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Obama's Hatemonger Helpers-Wright, Farrakhan, and the New Black Panther Party have a candidate
Frontpagemagazine ^ | 3-20-08 | Don Feder

Posted on 03/20/2008 5:28:49 AM PDT by SJackson

Obama condemns Wright’s “incendiary rhetoric,” but says he can’t “disown” the man. What is it about this Democratic presidential candidate that attracts the likes of Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, and The New Black Panther Party?

Former Louisiana Governor Edwin Edwards once famously quipped, “The only way I can lose this election is if I’m caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy.”

After being caught in bed with a live racist-/America-hater, Senator Barack Obama did rhetorical hand-stands to explain away the liaison.

Obama delivered his 5,000-word rationalization (“A More Perfect Union”) in Philadelphia on Tuesday. The New York Times was positively orgasmic, headlining its editorial hosanna “Mr. Obama’s Profile in Courage.”

The senator finally confronted his Wright problem out of necessity, not courage. His campaign threatened to sink under the weight of the minister’s nutty rhetoric. (Mean conservative talk-shows kept playing cuts from recordings of Wright’s sermons.)

You have to admire the way Obama nimbly pirouetted around Wright’s hysterical anti-Americanism.

Describing Wright’s statements as “incendiary language to express views that have the potential to widen the racial divide” and which “denigrate the greatness and goodness of this nation,” the candidate heroically declared that he had already “condemned” said statements “in unequivocal terms.”

Gee, maybe the New York Times is right. I guess it really takes guts for the front-runner for his party’s nomination to pronounce America “great” and “good.”

Then, the fearless candidate proceeded to forthrightly address what he knew and when he knew it – sort of.

“Did I know him (Wright) to be an occasionally fierce critic of American domestic and foreign policy? Of course. Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes. Did I strongly disagree with many of his political views? Absolutely – just as I’m sure many of you have heard remarks from your pastors, priests, or rabbis with which you strongly disagreed.” Of course, initially Obama claimed plausible deniability. (“None of these statements were ones that I had heard personally in the pews.”)

Note the following: Obama never tells us what form Wright’s occasional fierce criticism of “American domestic and foreign policy” took. He never explains in what ways the Rev’s rhetoric is considered “controversial.” Most importantly, he never discloses the form his allegedly strong disagreement took.

Did he:

Stand up in the middle of one of Wright’s hate-filled sermons and shout “Enough of this crap!” Threaten to resign from the congregation. Send a letter of protest to his pastor and spiritual mentor? Express outrage to the church’s governing body?

Answer: None of the above.

For 20 years, Obama occupied a pew of Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ and listened to Wright spew his poison week after week, month after month, year after year. But until the last few weeks – when his association with the rabid Rev. became an impediment to his triumphal march to the presidency -- there is no record of Obama protesting a single word of Wright’s “controversial” criticisms.

However, we do know that Wright married Obama and his wife, that he baptized both of the candidate’s children, that Obama once made a $20,000 gift to the church, that he called Wright his inspiration, and that he based his 2004 speech to the Democratic National Convention (and later the title of his best-selling book) on one of Wright’s sermons.

In January 2007, Obama told the Chicago Tribune: “What I value most about Pastor Wright is not his day to day political advice. He’s much more of a sounding board for me to make sure that I’m not losing myself in some of the hype and hoopla and stress that’s involved in national politics.”

Does that sound like Obama describing someone he strongly disagrees with – a man whose rhetoric he found worthy of censure? How many of us, I wonder, would use a man whose ideas we found repulsive as a “sounding board.”

To call the Reverend Jeremiah A. Wright’s condemnations of America and the white race fierce criticism or “controversial” is like saying that Hitler was a passionate social critic who occasionally exceeded the bounds of propriety.

Wright’s criticism qualifies him for the hall of fame of America-Haters. Consider the following excerpts from his recorded sermons and interviews:

-- He regularly referred to America as the “U.S. of K.K.K.-A.” and the “United States of White America.”

-- Instead of “God bless America, Wright urged African Americans to say “God d*** America.”

-- “America is the No 1 killer in the world. … We are deeply involved in importing drugs, the exporting of guns and the training of professional killers.”

-- “We (the U.S. of K.K.K) started the AIDS virus. … We are only able to maintain our level of living by making sure Third World people live in grinding poverty.”

-- Also, “The government lied about inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color.”

These views aren’t merely controversial, contemptible or paranoid, but so barmy as to qualify Wright for a padded cell.

-- The fevered brain of Rev. Wright works overtime concocting conspiracies. The government “knew about Pearl Harbor” and the World Trade Center before they happened, he insists.

