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Why Want Bush Do Something about the cost of gas? (ZOT!!! He awaits orders from Juwish Modz.)
Posted on 03/23/2005 4:07:55 PM PST by John Zell
Gas costs so much. I cant afford it. Why want Bush do something?
Don't say he can't. His daddy or his handlers could be on the phone in 2 minutes with the Rothchilds and by 1 week, oil prices would be under $20 and gas would be 1 dollar a gallon. You know it and I know it.
Why want he? Do you know? Is there sombody we can call?
Plaese advice.
TOPICS: Business/Economy
KEYWORDS: 00; 0000000000000fagmo; 000000000000homo; 000000000000mefirst; 0000000conspiracyguy; 0000000gotzot; 0000irishthatcherite; 000freedumb2003; 1ilightedmyfartonyou; 2andyoureabluetroll; 65535; 65kposts; aaaadickhead; aaaagimmeaminute; aaamaglevpingalo; absurd; addmetoalllists; adickhead; adummyloser; afraid; albatross; alcoholforoil; alludubelongtous; allyourbase; almedina; alquida; alurbabesrbelongtome; anarchists; annoying; anotherundeadthread; apprehensive; arabmyths; areyouseries; arse; arthurmcgowan; askusifwecare; assbamador; asscowboy; assholeoftheyear; asspirate; asymptoticbozoncount; awkward; awwwwww; baathist; baathparty; babbling; baby; babywannapacifier; backstabbers; baffled; bahhumbug; barkingmoonbat; battered; bawling; beeber; befuddled; bellsarepinging; benlurkin; bewildered; binladin; bitchingforcolumbine; biteme; bitter; blindedbythezot; blingbling; bluehankiearmy; blueoyster; bnpbooster; bobrunsthingshere; bobsyouruncle; bobwallaceisthatyou; boing; boneheaded; 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newbie; newundead; nogerbilleftbehind; notdead; notfondajohn; notfondakerry; nsakitty; nukeme; nutcase; nutcasescantspell; obamaosama; obtuse; offyourmeds; ohthedrama; olivethereindeer; onepingalingy; oohpingmeharder; opentheanwr; operationmockingbird; oppressed; osama; osamabeenzotted; osamaismyfriend; overpowered; oversensitive; overwhelmed; owimonfire; oxygenstarved; oyyoyyoyyoyyoyyoyyoy; ozoneactionthread; ozonealert; paltry; panicky; pantiesinawad; paranoid; parindle; parindled; parindlehim; parindleme; pathetic; peedincornflakes; peedinyourkoolaid; peeple; penguinhumor; penisenvy; penumbrazot; pessimistic; petite; petty; pingaling; pingawhaambulance; pinglemyfancy; pinglinghands; pingmeeverywhere; pingmehard; pingmeharderbaby; pingmesometime; pingmethat; pingmethis; pingmetomorrow; pingmeubeast; pingpangpoom; pingpingpingpingping; pingpong; pings; pingsformoney; pingthatshouldnotbe; pingthis; pinksolider; pleeezepleeezezotme; pmsmigrainsinc; poofters; poopoohead; poor; poorbaby; poorpoorpitifulme; powerless; psychoclown; psychoshortsmuncher; pullmypinger; pullyourhairsohard; puny; purseswinger; pusillanimous; putbacktheliquor; qtipkittylove; questionable; rabeh; radicalleftists; rain; rambling; rammingspeed; rant; rat; rateatroll; ratfromthesewer; ratratrat; rats; ratsratsrats; ready4internmentcamp; red; reddawn; redredred; redstates; reducereuserecycle; reportingforduhty; repressed; retreadtroll; returnofjjfate; reviewmyass; rickoshayrabbit; ridethelightning; ridiculous; rkbarules; roads; rockrollandping; rothchilds; rudeness; rumormill; sad; saddam; saddamcapture; saddamhussein; saddamismyfriend; sanctimoniousness; sandwichshyofpicnic; savethedrama4urmama; scambaiting; scardyperson; scared; schiavo; scratchyoureyesout; scrawny; selfrighteous; shameful; shortattentionspan; shy; sickly; signeduptopostthis; singforpings; sitzpinkler; sleazy; slight; slingmyping; slingyourping; small; sniveling; snottyzotty; sobbing; socialists; soiledpanties; somebodyneedsahug; 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youknow; youngandstupid; youreouttahere; yourpingaling; yourpingistiny; yousillypinger; yousillypwanger; yoyodyne; yoyyoyyoy; zitfaceddummy; zoloft; zot; zotaholic; zotalot; zotatroll; zotbait; zotfest; zotgasm; zotme; zotmeagain; zotmeagainagain; zotmeagainandagain; zotmeallnight; zotmebaby; zotmecauseimstupid; zotmedaily; zotmehard; zotmehardandlong; zotmeharder; zotmeintothesky; zotmelongandhard; zotmelonger; zotmelongtime; zotmemore; zotmeplease; zotmereallyhard; zotmesohard; zotmesohardithurts; zotmesomemore; zotmetilidie; zotmetilithurts; zotmeuptheass; zotorama; zotpeterson; zotsallfolks; zotsfortots; zotsmcginty; zotthissnot; zotty; zottytrained; zotyourmamma; zzzhowmanykeywords; zzzzzzzzzzscott0347; zzzzzzzzzzzzz
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Comment #121 Removed by Moderator
To: John Zell
mmmm fresh troll
To: John Zell
posted on
03/23/2005 6:45:35 PM PST
(To prevent misinterpretation or abuse of the Constitution:The Bill of Rights limits government power)
To: Heff
You need to move to Oklahoma. Milk is $2.28/gallon (plus 8.375% sales tax).
