Since Apr 11, 2006
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“Outline of the History, Theory and Practice of Quarantine: Relation of Quarantine to Constitutional and International Law and to Commerce,” by Joseph Jones
E.A. Brandao & Company, printers, 1883 - Quarantine - 30 pages
“highest science promote highest The preceding facts are suflicient however to establish that
1 During her existence as on English Colony New York exercised all the essential functions of quarantine and in common with the other American Colonies established the principle thata service was rendered to commerce by quarantine and that the masters and owners of vessels were liable and legally bound for the expenses involved in the medical inspection in the discharge of cargo in the fumigation and cleansing of vessels and in the removal and treatment of the sick crew and passengers
2 New York in common with the other original English Colonies of North America did not surrender her rights to conduct quarantine and to levy quarantine fees after the establishment of independence and the formation of the American Union and the formal adoption of the Constitution of the United States
3 New York and the other English Colonies have exercised without interruption through their existence as parts of the British empire and as independent States of the American Union up to the present moment the inalienable right of establishing quarantine restrictions for the preservation of the health of the people and of collecting fees from the masters and owners of vessels for the maintenance of quarantine
(c) All the essential questions relating to quarantine and the relations of the individual Mates to each other and the General Government were thoroughly discussed shortly after the formation of the Federal Union of the independent Colonies
It is evident from the preceding facts that on the organization of the Federal Government in 1789 several of the seaboard States had quarantine laws and regulations adopted by the Colonial governments and which had been in effect for nearly a century
South Carolina enacted a quarantine law as early as 1698 Pennsylvania in 1699 Rhode Island in 1711 New Hampshire in 1714 New York in 1758
Yellow fever had several times been epidemic in seaboard towns having commerce with the West Indies as at Boston in 1693 Philadelphia in 1699 1741 1747 1762 New York in 1702 1793 Charleston in 1699
But it did not attract general attention nor excite great public alarm until the full establishment of commerce with the West Indies after the Revolutionary War
Yellow fever broke out in New York in 1791 and in Philadelphia in 1793 and in both places it was attributed to shipping from the West Indies