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ZOT this Fashist!

Posted on 02/08/2006 12:53:07 PM PST by fingerlakestennesee

In this war freedom should come first not after! In New Hampshire the Motto is Live free or Die! I don't need Bush spying on law abiding americans and taking our freedoms. Anyone who surrenders a square inch of freedom to the government in the name of saftey is a traitor and should be treated like one! Let the Bush Fashists all drop dead! Filthy Commys! LET FREEDOM RING!

TOPICS: War on Terror
KEYWORDS: 00000001keywords; 00000002using; 00000003up; 00000004irish; 00000005thatcherites; 00000007bandwidth; 0wn3d; 0wn4g3; 0wned; 10acrebutt; 11dumbliberal; 1234posterenomore; 125no3sir; 1adoresalgore; 1algorefan; 1algorelivinglib; 1algorelovinglib; 1algoreluvingdolt; 1algoreluvingtool; 1algoreluvingtroll; 1askyourdocaboutzot; 1bumbliberal; 1dumbtroll; 1dumbzotee; 1liberallooser; 1lootingguy; 3beingthe3rdno; 4hrstoburythecat; 62041268bushfans; 62041268bushfanswon; 62041268bushfanz; a5minargument; a5minuteargument; abusive; achtungschnell; adios; admiresalgore; adoresalgore; afamoushistorian; africanoreuropean; afterthatoralsex; aggressive; agoodspanking; aha; aherring; ahole; albatross; algorbatross; algoredateshim; algoredearleader; algoreforthechildren; algoreisnotmyprez; algoreliestolibs; algorelives; algorelovescowbell; algorelovesfltn; algoreloveslibs; algorelovesozone; algorelovesyou; algoreloveszot; algoreloving; algorelovingdolt; algorelovinglooser; algorelovingtroll; algoreluvslavitra; 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dummie; dummieonpot; dummieonspeed; dummieonweed; dummioncrack; dummmie; dummy; dunce; duncezotted; dunderhead; dusrupter; dutroll; duzot; dystopic; eeewwwwwwthatsmell; eelctrotherapyneeded; ekiekiekipkowzing; ekiekipathangzoobyng; electrocuted; eris; esaysesnotdead; evasive; everyspermissacred; evilnaughtyzoot; fallofcommunism; farsicalsemiaquatic; fascistic; fashist; fashiststatement; fbikitty; fightswithspitballs; findmeashrubbery; firstclassdummy; flagrant; flowerpower; fnord; forcelightning; forgothislessons; forthechildren; foultemptress; fraudulent; frechlooser; freedom; freepersareidiots; freewynona; french; frenchappeaser; fresheggs; freshykittyfood; frodolives; fruitbat; fundamentalist; gdaybruce; genderconfusion; getbent; getsridofcrabstoo; gimmieurzots; girlymanalert; giveithere; giveyoumymilkmoney; gloomy; gonegonegone; gongshowloser; gooberdinky; goodbye; goofball; gopingyourself; goregoooooal; gorelicked; gottagogottago; gottagorightnow; gotzot; grailshapedbeacon; grapejelly; 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inconsequential; incontinentiabuttox; indecisive; indoctrination; indymediatroll; inebriated; ineed2bzotted; ineedalife; ineedazot; ineedprozac; ineedtobezotted; ineffective; inept; inhaledwanderingmime; injured; inkpens; inoculated; inocuous; insane; insignificant; instructive; intransitive; inundated; invertebrate; invisibletape; iorderu2bequiet; ipingedonmyshoes; ireland; isaiditagain; isaiditagainaahh; ismellozone; isthatalgore; isthatalgoresdog; isthatreallyal; isthatyoual; isthisyourbrain; istillcantping; isyourwifeagoer; isyourwifeasport; it