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Bush's Job Growth WORST in 50 Years (Roll out the red carpet for this “staunch Bush supporter.”)
bopnews ^ | Hale Stewart

Posted on 01/03/2006 8:29:33 AM PST by intruder alert

Bush’s giant Right Wing Noise Machine (RWNM) loves to preach about the Bush economic miracle. In fact, the RWNM’s current thinking is Bush doesn’t spend enough time talking about his economic triumphs. If only he did, then everyone would fall in line and believe in the great Bush economic miracle. There is one problem with this argument: it’s a lie. Any way you look at the Bush economy, it comes up short. Today, I want to compare Bush’s job creation record with other economic recoveries. As usual, Bush comes up way short.

The national Bureau of Economic Research has identified 8 recessions since May 1954. For comparison purposed, I only used 5 of these periods because they are longer than the current expansion. Next, I used the total nonfarm employment numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). I measured the jobs created from the trough (lowest point) to the next identified highest economic point. (The NBER states a “peak marks the end of an expansion and the beginning of a recession.”) I compared the total number jobs created for the entire expansion as well as the total number of jobs created 49 months into the expansion (According to the NBER, the lowest point of the last trough was in November 2001, making December 2005 the 49th month of this expansion). Here’s how the numbers (in millions) compare.

The expansion of 2/61 – 12/69 created 17,684 total jobs and 6,244 at 49 months.

The expansion of 3/75 – 7/80 created 13,183 total jobs and 12,831 at 49 months.

The expansion of 11/82 – 7/90 created 21,003 total jobs and 11,510 at 49 months.

The expansion of 3/91 – 3/01 created 23,969 total jobs and 8,266 at 49 months.

The current expansion which started in November 2001 has created a total of 3,410 jobs.

In other words, at 49 months into an expansion, Bush’s job creation record is last. While we don’t know when this expansion will end, the Bush economy would have to triple the total number of jobs created in order to get to 4th place on this list.

What’s going on here? The basic problem is some areas of the economy are creating jobs. The BLS tracks 13 different job sectors. 7 (a little over half) have created jobs since November 2001 – natural resources/mining (37,000), construction (539,000), financial (550,000), professional services (238,000), education/health (2.1 million), leisure/hospitality (803,000) and governmental employees (1 million). Of all the jobs created three areas – government, education/health account for 57% of job growth. Of the jobs created outside of education, health and governmental employees (2,167,000), construction, professional services and financial services account for about 60% of the jobs created. Real estate is obviously related to all of these areas. Construction is obviously related to real estate, as are financial services (mortgage lending etc…) and professional services (real estate agents, appraisers etc…) So, real estate, governmental employees and health/education jobs are doing just fine.

6 areas – a little under half of the sectors the BLS tracks – have had a net loss in number of jobs: manufacturing (-2,800,000), information (-565,000), trade/transport/utilities (-353), whole sales trade (-107), retail (-157), and transportation/warehousing (67,000). Manufacturing and information are obviously the two biggest areas of job losses. Some of the information service jobs are the result of natural attrition from Y2K. However, I somehow doubt that is the only reason for the losses. While there is no information regarding outsourcing losses (because the government does not keep any statistics on the subject), I fell safe in assuming outsourcing is a big factor involved in the losses.

In summation, sum people are doing well. They can find jobs and are probably financially somewhat secure. However, others have seen their jobs literally disappear overnight and are hurting to find new jobs that pay commensurate levels. These people are hurting from the current “expansion”. Of course, Bush and the RWNM has forgotten about them.

