrated any further on this site. Thanks for your cooperation.
If you have a sense of humor, and can poke fun at yourself:
George Bush Senior SHOULD have got rid of Saddam Hussein in 1991. Its 13 years too late now and hundreds of thousands of people have died for his stupidity. When Bush Sr. pulled out of Iraq it was for the same reason America pulled out of Vietnam. There would have been no argument about whether Saddam had "weapons of mass destruction" back then. He did have them, and he used them on Iraqis who had helped the Americans in the Gulf War. You see, the Americans made a deal with a large number of Iraqis that they would help them...
I am an internet java script sent to infiltrate your site and transform you from political neanderthals into a modern 21st Century progressive mode. This is your first warning. Do not try and resist. It is useless. Accept your fate. You will be assimilated.
Can you believe that folks actually donate money to The Free censors/cheerleaders, when they could otherwise donate to impoverished kids! I posted the first 3 paragraphs of my home page on 10-7-05 at around 6:30 am, with a fresh identity, using treasury as the link source, at The thread was pulled in about 5 minutes and my posting privilages revoked. The first reply suggested that Europe had a debt problem as well, to which I replied that the DX might indicate that they might not be increasing their money supply as fast as we are and included a...
Washington -- "Armies are fragile institutions and, for all their might, easily broken." Remember those words? They were written here, in this column, at the end of September 2003. I laid out the recipe for how to break a magnificent Army that had taken nearly two decades to rebuild itself in the wake of the Vietnam debacle. In that early fall two years ago, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld was still running victory laps and the words of his boss, President George W. Bush, were still ringing: "Bring `em on!" Sadly, those two were, and still are, in charge. Now...