-- At the same time, we provoked 9/11 by using atomic bombs during World War II, condoning Israeli “racism,” and ignoring the concerns of non-whites.

-- But that only scratches the surface of our crimes against humanity. Wright: “We bombed Cambodia, Iraq and Nicaragua, killing women and children while trying to get public opinion turned against Castro and Gaddafi”

-- “Racism is how this country was founded and how this country is still run.”

-- “We believe in white supremacy and black inferiority and we believe in it more than we believe in God.”

-- “Black men turning on black men – that is fighting the wrong enemy. You are both primary targets in an oppressive society that sees both of you as a dangerous threat.”

-- Wright cites the “brothers in prison,” high unemployment in the black community, three-strikes-and-your-out laws and higher sentences for crack than cocaine as examples of pervasive, omnipotent white racism. Brothers in prison and black joblessness couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the meltdown of the black family (due to the very welfare policies Obama advocates expanding). FYI, the Black Congressional Caucus lobbied for those higher penalties for crack, due to its devastating impact on the inner-cities.

-- Naturally, an insightful thinker like Wright is drawn to Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan, who Wright calls “one of the giants of the African American religious experience.”

-- Says Obama’s minister of Minister Farrakhan: “His honesty and integrity have secured him a place in history as one of the nation’s most powerful critics. (There’s that word again.) His love for Africa and African American people has made him an unforgettable force, a catalyst for change and a religious leader who is sincere about his faith and purpose.”

-- Wright’s esteem for the man who once called Judaism a “gutter religion” must have increased exponentially when Farrakhan recently endorsed Obama.

-- Wright and his son attended Farrakhan’s 1995 Million Man March (the black equivalent of a cross-burning) which he described as a “once in a lifetime, amazing experience,” while denouncing black leaders who spurned the Nation of Islam-burg Rally as “colored leaders,” “Oreos” and “house niggers.”

-- In 1984, Wright accompanied Farrakhan and Jesse Jackson on a hug-a-thug tour of Libya and Syria, presumably, to counter the lies the U.S. had been spreading about Gaddafi.

-- Wright is a disciple of so-called “black liberation theology” (the theological branch of Afro-centrism). As a source of spiritual guidance, Obama’s pastor cites James Cone, a professor at Union Theological Seminary in New York and author of numerous books. Professor Cone-head describes his whack-a-doodle theology thusly: “Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people then he is a murderer and we had better kill him.” And this is the inspiration for the man who Obama says brought him to Jesus?

In his Philadelphia speech, Obama admitted that while Wright was “controversial” and employed “incendiary language to express views that have the potential (the potential?) to widen the racial divide,” he couldn’t “disown” his pastor, who was, after all, like family.

“The man I met more than 20 years ago (Wright) is a man who helped introduce me to my Christian faith, a man who spoke to me about our obligations to love one another.”

Does the mental sewage Wright disgorges sound like Christianity or love?

Obama: “I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can disown my white grandmother who helped raise me … who once confessed her fear of black men who passed her on the street.”

Throwing Grandma under the bus – now there’s a “profile in courage.” An elderly, white woman who confessed fear of black men who passed her on the street is comparable to a hysterically racist, viciously anti-American preacher?

By the way, Jesse Jackson once confided, “There is nothing more painful to me…than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery, then look around and see somebody white and feel relief.”

Last year, when that boob Don Imus made his “nappy-headed hos,” comment, which demeaned members of the Rutgers women’s basketball team, Obama said the talk show host “fed into some of the worst (racial) stereotypes.”

“I would also say that there’s nobody on my staff who would still be working for me if they made a comment like that about anybody of any ethnic group,” Obama righteously proclaimed.

But he didn’t try to fire his preacher. As far as we know, for 20 years he listened to Wright’s hatred for America and his racism without a word of protest.

Oh, besides Wright and Louis Farrakhan, The New Black Panther Party just endorsed Barack Obama. The party explains that the O-man “represents ‘positive change’ for all America.”

Even the leftist Southern Poverty Law Center says The New Black Panther Party is an extremist hate group, while the Anti-Defamation League calls NBPP “the largest organized anti-Semitic black militant group in America.”

NBPP founder Malik Zulu Shabbazz told World Net Daily that he and his bund were mightily impressed by the way the Senator handled the Wright affair.

“I think the way Obama responded to the attack on him and the attempt to sabotage his campaign shows true leadership and character. He had a chance to denounce his pastor and he didn’t fall for the bait. He stood up and addressed the real issues of racial discord,” Shabbazz observed.

The campaign said they weren’t responsible for the endorsement.