TOPICS: Business/Economy
KEYWORDS: 0; 00; 000; 0000; 00000; 000000; 0000000; 00000000; 000000000; 0000000000; 0000000conspiracyguy; 0000000gotzot; 00000trollbooth; 0000irishthatcherite; 000firstkeyword; 000freedumb2003; 000zot; 00aazotthebabytroll; 0acaguy; 0iwishihadazot; 0pentoall; 0reaganfanaticzot; 0wn3d; 0wn4g3; 0wned; 0y0y; 100postsandstillibtz; 1234zot; 123lookatme; 15yardpenalty; 1dipshitslivehere; 1dumbtroll; 1stupidsob; 250postsandibtz; 4mycountryskeyword; 65535; 65kposts; 666; aa0011iwannabefirst; aaaaaaaaaaaaaacaguy; aaamaglevpingalo; abortazot; abrokensphincter; abstemious; absurd; abusive; acluphaggot; addictedtozot; addmetoalllists; afraid; agenerationoftards; aggressive; aha; alcoholforoil; allthemsquaters; allwalksoflife; allyourbase; almedina; alquida; alurbabesrbelongtome; ammorites; amongotherthingsderr; andzotsthewayitgoes; annoying; anotherdruggie; anotherkeyword; anotherundeadthread; antiamerican; appeasesatan; apprehensive; arabmyths; arassive; areyouseries; arguethis; arrogant; arse; arthurmcgowan; 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manipulative; marthatheloon; marthathemonster; masterofpings; maxinewaters; maxx; me; meager; meatslapper; medea; medication; medicationtime4troll; medidameccamedina; mediocre; meds; mefirst; megathread; mendacious; meninblack; mentalproblem; meow; meretricious; merrypingday; mess; milquetoast; mindnumbing; minor; minute; miserable; missionfromgod; mmm; moabites; molassesmiasma; momimonthecomputer; monicascigar; monkeybaiter; monkeyface; monkeyface2; monkeyscountry; moodyblues; moonbatard; moonbatovermiami; moonbatsstolemybrain; moose; moosebitmesister; moosejuice; moranic; moranictroll; morekeywords; moron; mostkeywordsever; mothershipcoming; movetochat; movezig4greatjustice; mrmommy; mrpoopypants; muchadoaboutnothing; mudslides; mumbling; muscatel; mustwashhands; mybeebergotstuned; mybeeberisstuned; mykeywordtoo; mymoomysaysimspecial; mynameisalgore; mypingaling; mypoopyhurts; mysterymeat; myths; myzotisbetter; myzotisbigger; myzotisfaster; myzotissooohot; myzotrocks; myzotrules; nadimabourabeh; nadimarabeh; nadimrabeh; nambypamby; namethatzot; narrow; needalife; needanotherkeyword; needmorekeywords; needsanenema; neenertard; negligible; nervous; nervousnelly; newbie; newundead; nicknameisdumbarse; nighttrain; ningnong; notdead; notdeadyet; nozotforoil; nsakitty; nuke; nuked; nukedtroll; nukeme; nukemenow; nukemeplease; nukemysorryass; nukesrus; nutcase; nutcasescantspell; obtuse; offyourmeds; ohhhzotsrock; ohthedrama; ohthehumanity; okthen; oliveoyl; olivethereindeer; omg; omggetafreakinglife; onebonghit2many; onedaywonder; onepingalingy; oooothatsmell; operationmockingbird; opportunistic; oppressed; orly; osama; osamaismyfriend; overdosed; overpowered; oversensitive; overversuson; overwhelmed; own4g3; ownage; owned; ownzored; owrkatetheweatherman; oxygenstarved; oyyoyyoyyoyyoyyoyyoy; ozone; ozoneactionalert; ozoneactionthread; ozonealert; ozonereactionthread; paltry; panicky; pantiesinawad; paranoid; paranoidtinfoil; paranoidtroll; parindle; parindled; parindlehim; parindleme; paternalistic; pathetic; pauldenton; paved; pavedtroll; pavement; pavers; pcottraux; peedincornflakes; peeple; peepleisasking; penguinhumor; perezites; personalfoul; pessimistic; petite; petty; pingawhaambulance; pinglemyfancy; pingmeeverywhere; pingmetomorrow; pingmeubeast; pingpingpingpingping; pingpong; pings; pingsformoney; pingthatshouldnotbe; pingthis; pinhead; pinkcadillac; plantigrade; pleeezepleeezezotme; pmsmigrainsinc; poisonous; poopoohead; poor; poorbaby; poorpoorpitifulme; porkypig; pot; powerless; pppppppppppppppppppp; propaganda; propagandists; psychoclown; puerile; puny; pusillanimous; putbacktheliquor; putz; pwn3d; pwn4g3; pwnd; pwned; pwnz0r3d; qtipkittylove; questionable; rabeh; racist; rain; rammingspeed; rant; rat; rateatroll; rather; reddawn; redflagsintospace; reducereuserecycle; repressed; restrictive; retard; retarded; retardedfool; retreadtroll; returnofjjfate; reviewmyass; revisionist; ricepudding; rickoshayrabbit; ridethelightning; ridiculous; rkba; rkbarules; roads; rockrollandping; rodneykingwashere; rogets; ronjeremy; rotorooter; rudeness; rumormill; sad; saddam; saddamcapture; saddamhussein; saddamismyfriend; sadtruthaboutatroll; sanctimoniousness; sandwichshyofpicnic; satan; satanic; savethedrama4urmama; saynotoderr; saynotogeico; scambaiting; scared; scooterlibby; scrawny; scum; scumbag; scurvy; secretive; selfdestructive; selfemployedshepherd; selfrighteous; senatorlandrieu; seventhsojourn; sexist; shameful; shithead; shocked; shortattentionspan; shy; sickly; signeduptopostthis; sillysillytroll; simperingwimp; singforpings; skyluswashere; sleazy; slight; smacktard; small; smashed; smokingpot; sniveling; sobbing; socialist; sociallyretarded; somanytardssofewzots; somebodyneedsahug; sonofsatan; sonoftheundeadthread; sorry; sortofdead; sosad; southpark; spam; spamspam; spamspamspam; spamspamspamspam; spamspamspamspamspam; spastic; spawnofcarvilleanus; speechless; speedracer; spellcheckerworking; spellczech; spineless; spiritless; splenetic; spootheotherbluemeat; spoozemonkee; squanto; steveowuzhere; stickingitupyournose; stifling; stillzotting; stingmypinger; stingyourpinger; stinkypete; stinkypinky; stolenvalor; stomtajora; stoned; stonedtroll; stopvanitykeywords; stuckonstupid; stuckonzot; stune; stuned; stunedmybeeber; stuneme; stunememore; stunemybeeber; stunemybeeberbaby; stupidtroll; subordinated; suckstobeme; sucktard; sumofabitch; sumpeople; superduperman; suppressive; suuuuuuure; syphilliticdementia; takeyourmedication; takeyourmeds; tannedhidesfromcuba; tardextrordinare; tardzot; tasteless; taxbrakesfortherich; taxchick; tbsshow; technicalfoul; teresaisthatyou; terminated; terrischiavo; thatdokuthing; thatsall; thatsgonnaleaveaping; theotherreindeer; therebenonetonight; thesaurus; thethreadthatwontdie; thingsgobettrwithzot; thingsthatgozot; thinkb4posting; thinskinned; thiskeywordsux; thistardiszotted; thorazineshuffle; threadthatwontdie; threadwithoutendamen; thumbsuckingmaroon; thunderbird; timexsinclair; timid; timorous; tinfoil; tinfoilhat; tiny; tonguetied; tonythetiger; toomanykeywords; topingornottoping; touchmypingy; travel; trifling; trivial; troll; trollagewhine; trollgotthezot; trollgotzotted; trollingforassholes; trollingfordummies; trollingforidiots; trollingforzot; trollisgay; trollisgayer; trollisgayist; trollishigh; trollisinneedofazot; trolllikesituptheass; trolloncrack; trollonpot; trollonspeed; trollonweed; trollschooldropout; trollsoup; trollstoned; trollzot; trollzotted; trounced; trs80; tuliptree76; turkeyonhead; twat; twit; ufoscomingforyou; uncaring; uncontrolled; undeadthread2; undisciplined; unethical; unfortunate; unhappyliberals; unimportant; unimpressive; unprincipled; unsympathetic; useadultdiapers; usefulidiot; ut2; v; valueless; vanity; varmintkong; vengeful; veryevil; verylongkeywordspam; verynaughty; veryseries; veryungodly; vi; viceisclosed; viceisclosing; victimhood; vii; viii; vikingkitties; vikingkitty; vikingkittychow; violent; vix; vulnerable; waaaaaaaaaa; waaaaahhhh; waaaambulancechaser; wacko; wacktard; wackyposter; wackytroll; waffling; wanker; wanting; wastedbanwidth; watchout4zombies; weak; weakkneed; weakwilled; weareyouroverlords; wee; weed; weenerhead; weeping; weird; welcomeslip18; wellbutrin; whack; whacked; whackedtroll; whackjob; whackman; whackme; whacktard; whahahahah; what; whatamaroon; whatatard; whatisderr; whatsthatsmell; whattheheckisthis; whatthehell; wherearemypants; whereistomdaschle; whimperingsimp; whinecheese; whiners; whinetard; whiny; whitelightning; whocutandpasted; whopingedinmybed; whysomanykeywords; wimp; wodlist; worried; worthless; wp; wreck; wretched; x; xi; xii; xiii; xiv; xv; xvi; xvii; xviii; xvx; xx; yogibear; youaremrgrumpy; youknow; youngandstupid; youramoron; youreouttahere; yourpingaling; yousillypinger; yousillypwanger; youzotmelongtimegi; yoyodyne; yoyyoyyoy; zapped; zappedtroll; zippidyzotday; zoloft; zot; zotadumbass; zotadummy; zotadunce; zotaholic; zotalicous; zotanidiot; zotarts; zotatardforscience; zotathon; zotatroll; zotbait; zotcrazy; zotfest; zotforvictory; zotgasm; zothead; zotiseverywhere; zotittomeonemoretime; zotjudgegreer; zotloft; zotlover; zotmalldaylong; zotmaryrobinson; zotme; zotme247; zotme247365; zotmeagain; zotmeagainandagain; zotmealldaylong; zotmeallmonthlong; zotmeallnightlong; zotmeallweeklong; zotmeallyearlong; zotmeatthepumps; zotmebaby; zotmebabyonemoretime; zotmebiweekly; zotmedaily; zotmeforever; zotmegentlyzotmeslow; zotmehard; zotmehardandlong; zotmeharder; zotmeimaloser; zotmeimanassclown; zotmeimanasshole; zotmeimanidiot; zotmeimashithead; zotmeimdumb; zotmeimstupid; zotmeindanuts; zotmeintheass; zotmeinthebutt; zotmeintheevening; zotmeintheface; zotmeinthemorning; zotmeintonextweek; zotmeintothesky; zotmelong; zotmelongandhard; zotmelongtime; zotmemore; zotmenow; zotmenownownow; zotmeoverandover; zotmeplease; zotmesohardithurts; zotmesolongipuke; zotmesolongithurts; zotmesomemore; zotmetilithurts; zotmetillimdead; zotmetillipuke; zotmetilliscream; zotmeuptheass; zotmeweekly; zotmichaelshiavo; zotmobile; zotmyass; zotmybilderberg; zotmyislamicass; zotmysorryass; zotmyworld; zotnip; zotomatic; zotopedia; zotorama; zotpeterson; zotsallfolks; zotsalot; zotsarecool; zotsfortots; zotsmcginty; zotsrus; zottalicious; zottarget; zotted; zotted247; zotted247365; zottedassclown; zottedbacktomecca; zottedbacktothedump; zotteddumbass; zotteddummy; zotteddunce; zottedidiot; zottedislamofascist; zottedleftist; zottedloser; zottedmoron; zotthestupidtroll; zotthisassclown; zotthisdutroll; zotthisidiot; zotthisloser; zotthistroll; zotthyself; zottotheright; zotty; zottynewyear; zottytrained; zotusmaximus; zotwaseverywhere; zotwashere; zotwasthere; zotwhatithought; zotwhore; zotyourmamma; zotzilla; zotzinger; zotzotbaby; zuluoscartango; zzzhowmanykeywords; zzzmanykewords; zzzmanykeywords; zzzmorekeywords; zzzotspiracy; zzzztoomanykeywords; zzzzzooooottttt; zzzzzz; zzzzzzot; zzzzzzzot; zzzzzzzzzzscott0347; zzzzzzzzzzzzzottarts; zzzzzzzzzzzzzz; zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzot; zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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To: intruder alert
I've been posting this at various places looking for someone who can refute it. As a staunch Bush supporter, I am disappointed no one has done so yet.

