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| December 27, 2005
| Proud Republican Woman, zotted by Archpriestess Helga, Church of the Viking Kittens
Posted on 12/27/2005 10:42:05 AM PST by proud republican woman
After reading all of the crap that people have been saying regarding Adult Private Social Clubs, I felt that I had to post an article and give my opinion. I am sick and tired of all the religous groups that are saying that there are drugs, prostitution, minors, non-consenting people, and just immoral people at these clubs! First of all, who do these people think they are to decide what is morally right or wrong for me? I believe that I have a good set of morals. I am a law abiding, tax paying citizen, I work full time and provide for my child; whom I teach to be courteous, respect his elders, be a hard worker, have respect for all of humankind as well as the earth, and not to 'cram' his opinions and beliefs down other people's throats. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing christianity, it's just that I'm so sick and tired of others trying to decide what is 'morally acceptable' for me. These people need to have their facts straight before running off at the mouth! And yes, I do belong to a several 'Swing Clubs', so I DO KNOW what I'm talking about. First of all, NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 21 IS ADMITTED (clubs do check id)!, no drugs are exceptions!, there is no prostitution!, safe sex is highly encouraged, NO MEANS owners and managers DO NOT tolerate anyone getting out of line what so ever!, and many club members are good and decent people with the best of morals. In short, no one is making these religous people go to the clubs, so, they need to quit trying to close the Adult Private Social Clubs. What goes on inside of these clubs is perfectly legal. We're not imposing our way of life on ANYONE, so others need to quit imposing their way of life on all of us!
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: 0; 00; 0000000conspiracyguy; 0000000gotzot; 00001aforeverzot; 0000irishthatcherite; 0001azotsnot; 000acutezot; 000freedumb2003; 00aconspiracyguy; 00conspiracyguyrewls; 0abrains; 0acaguy; 0wn3d; 0wn4g3; 0wned; 0wnzstockinmonistat; 10acrebutt; 11imfirst; 11oksecond; 15yardpenalty; 1800valtrex; 1800waaaaaaaaaaaaaah; 1bigzot; 1dumbtroll; 1longthread; 1mhere4thekeywords; 1tsjustacoldsore; 2004; 20gerbilteamborax; 2inthehand2inthebush; 2k; 2stoopid2notbezotted; 3xalady; 4scoreand7zotsago; 5dollarho; 65535; 65kposts; 9aaa1zot; aaa1zot; aaaaaaaaaaaaaacaguy; aaamaglevpingalo; abortazot; abstemious; absurd; achtungschnell; acluphaggot; acnekrakatoa; addadictomyfailed; addmetoalllists; addmywordtoo; adultry; afewgoodzots; afraid; agenerationoftards; aha; aids; aidsbait; airmenofnote; alcoholforoil; algoreshootchymomma; alltimekeywordrecord; allyourbase; alurbabesrbelongtome; analbuccaneer; analwarts; andzotsthewayitis; angryrationalization; annoying; anotherkeyword; anotherundeadthread; anybodys; apennyforyourzots; appeasermeat; apprehensive; areyouseries; arse; arthurmcgowan; asphalt; asphaltisverysmart; ass; assclown; asshat; asshatcrybaby; asshattroll; asskicked; astronaut; asymptoticbozoncount; attentionwhore; autoshipsherfamvir; awkward; awwwwww; axisofweasel; azotforyourthoughts; azzhat; babbling; baby; backpackfullagerbils; badaping; baffled; bahhumbug; bakedzot; banme; banmyass; banmysorryass; banned; bannedorsuspended; banningcomingsoon; barkingmoonbat; barrymanilo; barrymanilow; bart; bartcorppunk; bastardlyandmuttly; battered; batterup; bawling; beanflicker; becauseyourestupid; beeber; beeberbarber; beeberdocduvale; beeberlikedebice; beeberneener; beebersinthenight; beeberstuning; beeberzot; beentheredonethat; befuddled; begentilwithme; begoyumwithme; bellsarepinging; bemybeeber2nite; bendoverzot; benlurkin; bennygoodman; benstiller; betteroutthanin; betterthanlotrcrap; bewildered; bhabg; bigrubberball; bigtimecameltoe; billyjoel; bitchingforcolumbine; biteme; bitter; bjcsswingingclub; blingbling; blueoyster; bnpbooster; bobbyvalentinerocks; bobrunsthingshere; bobsyouruncle; bodylice; boiledzot; boing; boinkomatic; bondageboutique; boneheaded; boneless; boogerhead; bootytang; boowho; boring; boxcarbertha; boysinthehud; braindonor; braketard; breachbirthanoxia; breadandcircus; breakingnews; breastfedbyjanetreno; brideofundeadthread; brilliant; bringyourpinger; britneyspearszot; broiledzot; brokaw; broken; brokendown; browbeaten; bubbahubbadubba; buchananwakenedgiant; buckwheatbaby; buddyrich; bugchaserorgiftgiver; bugupyourbutt; buhbye; bulletbobcowashere; bumpinuglies; bunnyboiler; burningringofzot; burninzot; bushesfault; butnobodylikesspam; buttaface; bwahahaha; bwhahahaha; calllingyoumrgrumpy; callmemrgrumpy; camerondiaz; cantgetenough; captainbeefhurts; cartmansmom; carvilleonrogaine; cassettememory; castrated; cattoy; chafedarewe; chancroid; chancroidbacteria; cheerless; cheerupsleepyjean; cheese; cheesecake; cheesenzot; cheesewiththatwhine; chestersayshi; chickencordonbleu; chickenkiev; chickwebb; childleftbehind; chlamydia; chode; chopzot; cindysheehan; clapinator; cleanupinailethree; cleardischarge; clicktoaddkeyword; clintonatryourbottom; clintonclockstrucker; clintonlegacy; clintonscabanaboy; cluelessincyberspace; clumsy; cockroachlover; commiecabanaboy; commodore64; compassionate; confused; conquered; constipatedliberal; conundrum; couric; couricisahottie; coward; crabbywabby; crabs; crack; crackdsmoker; crackhead; crackheads; crackofdoom; crackpot; crackpotdummie; crackpotmoonbat; crackpottroll; crackpotwhacked; crackpotzotted; crackrules; cracksausagebreath; crackskank; crackweasel; crackwhore; crackwhoreofthemonth; cranialrectumitis; craven; crotchcrickets; crotchety; crybaby; crying; cryingontheinside; cumguzzler; cyberwhore; cythesinglegal; daisychain; daisydoesamerica; danceswithchancres; danceswithdems; danceswithrapists; danceswithweenies; dangus; danno; darkshearesfault; darwinavenged; dastardlyandmuttly; deadcorpse; deadnewbieposting; deadtrollssociety; deathbyzot; debased; deepthroat; defective; defenseless; deficient; deflated; degenerate; degeneratehousewives; dejected; delicate; delusional; dementoid; democratast; democratcrybaby; demoralized; demsarestoopid; demtard; dependent; depraved; depressing; dermightyzot; desperateareyou; destitute; dingbat; dingleberry; dirtbag; dirtyrats; dirtywhore; dirtyzotchez; disappointment; disgraced; disgraceful; dishonorable; dishsoap; dismal; dispirited; distendedgenitals; distressed; dizzy; dizzybint; dncpartygirl; dobongs; docsevrenson; dointhenasty; doittonight; dominated; donkeyshow; donotbringhometomom; dontbehardonthe; dontdomelikethat; dontjuwmebossman; dontlaughimseries; dontlookethel; dontmesswithbrithume; dontmesswithmypingy; dontreadthiskeyword; doomed; doormat; doowahdiddy; dopey; douchebag; downcast; downtrodden; drainbamage; drdeanpatient