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Bye-bye Delay! So long crooks! Goodbye world, I'm gone by ZOT!
Posted on 01/08/2006 6:43:32 PM PST by SoLongCrooks
Yaa, you repukes are not doing so well, huh? Imagine, you repukes control the presidency, both houses of Congress, and appointed 7 of the 9 Supreme Court justices. Yet the Supreme Court thre out sodomy laws in all 50 states and recognized the right of government to seize land for any reason. And you couldn't pass your Social Security changes could you? Sorry, that was your last shot. Come November, we're going to start seeing more Democratic faces in the House. It's the end for you guys. You guys are celebrating when Bush's numbers go *up* to 45%. Then Faux News trumpets this like it's some kind of victory.
I should add I am not a Democrat, I am a communist. And I know one day the workers will control the means of production, and all the capitalist idle class parasites you guys love will be eliminated as a class. But I also recognize, like the CPUSA, sometimes you must enter a front with the liberals for tactical reasons. We had fun sticking it to the liberals with Nader and the Greens in 2000, 2002 and 2004, but this year we're switching gears. Evo Morales in Bolivia, Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, plus all are other Latin American comrades, and the Left Party in Germany, the Socialist Party in Spain pulling the troops out of Iraq. It's a come back for the workers of the world, BIG TIME. Sorry to all you capitalists and sycophants, or Jesus-believing loonies.
Oh yaa - Bye bye Tom Delay. We control nothing in the government, yet we still control so much! Gramsci was right to make a long march through the institutions. Too bad your shot at power amounted to so little! At least you got your estate tax cut...for a few years anyhow.
TOPICS: Crime/Corruption
KEYWORDS: 0; 00; 000; 0000; 00000; 000000; 0000000conspiracyguy; 0000000gotzot; 00000trollbooth; 0000irishthatcherite; 000firstkeyword; 000freedumb2003; 000zot; 00aazotthebabytroll; 0acaguy; 0pentoall; 0wn3d; 0wn4g3; 0wned; 1234zot; 123lookatme; 15yardpenalty; 1dipshitslivehere; 1dumbtroll; 1firstzot; 1stupidsob; 65535; 65kposts; aa0011iwannabefirst; aaaaaaaaaaaaaacaguy; aaamaglevpingalo; abortazot; abrokensphincter; abstemious; absurd; acluphaggot; acnesideaffects; addictedtozot; addmetoalllists; afraid; agenerationoftards; alcoholforoil; allthemsquaters; allwalksoflife; allyourbase; almedina; alquida; alurbabesrbelongtome; ammorites; amongotherthingsderr; andzotsthewayitgoes; annoying; anotherdruggie; anotherkeyword; anotherundeadthread; antoninscalia; appeasesatan; apprehensive; arabmyths; areyouseries; arguethis; arse; arthurmcgowan; asphalt; asphaltisverysmart; ass; assclown; asshat; asshatcrybaby; asshattroll; asskicked; astickfromawheattree; astronaut; asymptoticbozoncount; atethebrownacid; 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To: SoLongCrooks
posted on
01/09/2006 5:55:23 AM PST
(See??? Sometimes I do read the articles.)
To: SoLongCrooks
Well, at least it was a better opus than the guy who forgot his member name and rejoined just to quit.
Congratulations on your ability to be a blithering idiot. Sad I missed the ZOT!
posted on
01/09/2006 5:56:34 AM PST
(Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. Lewis)
To: SoLongCrooks
"I should add I am not a Democrat, I am a communist. And I know one day the workers will control the means of production, and all the capitalist idle class parasites you guys love will be eliminated as a class. But I also recognize, like the CPUSA, sometimes you must enter a front with the liberals for tactical reasons. We had fun sticking it to the liberals with Nader and the Greens in 2000, 2002 and 2004, but this year we're switching gears. Evo Morales in Bolivia, Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, plus all are other Latin American comrades, and the Left Party in Germany, the Socialist Party in Spain pulling the troops out of Iraq. It's a come back for the workers of the world, BIG TIME. Sorry to all you capitalists and sycophants, or Jesus-believing loonies."
Go buy another can of spray paint because you are either in a drug induced dementia or you are an imbecile. LOL!
To: SoLongCrooks
I should add I am not a Democrat, I am a communist... And you don't like Tom DeLay? I'm shocked, I tell ya! Just shocked!
posted on
01/09/2006 5:57:55 AM PST
(Ooooops....I've Done It Again...)
To: SoLongCrooks
I should add I am not a Democrat, I am a communist. And I know one day the workers will control the means of production, and all the capitalist idle class parasites you guys love will be eliminated as a class. Ugh. Christmas modem.
posted on
01/09/2006 6:19:23 AM PST
N. Beaujon
To: King Prout; SoLongCrooks
Here are some lovely flowers to sniff on your way back to Momma's basement.
posted on
01/09/2006 7:33:20 AM PST
Not A Snowbird
(Official RKBA Landscaper and Arborist, Duchess of Green Leafy Things)
To: SoLongCrooks
This loser is still PO'd that Ronaldus Maximus took away his welfare benefits.
posted on
01/09/2006 7:40:01 AM PST
(Allah is allah outta virgins.)
To: Russ_in_NC
Wow unto those who call evil good and good evil ....Kind of amazing how a one-letter typo can totally flip the meaning of a sentence. Should be woe, not wow.
To: Mike Darancette
Up your revolution Komrad.Or: "Up your meds, Komrad."
To: Constitutionalist Conservative
fingers got in the way - LOL but if you think about it .... WOW sort of applies too .... many GOD's wrath.
To: SoLongCrooks
You, sir, are a Commie-insurgent, lilly-livered, ass-hatted scumbag.
BTW, you smell bad too....
posted on
01/09/2006 4:26:40 PM PST
(P=3/8 A. or, P=plenty...............)
To: Mr. Silverback
I don't wear glasses.
but if I did, they'd probably be broken and jury-rigged in the manner you describe.
posted on
01/09/2006 5:42:54 PM PST
King Prout
(many accuse me of being overly literal... this would not be a problem if many were not under-precise)
To: SandyInSeattle
such purty flowers for such a lame troll. dandilions would have sufficed :)
posted on
01/09/2006 5:45:38 PM PST
King Prout
(many accuse me of being overly literal... this would not be a problem if many were not under-precise)
To: SoLongCrooks
We know it's you fag.
posted on
01/09/2006 6:06:26 PM PST
To: SoLongCrooks; MurryMom
I should add I am not a Democrat, I am a communist.What's the difference? Really...
posted on
01/09/2006 6:21:22 PM PST
(Happy New Year!)
To: King Prout
such purty flowers for such a lame troll. dandilions would have sufficed :) Yeah, true, but I wanted to show off some nice new flowers I found.
posted on
01/09/2006 6:25:47 PM PST
Not A Snowbird
(Official RKBA Landscaper and Arborist, Duchess of Green Leafy Things)
To: SoLongCrooks
Gramsci sez see you in hell, DUmmie.
To: SoLongCrooks
Oh, another moron from DU with a parting shot. Good luck, troll! But, no one really gives a shit about your worthless rant.
posted on
02/12/2006 9:02:16 AM PST
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