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Keyword: forthechildren

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  • Fraud trial juror reports getting bag of $120,000 and promise of more if she’ll acquit

    06/03/2024 6:44:34 PM PDT · by joesbucks · 46 replies
    A juror was dismissed Monday after reporting that a woman dropped a bag of $120,000 in cash at her home and offered her more money if she would vote to acquit seven people charged with stealing more than $40 million from a program meant to feed children during the pandemic. These seven are the first of 70 defendants expected to go to trial in a conspiracy that cost taxpayers $250 million. Eighteen others have pleaded guilty, and authorities said they recovered about $50 million in one of the nation’s largest pandemic-related fraud cases. Prosecutors say just a fraction of the...
  • Millionaire conwoman, 57, is accused of bilking US Army out of over $100 MILLION by stealing cash from military youth programs and splurging it on 31 homes worth up to $4M each, supercars including Aston Martins and Ferraris and luxury globetrotting trips

    01/10/2024 2:36:35 PM PST · by algore · 42 replies
    A millionaire conwoman has been accused of swindling the US Army out of $100million over six years by putting cash into her fake military youth business and splurging it on 31 homes and more than 70 supercars and motorcycles. Mello worked for the US Army at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas as a CYS Financial Program Manager. In 2016, she allegedly created a shell company, Child Health and Youth Lifelong Development, which she fraudulently used to collect money from the 4-H military partnership grant. The firm, which was meant to help the children of army personnel, allegedly never...
  • BASED Woman GOES OFF On Liberal Woman For Supporting Kids Drag Queen Story Hour In HEATED DEBATE!

    06/15/2022 1:27:11 PM PDT · by Impala64ssa · 9 replies
    Rumble ^ | 6/15/22 | Black Conservative Perspective
    'Kids are part of the world, drag queens are part of the world.’ Dana Alexander and Dominique Samuels debate whether Drag Queen Story Hour should be banned in the UK.
  • How Could They Have Done This to the Children?

    12/15/2021 7:21:50 AM PST · by Heartlander · 12 replies
    Brownstone Institute ^ | December 15, 2021 | Vinay Prasad
    How Could They Have Done This to the Children?At this point, I think it is clear: many pandemic experts hurt children. School closure was the greatest self inflicted wound of the pandemic. Sensible European nations did not close primary school at all, or only for 6 weeks, but places in the USA remained closed for more than a year. This was a net negative for the health and well-being of children, and will damage this nation for years to come. I am not sure we will recover.This decision was made only in some places in the USA, and not others,...
  • A sick and perverted Twix commercial, yeah, Twix. A third gender is added to your passport

    10/30/2021 11:40:39 AM PDT · by Impala64ssa · 27 replies
    You Tube | 10/29/21 | Jericho Green
    A sick and perverted Twix commercial, yeah, Twix. A third gender is added to your passport.
  • Williamson County Schools Now Suspending Students for Not Wearing COVID-19 Masks on Campus

    10/07/2021 3:35:22 PM PDT · by Impala64ssa · 17 replies
    Tennessee Star ^ | 19/7/21 | Chris Butler
    Nolensville mother says Williamson County School (WCS) System officials suspended her two children indefinitely because they won’t wear their COVID-19 masks on campus. Both children attend Mill Creek Middle School. Kristin Benton said her children’s In-School Suspension (ISS) started Monday. She said the WCS will only take her children back into regular school if they either agree to wear COVID-19 masks or sign a religious exemption. As of Wednesday, they remain suspended. Benton cited the work of an industrial hygienist who says masks are ineffective against the spread of COVID-19 and even cause harm when worn over long periods of...
  • Katy Perry Gets Special Message From Hillary Clinton After Giving Birth To Baby Girl! (barf alert)

