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  • NATO soldiers deploy in Kosovo clashes with Serb protesters

    05/29/2023 9:39:21 AM PDT · by McGruff · 50 replies
    Reuters via MSN ^ | May 29, 2023 | Fatos Bytyci
    NATO peacekeeping soldiers formed security cordons around three town halls in Kosovo on Monday as police clashed with Serb protesters, while Serbia's president put the army on the highest level of combat alert. The tense situation developed after ethnic Albanian mayors took office in northern Kosovo's Serb majority area after elections the Serbs boycotted. In Zvecan, one of the towns, Kosovo police - staffed by ethnic Albanians after Serbs quit the force last year - sprayed pepper gas to repel a crowd of Serbs who broke through a security barricade and tried to force their way into the municipality building,...
  • China’s Growing Nuclear Arsenal Is A Bigger Threat Than A Spy Balloon, And The U.S. Helped Make It Possible

    02/09/2023 8:02:09 AM PST · by SeekAndFind · 26 replies
    The Federalist ^ | 02/09/2023 | Helen Raleigh
    Hopefully, the Chinese spy balloon incident will become a turning point, a wake-up call for a divided nation.The sight of a Chinese spy balloon last week has forced many Americans to confront the security threat the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) poses to America’s homeland. Unfortunately, the CCP possesses something far scarier and deadlier than balloons: a rapidly growing stockpile of nuclear weapons. Measured by the number of nuclear warheads, China has at least 350 as of June 2022, far less than Russia’s 5,977 and the United States’ 5,428. Still, the speed at which China is building up its nuclear arsenal...
  • US software gives China its hypersonic edge - - Investigative report shows how US software firms put profit before security by selling China hypersonic weapon test tools

    10/19/2022 2:36:47 PM PDT · by elpadre · 25 replies ^ | October 19, 2022 | Gabriel Honrada
    Classified US software is helping China get an edge over the former in the hypersonic weapons race, despite tight export controls on such technology. The Washington Post reported this week that blacklisted Chinese military research groups have been purchasing US software designed for computer simulations of hypersonic weapons tests. It uncovered 300 sales since 2019 of advanced software products from nearly 50 US firms to Chinese research groups involved in missile development programs. The report claims that US firms have received millions of dollars in funding from the Pentagon and circumvented US export controls by selling to Chinese private middlemen...
  • Breaking! China Tests New Hypersonic Nuclear-Capable Missile That Circled Entire Globe at Low-Orbit – US Military Officials Stunned

    10/16/2021 2:59:06 PM PDT · by White Lives Matter · 104 replies
    GP ^ | October 16, 2021 | Cristina Laila
    China launched a new hypersonic nuclear-capable missile that circled the entire globe at low-orbit in August, the Financial Times reported. US Intelligence and US Military officials were left stunned. “We have no idea how they did this,” a source told the Financial Times. According to the report, the missile missed its target by about 24 miles and caught US intel by surprise. TRENDING: Subway Worker Films Himself Walking through Food, Drinking from Bottles for Sale, Putting Tomato Slices on Toilet Rim Before Making Sandwiches (VIDEO) Earlier this year, a satellite image showed China had expanded its nuclear missile silo field....
  • China rolls out rocket for its longest crew mission yet

    10/09/2021 10:39:47 AM PDT · by BenLurkin · 8 replies ^ | Andrew Jones
    A 203-feet-high (62 meters) Long March 2F rocket was vertically transferred to the pad at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the Gobi Desert early on Thursday (Oct. 7). Atop the rocket is the Shenzhou 13 spacecraft that will carry the three astronauts into orbit. Visible at the top of the payload fairing is an escape launch system that can rapidly carry the spacecraft away from the rocket in case of an emergency early in the flight. The crew has not yet been announced but is expected to be the backup crew for the recently completed Shenzhou 12 mission. If correct,...
  • Secret pre-9/11 report:‘widespread’ Al Qaeda sleeper cells in America that CIA, FBI were ill-equipped to counter

    09/08/2021 2:55:44 PM PDT · by Theoria · 45 replies ^ | 08 Sept 2021 | Robbyn Swan
    A long-secret report, written 18 months before 9/11 by senior members of President Clinton’s national security team, concluded that U.S. intelligence were failing in their attempts to break al Qaeda, and warned that agencies were not structured or adequately funded to meet the threat posed by Osama bin Laden.U.S. counterterrorism policy, the team judged, required “immediate revision,” and laid out a series of recommendations – some “time-critical”– needed to stop future al Qaeda attacks on U.S. interests. By Sept. 11, 2001, though, key recommendations had still not been acted upon.The report, known as the Millennium Alert After Action Review (MAAR),...
  • Scientists discover a massive field of nuclear silos in China, signaling a significant nuclear expansion in the country

