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ZOT this Fashist!

Posted on 02/08/2006 12:53:07 PM PST by fingerlakestennesee

In this war freedom should come first not after! In New Hampshire the Motto is Live free or Die! I don't need Bush spying on law abiding americans and taking our freedoms. Anyone who surrenders a square inch of freedom to the government in the name of saftey is a traitor and should be treated like one! Let the Bush Fashists all drop dead! Filthy Commys! LET FREEDOM RING!

TOPICS: War on Terror
KEYWORDS: 00000001keywords; 00000002using; 00000003up; 00000004irish; 00000005thatcherites; 00000007bandwidth; 0wn3d; 0wn4g3; 0wned; 10acrebutt; 11dumbliberal; 1234posterenomore; 125no3sir; 1adoresalgore; 1algorefan; 1algorelivinglib; 1algorelovinglib; 1algoreluvingdolt; 1algoreluvingtool; 1algoreluvingtroll; 1askyourdocaboutzot; 1bumbliberal; 1dumbtroll; 1dumbzotee; 1liberallooser; 1lootingguy; 3beingthe3rdno; 4hrstoburythecat; 62041268bushfans; 62041268bushfanswon; 62041268bushfanz; a5minargument; a5minuteargument; abusive; achtungschnell; adios; admiresalgore; adoresalgore; afamoushistorian; africanoreuropean; afterthatoralsex; aggressive; agoodspanking; aha; aherring; ahole; albatross; algorbatross; algoredateshim; algoredearleader; algoreforthechildren; algoreisnotmyprez; algoreliestolibs; algorelives; algorelovescowbell; algorelovesfltn; algoreloveslibs; algorelovesozone; algorelovesyou; algoreloveszot; algoreloving; algorelovingdolt; algorelovinglooser; algorelovingtroll; algoreluvslavitra; algoreluvsliberals; algoreluvsloosing; algoreluvslootingguy; algoreluvsme; algoreluvszot; algoremanofwood; algoreneedsyou; algorerbelongtous; algoresawitch; algoretool; algorewantsyou; allaboutalgore; allalgoreallday; allalgoreallthetime; allalgoreandluvingit; allyourbase; allyourduthreads; allyouri; allyourlaws; allyourlupins; allyourmoney; allyoursenateseat; allyourvoters; allyourvotes; alsoalsowik; altoolgore; amirightforlavitra; amooseoncebither; amygoodman; anarchosyndicalism; anchovies; andnosinging; andnow4something; andnowforalgore; anewt; anheuser; anngoodman; answers; apathapathni; appeaser; arassive; arebelongtous; areyouapoofter; arianahuffingtroll; armedwithabanana; armpit; arrogant; ashrubbery; askyourdocaboutzot; ass; assclown; asshatcrybaby; asshattroll; asskicked; assortedminiatures; atetheminstrells; australia; australiaaustralia; avaricious; backtodu; badabing; baldie; banme; banmyass; banmysorryass; banned; bannedaccount; bannedorsuspended; barkingmoonbat; barratrous; beautyschooldropout; beavis; beenabadbadboy; beensackedagain; behindtherabbit; belligerent; berlinwall; bettergetabucket; biggusdickus; bigoted; bigpointyteeth; bilious; biteyourlegsoff; biteyourownheadoff; blimeyitshotinere; bloodypeasant; bluenoredaaiiggh; bogdanpolska; boltonisnotlob; braindamaged; braindead; braindonor; bravelyranaway; bravesirrobin; breakhim; bridgemadeofstone; bridgeofdeath; bringmeabucket; bringoutyourdead; brokentroll; bubbasgotathong4u; buhbye; buildabridgeoutaher; butthead; bwhahahaha; bwianeh; byzantine; callmedennis; callmelater; callmeloretta; callofthevikings; cameere4anargument; camelotssillyplace; canihaveadate; capitulator; captainpeacock; castleanthrax; castleofaaiigghhh; catchafridge; censorious; channelsalgore; chapstick; cheese; cheesealert; cheeseandspam; cheeseeating; ciakitty; clueless; comeagain; commies; communism; communists; completelydifferent; confuseitsomemore; conspiratorial; contemptible; controlling; cornpone; cowardly; crack; crackdsmoker; 