I don’t think Liberia would be the answer. I don’t think after all they have been through, that they can support Farrakhan and his bunch, nor would they gain anything by having them there. Would they provide the knowledge to produce jobs for the Liberians, like building factories to manufacture vehicles, refrigerators, washing machines, textiles, etc,etc,. Naaaaah, it won’t do. They’d just create more problems for the Liberians. What have we against the Liberians that would warrant punishing them by sending them Farrakhan?
Don’t they already have the whole continent of Africa?
“He also mentions the Mahdi is about to return! “
Isn’t the Mahdi suppose to be the Antichrist? Won’t be surprising if he will support him when he appears.
Black separatists good. White separatists bad,
It’s called Liberia. Please go.
One can sometimes recover those threads via the Internet Archive, aka, The WayBack Machine.
Liberia was set up in 1822 to provide a homeland for US slaves who had been set free.
Isn’t that what Liberia was for???
I can imagine Louis Farrakhan with his own nation. The first time he experienced trouble, he would commit “revolutionary suicide” and drop the cyanide into the water supply. Not much stable leadership there.
His god is already destroying American cities, just check out Detroit.
Sounds racist.
How will they decide who’s black enough to join?
Give’em Mexifornia and for control of his promise land, they can fight it out with the illegals. Sounds like a win win to me.
Fair enough...a new Liberia.....Im sure itll be peachy
We may jest, and throw the inevitable Liberia answer out there, but Farahkhan is not joking. Nor are the NBPP who parrot the whole “we want our own nation.”
And although they may be be small organizations, they are NEVER going to change their ideologies.
I think we have manifestly seen, and much more during the last three and half years, that blacks and whites are not going to be able to cohabitate in one nation, peacefully.
Works for me. Complete separation and you can run/ruin your own stuff
Bombing Mecca sounds good, though.
Just stop and think what would happen if a white said the word Ni—er in a politically correct setting?
I believe PC, diversity and sensitivity have completely turned the rights of white people into thought and speech crimes while the Blacks are actually encouraged to do so.
Eventually (and not too far from now) whites will be the minority and hunted down like rats.
Think God I am old and won’t be here when that happens.
My vote is yes... give ‘em California and fence the borders. Maybe even mine fields. :-)