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A special message from the Department of Troll Control, come and get it!
Department of Troll Control | Another Ignorant Troll

Posted on 01/12/2006 8:39:35 AM PST by dhls

Fellow Americans, there comes a time every mans life when we must give up ourselves before we are worthy to recieve. There comes a time in this war on terror when in order to protect liberty, we have to give it up in the mean time for safty. That's right folks. Today, Americans have forsaken the creator for the creation and have decided that they would value our "civil liberties" than protecting western civilization and rich white people from the tender mercies of radical Islamic terrorists. Selfish liberals insist and whine that Bush has no right to spy on Americans and ban certain undesirables from using our airlines. They demand the right to criticize and blaspheeme the name of our supreme commander and cheef George W Bush while forcing multiculturalism down our throats and praising Bill Clinton. We all know however that it's totally Clintons fult for everything bad in america. Now we are at war and we must make a decision. support the safty of America and defeat terrorists, or support civil liberties and give victory to the enemy. Its all because of Bill Clinton and civil liberties that we are in this war so it is only fair that we give it up. no one said life was supposed to be fair you liberal crybabys. Dont give me that rubbish about equality and diversity. WE ARE AT WAR! If your not for Bush and against civil liberties your a terrorist! Your probably even a Communist and should be detained. Therefore fellow Americans we must throw all of our trust and resources behind George W Bush and behind this war with no ifs ands or buts. Be sure to report any and all detractors and freedom supporters to your local military and never question. Bush knows what hes doing and we will win this war once and for all. Thank you and May God bless America.