    07/27/2021 3:59:09 PM PDT · by Mariner · 42 replies ^ | July 27th, 2021 | Vanessa Gu
    - China may be building up to 110 nuclear silos, The New York Times reported.- Researchers believe the new silos could raise China's nuclear capacity to more than 875 warheads.- China is the third-largest nuclear power, but its arsenal is dwarfed by those of the US and Russia.China is constructing a network that could house up to 110 nuclear silos in a desert in the remote eastern part of the country's Xinjiang province, according to scientists from the Federation of American Scientists, a nonprofit global think tank.As first reported by The New York Times on Monday, scientists said construction at...
  • Zhurong: New Rover on Mars

    06/15/2021 3:53:06 PM PDT · by MtnClimber · 30 replies ^ | 15 Jun, 2021 | Image Credit: China National Space Administration
    Explanation: There's a new rover on Mars. In mid-May, China's Tianwen-1 mission delivered the Zhurong rover onto the red planet. As Mars means Planet of Fire in Chinese, the Zhurong rover's name means, roughly, God of Fire in Chinese mythology. Zhurong landed in northern Utopia Planitia, the largest known impact basin in the Solar System, and an area reported to have much underground ice. Among many other scientific instruments, Zhurong carries ground-penetrating radar that can detect ice buried even 100-meters deep. Car-sized Zhurong is pictured here next to its landing base. The image was snapped by a remote camera deployed...
  • China's Chang'e 5 probe lifts off from moon carrying lunar samples

    12/03/2020 4:24:32 PM PST · by BenLurkin · 13 replies ^ | 03 December 2020 | Andrew Jones
    The small probe, which sat on top of the Chang'e 5 lander, lifted off from Oceanus Procellarum at 10:10 EST Thursday (15:10 GMT/23:10 Beijing time) carrying with it the first fresh lunar samples since 1976. Six minutes later, the ascent spacecraft achieved lunar orbit, marking a huge milestone in the Chang'e 5 mission to return lunar samples to Earth. The ascent vehicle's job now is to meet up with the Chang'e 5 orbiter while still circling the moon, and then transfer its precious cargo to a return capsule for the journey home. That next stage is an extremely challenging rendezvousing...
  • China's Chang'e-5 Moon mission probe touches down

    12/01/2020 8:32:14 PM PST · by BenLurkin · 26 replies
    BBC ^ | 12/01/2020 | Jonathan Amos
    Its robotic Chang'e-5 mission touched down a short while ago with the aim of collecting samples of rock and dust to bring back to Earth. The venture has targeted Mons Rümker, a high volcanic complex in a nearside region known as Oceanus Procellarum. The lander is expected to spend the next couple of days examining its surroundings and gathering up surface materials. It has a number of instruments to facilitate this, including a camera, spectrometer, radar, a scoop and a drill. The intention is to package about 2kg of "soil", or regolith, to send up to an orbiting vehicle that...
  • China has allegedly stolen billions of dollars worth of American science

    12/31/2019 1:50:41 PM PST · by Hojczyk · 48 replies
    The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other federal agencies have failed to prevent China from openly recruiting American scientific experts in exchange for payment and perks. This, according to Judicial Watch. The Judicial Watch story relies on a report published by the Senate Homeland Security Committee. According to Judicial Watch, “This report exposes how American taxpayer funded research has contributed to China’s global rise over the last 20 years.” The U.S. Senate report says the U.S. taxpayers spend over $150 billion a year on scientific research. Most of the federal agencies conducting this research have been impacted by the...
  • China launches its largest rocket ever, the Long March-5 By

    12/28/2019 5:33:52 PM PST · by BenLurkin · 28 replies
    digitial trends ^ | December 28, 2019 9:46AM PST | Georgina Torbet
    China launched its largest-ever rocket this week: The Long March-5 Y3 rocket took off from the Wenchang Space Launch Center in south China’s Hainan Province, carrying a Shijian-20 satellite. The launch took place at 8:45 p.m. Beijing time on Friday night, as reported by China’s state news agency Xinhua. Just over half an hour later, the satellite achieved its planned orbit and the China National Space Administration (CNSA) declared the mission a success. The rocket stands at 57 meters (187 feet) tall, and is 5 meters in diameter around its core stage, with four boosters each of which is 3.35...
  • False pregnancy rumor led boy, then 13, to kill 14-year-old girl, authorities say

    11/17/2019 12:29:20 PM PST · by Morgana · 60 replies ^ | Nov 14, 2019 | Ed Balint, Canton Repository, GateHouse Media Ohio
    CANTON — A 14-year-old boy killed a teen girl execution style because he apparently believed a false rumor she was pregnant and thought he was the father, according to prosecutors. Isiah Lynch pleaded true — the juvenile equivalent of guilty —Wednesday to a murder charge for the March fatal shooting of 14-year-old Sylvia McGee. Lynch was 13 at the time of McGee’s death. Following a plea hearing in juvenile court, Assistant Prosecutor Michelle Cordova said Lynch told police he believed McGee was pregnant. “That is what I believe got this whole thing started,” she said, noting McGee was not his...
  • 58 porno videos of 15-year-old girl lead to Davie man’s arrest