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dummie; dummieonpot; dummieonspeed; dummieonweed; dummioncrack; dummmie; dummy; dunce; duncezotted; dunderhead; dusrupter; dutroll; duzot; dystopic; eeewwwwwwthatsmell; eelctrotherapyneeded; ekiekiekipkowzing; ekiekipathangzoobyng; electrocuted; eris; esaysesnotdead; evasive; everyspermissacred; evilnaughtyzoot; fallofcommunism; farsicalsemiaquatic; fascistic; fashist; fashiststatement; fbikitty; fightswithspitballs; findmeashrubbery; firstclassdummy; flagrant; flowerpower; fnord; forcelightning; forgothislessons; forthechildren; foultemptress; fraudulent; frechlooser; freedom; freepersareidiots; freewynona; french; frenchappeaser; fresheggs; freshykittyfood; frodolives; fruitbat; fundamentalist; gdaybruce; genderconfusion; getbent; getsridofcrabstoo; gimmieurzots; girlymanalert; giveithere; giveyoumymilkmoney; gloomy; gonegonegone; gongshowloser; gooberdinky; goodbye; goofball; gopingyourself; goregoooooal; gorelicked; gottagogottago; gottagorightnow; gotzot; grailshapedbeacon; grapejelly; greatthreads; greedy; grenadeofantioch; grim; grinchwhostolexmas; gripitbythehusk; grippedbythehusk; grumpymonkey; gumby; gumbythreadposting; gummytroll; gungrabbersgoforgore; gutless; hackeysackcheef; hahahahah; hairylegs; hairymary; halliburton; haltwhogoesthere; hammerofthemods; hapless; happytrailstoyou; harharharhar; harmful; harrrrummmph; hasalgoreundies; hastalavistababy; hateamericafilth; hateamericatrash; hatebush; hatingamerica; hausratte; haveyoufoundit; headupass; hebuggeredoff; hedoesntleave; hehadanaccident; helenthomas; helmets4dems; help; helpless; here2daygone2day; herekittykitty; hesfromncarolina; heshistory; hesright; hesscarpered; heyheyhey; heyisaiddontreadthis; heymom; hezotshescores; hheeeerresjohnnie; hidinginaskirt; highonkoolaid; highvoltage; highwankingofficer; hillaryisahottie; hillaryliposuction; himom; hisbrainhurts; hisnamesnotbruce; hitonheadlessons; hohohoho; hohumhohumhohum; holdmuhcheese; holdmuhkeyboard; holygrail; holyhand; holyhandgrenade; holyshiet; 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inconsequential; incontinentiabuttox; indecisive; indoctrination; indymediatroll; inebriated; ineed2bzotted; ineedalife; ineedazot; ineedprozac; ineedtobezotted; ineffective; inept; inhaledwanderingmime; injured; inkpens; inoculated; inocuous; insane; insignificant; instructive; intransitive; inundated; invertebrate; invisibletape; iorderu2bequiet; ipingedonmyshoes; ireland; isaiditagain; isaiditagainaahh; ismellozone; isthatalgore; isthatalgoresdog; isthatreallyal; isthatyoual; isthisyourbrain; istillcantping; isyourwifeagoer; isyourwifeasport; it; itburnsitburns; itburnswheniping; itcamefromfrance; ithurtsalot; its; itsacheeseshopsir; itsaconspiracy; itsafalseone; itsatemperatezone; itsjustalilbunny; itsmyrightasaman; itsveryrunnysir; itswafferthin; itszottingtime; ittollsforthee; iv; ivegotyoubabe; iwannafly; iwant2havebabies; iwanttobeawoman; iwantu2playwith; iweardepends; iwetmyself; iwritebrilliant; izottedhismother; jackass; jalathejihadgerbil; jalepenoanalsalve; jamesthewonderbaby; jargonspouting; jaroftrollsouls; jellopudding; jennings; jetjaguar; jimmuhzoter; jingo; jizzmoglobin; jjfatepartdeux; johnkeatsisdead; johnsmallberries; joncorzine; josephstalin; judeanpeoplesfront; judywoodruff; jumpoutofrabbit; justafleshwound; justalilbitoperil; justgetoverit; justsaynotodrugs; justwrong; juvenile; k1avg; keyword; keywordmania; keywords; keywordzzz; khaaaaaaaaaaaaaan; khaaaaaaaaaan; khaaaaaan; kickme; kickmeagain; kickmeharder; kickmeimtrollish; kickmeintonextweek; kickmenow; kickmeover; kickmeoverandover; kickmezotmezotme; kickmyass; kickmyassoverandover; kickmyislamicass; kickmysorryass; kickmytrollishass; killdawabbit; kingarthur; kingoftortes; kingproutisajerk; kissmeimsick; kissoff; kittenchow; kneelbeforezot; kneepadsalert; kneepadsbrigade; knightswhosayni; knucklehead; koolaiddrinkitdown; koolaidforoil; koooolaid; koooooooolaid; kucinichmilitant; lacking; lackofoxygenasafetus; ladyjag; ladyoftheevening; ladyofthehouse; ladyofthelake; lame; lampfinialcollector; largewoodenbadger; laughable; lazy; lead; learntospell; leroyblows; libelous; liberalmoron; liberalscum; liberalshill; liberalshillnh; libisamentaldisease; libtardsrus; lifesuksgetahelmet; lightning; lilfermentedcurd; lillylivered; littleredschoolhouse; littleshortbus; livefreeordifi; livesinabloodyswamp; loathsome; lookatme; lookatthebones; lookingformyidium; lookonabrightside; lookoutyourdead; lookslikeapenguin; lookwhatdroppedin; loosebowelmovement; loosecannon; lootingguy; lootingguy2008; lootingguyforpres; lootingguyisalgore; lootingguyloveslenin; lopyrownheadoff; loser; lostthehistorybook; lotsakeywords; lovelyfilthovaere; lovelyplumage; lovesalgore; loveslootingguy; lpdummy; luvsalgore; luvsloonyalgore; malevolent; malignant; maninadress; manindrag; manipulative; manyzots; marxism; maxinewaters; me; mefirst; mendacious; meretricious; mesozotty; messageforyousir; mezotyoulongtime; michaelmooreremora; mindnumbing; mindyerownbizness; misterkreosote; mmm; mobydicks; moistenedbint; montypython; moose; mooseandcheese; moosebitescanbnasty; moosebitmysister; motherwasahamster; mowsgoreslawn; mrhumphreys; mrsconclusion; mrsslocombe; mrsslocumbespussy; mrwensleydale; msmsms; murrymomrocks; mustbefrench; myheadispointy; mymoomysaysimspecial; mypoopyhurts; mytwinsisterdingo; nanananaheyhey; narrow; nastystuckuptwit; naughtiusmaximus; naughtybits; naughtyevilzoot; needshermeds; nhtoooool; ni; nitwit; no5isrightout; nofrydog; noitsnimorenasal; nominateforapulitzer; nomoresinging; nonewtaletotell; notaverygoodname; nothisisabuse; notlobisbolton; notquitedeadyet; notyourluckyday; nowieatthebanana; nowmds; nu; nuke; nuked; nukedtroll; nukeme; nukemenow; nukemeplease; nukemysorryass; numbershallbe3; ohbloodyhell; ohsodoff; ohstopit; ohtobealumberjack; ohwhatagiveaway; oldmanfromthread24; oldwoman; oldwomanerrman; ooohyawickeday; opportunistic; oranatangs; owareyoubruce; own4g3; ownage; owned; ownzored; ozone; ozoneactionthread; ozoneforalgore; ozonereactionthread; pacifica; panandromeofissi; passingruffians; paternalistic; paved; pavedtroll; pavers; penilecodes; pheeeewwwwwwwwwww; pimplepopper; pinhead; piningforfjords; plantigrade; pointedsticks; poisonous; porkrinds; pot; powerofcheese; presortedmail; publicschool; publiksk00lst00dent; puerile; pufromdu; putsomeiceonthat; pwn3d; pwn4g3; pwnd; pwned; pwnz0r3d; qwerty; racist; raginggerbil; ratherassignation; ratsorbet; reaganlegacy; reddupe; redistributingwealth; reeducationcenter; remedialenglishredux; removethesupports; restrictive; retardedfool; revisionist; rightforlavitra; rkba; rnconvention1992; rockschurcheslead; rogueherrys; romaneseuntdomus; romansgohome; ronaldreagan; rotorooterhim; ruapoofter; rule1nopoofters; rule3nopoofters; rule4alldrinking; rule5nopoofters; rule6isnorule6; rule7nopoofters; run4yourlife; runaway; sadtruthaboutatroll; sandinvagina; satanic; savememommy; saynomoresquire; secretive; seldombinzotted; selfdestructive; selfrighteous; senatorlandreausux; senatorlandrieu; sendsalgorecandy; sendsalgoreflowers; sendsalgorekisses; sendsalgorekissies; sendsalgoreluv; sendsalgoreprops; seventhsojourn; sexist; shameful; sheepsbladders; shehasgotawart; sheneededashower; shesallwet; shesawitch; shesbeensacked; shesfeelingdown; shesherstory; shesmadeofwood; shocked; shortattentionspan; shoutitout; shudup; shutuppleaseshutup; shy; sickly; signeduptopostthis; silliestthreadever; silliussoddus; sillyenglishkniggits; sillywalkin; sillywalks; simperingwimp; simplywrong; singforpings; sionnsar; sirgalahad; sirihaveaplan; sirlancelot; sirzotsalot; sister; skankinashower; skipabitbrother; skippy; skweweywabbit; slavetofashion; sleazy; slight; smacktard; small; smashed; sniffsalgorewhiteys; sniveling; sobbing; sociallyretarded; softcookedegg; soiledmyarmor; solongyouregone; somanytardssofewzots; somebodyneedsahug; somecallmetim; somecheeseplease; somemoistenedbimp; sonofasillyperson; sonoftheundeadthread; sorry; sorrysorrysosorry; sortofdead; sovietunion; spam; spambakedbeansspam; spameggsspam; spammerhammer; spamspam; spamspamsapmbeans; spamspamspam; spamspamspamspam; spamspamspamspamspam; spastic; speaking; speakupitsthensa; speechless; spellbolorwithak; spellchallenged; spellcheckerworking; spellczech; spineless; spiritless; spitballammo; spitballs; spitballz; splenetic; spootheotherbluemeat; spoozemonkee; stalin; stalinist; stalintool; steponcatnoise; stickychin; stifling; stillzotting; stingmypinger; stingyourpinger; stoned; stonedtroll; stoopid; stopvanitykeywords; strangeladyinpond; strawberrytart; strikeupthebanned; stune; stunedbeeber; stunedmybeeber; stuneme; stunememore; stunemybeeber; stunemybeeberbaby; stupidgit; stwikehimcentuwion; subordinated; suckstobeme; sucktard; suicidesquadattack; superzottttttt; suppressive; surrendermonkey; sux2bu; swampcastle; sweetfancymoses; syphilliticdementia; takeyourmedication; takeyourmeds; takinfrbysurprise; tankyoucomeagain; tardextrordinare; tardzot; tasteless; taterzot; tauntua2ndtime; taxbrakesfortherich; taxchick; taxdollarsatwork; tbsshow; teardownthiswall; technicalfoul; teresaisthatyou; termpaper; terrischiavo; thatsgonnaleaveaping; theblackknight; thebucketresidence; thehalfatroll; thelooneyinspector; themajestikmoose; theoralsex; theotherreindeer; thesaurus; thethreadthatwontdie; thingsthatgozot; thinkalgoreissmart; thinkb4posting; thinkgoreisgoober; thinkillgo4walk; thinksalgorecares; thinksalgoreishot; thinksgoreiscool; thinskinned; thisisabuse; thisisacheeseshop; thiskeywordsux; thistardiszotted; thmodsquadstrikes; thomethingithaid; thppppppppt; threadthatwontdie; threadwithoutendamen; thumbsuckingmaroon; thunderbird; thwowhim2thefloor; timexsinclair; timid; timorous; tinglesalittle; tiny; tisbutascratch; tisonlyafleshwound; tissadtimes; tonguetied; tonitennillekixass; toogle; tool; toolalgore; toolfromnh; tooloflenin; tooltool; tooltooltool; tooltooltooltool; tooltooltooltooltool; toomanykeywords; tooogle; toooogle; tooool; tooooogle; toooool; tooooool; toooooooooooooooool; topingornottoping; tossawombat; touchmypingy; touchofdewwingdo; travel; treasuretrail; trifling; trivial; troll; trollcontrol; trollgoessqueak; trollgotthezot; trollgotzotted; trollhead; trollhideandseek; trollingforassholes; trollingfordummies; trollingforzot; trollintrollin; trollishigh; trollisinneedofazot; trolllostandfound; trolloncrack; trollonpot; trollonspeed; trollonweed; trollpostsketch; trollreturnedtowild; trollsinmyshorts; trollsoup; trollstoned; trolltrolltroll; trollzot; trollzotted; troublwithswallows; trounced; trs80; trustyserventpatsy; tuliptree76; turnedmetoanewt; turnpagepaper; turnpaper; twatsherproblem; twit; twococonuts; uncaring; unclejoestalin; uncletrollscabana; uncontrolled; undeadthread2; undisciplined; unethical; unfortunate; unimportant; unimpressive; unjuggedrabbitfish; unladenswallow; unprincipled; unsympathetic; unwashedhippies; upperclasstwit; urdressedasawitch; useadultdiapers; usemylargesscales; ussr; ut2; v; valueless; vanity; varmintkong; velvetrevolution; venezuelanbeaverchez; vengeful; verylongkeywordspam; verysmallrocks; vi; victimhood; vii; viii; vikingkitties; vikingkittychow; violent; virginsbtw1619; vix; vkpac; vrwcsurveillanceteam; vulnerable; waaaaaaaaaa; waaaambulancechaser; wacktard; wackyposter; wackytroll; waferthinmint; waffling; walpolingactivites; wanderratte; wanker; wannadance; wantedtobeagirly; wanting; warterytart; wartytart; wascalhasspiwit; wasmuchrejoicing; wassacked; wasteofbandwidth; wasteofhumanlife; wastingyourtime; watchout4zombies; waystupid; weak; weakkneed; weakwilled; wee; weed; weeping; weighsasmuchasduck; weird; welcomeslip18; wellbutrin; wellknockitoff; wereoutofcheddar; wevefoundawitch; whack; whackamole; whacked; whackedtroll; whackjob; whackman; whackme; whacktard; whahahahah; what; whatalsofloats; whatamaroon; whatasillybunt; whatatard; whatisyourname; whatisyourquest; whatsafashist; whatswrongwithher; whatsyourfavcolor; whatthecurtains; wherearemypants; whereistomdaschle; wheresmypacifier; whimperingsimp; whinecheese; whiners; whinetard; whiny; whitecastleburp; whitelightning; whoaehwhoaaaaaeh; wholemilk; whopingedinmybed; whosecastleisthat; whostheotherone; whothrewthatstone; whysoboring; whysodull; whysohorney; whysoignorant; whysoliberal; whysoobtuse; whysoverywrong; whysowrong; whysowrongagain; whysozot; whyyyyysowrong; whyyyyyyyyyy; whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy; whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy; wienergirl; wienergirl4ever; wienergirl4pres; wienergirlandme; wienergirlheyguys; wienergirliscute; wienergirllovespepsi; wienergirlmeanslove; wienergirlrocks; wienergirlsnice; wienergirltoohot; wienergirlwhoknew; wifeofbwian; willyoubequiet; wimp; winone4thegipper; winonestrikes; wishidbeenagirly; wombat; wombatattack; wombatsandmoose; wombattoss; wonderfulspam; worried; worthless; wottenbehaviour; wreck; wretched; wubbawubbawubba; x; xi; xii; xiii; xiv; xot; xv; xvi; xvii; xviii; xvx; xx; yakshavingday; yappingallthetime; yatta; yellowbeard; yeranidiot; youarealoser; youaremrgrumpy; youdontfrightenus; youdontvote4king; youkilledmyaunty; youknow; youllbestonedead; youngandstupid; youngmrgrace; youpayforthis; youradhere; yourbloodynumber; yourdingoatemybaby; yourealooney; yourenotbruce; yourlupinesplease; youvegotbadbreath; zapme; zapped; zappedtroll; zipit; zipitgood; zippythepinhead; zooootloveaalgore; zootwillbatheyou; zot; zotadumbass; zotadumember; zotadummy; zotadunce; zotahippie; zotalert; zotalot; zotanidiot; zotathon; zotatroll; zotbait; zotbaseyatta; zotcrazy; zotenough; zotforvictory; zothead; zotiseverywhere; zotloft; zotlover; zotlovesalgore; zotmalldaylong; zotme; zotme247; zotme247365; zotmeagainandagain; zotmealldaylong; zotmeallmonthlong; zotmeallnightlong; zotmeallweeklong; zotmeallyearlong; zotmeatthepumps; zotmebaby; zotmebabytonight; zotmeforever; zotmehard; zotmehardandlong; zotmeharder; zotmeimaloser; zotmeimanassclown; zotmeimanidiot; zotmeimdumb; zotmeimstupid; zotmeindanuts; zotmeintheass; zotmeinthebutt; zotmeintheevening; zotmeintheface; zotmeinthemorning; zotmeintonextweek; zotmeintothesky; zotmelong; zotmelongandhard; zotmeoverandover; zotmeplease; zotmesolongipuke; zotmesolongithurts; zotmetillimdead; zotmetillipuke; zotmetilliscream; zotmeup; zotmeuptheass; zotmobile; zotmyass; zotmybilderberg; zotmyislamicass; zotmysorryass; zotmyworld; zotnip; zotorama; zotping; zotsalot; zotsarecool; zotsforsocks; zotsfortots; zotsforus; zotspamzot; zotsrus; zottalicious; zottarget; zotted; zotted247; zotted247365; zottedassclown; zottedbacktomecca; zottedbacktothedump; zotteddumbass; zotteddummy; zotteddunce; zottedidiot; zottedislamofascist; zottedleftist; zottedloser; zottedmoron; zotthestupidtroll; zotthisassclown; zotthisdutroll; zotthisguy; zotthisidiot; zotthisloser; zotthistroll; zotthyself; zotty; zottytrained; zotusmaximus; zotwaseverywhere; zotwashere; zotwasthere; zotwhatithought; zotwhore; zotzilla; zotzotbaby; zotzotzot; zzot; zzzoooooooooooottt; zzzot; zzzotspiracy; zzzzot; zzzzotlovesalgore; zzzzzmanykeywords; zzzzzooooooottttt; zzzzzooooottttt; zzzzzot; zzzzzzipit; zzzzzzot; zzzzzzzot; zzzzzzzzooottttttt; zzzzzzzzot; zzzzzzzzz; zzzzzzzzzzzzzot; zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzot; zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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To: farlander