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englisharetricky; eris; eskank; euellgibbons; everythinghappens2me; evil; exploited; failure; fainthearted; fascist; fearful; feeble; felcher; fellowshipoftheping; fen; filthyrats; finbar; firesidechat; firstservedfirstcome; fishwife; flailing; flamebaittroll; flatline; flimsy; floozy; flyme; fool; forestgrump; forwhomthebellthroll; foshizzle; fozizzlematrollizzle; fragile; frail; freenoam; freepaholicsdream; freepersrule; freepinochet; friedzot; friendoffidel; frightened; fruitfly; frustrated; fueledbystupidity; fugly; fundiesinundies; funnawunnalouie; gabbagabbahey; gamemisconduct; gangbangme; gapingchasm; garfunkle; genekrupa; gentilgerbil; gerbilherdsman; gerbilonmyshoulder; getalife; gettheetoa12steppgm; giacomo; gimmeabrake; girlymanalert; gitnlongrnlongr; glenmiller; gloomy; gobshite; godlovesyou; goinfor2k; gongshowloser; gonorrhea; goofball; gopingyourself; gotzot; grandcanyon; grapejelly; grapepeelerjob; gravedancers; greasestain; greeneggsnzot; grinchwhostolexmas; groupzot; 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intransitive; inundated; invertebrate; invitingaidsstds; ipingedonmyshoes; ireland; ishillaryhotorwhat; islamast; ismellozone; isthisyourbrain; istillcantping; isuisrisuantmybeeber; itburnswheniping; itfaileddoofus; itsazot; itsjacksonifurnasty; itsnotaidsitsavirus; itsnotatumor; itsnotcontagious; itszottingtime; ittakesavliiageidiot; ittollsforthee; iv; iwannafly; iwantu2playwith; iwillprayforyou; iwritebrilliant; izitagirl; jackass; jalathejihadgerbil; jalepenoanalsalve; jamesthewonderbaby; jamupjellytight; jaroftrollsouls; jellopudding; jennings; jetjaguar; jewtellme; jimmydorsey; jingo; jizzmoglobin; jjbrokaw; jjfatepartdeux; jjjennings; jjjjjbeeberstuned; jjrather; johnkeatsisdead; johnsmallberries; joncorzine; jooooooooooooooooooz; judgementimpaired; justlaythere; justsaynotodrugs; juvenile; juwast; juwcalled; juweatyet; juwgentils; juwguysknockitoff; juwish; juwishconspearsy; juwishkeywordtrick; juwishprudence; juwishpwudence; juwjuwbeans; juws; k1avg; kerryfordogcatcher; kerryscabanaboy; kerrywalksintoabar; ketchup; ketwordconniption; keyboarddrool; keywordlimitis20wor; keywordsagogo; keywordsrule; kickme; kickmeagain; kickmeharder; kickmeintonextweek; kickmenow; kickmeover; kickmeoverandover; kickmezotmezotme; kickmyass; kickmyassoverandover; kickmyislamicass; kickmysorryass; kickmytrollishass; killthisthread; kingofswing; kingoftortes; kingproutisajerk; kissmeimazot; kissmyzot; kittenchow; kittylitter; kittytime; knobgoblin; knobslobberer; kookycommies; koolaidforoil; kucinichmilitant; kurva; kurwa; kyjelly; lacking; ladyjag; lamer; lampfinialcollector; laughable; leonzotsky; leroyblows; letmygerbilsgo; liberalsareevil; libisamentaldisease; libtardsrus; lifeatrthetop; lifesuksgetahelmet; lightning; likeamayojar; likeavwintheqe2; likesaddlebags; likethegrandcanyon; lillylivered; lithium; livingbeeberhistory; livingbraindonor; lol; longasskeywordlist; lookatme; lookmanohands; looooooooooooooooong; looselips; lordofthepings; loser; losertarian; lotlizzard; lotsofkeywords; lotsofvaseline; louddemskank; louisarmstrong; lovemishap; lowercase; lowercaselowercase; luv2rainonyourparade; maeybebaby; maeybepeeple; maglevpingaling; majorlongassthread; maoideprived; maroon; marsupialbeeber; masonreese; masterofpings; mattressback; maxinewaters; maxx; maygerbilsinvadeyour; mayyourzotscometrue; mcauliffesraiders; mdm; me; meager; meatmeet; meatslapper; medicationtime4troll; mediocre; meesterdomymommy; mefirst; megathread; meinschwanz; menageazot; meow; mercurytubefeed; merrypingday; mess; methadonezone; metsownyankees; michaelmooreidiot; michaelmooreremora; mikemooregloryhole; milkmanblues; milquetoast; minor; minute; miserable; misspeller; mmm; mobyneedsyou; molassesmiasma; momatoldmenotocome; mommydoesstangers; mommygiveshead; mommyisaslut; moneywhores; monkeybaiter; monkeyface; monkeyface2; monsanto; moodyblues; moonbatard; moonbatovermiami; moonbatsstolemybrain; moorehead; mooreismymentor; moose; mooseandsquirrel; moosebitmesister; moosecheese; moosedroollbear; moosejuice; moosepoop; mopaulindrag; morallyunacceptable; moralvacancy; moremoremore; moronsonparade; mostkeywordsever; mostnaziast; motherofallzots; movetochat; movezig4greatjustice; moviestarsknowbest; mrmommy; mroninginamerica; mrpoopypants; muchadoaboutnothing; mudslides; multitaskingho; mumbling; murrymomhotflash; muscatel; mushbrain; mybeebergotstuned; mybeeberhurts; mybeeberisstuned; mykeywordtoo; mylies; mymomdidyourdad; mymommydaho; mymommysaysimspecial; mymoomysaysimspecial; mynameisalgore; mypingaling; mypoopyhurts; mythatslotsakeywords; myzotisbetter; myzotisbigger; myzotisfaster; myzotissooohot; myzotizredhot; myzotrocks; myzotrules; nambypamby; namethatzot; nastymommy; naziast; naziastbaby; naziasttroll; neal; needalife; needsanenema; needviagra; neenertard; negligible; nervous; nervousnelly; newbie; newundead; nicknamedbobkey; nicknameisdumbarse; niggardly; niggle; nighttrain; nimrod; notavirgin; notdead; novaluestroll; nowservingnumber32; nuke; nuked; nukedtroll; nukeme; nukemysorryass; nukethisthread; numbnuts; nutter; nymphomania; nytreader; obtuse; offyourmeds; ogjuws; ohhhzotsrock; ohitsascenemaaaaaaan; ohsaycanyouzot; ohthedrama; oilforzot; oilyboidgetswoim; oinker; ojisinnocent; olivethereindeer; olsentwinfan; onepingalingy; onestunedbeeber; openwide; oppressed; orangejews; orgasmsru; overpowered; oversensitive; overwhelmed; own4g3; ownage; owned; ownzored; owrkatetheweatherman; oxygenstarved; oyvey; oyyoyyoyyoyyoyyoyyoy; ozone; ozoneactionthread; ozonealert; ozonereactionthread; paltry; panicky; pantiesinawad; pantload; pantyrashweekly; paranoid; parindle; parindled; parindlehim; parindleme; parkatruckinthere; partytrainengine; passmearound; pathetic; paved; pavedtroll; pavers; peanutbutter; peedincornflakes; peeple; peepleisasking; penguinhumor; perpetualoface; personalfoul; pessimistic; petekellyblues; petite; petty; petunia; piehawker; piercedboyz4kerry; pilloryhillary; pimpmymommy; pingawhaambulance; pinglemyfancy; pingmeeverywhere; pingmetomorrow; pingmeubeast; pingpingpingpingping; pingpong; pings; pingsformoney; pingthatshouldnotbe; pingthis; pinhead; pissedoffpat; pissywooped; pleasurevibe2000; pleeezepleeezezotme; pmsmigrainsinc; polesmoker; poopoohead; poor; poorbaby; poorpoorpitifulme; poppingsoundinmyhead; porkpiehat; postmanalwaysrings2x; pot; powerless; priestessofpriapus; psychoclown; psychoslut; publikedukashun; pullingthetrain; punk; puny; pusillanimous; puta; putaine; putanna; putbacktheliquor; pwn3d; pwn4g3; pwnd; pwned; pwnz0r3d; qtipkittylove; quentin; questionable; rabidbeeberalert; racast; rain; ramalamadingdong; rammingspeed; rant; rasterbator; rateatroll; rather; ratherstupid; reademall; recievebillclinton; reducereuserecycle; reportabusehere; repressed; retardedfool; rethinkingabortion; returnofjjfate; returnofsonofzot; returnofthezot; ricepudding; richardmilhousenixon; rickoshayrabbit; ridethelightning; ridiculous; righteousgerbil; righteouslentil; rightous; rilf; rkba; rkbarules; roadapples; roadkill; roads; roastzot; rockrollandping; rodehardputawaywet; rodneykingwashere; rogets; rolemodel; rollatroll2day; ronsanto; ronwyden; roundheels; rubydonttakurluv2twn; rudeness; runescape; rutabagas; sad; sadtruthaboutatroll; saftydance; saftyfirst; sameoledudumbasses; sanctimoniousness; sandinhervagina; sandwichshyofpicnic; satan; savagecustomes; savesovietjuwry; savethedrama4urmama; savetreeseatbeeber; scab; scambaiting; scared; scarlotletter; schtupid; scrawny; screechybitch; screedgoeson; scurvy; scuzzbucket; scwewywabbit; secretadmirer; seeyourdoctor; seinfeld; selfrighteous; selfrighteousho; seminarposter; seventhsojourn; sexaddict; sexaholic; sexast; sexdeviant; shabedbeeber; shaghag; shamalamadingdong; shameful; shavedbeeber; shehateme; shelleywinters; shesamanbaby; shhwing; shocked; shortattentionspan; shrew; shy; sickly; sickofint; signeduptopostthis; silentbutdeadly; simperingwimp; singforpings; sirzotsalot; sister; skank; skankusmaximus; skankytroll; skidmark; skippyseasy2spread; skweweywabbit; slattern; sleazy; slight; slimyseconds; slut; sluttilicus; smacktard; small; smashed; smellsliketuna; smokincrack; sniveling; snow; sobbing; sodomyisacivilright; sofunyimstuned; somanytardssofewzots; somebodyneedsahug; somebodysex; somthinganything; sonoftheundeadthread; soon2baclassicthread; sorry; sorryimissedthis; sortofdead; spacepanties; spam; spamspam; spamspamspam; spamspamspamspam; spamspamspamspamspam; spankmeskank; spankytheskank; spastic; speakupitsthensa; speechless; spellchallenged; spellcheckerworking; spellczech; sphinctersaywhat; sphincterssurgeon; spineless; spiritless; splainlucy; spootheotherbluemeat; spoozemonkee; spreadingaids; spreadingcrabs; spreadinggonorrea; spreadingherpes; spreadinghiv; spreadingkeywords; spreadingsyphilis; spreadingthezot; stankenton; std; stddonor; stdforme; steamingpile; stifflersmom; stillzotting; stingmypinger; stingyourpinger; stoned; stonedtroll; stopmebeforeipost; stopormomwillshoot; stopvanitykeywords; strapaboardon; straponsrus; stune; stunedmybeeber; stuneme; stunememore; stunemybeeber; stunemybeeberbaby; stuningbeeber; subordinated; suckstobeme; sucktard; suicidebyzot; superduperman; swapmeet; swingclubs; swisscheesezot; syphilis; syphilliticdementia; tad; taintedtaco; takeanumber; takeittothelimit; takesonallcomers; taketurnsonmom; takeyourmedication; takeyourmeds; taraysuhheinz; tardextrordinare; tardzot; tastelikehickorynuts; taxbrakesfortherich; taxchick; tbsshow; technicalfoul; tedkennedy; tedkennedysucksgin; teethapart; teresaisthatyou; terrischiavo; tertiarysyphilis; thanosconcedes; thatsgonnaleaveaping; thefuturesinyourhand; thegonokakakhackus; theicestorm; thejanetrenoclub; thekingofzots; theotherreindeer; thesaurus; theschlongranger; thethreadthatwontdie; thetrainkeptarollin; theykilledkenny; thezotfather; thingsthatgozot; thinkb4posting; thinskinned; thisdogbiteme; thisisgoofy; thisishugh; thiskeywordsux; thistardiszotted; threadstamina; threadthatwontdie; threadviagra; threadwithoutendamen; throwdown; thumbsuckingmaroon; thunderbird; tieaboardon; tijunnabeeberzot; timexsinclair; timid; timorous; tiny; tommydorsey; tonguetied; tonitennillekixass; toolwhisperer; toomuchtimeonhands; topingornottoping; tossedsalad; touchmybonobo; touchmymonkey; touchmypingy; townpump; toys4zots; travel; trichomoniais; trifling; trivial; troll; trollcontrol; trollgotthezot; trollgotzotted; trollhead; trollingforassholes; trollingfordummies; trollingforzot; trollishigh; trollisinneedofazot; trolloncrack; trollonpot; trollonspeed; trollonweed; trollop; trollsinmyshorts; trollsoup; trollstoned; trollzot; trollzotted; trounced; trryhnzhasbigknckers; trs80; trydeodorant; tulipmafia; tuliptree76; twatdidyousay; twatsfordots; twit; typhoidmary; uberbeeber; uncletrollscabana; uncontrolled; undeadthread2; undisciplined; unfortunate; unfunnytroll; unimportant; unimpressive; unprincipled; urwithusragainstus; useadultdiapers; usedupbeeatch; usetheforceluke; ut2; v; valueless; vanity; varmintkong; vastzotconspiracy; vd; vdforme; velcrounderwear; velveetaspread; verylongkeywordspam; verysmallgentils; vi; victimhood; vietnam; vii; viii; vikingkitties; vikingkittychow; vix; voyageofthedanged; vulnerable; waaaaaaaaaa; waaaaaaahhhhhh; waaaambulancechaser; wacktard; wackyposter; wackytroll; waffling; wahabbast; wanker; wankspanker; wankstain; wanting; wardtalktobeeber; washedmywillie; wasteofbandwidth; watchout4zombies; waystupid; weak; weakkneed; weakwilled; wearealljuwsnow; wee; weed; weeklyworldnuws; weeping; welcomeslip18; wellbutrin; wench; westfieldisinnocent; whack; whackamole; whacked; whackedtroll; whackjob; whackman; whackme; whacktard; whahahahah; what; whataload; whatamaroon; whatatard; whatdoesthisbuttondo; whatisthatsmell; whatsontv; whattabugger; whattastinker; whatzitallabout; wheeltrninhamsterded; whenpeehurts; wherearemypants; whereistomdaschle; whhhhyyyyyyyyy; whimperingsimp; whineandcheese; whinecheese; whiners; whinetard; whinneyweiner; whiny; whipinflationnow; whippedcream; whitecastleburp; whitelightning; whodababydaddy; whopingedinmybed; whoreforgore; whoresrus; whoringaround; whoskenneth; whydoesmypeehurt; whyduzithurtwhenipee; whywasthiszotted; willthisthreadend; willwork4food; willwork4keywords; willworkforzots; wimp; windowlicker; worried; worthless; wrapitup; wreck; wretched; wtfiiwnm; x; xi; xii; xiii; xiv; xv; xvi; xvii; xviii; xvx; xx; xxx; yabbadabbadrool; ydoo; youaremrgrumpy; youareobsolete; youdamnman; youknow; youngandstupid; youramoron; yourareamoronkid; youreouttahere; yourexwife; yourpingaling; yousillypinger; yousillypwanger; yoyodyne; yoyyoyyoy; yozotaintdoodlysquat; yungs2pid; zappacrappa; zappalives; zapped; zappedtroll; zeitqeist; zero; zionastentity; zippidydozot; zoloft; zoopsia; zot; zot4jesus; zotabulous; zotadumbass; zotadummy; zotadunce; zotaholic; zotaholicsanonymous; zotalicous; zotalotadingdong; zotandlocked; zotandzotter; zotanidiot; zotarama; zotarts; zotatardforscience; zotathon; zotatroll; zotauflambe; zotaugratin; zotbait; zotcrazy; zotfest; zotfest2004; zotforbrains; 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To: Tax-chick
She hated the IRA with a passion, and was a great fan of Mrs. Thatcher.