; itburnsitburns; itburnswheniping; itcamefromfrance; ithurtsalot; its; itsacheeseshopsir; itsaconspiracy; itsafalseone; itsatemperatezone; itsjustalilbunny; itsmyrightasaman; itsveryrunnysir; itswafferthin; itszottingtime; ittollsforthee; iv; ivegotyoubabe; iwannafly; iwant2havebabies; iwanttobeawoman; iwantu2playwith; iweardepends; iwetmyself; iwritebrilliant; izottedhismother; jackass; jalathejihadgerbil; jalepenoanalsalve; jamesthewonderbaby; jargonspouting; jaroftrollsouls; jellopudding; jennings; jetjaguar; jimmuhzoter; jingo; jizzmoglobin; jjfatepartdeux; johnkeatsisdead; johnsmallberries; joncorzine; josephstalin; judeanpeoplesfront; judywoodruff; jumpoutofrabbit; justafleshwound; justalilbitoperil; justgetoverit; justsaynotodrugs; justwrong; juvenile; k1avg; keyword; keywordmania; keywords; keywordzzz; khaaaaaaaaaaaaaan; khaaaaaaaaaan; khaaaaaan; kickme; kickmeagain; kickmeharder; kickmeimtrollish; kickmeintonextweek; kickmenow; kickmeover; kickmeoverandover; kickmezotmezotme; kickmyass; kickmyassoverandover; kickmyislamicass; kickmysorryass; kickmytrollishass; killdawabbit; kingarthur; kingoftortes; kingproutisajerk; kissmeimsick; kissoff; kittenchow; kneelbeforezot; kneepadsalert; kneepadsbrigade; knightswhosayni; knucklehead; koolaiddrinkitdown; koolaidforoil; koooolaid; koooooooolaid; kucinichmilitant; lacking; lackofoxygenasafetus; ladyjag; ladyoftheevening; ladyofthehouse; ladyofthelake; lame; lampfinialcollector; largewoodenbadger; laughable; lazy; lead; learntospell; leroyblows; libelous; liberalmoron; liberalscum; liberalshill; liberalshillnh; libisamentaldisease; libtardsrus; lifesuksgetahelmet; lightning; lilfermentedcurd; lillylivered; littleredschoolhouse; littleshortbus; livefreeordifi; livesinabloodyswamp; loathsome; lookatme; lookatthebones; lookingformyidium; lookonabrightside; lookoutyourdead; lookslikeapenguin; lookwhatdroppedin; loosebowelmovement; loosecannon; lootingguy; lootingguy2008; lootingguyforpres; lootingguyisalgore; lootingguyloveslenin; lopyrownheadoff; loser; lostthehistorybook; lotsakeywords; lovelyfilthovaere; lovelyplumage; lovesalgore; loveslootingguy; lpdummy; luvsalgore; luvsloonyalgore; malevolent; malignant; maninadress; manindrag; manipulative; manyzots; marxism; maxinewaters; me; mefirst; mendacious; meretricious; mesozotty; messageforyousir; mezotyoulongtime; michaelmooreremora; mindnumbing; mindyerownbizness; misterkreosote; mmm; mobydicks; moistenedbint; montypython; moose; mooseandcheese; moosebitescanbnasty; moosebitmysister; motherwasahamster; mowsgoreslawn; mrhumphreys; mrsconclusion; mrsslocombe; mrsslocumbespussy; mrwensleydale; msmsms; murrymomrocks; mustbefrench; myheadispointy; mymoomysaysimspecial; mypoopyhurts; mytwinsisterdingo; nanananaheyhey; narrow; nastystuckuptwit; naughtiusmaximus; naughtybits; naughtyevilzoot; needshermeds; nhtoooool; ni; nitwit; no5isrightout; nofrydog; noitsnimorenasal; nominateforapulitzer; nomoresinging; nonewtaletotell; notaverygoodname; nothisisabuse; notlobisbolton; notquitedeadyet; notyourluckyday; nowieatthebanana; nowmds; nu; nuke; nuked; nukedtroll; nukeme; nukemenow; nukemeplease; nukemysorryass; numbershallbe3; ohbloodyhell; ohsodoff; ohstopit; ohtobealumberjack; ohwhatagiveaway; oldmanfromthread24; oldwoman; oldwomanerrman; ooohyawickeday; opportunistic; oranatangs; owareyoubruce; own4g3; ownage; owned; ownzored; ozone; ozoneactionthread; ozoneforalgore; ozonereactionthread; pacifica; panandromeofissi; passingruffians; paternalistic; paved; pavedtroll; pavers; penilecodes; pheeeewwwwwwwwwww; pimplepopper; pinhead; piningforfjords; plantigrade; pointedsticks; poisonous; porkrinds; pot; powerofcheese; presortedmail; publicschool; publiksk00lst00dent; puerile; pufromdu; putsomeiceonthat; pwn3d; pwn4g3; pwnd; pwned; pwnz0r3d; qwerty; racist; raginggerbil; ratherassignation; ratsorbet; reaganlegacy; reddupe; redistributingwealth; reeducationcenter; remedialenglishredux; removethesupports; restrictive; retardedfool; revisionist; rightforlavitra; rkba; rnconvention1992; rockschurcheslead; rogueherrys; romaneseuntdomus; romansgohome; ronaldreagan; rotorooterhim; ruapoofter; rule1nopoofters; rule3nopoofters; rule4alldrinking; rule5nopoofters; rule6isnorule6; rule7nopoofters; run4yourlife; runaway; sadtruthaboutatroll; sandinvagina; satanic; savememommy; saynomoresquire; secretive; seldombinzotted; selfdestructive; selfrighteous; senatorlandreausux; senatorlandrieu; sendsalgorecandy; sendsalgoreflowers; sendsalgorekisses; sendsalgorekissies; sendsalgoreluv; sendsalgoreprops; seventhsojourn; sexist; shameful; sheepsbladders; shehasgotawart; sheneededashower; shesallwet; shesawitch; shesbeensacked; shesfeelingdown; shesherstory; shesmadeofwood; shocked; shortattentionspan; shoutitout; shudup; shutuppleaseshutup; shy; sickly; signeduptopostthis; silliestthreadever; silliussoddus; sillyenglishkniggits; sillywalkin; sillywalks; simperingwimp; simplywrong; singforpings; sionnsar; sirgalahad; sirihaveaplan; sirlancelot; sirzotsalot; sister; skankinashower; skipabitbrother; skippy; skweweywabbit; slavetofashion; sleazy; slight; smacktard; small; smashed; sniffsalgorewhiteys; sniveling; sobbing; sociallyretarded; softcookedegg; soiledmyarmor; solongyouregone; somanytardssofewzots; somebodyneedsahug; somecallmetim; somecheeseplease; somemoistenedbimp; sonofasillyperson; sonoftheundeadthread; sorry; sorrysorrysosorry; sortofdead; sovietunion; spam; spambakedbeansspam; spameggsspam; spammerhammer; spamspam; spamspamsapmbeans; spamspamspam; spamspamspamspam; spamspamspamspamspam; spastic; speaking; speakupitsthensa; speechless; spellbolorwithak; spellchallenged; spellcheckerworking; spellczech; spineless; spiritless; spitballammo; spitballs; spitballz; splenetic; spootheotherbluemeat; spoozemonkee; stalin; stalinist; stalintool; steponcatnoise; stickychin; stifling; stillzotting; stingmypinger; stingyourpinger; stoned; stonedtroll; stoopid; stopvanitykeywords; strangeladyinpond; strawberrytart; strikeupthebanned; stune; stunedbeeber; stunedmybeeber; stuneme; stunememore; stunemybeeber; stunemybeeberbaby; stupidgit; stwikehimcentuwion; subordinated; suckstobeme; sucktard; suicidesquadattack; superzottttttt; suppressive; surrendermonkey; sux2bu; swampcastle; sweetfancymoses; syphilliticdementia; takeyourmedication; takeyourmeds; takinfrbysurprise; tankyoucomeagain; tardextrordinare; tardzot; tasteless; taterzot; tauntua2ndtime; taxbrakesfortherich; taxchick; taxdollarsatwork; tbsshow; teardownthiswall; technicalfoul; teresaisthatyou; termpaper; terrischiavo; thatsgonnaleaveaping; theblackknight; thebucketresidence; thehalfatroll; thelooneyinspector; themajestikmoose; theoralsex; theotherreindeer; thesaurus; thethreadthatwontdie; thingsthatgozot; thinkalgoreissmart; thinkb4posting; thinkgoreisgoober; thinkillgo4walk; thinksalgorecares; thinksalgoreishot; thinksgoreiscool; thinskinned; thisisabuse; thisisacheeseshop; thiskeywordsux; thistardiszotted; thmodsquadstrikes; thomethingithaid; thppppppppt; threadthatwontdie; threadwithoutendamen; thumbsuckingmaroon; thunderbird; thwowhim2thefloor; timexsinclair; timid; timorous; tinglesalittle; tiny; tisbutascratch; tisonlyafleshwound; tissadtimes; tonguetied; tonitennillekixass; toogle; tool; toolalgore; toolfromnh; tooloflenin; tooltool; tooltooltool; tooltooltooltool; tooltooltooltooltool; toomanykeywords; tooogle; toooogle; tooool; tooooogle; toooool; tooooool; toooooooooooooooool; topingornottoping; tossawombat; touchmypingy; touchofdewwingdo; travel; treasuretrail; trifling; trivial; troll; trollcontrol; trollgoessqueak; trollgotthezot; trollgotzotted; trollhead; trollhideandseek; trollingforassholes; trollingfordummies; trollingforzot; trollintrollin; trollishigh; trollisinneedofazot; trolllostandfound; trolloncrack; trollonpot; trollonspeed; trollonweed; trollpostsketch; trollreturnedtowild; trollsinmyshorts; trollsoup; trollstoned; trolltrolltroll; trollzot; trollzotted; troublwithswallows; trounced; trs80; trustyserventpatsy; tuliptree76; turnedmetoanewt; turnpagepaper; turnpaper; twatsherproblem; twit; twococonuts; uncaring; unclejoestalin; uncletrollscabana; uncontrolled; undeadthread2; undisciplined; unethical; unfortunate; unimportant; unimpressive; unjuggedrabbitfish; unladenswallow; unprincipled; unsympathetic; unwashedhippies; upperclasstwit; urdressedasawitch; useadultdiapers; usemylargesscales; ussr; ut2; v; valueless; vanity; varmintkong; velvetrevolution; venezuelanbeaverchez; vengeful; verylongkeywordspam; verysmallrocks; vi; victimhood; vii; viii; vikingkitties; vikingkittychow; violent; virginsbtw1619; vix; vkpac; vrwcsurveillanceteam; vulnerable; waaaaaaaaaa; waaaambulancechaser; wacktard; wackyposter; wackytroll; waferthinmint; waffling; walpolingactivites; wanderratte; wanker; wannadance; wantedtobeagirly; wanting; warterytart; wartytart; wascalhasspiwit; wasmuchrejoicing; wassacked; wasteofbandwidth; wasteofhumanlife; wastingyourtime; watchout4zombies; waystupid; weak; weakkneed; weakwilled; wee; weed; weeping; weighsasmuchasduck; weird; welcomeslip18; wellbutrin; wellknockitoff; wereoutofcheddar; wevefoundawitch; whack; whackamole; whacked; whackedtroll; whackjob; whackman; whackme; whacktard; whahahahah; what; whatalsofloats; whatamaroon; whatasillybunt; whatatard; whatisyourname; whatisyourquest; whatsafashist; whatswrongwithher; whatsyourfavcolor; whatthecurtains; wherearemypants; whereistomdaschle; wheresmypacifier; whimperingsimp; whinecheese; whiners; whinetard; whiny; whitecastleburp; whitelightning; whoaehwhoaaaaaeh; wholemilk; whopingedinmybed; whosecastleisthat; whostheotherone; whothrewthatstone; whysoboring; whysodull; whysohorney; whysoignorant; whysoliberal; whysoobtuse; whysoverywrong; whysowrong; whysowrongagain; whysozot; whyyyyysowrong; whyyyyyyyyyy; whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy; whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy; wienergirl; wienergirl4ever; wienergirl4pres; wienergirlandme; wienergirlheyguys; wienergirliscute; wienergirllovespepsi; wienergirlmeanslove; wienergirlrocks; wienergirlsnice; wienergirltoohot; wienergirlwhoknew; wifeofbwian; willyoubequiet; wimp; winone4thegipper; winonestrikes; wishidbeenagirly; wombat; wombatattack; wombatsandmoose; wombattoss; wonderfulspam; worried; worthless; wottenbehaviour; wreck; wretched; wubbawubbawubba; x; xi; xii; xiii; xiv; xot; xv; xvi; xvii; xviii; xvx; xx; yakshavingday; yappingallthetime; yatta; yellowbeard; yeranidiot; youarealoser; youaremrgrumpy; youdontfrightenus; youdontvote4king; youkilledmyaunty; youknow; youllbestonedead; youngandstupid; youngmrgrace; youpayforthis; youradhere; yourbloodynumber; yourdingoatemybaby; yourealooney; yourenotbruce; yourlupinesplease; youvegotbadbreath; zapme; zapped; zappedtroll; zipit; zipitgood; zippythepinhead; zooootloveaalgore; zootwillbatheyou; zot; zotadumbass; zotadumember; zotadummy; zotadunce; zotahippie; zotalert; zotalot; zotanidiot; zotathon; zotatroll; zotbait; zotbaseyatta; zotcrazy; zotenough; zotforvictory; zothead; zotiseverywhere; zotloft; zotlover; zotlovesalgore; zotmalldaylong; zotme; zotme247; zotme247365; zotmeagainandagain; zotmealldaylong; zotmeallmonthlong; zotmeallnightlong; zotmeallweeklong; zotmeallyearlong; zotmeatthepumps; zotmebaby; zotmebabytonight; zotmeforever; zotmehard; zotmehardandlong; zotmeharder; zotmeimaloser; zotmeimanassclown; zotmeimanidiot; zotmeimdumb; zotmeimstupid; zotmeindanuts; zotmeintheass; zotmeinthebutt; zotmeintheevening; zotmeintheface; zotmeinthemorning; zotmeintonextweek; zotmeintothesky; zotmelong; zotmelongandhard; zotmeoverandover; zotmeplease; zotmesolongipuke; zotmesolongithurts; zotmetillimdead; zotmetillipuke; zotmetilliscream; zotmeup; zotmeuptheass; zotmobile; zotmyass; zotmybilderberg; zotmyislamicass; zotmysorryass; zotmyworld; zotnip; zotorama; zotping; zotsalot; zotsarecool; zotsforsocks; zotsfortots; zotsforus; zotspamzot; zotsrus; zottalicious; zottarget; zotted; zotted247; zotted247365; zottedassclown; zottedbacktomecca; zottedbacktothedump; zotteddumbass; zotteddummy; zotteddunce; zottedidiot; zottedislamofascist; zottedleftist; zottedloser; zottedmoron; zotthestupidtroll; zotthisassclown; zotthisdutroll; zotthisguy; zotthisidiot; zotthisloser; zotthistroll; zotthyself; zotty; zottytrained; zotusmaximus; zotwaseverywhere; zotwashere; zotwasthere; zotwhatithought; zotwhore; zotzilla; zotzotbaby; zotzotzot; zzot; zzzoooooooooooottt; zzzot; zzzotspiracy; zzzzot; zzzzotlovesalgore; zzzzzmanykeywords; zzzzzooooooottttt; zzzzzooooottttt; zzzzzot; zzzzzzipit; zzzzzzot; zzzzzzzot; zzzzzzzzooottttttt; zzzzzzzzot; zzzzzzzzz; zzzzzzzzzzzzzot; zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzot; zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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To: mnehrling

Same old liberal bashing, running the mouth without proof.
These people get more crazy by the day. If they have lost so much in the United States why don't they go to Cuba or Iran?

101 posted on 02/08/2006 1:20:32 PM PST by buck61 (luv6060)
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To: darkangel82
Shoot! here too late!

I added a new one:

102 posted on 02/08/2006 1:22:51 PM PST by pcottraux (It's pronounced "P. Coe-troe.")
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To: fingerlakestennesee

Where did you get that idea?......

103 posted on 02/08/2006 1:23:06 PM PST by Red Badger (...I will bless them that bless thee and those who curse thee I will turn into Liberals..........)
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To: Thunder90

Verrrry well said....

104 posted on 02/08/2006 1:23:11 PM PST by Wings-n-Wind (The answers are out there; Wisdom is gained by asking the right questions)
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To: fingerlakestennesee

Is English your second language?

105 posted on 02/08/2006 1:25:12 PM PST by MEGoody (Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.)
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To: Paradox
This idiot cannot spell.

LOL And he seems to misspell the same words the exact same way every time.

106 posted on 02/08/2006 1:26:39 PM PST by MEGoody (Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.)
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To: fingerlakestennesee

So Waco must have made you want to leave the country.

107 posted on 02/08/2006 1:28:45 PM PST by <1/1,000,000th%
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To: fingerlakestennesee

How can you expect to be taken seriously? Everybody knows fashust is actually spelled with a "U"!

108 posted on 02/08/2006 1:29:26 PM PST by Oldpuppymax
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To: A.Hun

Where can I get a T-Shirt with that pic on it ?

109 posted on 02/08/2006 1:29:36 PM PST by farlander
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To: fingerlakestennesee


110 posted on 02/08/2006 1:29:39 PM PST by Doomonyou (FR doesn't suffer fools lightly.)
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To: fingerlakestennesee

111 posted on 02/08/2006 1:31:11 PM PST by webster
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To: fingerlakestennesee

112 posted on 02/08/2006 1:31:46 PM PST by jdm
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To: fingerlakestennesee

Were you here last month?


A special message from the Department of Troll Control, come and get it!

To: dhls

Is that short for "salt water taffy"?
33 posted on 01/12/2006 12:09:23 PM EST by eyespysomething (Let's agree to respect each other's views, no matter how wrong yours might be.)
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113 posted on 02/08/2006 1:32:07 PM PST by eyespysomething (If I leave the apostrophe out of it's, its because I choose to.)
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To: nuconvert
You think a FReeper posts these?

I do - its not that they're over the top ( many of the dems ARE over the top)it's the obvious misspelled words.

114 posted on 02/08/2006 1:32:43 PM PST by Tokra (I think I'll retire to Bedlam.)
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To: fingerlakestennesee

115 posted on 02/08/2006 1:34:41 PM PST by jdm
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To: ElectricStrawberry

Indeed. Learn to spell, plain and simple. Anyone whose spelling in this atrocious and ignorant can't be taken seriously. Spell check is your friend ... at least then your words can stand on their merits - or not, as in this case.

116 posted on 02/08/2006 1:34:52 PM PST by ArmyTeach (Pray daily for our troops.)
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To: MEGoody

"LOL And he seems to misspell the same words the exact same way every time."

A troll with consistency.

117 posted on 02/08/2006 1:35:11 PM PST by jdm
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To: fingerlakestennesee

118 posted on 02/08/2006 1:36:02 PM PST by oldleft
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To: fingerlakestennesee

Yeah! Die you Yankee imperialist fashist pinko tyrant overlord autoritarian Nazi oppressor pig running dog capitalist Bolshevik traitor-head Wobblies!

119 posted on 02/08/2006 1:36:28 PM PST by IronJack
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To: dead

LOL funny pic!

120 posted on 02/08/2006 1:37:09 PM PST by youngtory (Kick the Red Tories out of the Conservative Party!)
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