But whatever Obama’s reaction to this latest cheer from the cesspool -- will he tell us he disavows Shabbazz’s rhetoric but can’t “disown” the man -- you have to wonder: What is it about Barrack Obama that appeals to the likes of Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, and The New Black Panther Party?

TOPICS: Editorial; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: donfeder; jeremiahwright; nobama; obama

1 posted on 03/20/2008 5:28:50 AM PDT by SJackson
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To: SJackson
Obama is disgusting. Any man who, in his hour of adversity (well deserved adversity I might add) who would diss his own grandmother, who has helped him so much, and liken her to the hatemonger Wright, has shown his absolute true colors.

His long time association and reverence for the reverend indicate that he went to that church because he liked and adhered to what was taught there. This guy married him, baptized his kids. He took his kids to that trough to be "spiritually" fed. (Seems more like to be indoctrinated to me).

What Obama is trying unsuccessfully to do is actually to distance himself from himself...and that will not wash.

This preacher is not only disgusting in his rhetoric and hate, he is a studied and ardent teacher of black liberation theology, which, IMHO, is a perversion of christianity, far removed from the gospel of love and peace that Jesus Chrisat taught.

It is one thing for a professed christian to do bad things and act in a way that is not in conformance with Christ's teachings. Such a person should repent and reform themselves through the blood and atonement of Jesus Christ.

It is quite another thing when the very gospel Christ taught is twisted and manipulated into a thing of hate and then spewed from the pulpit, infecting the minds and lives of thousands and influencing them to then act in ways not in conformance with Christ's teachings...and having them do so with no feeling or thought of repenting from acting worng because they have been taught that it is right.

Thus Obama's wife's comments about her lack of pride in America and America being a mean place. Thus Obama's own feelings about the flag, patriotism, and the national anthem. All of it begins to fall into place.

That is what this hate whitey, hate America, theology does and is all about...and Obama wants to take it right into the White House.

2 posted on 03/20/2008 5:31:47 AM PDT by Jeff Head (Freedom is not free...never has been, never will be. (
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To: Jeff Head

I agree. I am a white man and 100% sick of this BS.

3 posted on 03/20/2008 5:36:16 AM PDT by MARKUSPRIME
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To: Jeff Head

Ditto on what you said so eloquently. Obama must hate his white grandmother who had to help raise him, when his black Kenyan Moslem father deserted him as a toddler. Obama has some issues with himself for real. If Obama can not resolve his own racial background, how can he solve Americas?

4 posted on 03/20/2008 5:56:15 AM PDT by AmericanMade1776
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To: AmericanMade1776

And, how unreasonable was it, really, for grandma to be nervous about black men she passed on the street?

We all have a pretty good intuition as to when to be afraid and when not. Why distrust grandma’s instincts the one or two or ten times she might have expressed that fear.

And, since a black male is 13-16 times more likely to commit a crime where the victim is injured, maybe grandma was on to something.

5 posted on 03/20/2008 6:03:07 AM PDT by anton
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To: anton
anton wrote: And, how unreasonable was it, really, for grandma to be nervous about black men she passed on the street?

It wasn't unreasonable , if the woman felt fear. How many white college girls feel fear ..around black males...these days at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, or at Auburn University? Is it racist for them to feel the fear, or is it normal?

6 posted on 03/20/2008 6:12:52 AM PDT by AmericanMade1776
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To: anton
And, how unreasonable was it, really, for grandma to be nervous about black men she passed on the street?

It is very reasonable, just as it would be reasonable for a black man to be suspicious of a white man he believes might be a racist bully based on the way he dresses, speaks, or some other indicator.

I am reminded of a young man who used to work in our office. A white kid with long hair down to his back, and a skateboarder. One day he came in with bruises and I asked him what happened thinking he had a skateboard accident. He told me he had been waiting at a local light rail station and saw a group of young black men coming his way. His initial instinct was to flee but then his second thought was his first thought was racist and he should give these guys the benefit of the doubt. Well they mugged him and took his skateboard.

I told him that discretion and caution are not racism and that any one of those young black men, had they been confronted by a group of whites he thought threatening, would have fleed the scene, and rightly so.

Obama's grandmother raised him and loved him....a racist would NOT have done that. Obama is a slimeball, he disgusts me.

7 posted on 03/20/2008 6:16:35 AM PDT by HerrBlucher
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To: SJackson
Previously I was joking when I typed in an imaginary headline:

Obama's grandmother to be charged with hate crime?
Senator Obama mulling options

As more is revealed about censored censored Obama and as he continues to speak out about the past (present, and bleak future if white America does not change) the more I believe that the grandmother just maybe will do time for the crime.

