Keyword: weareyouroverlords
Please help me understand how trump WON in a landslide yet according to this CNN article DJT never polled over 50% (CNN)Donald Trump has always been fixated on writing his name into the history books, to ensure his four years as president aren't forgotten. Well, he's done it! Trump ends his term with the lowest average job approval rating -- 41% -- of any president in the last seven-plus decades, according to Gallup. That's four points worse than the next, uh, worst -- Harry Truman, who averaged a 45% job approval score throughout his time in office. Barack Obama averaged...
We've got some real challenges facing us. FR was established to fight against government corruption, overstepping and abuse and to fight for a return to the limited constitutional government envisioned and set forth by our founding fathers in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and other founding documents. One of the biggest cases of government corruption, overstepping and abuse that I know of is its disgraceful headlong slide into a socialist hell. Our founders never intended for abortion to be the law of the land. And they never intended the Supreme Court to be a legislative body. They never...
As we reported yesterday, Republicans plan to read aloud the Constitution of the United States when the 112th Congress kicks off on January 6th, 2011. Many find this to be a political tactic, a gimmick of sorts. Republicans are attempting to hold support from the Tea Party and are howling for Congress to follow the Constitution word for word. A firm skeptic of this Republican stratagem is Ezra Klein of the Washington Post, one of the most astute minds when it comes to procedure within Congress and fiscal concerns. Yesterday he appeared for an interview with MSNBC's Nora O'Donnell to discuss the matter:Returning To...
No link yet. Was just on Fox News. Eric Holder, in testimony before Congress, said (to paraphrase)....'We mourn the tragic deaths of our brave men and women at Ft. Hood, including Major Hasan'... UNBELIEVABLE!! We need to get that tape ASAP! STUNNING!!
The 65th meeting of the U.N. General Assembly kicked off this week with a call from its new president, Joseph Deiss, for the 192-nation body to reclaim the “center of global governance,” in order to achieve sustainable development and the Millennium Development Goals adopted in 2000. Pundits and politicians who pooh-pooh global governance are finding it increasingly difficult to pretend that the U.N. is not on an aggressive mission to create a: “…framework of rules, institutions, and practices that set limits on behavior of individuals, organizations, and companies.” (U.N. Development Report, 1999, page 34) Specifically, the Convention on the Biological...
I am sick and tired of this site being taken over by Catholics ( of which I am one ) stories or proverbs. This is a news site not a religion site. Go do that somewhere else. I am not opposed to your prostilazion(sp), just not here. We lose credibility if any religious group dictates or can be quoted from this site. As a long term member of this site I regret posting this information, but the site has been buried in Catholic stuff recently and it should be shunted to some separate page.
We have been scouring the interwebs for lists of the Republicans who voted for the big three bills that have had destructive consequences for the country. Several searches on Google have gotten us very little on the top searches, only on maybe the second or third page do we find lists. Even then they are somewhat hard to maneuver. So we wanted to compile these lists so you can know which RINOs voted for these atrocious bills. We will start rolling these out over the course of the week and keep them in the lists category for future ease of...
Transcript from the video, Dr Sabrosky speaking: “They did 9/11, they did it, I have had long conversations over the past two weeks with contacts at the Army War College and at Headquarters Marine Corps, and I have made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100% certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation..period” “9/11 has led directly to 60,000 Americans dead and wounded, God knows how many hundreds of thousands of people in other countries that we’ve killed or wounded or made homeless, and its an ongoing sore” “this is an open wound, and what Americans need...
In a bombshell new development in the AL GORE SEX SCANDAL, The ENQUIRER has learned exclusively that the former vice president has finally been interviewed by police in the Molly Hagerty case. Sources close to the investigation reveal that detectives from the Portland, Oregon, Police Bureau traveled quietly to San Francisco on Thursday for the secret meeting with the 62-year-old Nobel Prize winner. "Al Gore has finally been interviewed face to face by detectives in the Molly Hagerty case," a close source told The ENQUIRER. "Details of what was disclosed in the police interview by Gore --and exactly how long...
