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Why Want Bush Do Something about the cost of gas? (ZOT!!! He awaits orders from Juwish Modz.)
Posted on 03/23/2005 4:07:55 PM PST by John Zell
Gas costs so much. I cant afford it. Why want Bush do something?
Don't say he can't. His daddy or his handlers could be on the phone in 2 minutes with the Rothchilds and by 1 week, oil prices would be under $20 and gas would be 1 dollar a gallon. You know it and I know it.
Why want he? Do you know? Is there sombody we can call?
Plaese advice.
TOPICS: Business/Economy
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posted on
03/23/2005 4:07:56 PM PST
John Zell
To: John Zell
It's a conspiracy to keep you off the road and home where the mind control rays can be sure to reach you.
Thats why.
posted on
03/23/2005 4:09:33 PM PST
(This tagline brought to you by Islam. Islam, only the best of the 12th century for you and yours.)
To: John Zell
Why WANT you look up the info yourself!
Let me be the first to say goodbye
John Zell member since 3/24/05
posted on
03/23/2005 4:09:38 PM PST
Republican Red
(DU: ''Reality sucks. That's the problem. We want another reality.'')
To: John Zell
My first "in before the Zot!" What a moment!
posted on
03/23/2005 4:09:42 PM PST
("...he wore his gun outside his pants, for all the honest world to feel.")
To: John Zell
posted on
03/23/2005 4:09:51 PM PST
To: John Zell
Why aren't crying about the cost of milk, which comes from federally subsidized farms, most likely within 100 miles of your home? $5.25 a gallon for a gallon of milk: with 4 kids, and a wife, that's about 13 to 14 gallons a week. I don't burn that much in both cars in a week...unless its a family trip.
BTW...if you think it would take just a few phone calls to lower the price...then you are an idiot.
posted on
03/23/2005 4:11:47 PM PST
("Liberty is not America's gift to the world, it's the Almighty's gift to humanity" GW Bush 4/12/04)
To: VegasCowboy
posted on
03/23/2005 4:13:20 PM PST
(Dear Lord, please be with my family in Iraq. Keep them close to You and safely in Your arms.)
To: John Zell
Best post ever!
John Zell, member since tomorrow! How's that work?
Oh, and it's "won't," not "want," and "advise," not "advice."
But gee, other than those minor points, it's a really swell, well thought out post.
Do I hear Viking kittens in the background?
posted on
03/23/2005 4:13:21 PM PST
(<b><font color=e58d0e>Did you know that HTML codes don't work on tag lines?</font></b>)
To: Heff
The Rothschilds? That's a new one. Usually they want President Bush to call the Saudis or Halliburton.
To: Dr.Zoidberg
posted on
03/23/2005 4:14:10 PM PST
(Wanna join my tag team?)
To: Poster
he is doing something about it...he's starting to drill in Alaska.
posted on
03/23/2005 4:14:16 PM PST
To: Heff
Get even with the petro-giants. Buy a horse.... :-)
posted on
03/23/2005 4:14:25 PM PST
To: Miss Marple
LOL! I was scratching my head over that one too.
posted on
03/23/2005 4:14:40 PM PST
To: southernnorthcarolina
Because I just zotted him into tomorrow. Stand back!
posted on
03/23/2005 4:15:18 PM PST
(A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within.)
To: Miss Marple
The Rothschilds? That's a new one.Rothschild is a codeword for Wolfewicz.
To: Heff
"...if you think it would take just a few phone calls to lower the price...then you are an idiot."
No matter what or even IF he thinks, he's still an idiot.
posted on
03/23/2005 4:15:43 PM PST
(Parking For Witches Only--All Others Will Be Toad.)
To: Dr.Zoidberg
Don't you wish you could spell like an adult, troll? Weren't you out protesting that the war was so we could have cheap oil? Don't you feel as stupid as you look?
posted on
03/23/2005 4:16:05 PM PST
(The Dems are putting all their eggs in one basket-case: Howard "Belltower" Dean.)
To: Dr.Zoidberg; John Zell
Gas costs so much. I cant afford it. That reminds me of a bumper sticker popular in Texas after the first OPEC emargo:
Let'em freeze in the dark!
posted on
03/23/2005 4:16:08 PM PST
Paleo Conservative
(Hey! Hey! Ho! Ho! Andrew Heyward's got to go!)
To: Miss Marple
Well I don't know about you , but my car doesn't run on champaigne.
posted on
03/23/2005 4:16:26 PM PST
To: Heff
Milk is $5.25 a gallon??? Here it's 3.39 at the expensive store, and 2 something at the cheap store.
posted on
03/23/2005 4:16:42 PM PST
little jeremiah
(Resisting evil is our duty or we are as responsible as those promoting it)
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