I wish I knew!! If you spot one, let me know!

141 posted on 02/08/2006 1:52:07 PM PST by A.Hun (Common sense is no longer common.)
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To: rightinthemiddle

Not much of a troll and only an average ZOT. Some really nice artwork but the troll really did not give the Freepers much to work with.

142 posted on 02/08/2006 1:52:23 PM PST by MNJohnnie ("Vote Democrat-We are the party of reactionary inertia".)
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To: pcottraux

Hey, cool. Where'd you get The Office gif?

143 posted on 02/08/2006 1:53:01 PM PST by SquirrelKing (Contrary to popular belief, America is not a democracy, it is a Chucktatorship.)
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To: kddid
Are you from "tennesee"? LOL.

Please don't hold us responsible for Algore. He was actually raised in the northeast. We're really not ignorant hillbillies here, honest.

144 posted on 02/08/2006 1:54:12 PM PST by beckysueb (God bless America and President Bush.)
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To: fingerlakestennesee

Islamist writing and spelling competition, WINNER!

145 posted on 02/08/2006 1:56:00 PM PST by onedoug
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To: SquirrelKing

I got it from the office forum. I'm not sure where that person got it.

Here's a link:

146 posted on 02/08/2006 1:56:08 PM PST by pcottraux (It's pronounced "P. Coe-troe.")
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To: nuconvert

They're DUmmies!

147 posted on 02/08/2006 1:57:06 PM PST by wolfcreek
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To: Netheron
What exactly is the rule on being IBTZ? Is there a marker that states whether he has been zotted?

If you click on the poster's name, you'll be taken to the 'about' page. If it says that the poster hasn't created an 'about' page, then you're in before the zot. If it says that the account has been banned or suspended, then you're in after the zot.

148 posted on 02/08/2006 1:57:22 PM PST by Family Guy (I disagree with what you said, but I'll defend to the death your right to shut up.)
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To: fingerlakestennesee

No, actually, zit-farming isn't a major at most universities - why do you ask?

149 posted on 02/08/2006 1:58:18 PM PST by Billthedrill
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To: fingerlakestennesee

-Let the Bush Fashists all drop dead!-

I believe you meant to say "fashionistas", in which case I have to agree - most of our outfits are to DIE for!

150 posted on 02/08/2006 1:58:21 PM PST by AmericanChef
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To: fingerlakestennesee

Hmmm... You must have something to hide. And since English is obviously not your native tongue, I'm naturally very suspicious of you and have reported you to the CIA and FBI. One more slip-up (communicate with a known terrorist, download porn, etc.) and you're going down.

151 posted on 02/08/2006 2:02:22 PM PST by LibWhacker
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To: SquirrelKing

"More cow bell."

152 posted on 02/08/2006 2:03:49 PM PST by Deb (Beat him, strip him and bring him to my tent!)
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To: nuconvert
You think a FReeper posts these?

On a slow news day? Yeah, someone is having a "seriesly" good time.

153 posted on 02/08/2006 2:04:08 PM PST by Triggerhippie (Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.)
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To: Deb


This ZOT needs more cowbell!

154 posted on 02/08/2006 2:05:22 PM PST by SquirrelKing (Contrary to popular belief, America is not a democracy, it is a Chucktatorship.)
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To: SquirrelKing

155 posted on 02/08/2006 2:13:13 PM PST by Gothael 777
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To: South40

"Trolling for D.U.MMIES"

Best laugh in a long while! Thanks.

156 posted on 02/08/2006 2:15:14 PM PST by Laserman
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To: Gothael 777

You can't have enough Cow Bell.

157 posted on 02/08/2006 2:16:21 PM PST by Clint N. Suhks (If you don't like Jesus, you can go to hell.)
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To: fingerlakestennesee; darkwing104
                       Dim Wit

158 posted on 02/08/2006 2:27:10 PM PST by vigilante2 (I'm the proud parent of a soldier)
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To: fingerlakestennesee

Fashist? Hmmm, is that a fashion extremist? Is Bush a fashion extremist taking away our right to wear feather boas and jock straps? Inquiring minds....

159 posted on 02/08/2006 2:49:47 PM PST by Jabba the Nutt (Jabba the Hutt's bigger, meaner, uglier brother.)
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To: MNJohnnie


160 posted on 02/08/2006 2:57:07 PM PST by rightinthemiddle (I might be wrong, but I'm always right.)
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