Just so we can help you, where did you see this posted, and/or where have you posted it yourself? I have been unable to locate another copy on the web..

181 posted on 01/03/2006 10:07:57 AM PST by Paradox (Time to sharpen ole Occam's Razor.)
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To: intruder alert; timpad; TBarnett34; MeekOneGOP; PetroniDE; Lady Jag; mhking; glock rocks; ...
Jeez...I just got back from a higher paying job interview, with educational benefits, and I see this crap. What do you have to say for yourself?

FYI Kitties, he's still alive!

Please let me know if you want ON or OFF my Viking Kitty/ZOT ping list!. . . don't be shy.

182 posted on 01/03/2006 10:09:55 AM PST by darkwing104 (Let's get dangerous)
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To: intruder alert


183 posted on 01/03/2006 10:12:01 AM PST by Not A Snowbird (Official RKBA Landscaper and Arborist, Duchess of Green Leafy Things)
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To: MNJohnnie
Are you Chinese? I ask because the Chinese are more proficient than any other at degrading and you have matched the wrath and zeal of a irate Chinese women at her husband.
184 posted on 01/03/2006 10:12:23 AM PST by jec41 (Screaming Eagle)
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To: intruder alert

Appropriate screen name.

185 posted on 01/03/2006 10:13:24 AM PST by trisham (Zen is not easy. It takes effort to attain nothingness. And then what do you have? Bupkis.)
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To: intruder alert
Tell me nube how may other of those periods were influenced by a 911 event? Didn't think so.
Or having to ramp up for a global WOT? Didn't think so either.
You can't compare today's economy to that of even one decade ago, too much has changed.

Get lost troll

186 posted on 01/03/2006 10:15:17 AM PST by Godzilla (Insanity is hereditary - you get it from your kids)
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To: Dead Corpse

Me, too.

187 posted on 01/03/2006 10:16:16 AM PST by MamaB (mom to an Angel)
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To: All

Do y'all want to play with the troll some more, or is it time for you know what?

188 posted on 01/03/2006 10:17:46 AM PST by Admin Moderator
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To: Admin Moderator

It is way past time! LOL

189 posted on 01/03/2006 10:18:15 AM PST by A.Hun (Democrats suck worse than ice storms.)
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To: intruder alert
government, education/health account for 57% of job growth. Of the jobs created outside of education, health and governmental employees (2,167,000), construction, professional services and financial services account for about 60% of the jobs created. Real estate is obviously related to all of these areas. Construction is obviously related to real estate, as are financial services (mortgage lending etc…) and professional services (real estate agents, appraisers etc…) So, real estate, governmental employees and health/education jobs are doing just fine.

Nice numbers...What are we going to do??? Just keep selling houses to each other???

Like the plant manager said to us (at my company)not long ago, 'figures lie, and liars figure'...This is a real hoax...

190 posted on 01/03/2006 10:18:16 AM PST by Iscool (Start your own revolution by voting for the candidates the media (and gov't) tells you cannot win.)
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To: trisham; intruder alert

ping to self. Duly noted, trisham.

IA? What do you do with all your spare time? Mickey D's is hiring...

191 posted on 01/03/2006 10:18:43 AM PST by Froufrou
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To: trisham

192 posted on 01/03/2006 10:18:57 AM PST by Paradox (Time to sharpen ole Occam's Razor.)
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To: Admin Moderator

I suppose we can still play with it without it responding. Given that it hasnt responded to anything, ZOT that beatch!

193 posted on 01/03/2006 10:19:13 AM PST by SwankyC (1st Bn 11th Marines Semper Fi)
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To: A.Hun

Wrong. Thats a gator duck.

194 posted on 01/03/2006 10:19:52 AM PST by jec41 (Screaming Eagle)
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To: intruder alert

Jolly numbers strike again!!!

195 posted on 01/03/2006 10:20:00 AM PST by Chi-townChief
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To: Admin Moderator

It's time for 'you know what'. =D

196 posted on 01/03/2006 10:20:35 AM PST by darkangel82
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To: A.Hun
Image hosted by
197 posted on 01/03/2006 10:20:57 AM PST by A.Hun (Democrats suck worse than ice storms.)
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To: Paul_Denton; Darksheare

Put your helmets on and don't stare ahead, zot is coming.

198 posted on 01/03/2006 10:21:23 AM PST by darkangel82
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To: intruder alert
The current expansion which started in November 2001 has created a total of 3,410 jobs.

LOL, the 'expansion' started right after 9-11. Get a clue idiot. Bye.

199 posted on 01/03/2006 10:22:05 AM PST by Always Right
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To: intruder alert

"I've been posting this at various places looking for someone who can refute it. As a staunch Bush supporter, I am disappointed no one has done so yet."

You do NOT criticize the president here. This is not allowed.

200 posted on 01/03/2006 10:23:04 AM PST by dljordan
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