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Malvo and the War Debate (ZOT!!! Why not to go off antipsychotic meds without a doctor’s guidance)
| Today
| Dan Pride
Posted on 05/29/2006 6:48:25 AM PDT by DanPride
I am curious why none of the media covers the most important aspect of the Malvo shootings. If you look at Newspapers on the dates when the shootings are underway you discover something I find quite interesting. The shootings begin to dominate the news the day before the debate on the Iraq war starts and they catch them the day after the declaration of war??? If you ask most people "do you remember the debate about starting the second Iraq war", they will all answer "yes of course". But if you followup with the question "name one point in the debate, a speech by a Senator or where their senator stood", nada.
Almost no one noticed any aspect of the most important debate in the last 50 years?
And interesting and odd fact. No one has done a story on what the real impact of the shootings were. It was to virtually eliminate the war debate from the media.
The special forces background of the senior member of the pair also seems to get short shrift.
Smells a little fishy to me based on what little I know about it. At minimum its a very significant part of the story, i.e. that a common murderer had such an impact on our political process. Why is nobody covering this obvious fact?
Dan Pride
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To: DanPride
***The special forces background of the senior member of the pair also seems to get short shrift.***
What are you talking about???
- "Beltway sniper suspect and former Army Sgt. John Allen Muhammad converted to Islam in 1985, around the same time he moved from the National Guard into the regular Army, according to news reports. During the first Gulf War, Muhammad may have been involved in a fragging incident very similar to last week's. Muhammad allegedly pulled the pin on an incendiary grenade in a crowded tent near the Iraqi border, setting a sergeant's sleeping bag on fire. No one was injured, but Muhammad was removed from the 84th Engineering company by MPs."
- "In the Army, Muhammad was trained as a mechanic, truck driver and specialist metalworker."
- That maggot couldn't qualify for SF
- He didn't have any SF MOS - 18B, 18C, 18D, 18E, 18F or 18Z.
- Capitalize "Special Forces".
No offense, but on this day of all days to say he was, or even hint, he was SF is a dishonor to the bravest Soldiers this country has ever had and who by the thousands gave their life in VN.
posted on
05/29/2006 7:32:22 AM PDT
(Better to fight for something than live for nothing - Gen. George S. Patton)
To: Graybeard58
Amazing, you hung around for more than 5 years just to post this crap and get banned. Makes you think about all the anti-Bushbots who have been around for a while doesn't it?
posted on
05/29/2006 7:36:43 AM PDT
(Those who advocate, and act to promote, victory by Democrats are not conservatives!)
To: DanPride
posted on
05/29/2006 7:36:54 AM PDT
(My cats name is Mean. He earned it.)
To: cripplecreek
Maybe there is a ZPT database for DU trolls and they use the same password.
Hell, that's what I would do, One ZPT a day, all with the same password until ZPT's started getting Zotted without prejudice
posted on
05/29/2006 7:38:27 AM PDT
(Marines out of uniform might as well be nude, since they can no longer be recognized as Marines.)
To: Peach
Here's one...joined in 2000...
Sign up dates are not necessarily a sign of being smarter than we latecomers :)
posted on
05/29/2006 7:44:12 AM PDT
SE Mom
(God Bless those who serve.)
Comment #46 Removed by Moderator
Comment #47 Removed by Moderator
To: Graybeard58
Classic case of a sleeper troll.
To: usmcobra
How many other sleepers (zero post totals "ZPT"s)are there?Beats me!
Unused accounts arent necessarily trolls, so theyre off the radar until they run out in public, naked and yelling gibberish.
To: DanPride
I think it's VERRRRYYYYYY odd that on the day this post appears, Worldnet Daily seems to be down. Coincidence? Sure, sure it is.
posted on
05/29/2006 8:00:26 AM PDT
(California bashers will be called out)
To: Admin Moderator
I kinda hoped that DannyBoy would be able to hang out and post more often. Suspended or nuked?
Seriously, wouldn't it be nore fun - kinda like a beach ball at the baseball stadium - everyone wants to really whack it.
posted on
05/29/2006 8:00:28 AM PDT
To: irish guard
You mean no one noticed that Halluburton hired Malvo to shoot at people in the D.C. area....
Shhh! Don't you remember that at the meeting we signed our names in blood to the pledge not to reveal that information. I'm reporting you to Rove.
posted on
05/29/2006 8:02:36 AM PDT
Bigg Red
(Never trust Democrats with national security.)
To: Admin Moderator
posted on
05/29/2006 8:03:20 AM PDT
(Another actor with political ideas.................John Wilkes Booth)
To: DanPride
posted on
05/29/2006 8:05:41 AM PDT
(Support American sovereignty - boycott employers of illegal aliens)
To: Admin Moderator
theyre off the radar until they run out in public, naked and yelling gibberish.
Now you went and done it! That verbal will inspire a visual, no doubt.
posted on
05/29/2006 8:07:03 AM PDT
To: Graybeard58
posted on
05/29/2006 8:09:49 AM PDT
Bigg Red
(Never trust Democrats with national security.)
Comment #57 Removed by Moderator
To: .cnI redruM
posted on
05/29/2006 8:19:24 AM PDT
To: irish guard
Aha....what were we thinking??? You mean no one noticed that Halluburton hired Malvo to shoot at people in the D.C. area and THAT was the reason 77 Senators voted to go to war?....d'oh...brilliant! In fact, its so brilliant, even the crazy, mixed up, "want us to lose in Iraq" media didn't come up with it.....(/sarcasm)
Seems like he thinks the media was in on the conspiracy.
posted on
05/29/2006 8:45:04 AM PDT
(Admiral Clark said, "Our mantra today is life, liberty and the pursuit of those who threaten it!")
To: Admin Moderator
There's reason to worry about these things unless there's an albino monk involved.
posted on
05/29/2006 9:51:58 AM PDT
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