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Why Want Bush Do Something about the cost of gas? (ZOT!!! He awaits orders from Juwish Modz.)
Posted on 03/23/2005 4:07:55 PM PST by John Zell
Gas costs so much. I cant afford it. Why want Bush do something?
Don't say he can't. His daddy or his handlers could be on the phone in 2 minutes with the Rothchilds and by 1 week, oil prices would be under $20 and gas would be 1 dollar a gallon. You know it and I know it.
Why want he? Do you know? Is there sombody we can call?
Plaese advice.
TOPICS: Business/Economy
KEYWORDS: 00; 0000000000000fagmo; 000000000000homo; 000000000000mefirst; 0000000conspiracyguy; 0000000gotzot; 0000irishthatcherite; 000freedumb2003; 1ilightedmyfartonyou; 2andyoureabluetroll; 65535; 65kposts; aaaadickhead; aaaagimmeaminute; aaamaglevpingalo; absurd; addmetoalllists; adickhead; adummyloser; afraid; albatross; alcoholforoil; alludubelongtous; allyourbase; almedina; alquida; alurbabesrbelongtome; anarchists; annoying; anotherundeadthread; apprehensive; arabmyths; areyouseries; arse; arthurmcgowan; askusifwecare; assbamador; asscowboy; assholeoftheyear; asspirate; asymptoticbozoncount; awkward; awwwwww; baathist; baathparty; babbling; baby; babywannapacifier; backstabbers; baffled; bahhumbug; barkingmoonbat; battered; bawling; beeber; befuddled; bellsarepinging; benlurkin; bewildered; binladin; bitchingforcolumbine; biteme; bitter; blindedbythezot; blingbling; bluehankiearmy; blueoyster; bnpbooster; bobrunsthingshere; bobsyouruncle; bobwallaceisthatyou; boing; boneheaded; 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newbie; newundead; nogerbilleftbehind; notdead; notfondajohn; notfondakerry; nsakitty; nukeme; nutcase; nutcasescantspell; obamaosama; obtuse; offyourmeds; ohthedrama; olivethereindeer; onepingalingy; oohpingmeharder; opentheanwr; operationmockingbird; oppressed; osama; osamabeenzotted; osamaismyfriend; overpowered; oversensitive; overwhelmed; owimonfire; oxygenstarved; oyyoyyoyyoyyoyyoyyoy; ozoneactionthread; ozonealert; paltry; panicky; pantiesinawad; paranoid; parindle; parindled; parindlehim; parindleme; pathetic; peedincornflakes; peedinyourkoolaid; peeple; penguinhumor; penisenvy; penumbrazot; pessimistic; petite; petty; pingaling; pingawhaambulance; pinglemyfancy; pinglinghands; pingmeeverywhere; pingmehard; pingmeharderbaby; pingmesometime; pingmethat; pingmethis; pingmetomorrow; pingmeubeast; pingpangpoom; pingpingpingpingping; pingpong; pings; pingsformoney; pingthatshouldnotbe; pingthis; pinksolider; pleeezepleeezezotme; pmsmigrainsinc; poofters; poopoohead; poor; poorbaby; poorpoorpitifulme; powerless; psychoclown; psychoshortsmuncher; pullmypinger; pullyourhairsohard; puny; purseswinger; pusillanimous; putbacktheliquor; qtipkittylove; questionable; rabeh; radicalleftists; rain; rambling; rammingspeed; rant; rat; rateatroll; ratfromthesewer; ratratrat; rats; ratsratsrats; ready4internmentcamp; red; reddawn; redredred; redstates; reducereuserecycle; reportingforduhty; repressed; retreadtroll; returnofjjfate; reviewmyass; rickoshayrabbit; ridethelightning; ridiculous; rkbarules; roads; rockrollandping; rothchilds; rudeness; rumormill; sad; saddam; saddamcapture; saddamhussein; saddamismyfriend; sanctimoniousness; sandwichshyofpicnic; savethedrama4urmama; scambaiting; scardyperson; scared; schiavo; scratchyoureyesout; scrawny; selfrighteous; shameful; shortattentionspan; shy; sickly; signeduptopostthis; singforpings; sitzpinkler; sleazy; slight; slingmyping; slingyourping; small; sniveling; snottyzotty; sobbing; socialists; soiledpanties; somebodyneedsahug; sonoftheundeadthread; sorelosers; sorry; sortofdead; sotmemoreplease; spam; spamspam; spamspamspam; spamspamspamspam; spamspamspamspamspam; speechless; sphincterchaser; spineless; spiritless; spoonbender; spootheotherbluemeat; springbreakstoner; springonyourping; stingingandpingin; stingmypinger; stingyourpinger; stolenvalor; stonedtothegills; stopvanitykeywords; stringmypinger; stune; stunedmybeeber; stuneme; stunememore; stunemybeeber; stunemybeeberbaby; stupidalert; subordinated; suckstobeme; swingingandpingin; syphilliticdementia; takemetoyourleader; takeyourmedication; takeyourmeds; taxbrakesfortherich; taxchick; tbsshow; technicalfoul; teresaisthatyou; terri; terrihysteria; terrischiavo; thatboysnotright; thatsgonnaleaveaping; thebusheconomy; thedumpierstrikesbak; theotherreindeer; thethreadthatwontdie; thingsthatgozot; thinkb4posting; thinskinned; thiskeywordsux; threadwithoutendamen; timid; timorous; tinfoil; tinfoilhat; tiny; tonguetied; toodumbtozot; toodumbtozotalmedina; topingornottoping; touchmypingy; travel; trifling; trivial; troll; trollofthemonth; trolls; trollsinmyshorts; trollsoup; trounced; trulypathetic; tuliptree76; twit; uncontrolled; undeadthread2; undisciplined; unfit; unfitforcommand; unfortunate; unimportant; unimpressive; unngh; unprincipled; urcatcrap; useadultdiapers; ut2; valueless; verylongkeywordspam; viceisclosed; viceisclosing; victimhood; vikingkitties; vikingkitty; vulnerable; waaaaaaaaaa; waawaa; wackyposter; wackytroll; waffling; wankeronboard; wanting; watchout4zombies; weak; weakkneed; weakwilled; wearenotscared; wee; weeping; wehaveanncoulter; welcomeslip18; welcometothejungle; whack; whackjob; whackman; what; whatadork; whatadumbass; whatamaroon; whatanidiot; whatevershallwedo; whereistomdaschle; whinecheese; whiners; whiny; whopingedinmybed; whoreson; whycantliberalsspell; wimp; wingingmypinging; wintersoldierdotcom; wombat; woohoowegotaliveone; worried; worthless; wp; wreck; wretched; yakbugger; yeahwhatever; youaremrgrumpy; youhadmeathello; youknow; youngandstupid; youreouttahere; yourpingaling; yourpingistiny; yousillypinger; yousillypwanger; yoyodyne; yoyyoyyoy; zitfaceddummy; zoloft; zot; zotaholic; zotalot; zotatroll; zotbait; zotfest; zotgasm; zotme; zotmeagain; zotmeagainagain; zotmeagainandagain; zotmeallnight; zotmebaby; zotmecauseimstupid; zotmedaily; zotmehard; zotmehardandlong; zotmeharder; zotmeintothesky; zotmelongandhard; zotmelonger; zotmelongtime; zotmemore; zotmeplease; zotmereallyhard; zotmesohard; zotmesohardithurts; zotmesomemore; zotmetilidie; zotmetilithurts; zotmeuptheass; zotorama; zotpeterson; zotsallfolks; zotsfortots; zotsmcginty; zotthissnot; zotty; zottytrained; zotyourmamma; zzzhowmanykeywords; zzzzzzzzzzscott0347; zzzzzzzzzzzzz
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To: Kate of Spice Island; ApplegateRanch
And a very pretty head that pancake is on, too. If I do say so myself. :)
posted on
03/23/2005 8:02:23 PM PST
(There is only one GOOD 'RAT: one that has been voted OUT of POWER !! Straight ticket GOP!)