I think history will judge Thatcher very well, she will be seen as a better friend to Ireland than Tony Blair - his whole strategy is to keep the bombs away from Britian, but he is undermining Irish democracy in the process.

Thatcher had the IRA all but defeated by the early 90s, that's why they opted for a ceasefire - and John Major was too soft to say "no deal"!

6,061 posted on 02/26/2006 3:25:36 PM PST by Irish_Thatcherite (~~~A vote for Bertie Ahern is a vote for Gerry Adams!~~~)
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To: Monkey Face

Yep - I'm still your old Silvertongued Igor.

Igor from Cincinnati, right?

If not - never mind.

6,062 posted on 02/26/2006 3:25:57 PM PST by the Marshal
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To: Irish_Thatcherite

I agree. Mrs. Thatcher was serious about security. It doesn't seem that many leaders are, these days.

I'm impressed by the Australians' saying that Moslem immigrants should assimilate, but without an enforcement mechanism, it's just talk, unfortunately.

6,063 posted on 02/26/2006 3:27:29 PM PST by Tax-chick (My remark was stupid, and I'm a slave of the patriarchy. So?)
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To: Irish_Thatcherite
"... there is probably criminal conspiracy by the Serenityish Republican Army!!"

Yep. I'll bet you find one behind every tree.

6,064 posted on 02/26/2006 3:29:24 PM PST by NicknamedBob (Islamists say we shouldn't make a mockery of religion -- funny, that's the problem I have with them!)
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To: Tax-chick
I agree. Mrs. Thatcher was serious about security. It doesn't seem that many leaders are, these days.