    08/27/2020 5:13:40 PM PDT · by simpson96 · 52 replies
    The Blast ^ | Aug 27, 2020 | Mike Walters
    On Wednesday night, Katy and Orlando Bloom announced the birth of their baby girl, Daisy Dove, and included a precious picture of the baby holding her mom and dad's hand. Perry captioned the photo with a lengthy statement about UNICEF and the work they are doing for expecting mothers during the pandemic. The singer recieved a very special comment on her Instagram page, and it was from Hillary Clinton! "Congratulations, @katyperry and @orlandobloom—and thank you for speaking up for maternal health. Wishing you and your new family all the joy in the world. 🌼"
  • Pelosi on Coronavirus Relief: ‘Everything I Do Is About the Children’ — ‘I Have Advice for Them Whether They Want It or Not’

    08/13/2020 11:58:45 AM PDT · by ChicagoConservative27 · 32 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 08/13/2020 | Trent Baker
    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Thursday discussed the stalled economic relief talks in Congress. Pelosi said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that President Donald Trump has stood in the Democrats’ way as they want to have vote-by-mail and safely reopen schools in the fall. She added that everything she does “is about the children,” and she has “advice” for children, “whether they want it or not.”
  • Urgent alert as ‘coronavirus-related condition may be emerging in children’ (UK)

    04/27/2020 5:54:01 AM PDT · by PghBaldy · 24 replies
    Manchester Evening News ^ | April 27 | Emma Gill
    An alert has been issued over a ' coronavirus-related condition' emerging in children. The warning has been issued to GPs following a rise in cases in the last two to three weeks. While the number of affected children is reported to be low, the syndrome, which is yet to be named, can cause several unpleasant symptoms, including abdominal pain and cardiac inflammation.
  • Barbie Doll Producer Mattel to Meet With Homosexual Men to Discuss Creating Same-Sex ‘Wedding’ Set

    12/27/2018 5:48:26 PM PST · by marshmallow · 79 replies
    Christian News ^ | 12/19/18 | Heather Clark
    SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Toymaker Mattel, the producers of the Barbie and Ken dolls, has reportedly scheduled a meeting to enter into talks with two homosexual men who want the company to create same-sex “wedding” dolls in order to be inclusive of children who have homosexual family members. Matt Jacobi tagged Mattel in a recent Instagram post outlining that he plans to “wed” a man in May, and wanted to buy a gift for his niece to mark the occasion. He said that because Mattel doesn’t make a Barbie wedding set with two grooms, he “had to get creative” and buy...
  • Glenn shares a chilling personal story, warns: 'If it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone'

    09/12/2018 6:55:14 AM PDT · by Morgana · 18 replies
    TheBlaze ^ | September 11, 2018 | TheBlaze
    Glenn shares a chilling personal story, warns: 'If it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone'
  • Here’s another big concern about climate change: It’s ruining childhoods

    09/12/2018 5:59:30 AM PDT · by artichokegrower · 50 replies
    Sacramento Bee ^ | September 11, 2018 | Gina McCarthy And Kelsey Wirth
    Climate change has been impossible to ignore this summer. Extreme heat waves and droughts sparked fires around the world and cloaked California in hazardous smoke.
  • At hub for border crossings, families spread throughout US

    06/24/2018 2:43:32 PM PDT · by blueplum · 12 replies
    AP ^ | 24 Jun 2018 | WILL WEISSERT and ELLIOT SPAGAT
    (with Colleen Long contributing) MCALLEN, Texas (AP) — Manuel Martinez, who fled Honduras because gangs were trying to recruit his 12-year-old son, was prepared to be separated from his child after paying a smuggler to cross the Rio Grande by boat and getting arrested by the U.S. Border Patrol. His worst fears never came true...while he wasn’t kept under the same roof as his son, they were held in the same compound. They were reunited on Saturday, after five days apart, and were released into the U.S., a tracking device on Martinez’s ankle, while he pursues asylum. {snip} About 70...
  • Trump Administration says it knows location of all children

