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ZOT! Censorship alleged
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| 9/11/04
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Posted on 12/17/2005 5:27:56 AM PST by Dances With Fascists
Lies of omission about 9/11 -- stoking fears of terrorism
The following post was censored by shortly after it was posted on their "public" forum on 9/11/04. That forum is designed to appear as though it is a community forum open to all, but this post only received three responses before it and its replies were deleted, and a repeat posting at 4 am PST on 9/20/04 didn't stay online for 5 minutes! Someone is apparently watching closely over the content of the forums and censoring them 24/7 (though they might have chilled a bit since the election). I think their use of "free" in their domain name is rather blatantly misleading when they manipulate their content to eliminate points of view which expose their radical right-wing agenda.
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KEYWORDS: 0; 00; 000; 0000; 00000; 000000; 0000000conspiracyguy; 0000000gotzot; 00000trollbooth; 0000irishthatcherite; 000firstkeyword; 000freedumb2003; 000zot; 00aazotthebabytroll; 0acaguy; 0pentoall; 0wn3d; 0wn4g3; 0wned; 1234zot; 123lookatme; 15yardpenalty; 1dipshitslivehere; 1dumbtroll; 1stupidsob; 65535; 65kposts; aa0011iwannabefirst; aaaaaaaaaaaaaacaguy; aaamaglevpingalo; abortazot; abrokensphincter; abstemious; absurd; acluphaggot; addictedtozot; addmetoalllists; afraid; agenerationoftards; alcoholforoil; allthemsquaters; allwalksoflife; allyourbase; almedina; alquida; alurbabesrbelongtome; ammorites; amongotherthingsderr; andzotsthewayitgoes; annoying; anotherdruggie; anotherkeyword; anotherundeadthread; appeasesatan; apprehensive; arabmyths; areyouseries; arguethis; arse; arthurmcgowan; asphalt; asphaltisverysmart; ass; assclown; asshat; asshatcrybaby; asshattroll; asskicked; astickfromawheattree; astronaut; asymptoticbozoncount; awkward; awwwwww; azotcoming; azzhat; baathist; baathparty; babbling; baby; badaping; baffled; bahhumbug; banme; banmyass; banmysorryass; banned; bannedorsuspended; bastardlyandmuttly; battered; bawling; beeber; beeberstuning; befuddled; bellsarepinging; benlurkin; bewildered; bhabg; bigrubberball; binladin; bitchingforcolumbine; biteme; bitter; blessyourheart; blingbling; blueoyster; bnpbooster; bobrunsthingshere; bobsyouruncle; boing; boneheaded; boneless; boring; bornlosers; braketard; breachbirthanoxia; breakingnews; breastfedbyjanetreno; brideofundeadthread; brilliant; bringyourpinger; brokaw; broke; broken; brokendown; browbeaten; bugupyourbutt; buhbye; bushhitler; bushknew; butnobodylikesspam; bwahahaha; cabal; calllingyoumrgrumpy; callmemrgrumpy; canaanites; canaaniteslang; cassettememory; castrated; catcia; catfood; censor; censorship; cheerless; cheese; cheesecake; chestersayshi; chickencordonbleu; chickenkiev; childleftbehind; chode; ciakitty; clinton; cluelesszotees; clumsy; coke; colonadine; commie; commietroll; commodore64; communist; confused; conpisracy; conquered; conspiracy; conspiracytheory; conspirators; consspiracy; conundrum; couric; coward; crabbywabby; crack; crackdsmoker; crackhead; crackheads; cracklecrackle; crackpot; crackpotdummie; crackpotmoonbat; crackpottroll; crackpotwhacked; crackpotzotted; crap; crappy; crappytroll; crappytrollgotzotted; crapweasel; craven; crotchety; crybaby; crying; cryingontheinside; cythesinglegal; dancinwithflatulence; dangus; darkangel82; darksheare; dastardlyandmuttly; deadcorpse; deadnewbieposting; deadtrollssociety; deathbyzot; debased; decapitation; defective; defenseless; deficient; deflated; degenerate; dejected; delicate; delusional; democratcrybaby; demoralized; demsarestoopid; demtard; dependent; depraved; depressing; dermightyzot; derr; derrvikingkitties; destitute; dingbat; dinglehead; dirtbag; disappointment; disgraced; disgraceful; dishonorable; dismal; dispirited; distressed; dizzy; dobongs; doku; dominated; dontlaughimseries; dontmesswithmypingy; dontreadthiskeyword; doormat; dopey; downcast; downtrodden; drainbamage; drdeanpatient; droolbib; drugged; drugskillbraincells; drunkandstupied; drunkentroll; du; dududududzot; dudummies; duh; duhmmy; duhuh; duidiot; duisdull; dull; dumbass; dumbassdunce; dumbassidiot; dumbassliberal; dumbasstroll; dumbdems; dumberthanhammers; dumbtroll; dummie; dummieonpot; dummieonspeed; dummieonweed; dummietroll; dummioncrack; dunce; duncezotted; dunderhead; dutroll; eaker; easilyupset; eatsrootsandleaves; edgy; eelctrotherapyneeded; ejected; elastic; electrocuted; embarrassment; esmeraldaa; everythinghappens2me; exploited; failure; fainthearted; fascist; fbikitty; fearful; feeble; fellowshipoftheping; fiction; finbar; flailing; flamebaittroll; flimsy; fool; forestgrump; forwhomthebellthroll; foshizzle; fragile; frail; freepaholicsdream; freepinochet; frightened; frustrated; fueledbystupidity; funnawunnalouie; gabbagabbahey; gamemisconduct; georgebush; georgewasiington; gerbilherdsman; getalife; giacomo; 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incompetent; inconsequential; indecisive; indymedia; indymediatroll; inebriated; ineedalife; ineffective; inept; infinitezot; injured; inoculated; inocuous; insignificant; instructive; intransitive; inundated; invertebrate; ipingedonmyshoes; ireland; ismellozone; isthisyourbrain; istillcantping; itburnswheniping; itszottingtime; ittollsforthee; iwannabefree; iwantu2playwith; iwritebrilliant; jackass; jalepenoanalsalve; jamesthewonderbaby; jellopudding; jennings; jerksoffwithfascists; jetjaguar; jingo; jizzmoglobin; jjfatepartdeux; johnkeatsisdead; johnsmallberries; joojoojooha; justsaynotodrugs; juvenile; k1avg; karlrove; karlsnazi; keyword; keywordarama; keywordfrenzy; keywordinspiration; keywordmanina; keywords; keywordzot; kickme; kickmeagain; kickmeharder; kickmeintonextweek; kickmenow; kickmeover; kickmeoverandover; kickmezotmezotme; kickmyass; kickmyassoverandover; kickmyislamicass; kickmysorryass; kickmytrollishass; kingoftortes; kingproutisajerk; kittenchow; kittyfood; koolaidforoil; kucinichmilitant; l33tz0t; lacking; ladyjag; larrysarealwayslibs; laughable; lebanese; lebanon; leftintears; leftist; leftisttroll; leftostroll; leftymyths; leroyblows; liberal; liberaltroll; libisamentaldisease; libtardsrus; lies; lightning; lillylivered; livechow; loadofcrap; lookatme; lordofthepings; loser; lotsofkeywords; lowercase; lowercaselowercase; ludacrous; lunatic; luv2rainonyourparade; lying; maeybebaby; maeybepeeple; maglevpingaling; majorlongassthread; marthatheloon; marthathemonster; masterofpings; maxinewaters; maxx; meager; meatslapper; medea; medication; medicationtime4troll; medidameccamedina; mediocre; meds; megathread; mentalproblem; meow; merrypingday; mess; milquetoast; minor; minute; miserable; moabites; molassesmiasma; monkeybaiter; monkeyface; monkeyface2; monkeyscountry; moodyblues; moonbatard; moonbatovermiami; moonbatsstolemybrain; moose; moosebitmesister; moosejuice; moranic; moranictroll; morekeywords; moron; mostkeywordsever; movetochat; movezig4greatjustice; mrmommy; mrpoopypants; muchadoaboutnothing; mudslides; mumbling; muscatel; mybeebergotstuned; mybeeberisstuned; mykeywordtoo; mymoomysaysimspecial; mynameisalgore; mypingaling; mypoopyhurts; myths; myzotisbetter; myzotisbigger; myzotisfaster; myzotissooohot; myzotrocks; myzotrules; nadimabourabeh; nadimarabeh; nadimrabeh; nambypamby; namethatzot; needalife; needmorekeywords; needsanenema; neenertard; negligible; nervous; nervousnelly; newbie; newundead; nicknameisdumbarse; nighttrain; ningnong; notdead; nozotforoil; nsakitty; nuke; nuked; nukedtroll; nukeme; nukemenow; nukemeplease; nukemysorryass; nukesrus; nutcase; nutcasescantspell; obtuse; offyourmeds; ohhhzotsrock; ohthedrama; okthen; olivethereindeer; omg; onebonghit2many; onepingalingy; oooothatsmell; operationmockingbird; oppressed; osama; osamaismyfriend; overdosed; overpowered; oversensitive; overversuson; overwhelmed; own4g3; ownage; owned; ownzored; owrkatetheweatherman; oxygenstarved; oyyoyyoyyoyyoyyoyyoy; ozone; ozoneactionalert; ozoneactionthread; ozonealert; ozonereactionthread; paltry; panicky; pantiesinawad; paranoid; paranoidtinfoil; paranoidtroll; parindle; parindled; parindlehim; parindleme; pathetic; pauldenton; paved; pavedtroll; pavement; pavers; pcottraux; peedincornflakes; peeple; peepleisasking; penguinhumor; perezites; personalfoul; pessimistic; petite; petty; pingawhaambulance; pinglemyfancy; pingmeeverywhere; pingmetomorrow; pingmeubeast; pingpingpingpingping; pingpong; pings; pingsformoney; pingthatshouldnotbe; pingthis; pinhead; pleeezepleeezezotme; pmsmigrainsinc; poopoohead; poor; poorbaby; poorpoorpitifulme; pot; powerless; propaganda; propagandists; psychoclown; puny; pusillanimous; putbacktheliquor; putz; pwn3d; pwn4g3; pwnd; pwned; pwnz0r3d; qtipkittylove; questionable; rabeh; rain; rant; rat; rateatroll; rather; reddawn; redflagsintospace; reducereuserecycle; repressed; retard; retarded; retardedfool; retreadtroll; returnofjjfate; reviewmyass; ricepudding; rickoshayrabbit; ridethelightning; ridiculous; rkba; rkbarules; roads; rockrollandping; rodneykingwashere; rogets; rudeness; rumormill; sad; saddam; saddamcapture; saddamhussein; saddamismyfriend; sadtruthaboutatroll; sanctimoniousness; sandwichshyofpicnic; satan; savethedrama4urmama; saynotoderr; scambaiting; scared; scooterlibby; scrawny; scum; scumbag; scurvy; selfrighteous; seventhsojourn; shameful; shithead; shocked; shortattentionspan; shy; sickly; signeduptopostthis; simperingwimp; singforpings; skyluswashere; sleazy; slight; smacktard; small; smashed; smokingpot; sniveling; sobbing; socialist; somanytardssofewzots; somebodyneedsahug; sonofsatan; sonoftheundeadthread; sorry; sortofdead; southpark; spam; spamspam; spamspamspam; spamspamspamspam; spamspamspamspamspam; spastic; spawnofcarvilleanus; speechless; spellcheckerworking; spellczech; spineless; spiritless; spootheotherbluemeat; spoozemonkee; squanto; stickingitupyournose; stillzotting; stingmypinger; stingyourpinger; stolenvalor; stomtajora; stoned; stonedtroll; stopvanitykeywords; stuckonstupid; stuckonzot; stune; stuned; stunedmybeeber; stuneme; stunememore; stunemybeeber; stunemybeeberbaby; stupidtroll; subordinated; suckstobeme; sucktard; syphilliticdementia; takeyourmedication; takeyourmeds; tannedhidesfromcuba; tardextrordinare; tardzot; taxbrakesfortherich; taxchick; tbsshow; technicalfoul; teresaisthatyou; terminated; terrischiavo; thatdokuthing; thatsall; thatsgonnaleaveaping; theotherreindeer; therebenonetonight; thesaurus; thethreadthatwontdie; thingsgobettrwithzot; thingsthatgozot; thinkb4posting; thinskinned; thiskeywordsux; thistardiszotted; threadthatwontdie; threadwithoutendamen; thumbsuckingmaroon; thunderbird; timexsinclair; timid; timorous; tinfoil; tinfoilhat; tiny; tonguetied; toomanykeywords; topingornottoping; touchmypingy; travel; trifling; trivial; troll; trollagewhine; trollingforassholes; trollingfordummies; trollingforidiots; trollingforzot; trollishigh; trollisinneedofazot; trolloncrack; trollonpot; trollonspeed; trollonweed; trollsoup; trollstoned; trollzot; trollzotted; trounced; trs80; tuliptree76; turkeyonhead; twat; twit; uncontrolled; undeadthread2; undisciplined; unfortunate; unhappyliberals; unimportant; unimpressive; unprincipled; useadultdiapers; ut2; valueless; varmintkong; veryevil; verylongkeywordspam; verynaughty; veryungodly; viceisclosed; viceisclosing; victimhood; vikingkitties; vikingkitty; vikingkittychow; vulnerable; waaaaaaaaaa; waaaaahhhh; waaaambulancechaser; wacko; wacktard; wackyposter; wackytroll; waffling; wanker; wanting; wastedbanwidth; watchout4zombies; weak; weakkneed; weakwilled; weareyouroverlords; wee; weed; weenerhead; weeping; welcomeslip18; wellbutrin; whack; whacked; whackedtroll; whackjob; whackman; whackme; whacktard; what; whatamaroon; whatatard; whatisderr; whatsthatsmell; whattheheckisthis; whatthehell; wherearemypants; whereistomdaschle; whimperingsimp; whinecheese; whiners; whinetard; whiny; whitelightning; whocutandpasted; whopingedinmybed; wimp; worried; worthless; wp; wreck; wretched; youaremrgrumpy; youknow; youngandstupid; youramoron; youreouttahere; yourpingaling; yousillypinger; yousillypwanger; youzotmelongtimegi; yoyodyne; yoyyoyyoy; zapped; zappedtroll; zippidyzotday; zoloft; zot; zotadumbass; zotadummy; zotadunce; zotaholic; zotanidiot; zotarts; zotatardforscience; zotathon; zotatroll; zotbait; zotcrazy; zotfest; zotforvictory; zotgasm; zothead; zotiseverywhere; zotjudgegreer; zotloft; zotlover; zotmalldaylong; zotmaryrobinson; zotme; zotme247; zotme247365; zotmeagain; zotmeagainandagain; zotmealldaylong; zotmeallmonthlong; zotmeallnightlong; zotmeallweeklong; zotmeallyearlong; zotmeatthepumps; zotmebaby; zotmebabyonemoretime; zotmebiweekly; zotmedaily; zotmeforever; zotmehard; zotmehardandlong; zotmeharder; zotmeimaloser; zotmeimanassclown; zotmeimanasshole; zotmeimanidiot; zotmeimashithead; zotmeimdumb; zotmeimstupid; zotmeindanuts; zotmeintheass; zotmeinthebutt; zotmeintheevening; zotmeintheface; zotmeinthemorning; zotmeintonextweek; zotmeintothesky; zotmelong; zotmelongandhard; zotmelongtime; zotmemore; zotmenow; zotmenownownow; zotmeoverandover; zotmeplease; zotmesohardithurts; zotmesolongipuke; zotmesolongithurts; zotmesomemore; zotmetilithurts; zotmetillimdead; zotmetillipuke; zotmetilliscream; zotmeuptheass; zotmeweekly; zotmichaelshiavo; zotmobile; zotmyass; zotmybilderberg; zotmyislamicass; zotmysorryass; zotmyworld; zotnip; zotomatic; zotopedia; zotorama; zotpeterson; zotsallfolks; zotsalot; zotsarecool; zotsfortots; zotsmcginty; zottalicious; zottarget; zotted; zotted247; zotted247365; zottedassclown; zottedbacktomecca; zottedbacktothedump; zotteddumbass; zotteddummy; zotteddunce; zottedidiot; zottedislamofascist; zottedleftist; zottedloser; zottedmoron; zotthestupidtroll; zotthisassclown; zotthisdutroll; zotthisidiot; zotthisloser; zotthistroll; zotthyself; zottotheright; zotty; zottytrained; zotusmaximus; zotwaseverywhere; zotwashere; zotwasthere; zotwhatithought; zotwhore; zotyourmamma; zotzilla; zotzinger; zotzotbaby; zuluoscartango; zzzhowmanykeywords; zzzmanykewords; zzzmanykeywords; zzzmorekeywords; zzzotspiracy; zzzztoomanykeywords; zzzzzooooottttt; zzzzzz; zzzzzzot; zzzzzzzot; zzzzzzzzzzscott0347; zzzzzzzzzzzzzottarts; zzzzzzzzzzzzzz; zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzot; zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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To: Darksheare
I don't have one and I don't cry for help when my position is shown to be wrongheaded. You paged 1 guy, you need much more than that.
posted on
12/17/2005 10:37:34 PM PST
To: Darksheare
I can see how someone with your reqading level would see that as free reign. Would you like to continue to try to get an accurate point in or do you want to keep getting a beat down?
posted on
12/17/2005 10:39:02 PM PST
To: bigsigh
You've been whining about how the troll got the zot.
No, don't need more than that.
Besides, I don't need more than one handle, breakem, verifythentrust.
Still posting over at Libertypost?
posted on
12/17/2005 10:39:04 PM PST
("Keep it just between us..." she said, and then she faded into the mist.)
To: bigsigh
or my spelling level for that matter
posted on
12/17/2005 10:39:28 PM PST
To: bigsigh
"Would you like to continue to try to get an accurate point in or do you want to keep getting a beat down?"
Funny, your post 232 shows you defending a troll, and I'm the one getting a beat down?
In what alternate universe?
posted on
12/17/2005 10:40:24 PM PST
("Keep it just between us..." she said, and then she faded into the mist.)
To: Darksheare
ooh, now the personal info. Are you totally bankrupt of an idea. How about posting pictures of cats, you haven't tried that.
posted on
12/17/2005 10:40:39 PM PST
To: Darksheare
Funny how you erroneously interpret that as me favoring free reign. You see you started wrong and you kept on going.
posted on
12/17/2005 10:41:26 PM PST
To: bigsigh
Hey, I'm not the guy who had to retread and whine about having retread.
You have a personal stake in defending trolls.
Still posting over at LibertyPost?
posted on
12/17/2005 10:41:42 PM PST
("Keep it just between us..." she said, and then she faded into the mist.)
To: bigsigh
You defend trolls, that's info enough.
This troll had no business being here, makes an accusation that has absolutely no merit, and you say he has a point?
So you're saying that FR censors?
Do you even know what censorship is?
FR is Private Property.
posted on
12/17/2005 10:42:55 PM PST
("Keep it just between us..." she said, and then she faded into the mist.)
To: Darksheare
Suggestion if you want to not admit your mistake and be dishonerable about it, you can go wherever you want and see who posts what. Distraction alert! Have fun.
posted on
12/17/2005 10:43:24 PM PST
To: Darksheare
And you exaggerated what I did. So what.
posted on
12/17/2005 10:43:53 PM PST
To: bigsigh
No exaggeration to it.
It is what you said, and you have had a habit of defending obvious trolls.
posted on
12/17/2005 10:44:21 PM PST
("Keep it just between us..." she said, and then she faded into the mist.)
To: Darksheare
Never said it and your posting my quote proves it. Here's your home work. Write 100 times, I'm sorry I thought I had to distort someone's position to try to win an argument. Let me know when you finish.
posted on
12/17/2005 10:45:40 PM PST
To: bigsigh
"Never said it and your posting my quote proves it."
You never said this?
"It was a post worth discussing. For my money, we have a hair trigger around here."
The troll was saying that FR censors.
You said it was worth discussing and that 'we have a hair trigger around here.'
In other words, you too are saying taht FR censors.
posted on
12/17/2005 10:47:07 PM PST
("Keep it just between us..." she said, and then she faded into the mist.)
To: Dances With Fascists
What don't people understand about this site? It is NOT an open forum for liberals to blather on. They can go to DU for that.
To: Reform4Bush
To: Darksheare
Stop the stupidity. Here's the quote you posted which is hyperbole. Do your homework or be honest.
"He thinks that trolls should be given FREE REIGN."
posted on
12/17/2005 10:51:36 PM PST
To: bigsigh
posted on
12/17/2005 10:52:00 PM PST
("Keep it just between us..." she said, and then she faded into the mist.)
To: bigsigh
posted on
12/17/2005 10:53:32 PM PST
("Keep it just between us..." she said, and then she faded into the mist.)
To: M1Tanker
Brilliant synthesis of the current culture war. Brilliant home page. Thank you.
posted on
12/17/2005 11:15:03 PM PST
(Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others. Robert Louis Stevenson)
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