Sinn Fein/IRA like to say 'securicrats'!!

6,065 posted on 02/26/2006 3:35:09 PM PST by Irish_Thatcherite (~~~A vote for Bertie Ahern is a vote for Gerry Adams!~~~)
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To: NicknamedBob
Where are they laundering the ill-gotten money?
6,066 posted on 02/26/2006 3:36:18 PM PST by Irish_Thatcherite (~~~A vote for Bertie Ahern is a vote for Gerry Adams!~~~)
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To: the Marshal

Does it matter? I mean, Igor is Igor...

6,067 posted on 02/26/2006 3:36:23 PM PST by Monkey Face (When in doubt, wear red spike-heeled boots.)
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To: Irish_Thatcherite


6,068 posted on 02/26/2006 3:40:03 PM PST by Tax-chick (My remark was stupid, and I'm a slave of the patriarchy. So?)
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To: Tax-chick

They have invented an entire language, probably based on Newspeak....

6,069 posted on 02/26/2006 3:43:52 PM PST by Irish_Thatcherite (~~~A vote for Bertie Ahern is a vote for Gerry Adams!~~~)
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To: Irish_Thatcherite
"Where are they laundering the ill-gotten money?"

I got it! (Security camera footage.)

6,070 posted on 02/26/2006 3:45:21 PM PST by NicknamedBob (Islamists say we shouldn't make a mockery of religion -- funny, that's the problem I have with them!)
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To: NicknamedBob
Looks like Martin Ferris.....
6,071 posted on 02/26/2006 3:54:09 PM PST by Irish_Thatcherite (~~~A vote for Bertie Ahern is a vote for Gerry Adams!~~~)
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To: FRiends

Goodnight everyone!!

6,072 posted on 02/26/2006 4:13:53 PM PST by Irish_Thatcherite (~~~A vote for Bertie Ahern is a vote for Gerry Adams!~~~)
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To: Irish_Thatcherite

G'Night, Irish!

6,073 posted on 02/26/2006 4:15:51 PM PST by NicknamedBob (Islamists say we shouldn't make a mockery of religion -- funny, that's the problem I have with them!)
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To: Irish_Thatcherite


6,074 posted on 02/26/2006 4:19:00 PM PST by Tax-chick (My remark was stupid, and I'm a slave of the patriarchy. So?)
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To: NicknamedBob; Monkey Face; tuliptree76; fanfan; All

So other than the IRA, a Castle update, and some guy washing his socks in the lake, what's going on tonight?

6,075 posted on 02/26/2006 4:51:24 PM PST by Das Outsider (The chief end of man is not civil freedom.)
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To: Das Outsider; All
There is still the question of long forgotten (11,000 years ago), deluges of water, and the possibility that human history is much older than we've been told.

Have a good night.


6,076 posted on 02/26/2006 5:04:12 PM PST by fanfan (I'd still rather hunt with Cheney, than drive with Kennedy.)
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To: fanfan
There is still the question of long forgotten (11,000 years ago), deluges of water, and the possibility that human history is much older than we've been told.

Or much younger.

I'll have to catch you later. Goodniggit.
6,077 posted on 02/26/2006 5:08:29 PM PST by Das Outsider (The chief end of man is not civil freedom.)
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To: Das Outsider

Not much. I've just been working.

6,078 posted on 02/26/2006 5:09:13 PM PST by tuliptree76
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To: tuliptree76
Not much. I've just been working

Then get back to work! Ain't no time to be fussin' and a yakkin' on that Innernet, missy! ;)

You aren't still working on that dissertation, are you?
6,079 posted on 02/26/2006 5:11:30 PM PST by Das Outsider (The chief end of man is not civil freedom.)
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To: Das Outsider

Okay, I will. And, yes, I'm still working on the dissertation.

6,080 posted on 02/26/2006 5:13:44 PM PST by tuliptree76
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