posted on
03/23/2005 6:46:39 PM PST
(The genocide, terror, communism, and tyranny of the Arab world are falling like dominoes.)
To: Pox
Probably not. The Rothschild's are a European family that invented the word rich. As I understand it they played both sides of WWI and WWII and made multiple fortunes. Now, with their secret code rings they conspire with other rich people to run the world. HaHa-HA...Wait a minute, rich people do run the world...AAAAhhhhhhhh......
posted on
03/23/2005 6:52:26 PM PST
(NUC1 Sub pusher SSN 668)
To: John Zell
Oddly enough President could cut oil prices by maybe 90% in a matter on minutes...but, paradoxically, gas prices would rise astronomically.
The downside is:
All the fallout would drift over the United States and our allies.
The "other side' might get a few nukes off that managed to get to US targets.
Even if all major emerging market buyers were fully eliminated, there is no guarentee that foreign import capability would not be adversely affected in a major way.
If you think our standing in the world is low now, it would be through the floor of the lowest sub-basement if he did order it done.
Our allies probably would not like it to the point of also attacking us.
Civil war would be a very real possibility.
posted on
03/23/2005 7:19:07 PM PST
(The world needs more horses, and fewer Jackasses!)
To: Kate of Spice Island
I LOVE those Rachel Corrie hats; do you have them in blood red with bone white trim?
posted on
03/23/2005 7:26:53 PM PST
(The world needs more horses, and fewer Jackasses!)
To: John Zell
Plaese advice. ***************
Ah. Another English major.
Some advice for you...
Your post should read....Please advise.
No charge!
posted on
03/23/2005 7:27:00 PM PST
(choose life!)
To: SandyInSeattle
posted on
03/23/2005 7:32:05 PM PST
(There is only one GOOD 'RAT: one that has been voted OUT of POWER !! Straight ticket GOP!)
To: ApplegateRanch; MeekOneGOP
Umm...that is a pancake that MeekOneGop put on my head for me...
posted on
03/23/2005 7:37:44 PM PST
Kate of Spice Island
(When I was young we used to go "skinny dipping," now I just "chunkydunk.")
To: MeekOneGOP; juggernaut
Ping to #94 on this thread, Meek has outdone himself!!
posted on
03/23/2005 7:38:02 PM PST
(Posting since July 2004, formerly known as Alias)
To: John Zell; MurryMom
Gas costs so much. I cant afford it. Why want Bush do something?Time to drill - right Murrymom?
posted on
03/23/2005 7:39:18 PM PST
(Start Hillary's recount now - just to get it out of the way...)
To: John Zell
posted on
03/23/2005 7:52:01 PM PST
("Darwinism is a belief in the meaninglessness of existence" - R. Kirk)
To: Kate of Spice Island
that is a pancake that MeekOneGop put on my head for me...
Last time I looked, Rachel WAS a pancake.
And I guess I shouldn't use a mortar board to carry cement, either.LOL
posted on
03/23/2005 7:52:01 PM PST
(The world needs more horses, and fewer Jackasses!)
To: MeekOneGOP
"We Shell not Exxonerate Saddam"... LOL! ;-)
posted on
03/23/2005 7:52:52 PM PST
("I am ZOT proof" --- famous last words of a troll.)
Comment #136 Removed by Moderator
To: Nuc1
I hope that you were just being silly,elsewise your reply is as ill-educated as the ZOTTED bannee's.
It helps to add (/sarcasm) at the end of a post such as yours,to let people here know that you don't really mean what you posted. :-)
To: John Zell
Is there sombody we can call? Yea, John Zell.
He can relate....
posted on
03/23/2005 7:59:08 PM PST
To: John Zell; MeekOneGOP
The real Zell says goodbye to the troll Zell...
"Bye now ... an' don'tcha come back, y'hear?"
posted on
03/23/2005 7:59:29 PM PST
("I am ZOT proof" --- famous last words of a troll.)
To: mysto
"If Safeway can fetch $25 for a bottle of water that yesterday was priced at $5, $25 is the market value of that bottle of water. If you force Safeway to sell it at a price no higher than $5, youre forcing Safeway to make a charitable donation of $20 to each person lucky enough to be able to buy the water. Theres nothing wrong with Safeway extending charity, but why compel it to do so in this particular way?"
posted on
03/23/2005 8:01:43 PM PST
John Lenin
(Stop, in the name of love)
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