    10/29/2019 4:04:25 PM PDT · by Morgana · 50 replies
    Sun Sentinel *4*-25+ ^ | October 23, 2019 | Tonya Alanez
    When a 15-year-old girl’s mother found out sexually explicit photos of her daughter were online, it had been nearly a year since her family had seen her. Police investigated and discovered nearly 60 pornographic videos of the Sunrise girl posted on Periscope, Pornhub, Modelhub, Snapchat and other websites, according to an arrest report. In some of the videos with the girl was a bald man who police recognized as one of two men the girl was with in February when a clerk at a 7-11 in Davie recognized her. Police obtained video surveillance from the store after that Feb. 26...
  • How Bill Clinton Sent Manufacturing Jobs to China (Walk memory lane)

    08/23/2019 9:18:17 AM PDT · by DJ MacWoW · 35 replies
    AmericanThinker ^ | September 19, 2016 | Michael Bargo, Jr.
    On May 28, 1993 Bill Clinton signed Executive Order 12850. This improper EO changed the way the U.S. made trade deals with China and led to the loss of tens of millions of American manufacturing jobs. The story of how this was done not only proves that the Clintons are behind the loss of American jobs, but shows how Bill Clinton established a Democratic strategy for manipulating foreign policy that was copied by both Hillary while she was Secretary of State and Obama while he was president. At the time, U.S.-China trade relations were conditioned upon China’s humanitarian treatment of...
  • Missouri University says a man asking out a woman who's smaller than him could be sexual [tr]

    12/28/2018 6:29:30 AM PST · by C19fan · 55 replies
    UK Daily Mail ^ | December 28, 2018 | Leah Simpson
    The University of Missouri has claimed that a male asking a female out on a date could be sexual harassment – if she is smaller than him. Mizzou officials made the claim as doctoral student challenged them in a lawsuit surrounding his suspension in 2016 for the romantic proposal to his student dance instructor Annalise Breaux. The college claimed that posing the question could violate Title IX, which serves to prohibit sexual discrimination on any federally funded education program, after Jeremy Rowles sued them for racial and sexual discrimination.
  • China tests submarine-launched missile capable of range of 9,000km

    12/21/2018 8:36:12 PM PST · by sukhoi-30mki · 12 replies
    The Week, India ^ | December 22, 2018
    US and Hong Kong-based media agencies have reported that China has tested a new submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) capable of a range of around 9,000km. The weapon is expected to significantly improve China's nuclear strike capabilities. In comparison, the Indian Navy's INS Arihant, which completed its first deterrent patrol recently, is armed with missiles with a range of 750km and will only get the 3,500km-range K-4 missiles in the future. The South China Morning Post reported China's People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) had tested the new missile, dubbed the JL-3, in the Yellow Sea in November. The Washington Free Beacon,...
  • Witches are going to hex Kavanaugh tonight while an exorcist tries to protect him with mass

    10/21/2018 8:58:47 AM PDT · by US Navy Vet · 58 replies
    ABC 15 Arizona ^ | Oct 20, 2018 | Susan Gonzalez
    Oh, boy. Saturday, October 20 is turning into a battle of other worldly powers as an occult store in Brooklyn, New York prepares to host a ritual to "hex" newly appointed U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. In response, an exorcist in California will be hosting a regularly scheduled mass and will pray for the justice to protect him from " a conjuring of evil." Catland Books in Brooklyn describes their event as "a public hex on Brett Kavanaugh, upon all rapists and the patriarchy at large which emboldens, rewards and protects them." According to the Facebook page for the...
  • Chinese spy chips would be a ‘god-mode’ hack, experts say

    10/05/2018 11:54:39 AM PDT · by Zhang Fei · 27 replies
    The Verge ^ | Oct 4, 2018, 5:51pm EDT | Ashley Carman
    Chinese operatives allegedly poisoned the technical supply chain of major US companies, including Apple and Amazon by planting a microchip on their servers manufactured abroad, according to a Bloomberg report today. The story claims that one chip, which was assembled for a company called Elemental by a separate company called Super Micro Computer, would allow attackers to covertly modify these servers, bypass software security checks, and, essentially, give the Chinese government a complete backdoor into these companies’ networks. Affected companies are vigorously disputing the report, claiming they never discovered any malicious hardware or reported similar issues to the FBI. Even...
  • HISTORY MATTERS: COURAGE 53 Shot Down in Somalia 25 Years Ago

    09/25/2018 9:52:43 AM PDT · by fugazi · 2 replies ^ | Sept. 25, 2018 | Chris Carter
    In the early morning hours of Sept. 25, 1993 – eight days before the famous Battle of Mogadishu that will claim the lives of 19 Americans – an enemy rocket-propelled grenade slams into an COURAGE 53, an Army UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter conducting a night reconnaissance "Eyes Over Mogadishu" mission. The grenade blast ignites the aircraft’s fuel, killing three soldiers on board. Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) Dale Shrader and copilot CWO Perry Alliman fight to keep the helicopter in the air long enough to reach friendly lines at the port, but the helicopter crashes into a building and slams into...