8 posted on 03/20/2008 6:18:58 AM PDT by WilliamofCarmichael (If modern America's Man on Horseback is out there, Get on the damn horse already!)
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To: SJackson
As Commander-in-Chief, Obama would have to send American men and women into harm's way.

His 20 years of continued attendance at Wrights’s “sermons,” without in any manner disavowing them, is A TACIT AFFIRMATION AND ENDORSEMENT of Wright's words and philosophy.

These included the most hateful, vile, and slanderous attacks upon America, its people, its history (even including the Civil War - a true war of liberation), and assuredly its armed forces.

Hundreds of thousands of U. S. servicemen have lost their lives in safeguarding this nation - and providing the liberty, security and freedom that makes possible even the rants of people like Wright.

Obama has not disqualified himself from being a Senator or other member of the government.

But he has imminently removed himself from consideration as Commander-in-Chief.

9 posted on 03/20/2008 7:50:52 AM PDT by mtntop3
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To: HerrBlucher
you are so correct. His interpretation of grandma's actions were nothing more than the racist template applied to cautious behavior on her part. His wife echos that hideous sentiment in her diatribe against America as “downright mean.”

These people are even more despicable in that they both have milked the country for more than they should ever have been entitled to and now treat the greatest nation as their enemy.

10 posted on 03/20/2008 9:00:20 AM PDT by anton
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To: SJackson

Excellent! You should put this under extended news or editorial. It deserves to be read by EVERYONE!

11 posted on 03/20/2008 10:36:42 AM PDT by GodGunsGuts
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To: Jeff Head; wardaddy
Race is not a factor in "building a more perfect union."

How 'bout income tax reform, education, abortion, defense, etc....the whole bit about race is a sham, but then racists always think race is the issue.

12 posted on 03/20/2008 10:41:00 AM PDT by stainlessbanner
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To: stainlessbanner; Jeff Head; Squantos; Travis McGee

As much as liberals and mnoderates (including the usual here) would like to think otherwise, Obama is hurt.

I heard Zogby and Rassmussen on Hannity today and both were in agreement about the polls showing Obama in a cliff dive and the quandry the Dems are now in.

A candidate ripe for slaughter even by this wussy Dem loving media and they can’t stop him from getting the nomination.

Reasonable (relatively speaking) liberals like Beckel and Estrich must be fit to be tied at this mess. How did they let someone as freaky radical as Obama coast to this.

We here all knew this months ago how out there Obama was. Besides does anyone think they can muzzle his wife forever?

13 posted on 03/20/2008 5:54:17 PM PDT by wardaddy (Obama: The candidate for those who think Deliverance was a documentary.)
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To: wardaddy

I keep tabs on all the polls with the RCP average at this link.

14 posted on 03/20/2008 5:57:59 PM PDT by Squantos (Be polite. Be professional. But, have a plan to kill everyone you meet.©)
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To: wardaddy

What an incredible situation. If Obama loses because the SDs go to Hillary to save the ‘rat chances in the general, the inner cities might burn. If Obama wins the nomination, he’ll be creamed, this will make Swiftboats look like a love letter.

15 posted on 03/20/2008 6:51:52 PM PDT by Travis McGee (
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To: Jeff Head
This preacher is not only disgusting in his rhetoric and hate, he is a studied and ardent teacher of black liberation theology, which, IMHO, is a perversion of christianity, far removed from the gospel of love and peace that Jesus Chrisat taught.

Basically, Christianity as taught by Mohammad.

16 posted on 03/20/2008 7:27:42 PM PDT by DuncanWaring (The Lord uses the good ones; the bad ones use the Lord.)
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To: Travis McGee
too wife and I were eating Italian at the same joint where you and I and the lads went (and the waitress spilled the pitcher) and still surrounded by a few pasty Vandy lefties and she commented that she bet you would agree with her that should blacks feel shut out by a Hillary coup or Obama being disgraced from the race that we could have riots as bad or worse than 1968 and MLK.

I told her her I bet you agreed.

man...the dems are sure in a pickle...stuck with a black racist that polls show few “ethnic whites” who are traditional blue color Dems will ever support and who has alienated many white women Dem voters and yet they can't do much about it without risking a race war in their party that could spill anywhere

still, this is a conflict...a reality that was begging to be addressed

had we not had such a complicit media this could have never happened

they act surprised...where were they?

we knew about their darling boy last summer

17 posted on 03/20/2008 10:47:26 PM PDT by wardaddy (Obama: The candidate for those who think Deliverance was a documentary.)
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