To: John Zell
Gas costs so much. I cant afford it.Cash flow is what it's all about my friend and for a nominal monthly fee I can direct you as to how to increase your cash flow.
posted on
03/23/2005 8:04:05 PM PST
To: <1/1,000,000th%
See algore's "Earth in the Balance". No earth of Algore's could possibly be balanced! ; )
posted on
03/23/2005 8:08:05 PM PST
To: John Zell
" Is there sombody we can call? "Sure, the frie chief and tell him to quit playings cards, 'cause your behind got zot!
To: mysto
posted on
03/23/2005 8:28:37 PM PST
(There is only one GOOD 'RAT: one that has been voted OUT of POWER !! Straight ticket GOP!)
To: mysto
posted on
03/23/2005 8:38:57 PM PST
(There is only one GOOD 'RAT: one that has been voted OUT of POWER !! Straight ticket GOP!)
To: little jeremiah
"Milk is $5.25 a gallon??? Here it's 3.39 at the expensive store, and 2 something at the cheap store."
Holy cowpie Batman! My wife has been complaining because she has to pay $2.89. Something smells rotten or sour as the case may be. What gives? This guy's not buying from the local 7/11 is he? I sure don't understand a $3 a gallon difference. Have the Dims come up with a way to tax milk like they do cigs and alcohol?
posted on
03/23/2005 8:55:41 PM PST
(Idaho Carnivores for Conservatism)
posted on
03/23/2005 8:57:15 PM PST
Slings and Arrows
(They'll take away my old CRT monitor when they pry it from under my warm, snoozing cat.)
To: John Zell
posted on
03/23/2005 9:02:25 PM PST
(Idaho Carnivores for Conservatism)
To: Allosaurs_r_us
It would be interesting to find out the varying prices for milk in different states. A good friend in Hawaii (Oahu) told me recently he pays $8 a gallon for milk! And has THREE KIDS!
posted on
03/24/2005 12:32:03 AM PST
little jeremiah
(Resisting evil is our duty or we are as responsible as those promoting it)
To: John Zell
It is easy to tell when all of the whacked out liberals in college are home on a break. The internet slows down, and Free Republic gets bs like this from these room temp IQs. Below is a great photo of this typical Spring Break Troll, John Zell, playing with its parents's computer.
posted on
03/24/2005 4:56:13 AM PST
Grampa Dave
(The MSM has been a WMD, Weapon of Mass Disinformation for the Rats for at least 4 decades.)
To: John Zell
Looks like you took the wrong rocket science course.
posted on
03/24/2005 5:00:18 AM PST
(TV News and the MSM - - - ROTFLMAO)
To: Arrowhead1952
Although I hear a lot of media hand-wringing about fuel prices, the interstate speeds in my area (Central Indiana) continue to average 10-15 mph above the posted limits.
Apparently the value of time still exceeds the potential fuel savings.
To: Gabz
Can I ask what the "PJO" in Rolling on floor laughing my.........."?
posted on
03/24/2005 5:08:06 AM PST
("It aint what you don't know that kills you. It's what you know that aint so" Theodore Sturgeon)
To: John Zell
posted on
03/24/2005 5:09:52 AM PST
(Can vegetarians eat animal crackers?)
To: nascarnation
Same thing here in Austin TX. Not just that, but one person per vehicle is the norm. There are some people driving gas hogs that exceed the speed limit by 10+ MPH every day. We see some of the same vehicles every day, and the same ones are speeding.
I drive a van pool. There are six current members, and will pick up a new rider next month. $25.00 per month for members, and I don't pay a cent. Primary drivers have to clean and make sure the van is maintained, records are properly posted, so we have a "free" ride.
posted on
03/24/2005 5:13:20 AM PST
(TV News and the MSM - - - ROTFLMAO)
To: DCPatriot
Rolling on floor laughing my.........."? PJO = Pajamas off!!!!!!!!!
posted on
03/24/2005 6:29:58 AM PST
(Wanna join my tag team?)
To: John Zell
To: John Zell
posted on
03/24/2005 7:03:50 AM PST
To: John Zell
You sir are too Stoooooopid to construct a coherent statement.
Also, you clearly have what you consider to be your head so far up your A@@ as to be considered an additional internal vestigial organ adjoining your larynx.
As such, you are hereby ZOTTED.
posted on
03/24/2005 7:07:03 AM PST
(The marginal propensity to save is 1 minus the marginal propensity to consume.)
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