    06/24/2018 1:52:11 AM PDT · by blueplum · 9 replies
    AP ^ | 24 Jun 2018 | Colleen Long
    Trump administration officials say the U.S. government knows the location of all children in its custody after separating them from their families at the border and is working to reunite them. A fact sheet on “zero-tolerance prosecution and family reunification” released Saturday night by the Department of Homeland Security also says a parent must request that their child be deported with them. In the past, the agency says, many parents have elected to be deported without their children. {snip} The fact sheet states that ICE has implemented an identification mechanism to ensure on-going tracking of linked family members throughout the...
  • Cannabis Industry Attracts More Mainstream Investors as Business Grows

    04/15/2017 11:24:09 PM PDT · by 2ndDivisionVet · 115 replies
    Variety ^ | April 12, 2017 | Nick Clement
    With the legal cannabis industry generating $6.9 billion in sales in 2016, up 34% from 2015, it’s a no-brainer to say that much is at stake as the business inevitably grows. Much like the independent movie biz, the cannabis industry attracts investors looking for high-risk, high-reward investments, and as marijuana goes more mainstream, so does the funding mechanisms for the industry’s businesses. Just recently, numerous investment firms have cropped up, announcing themselves as major entities in the billion-dollar industry. The opportunities are wide-ranging: Everything from exotic strains of marijuana to concentrated edibles to topical creams fortified with CBD extracts, as...
  • Ivanka may have convinced her dad to bomb Syria(fake news alert)

    04/08/2017 4:44:07 PM PDT · by heterosupremacist · 77 replies ^ | 04/08/2017 | By Mary Kay Linge
    First Daughter Ivanka Trump’s intervention may have tipped the balance in her father’s decision to ­order Friday’s strike on a Syrian air base.
  • Kids Are Writing Letters to Donald Trump Begging Him to Be Kind

    11/21/2016 12:36:37 PM PST · by ColdOne · 69 replies ^ | 11/20/16 | Julie Prince
    So many parents are saying they "don't know what to say" to their children about Donald Trump being elected the 45th president of the United States. One Seattle mom, Molly Spence Sahebjami, helped her 5-year-old son write a letter to Donald Trump after the tumultuous and scandal-ridden election asking for him to "be kind." Sahebjami started a Facebook group that now has more than 10,000 members called "Dear President Trump: Letters from Kids About Kindness," encouraging children to write letters on how to be kind. The mom says, "There were things that
  • New Hillary AD - "When Donald Trump opens his mouth, our kids are listening." (barf alert)

    11/02/2016 8:30:26 PM PDT · by Impala64ssa · 42 replies
    You Tube ^ | OCCUPY THE MEDIA
    Anti-Trump ad from July
  • UK Celebs ‘Buddying’ Up w/Child Migrants in Calais Jungle Camp (what could go possibly wrong!)

    03/06/2016 11:36:14 PM PST · by drewh · 16 replies
    Breitbart ^ | March 5, 2016 | by Daniel Nussbaum
    A number of UK-based celebrities have joined together to sponsor unaccompanied migrant children in the infamous “Jungle” camp in the French town of Calais. Celebrities Jude Law, Benedict Cumberbatch, Dominic West, Gillian Anderson, Stephen Daldry and Brian Eno are among those “buddying” with a child migrant in the camp in an effort to reunite them with their families living in the UK. Each of the celebrities will write a letter to the Prime Minister and the French President on behalf of their child, make an effort to visit their child in the migrant camp and/or their families in the UK,...
  • St. Jude asks Decatur County to change name of annual benefit hunt

    03/02/2016 7:05:13 AM PST · by TigerClaws · 53 replies
    St. Jude cited racial concerns in asking Decatur County to change the name of its annual hunt. For the past 40 years, Decatur County has hosted a hunting event to raise money for the patients at St. Jude Children’s Hospital. So far, it has raised $4.5 million. Decatur County Mayor Mike Creasy said the hospital is now threatening to turn down the donations unless the county changes the name of the event. For decades, the event has been known as the Decatur County World’s Largest Coon Hunt. The Coon Hunt Board told Channel 4 that St. Jude has threatened to...