Israel receives military and financial assistance, and also some diplomatic support at the United Nations, but the US puts pressure on Israel to surrender parts of the homeland... It seems to me a Ron Paul presidency would be good for Israel and for the United States. Its foreign policy non-interventionism and its concern to protect national sovereignty would provide Israel with a greater impetus to increase its own independence and sense of national honor. I hope American Zionists will resist the immediate, meretricious attractions of American financial assistance for Israel. Ron Paul would both end this infantilizing, and even corrupting,...
Former Mitt Romney supporter realizes Ron Paul is more in-line with Constitutionalism, American values and individualist freedom. What say other Freepers?
We have seen how the homosexual lobby has been able to whip the President around to their liking. . . After several meetings and press conferences where they heckled, jeered, and shouted-out at him, getting him over the barrel so to speak, he proceeded to get on his knees before them and hurry the suspension of the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy so that buggery might be officially accepted in our American armed forces. It really did not take all that much prodding for the gays to ramrod their agendas into Presidential policy making. If only Obama had even attempted...
have seen other info re other locations in FL
Who agrees and who disagrees with Dr. Paul? I would like to see income tax abolished (it is socialism light) but what say other Freepers? Watch the video of course.
My coworkers and I took a political test with 100 questions, 10 in 10 categories. I was by far the most conservative. 91/100. Most of my liberal coworkers got between 10/100 and 30/100. Only a couple others got above 50/100. Ugh. The breakdown. life - 10/10 abortion is wrong guns - 10/10 support no restriction on gun ownership marriage - 10/10 man and woman only, homosexuality is wrong healthcare - 10/10 repeal Obamacare and we need tort reform. immigration - 2/10 since I oppose HB1070. We need the workers. The McCain path to citizenship I support. environment - 10/10 too...
PHOENIX — Republican Sen.-elect Scott Brown of Massachusetts has recorded a robocall message for John McCain’s re-election campaign in Arizona. Brown made the recording a day or two after his Jan. 19 victory over Democrat Martha Coakley. The four-term senator from Arizona endorsed Brown in the race for the Senate seat held previous by the late Edward Kennedy. McCain spokeswoman Brooke Buchanan said Brown has offered to help the Arizona senator in his campaign. In the message, Brown introduces himself as the newly elected senator from Massachusetts and says that McCain supported him when few people thought he could win....
Its on Oregon voters fire first shots at the rich, The rich are trenched in and planning a stunning blow to the hungry,homeless,lifetime welfare class. Many of the rich are warm and comfortable in there homes and offices, they plan on getting signatures to bring the fatal blow in the conflict. The weapon of legislation by way of proxy. The money is coming in and soon the ballet box will be stuffed with ballots on them a law stopping all funding of welfare funding. Welfare troops are having a hard time focusing due to not having a leader to tell...
Hayworth faced ethical scrutiny during his unsuccessful reelection campaign for his ties to disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff, whose Native-American clients contributed $100,000 to his campaigns. He is still paying off legal debt that he accumulated preparing for a possible federal investigation in connection with the Abramoff scandal.
SEAN HANNITY NEXT POTUS, landmark ruling paves way for Ailes and Murdoch to spend big on Hannity for POTUS. Pass it on SEAN HANNITY has said if god willing he would take his place as the leader of the U.S. Sean has said he will let fate lead him and if it is to be it is to be. Lets get it started at this time we need a real REGAN conservative to lead us lets all ask Hannity to lead us,Pass it on.
Why does President Barack Obama’s White House continue to be mired in distraction? Since the president took office there has been Gates Gate; the international snub in Copenhagen, Denmark, after the president flew there overnight to make a bid for Chicago to host the 2016 Summer Olympics; the call for New York Gov. David Patterson not to seek election to a full term; and now the puerile decision to attack Fox News.