; drinkkerrykoolaid; dropthefbomb; drunkandstupied; drunkentroll; dsl; du; duassmonkey; dudefakeslikealady; duhuh; duidiot; dull; dumbassdunce; dumbassidiot; dumbassliberal; dumbasstroll; dumberthanhammers; dummie; dummieonpot; dummieonspeed; dummieonweed; dummietroll; dummioncrack; dumpinmypants; dunce; duncezotted; dunderhead; dusucks; dutroll; duwhore; eaker; earlylifecrisis; easilyupset; eatsrootsandleaves; echoechoecho; edgy; eeewwwgross; eelctrotherapyneeded; ejected; elastic; electrifying; electrocuted; elvislives; embarrassment; eris; eskank; everythinghappens2me; evil; exploited; failure; fainthearted; fascist; fearful; feeble; felcher; fellowshipoftheping; fen; filthyrats; finbar; firesidechat; firstservedfirstcome; fishwife; flailing; flatline; flimsy; floozy; fool; forestgrump; forwhomthebellthroll; foshizzle; fozizzlematrollizzle; fragile; frail; freenoam; freepaholicsdream; freepersrule; freepinochet; friedzot; friendoffidel; frightened; fruitfly; frustrated; fueledbystupidity; fugly; fundiesinundies; funnawunnalouie; gabbagabbahey; gamemisconduct; gangbangme; gapingchasm; garfunkle; genekrupa; gentilgerbil; gerbilherdsman; gerbilonmyshoulder; getalife; gettheetoa12steppgm; giacomo; gimmeabrake; girlymanalert; gitnlongrnlongr; glenmiller; gloomy; gobshite; godlovesyou; goinfor2k; gonorrhea; goofball; gopingyourself; gotzot; grandcanyon; grapejelly; gravedancers; greasestain; greeneggsnzot; grinchwhostolexmas; groupzot; groupzottage; grumpymonkey; gulper; gutless; gutmroning; haggard; hahahahah; halfwit; hapless; hardzot; harharharhar; harrrrummmph; hastalabyebye; hastalavistababy; hateamericafilth; hateamericatrash; hatebush; hatingamerica; haveyahugedazottoday; headcase; headupass; heathren; helenthomasfds; helenthomasinlatex; hellosailor; helpless; helpmeunnerstand; hepatitis; herekittykitty; hermaphrodite; herpes; hesfromncarolina; hesnopighesmybrother; hesright; heyisaiddontreadthis; heymom; hezotshescores; hheeeerresjohnnie; hidedesausage; hideho; hillaryisahottie; hillarysahottie; hillaryslesbianclub; hillarysmaxipad; himom; hitlerisdeadsorry; hitmeonemoretime; hiv; ho; hobag; hockmajuwlsnow; hohohoho; hohumhohumhohum; hollandtunnel; homecomingqueen; homophobast; homosexualadgenda; hoochie; hopeless; howtospreadgonorrea; howtospreadherpes; howtospreadstds; howtospreadsyphilis; howtospreadvd; howtospreadzot; hpv; hucktamunna; hughandseries; hukedonnfoniks; humanahumanahumana; humiliated; humor; hure; hurtswheniping; hussy; hypersensitive; hysterical; i; iamajealousmod; ibrakeforzots; ice; ichbineinjuwliner; ickwad; ideservezot; idhitit0times; idioticoptout; idontlikechildren; igangbang; igotyerpingrighthere; ihavahugeazz; ii; iii; illbayismyhero; ilovekerry; ilovezot; imadutroll; imanangrylittlefella; imastupidtroll; imfeelingzotty; imminentthreatofzot; immoral; imokyourok; impaired; impotantincarolina; impoverished; imsoconfused; imsostupid; imtoosexytobepinged; inadequate; inbred; incapable; incompetent; inconsequential; indecisive; inebriated; ineed2bzotted; ineedalife; ineedazot; ineedtobezotted; ineedweed; ineffective; inept; infected; injured; innerhomodemon; inoculated; inocuous; insignificant; instructive; interestingasshit; intransitive; inundated; invertebrate; invitingaidsstds; ipingedonmyshoes; ireland; ishillaryhotorwhat; islamast; ismellozone; isthisyourbrain; istillcantping; isuisrisuantmybeeber; itburnswheniping; itfaileddoofus; itsazot; itsjacksonifurnasty; itsnotatumor; itszottingtime; ittakesavliiageidiot; ittollsforthee; iv; iwantu2playwith; iwillprayforyou; iwritebrilliant; izitagirl; jackass; jalathejihadgerbil; jalepenoanalsalve; jamesthewonderbaby; jaroftrollsouls; jellopudding; jennings; jetjaguar; jewtellme; jimmydorsey; jingo; jizzmoglobin; jjbrokaw; jjfatepartdeux; jjjennings; jjjjjbeeberstuned; jjrather; johnkeatsisdead; johnsmallberries; jooooooooooooooooooz; judgementimpaired; justlaythere; justsaynotodrugs; juvenile; juwast; juwcalled; juweatyet; juwgentils; juwguysknockitoff; juwish; juwishconspearsy; juwishkeywordtrick; juwishprudence; juwishpwudence; juwjuwbeans; juws; k1avg; kerryfordogcatcher; kerryscabanaboy; kerrywalksintoabar; ketchup; ketwordconniption; keyboarddrool; keywordsagogo; keywordsrule; kickme; kickmeagain; kickmeharder; kickmeintonextweek; kickmenow; kickmeover; kickmeoverandover; kickmezotmezotme; kickmyass; kickmyassoverandover; kickmyislamicass; kickmysorryass; kickmytrollishass; killthisthread; kingofswing; kingoftortes; kingproutisajerk; kissmeimazot; kissmyzot; kittenchow; kittylitter; kittytime; knobgoblin; knobslobberer; kookycommies; koolaidforoil; kucinichmilitant; kurva; kurwa; kyjelly; lacking; ladyjag; lamer; laughable; leonzotsky; leroyblows; letmygerbilsgo; liberalsareevil; libisamentaldisease; libtardsrus; lifeatrthetop; lightning; likeamayojar; likeavwintheqe2; likesaddlebags; likethegrandcanyon; lillylivered; lithium; livingbeeberhistory; livingbraindonor; lol; longasskeywordlist; lookatme; lookmanohands; looooooooooooooooong; looselips; lordofthepings; loser; losertarian; lotlizzard; lotsofvaseline; louddemskank; louisarmstrong; lovemishap; lowercase; lowercaselowercase; luv2rainonyourparade; maeybebaby; maeybepeeple; maglevpingaling; majorlongassthread; maoideprived; maroon; marsupialbeeber; masterofpings; mattressback; maxinewaters; maxx; mayyourzotscometrue; mcauliffesraiders; mdm; me; meager; meatmeet; meatslapper; medicationtime4troll; mediocre; meesterdomymommy; mefirst; megathread; meinschwanz; menageazot; meow; mercurytubefeed; merrypingday; mess; methadonezone; metsownyankees; mikemooregloryhole; milkmanblues; milquetoast; minor; minute; miserable; mmm; mobyneedsyou; molassesmiasma; momatoldmenotocome; mommydoesstangers; mommygiveshead; mommyisaslut; moneywhores; monkeybaiter; monkeyface; monkeyface2; monsanto; moodyblues; moonbatard; moonbatovermiami; moonbatsstolemybrain; mooreismymentor; moose; mooseandsquirrel; moosebitmesister; moosedroollbear; moosejuice; moosepoop; mopaulindrag; morallyunacceptable; moralvacancy; moremoremore; mostkeywordsever; mostnaziast; motherofallzots; movetochat; movezig4greatjustice; mrmommy; mroninginamerica; mrpoopypants; muchadoaboutnothing; mudslides; multitaskingho; mumbling; murrymomhotflash; muscatel; mushbrain; mybeebergotstuned; mybeeberhurts; mybeeberisstuned; mykeywordtoo; mylies; mymomdidyourdad; mymommydaho; mymommysaysimspecial; mymoomysaysimspecial; mynameisalgore; mypingaling; mypoopyhurts; myzotisbetter; myzotisbigger; myzotisfaster; myzotissooohot; myzotrocks; myzotrules; nambypamby; namethatzot; nastymommy; naziast; naziastbaby; naziasttroll; neal; needalife; needsanenema; needviagra; neenertard; negligible; nervous; nervousnelly; newbie; newundead; nicknameisdumbarse; niggardly; niggle; nighttrain; nimrod; notavirgin; notdead; novaluestroll; nowservingnumber32; nuke; nuked; nukedtroll; nukeme; nukemysorryass; nukethisthread; nutter; nymphomania; obtuse; offyourmeds; ogjuws; ohhhzotsrock; ohitsascenemaaaaaaan; ohsaycanyouzot; ohthedrama; oilforzot; oinker; ojisinnocent; olivethereindeer; olsentwinfan; onepingalingy; openwide; oppressed; orangejews; orgasmsru; overpowered; oversensitive; overwhelmed; own4g3; ownage; owned; ownzored; owrkatetheweatherman; oxygenstarved; oyvey; oyyoyyoyyoyyoyyoyyoy; ozone; ozoneactionthread; ozonealert; ozonereactionthread; paltry; panicky; pantiesinawad; pantload; pantyrashweekly; paranoid; parindle; parindled; parindlehim; parindleme; parkatruckinthere; partytrainengine; passmearound; pathetic; paved; pavedtroll; pavers; peanutbutter; peedincornflakes; peeple; peepleisasking; penguinhumor; perpetualoface; personalfoul; pessimistic; petekellyblues; petite; petty; petunia; piercedboyz4kerry; pilloryhillary; pimpmymommy; pingawhaambulance; pinglemyfancy; pingmeeverywhere; pingmetomorrow; pingmeubeast; pingpingpingpingping; pingpong; pings; pingsformoney; pingthatshouldnotbe; pingthis; pinhead; pissedoffpat; pleasurevibe2000; pleeezepleeezezotme; pmsmigrainsinc; polesmoker; poopoohead; poor; poorbaby; poorpoorpitifulme; porkpiehat; postmanalwaysrings2x; pot; powerless; priestessofpriapus; psychoclown; psychoslut; publikedukashun; pullingthetrain; punk; puny; pusillanimous; puta; putaine; putanna; putbacktheliquor; pwn3d; pwn4g3; pwnd; pwned; pwnz0r3d; qtipkittylove; quentin; questionable; rabidbeeberalert; racast; rain; ramalamadingdong; rammingspeed; rant; rasterbator; rateatroll; rather; reademall; reducereuserecycle; repressed; retardedfool; rethinkingabortion; returnofjjfate; returnofsonofzot; returnofthezot; ricepudding; richardmilhousenixon; rickoshayrabbit; ridethelightning; ridiculous; righteousgerbil; righteouslentil; rightous; rilf; rkba; rkbarules; roadapples; roadkill; roads; roastzot; rockrollandping; rodehardputawaywet; rodneykingwashere; rogets; rolemodel; ronsanto; roundheels; rubydonttakurluv2twn; rudeness; rutabagas; sad; sadtruthaboutatroll; sameoledudumbasses; sanctimoniousness; sandinhervagina; sandwichshyofpicnic; satan; savagecustomes; savesovietjuwry; savethedrama4urmama; savetreeseatbeeber; scab; scambaiting; scared; scarlotletter; schtupid; scrawny; screechybitch; screedgoeson; scurvy; scuzzbucket; scwewywabbit; secretadmirer; seeyourdoctor; seinfeld; selfrighteous; selfrighteousho; seminarposter; seventhsojourn; sexaddict; sexaholic; sexast; sexdeviant; shabedbeeber; shaghag; shamalamadingdong; shameful; shavedbeeber; shehateme; shelleywinters; shesamanbaby; shhwing; shocked; shortattentionspan; shrew; shy; sickly; sickofint; silentbutdeadly; simperingwimp; singforpings; sirzotsalot; sister; skank; skankusmaximus; skankytroll; skidmark; skippyseasy2spread; slattern; sleazy; slight; slimyseconds; slut; sluttilicus; smacktard; small; smashed; smellsliketuna; smokincrack; sniveling; snow; sobbing; sodomyisacivilright; sofunyimstuned; somanytardssofewzots; somebodyneedsahug; somebodysex; somthinganything; sonoftheundeadthread; soon2baclassicthread; sorry; sortofdead; spam; spamspam; spamspamspam; spamspamspamspam; spamspamspamspamspam; spankmeskank; spankytheskank; spastic; speechless; spellcheckerworking; spellczech; sphinctersaywhat; spineless; spiritless; splainlucy; spootheotherbluemeat; spoozemonkee; spreadingaids; spreadingcrabs; spreadinggonorrea; spreadingherpes; spreadinghiv; spreadingkeywords; spreadingsyphilis; spreadingthezot; stankenton; std; stddonor; stdforme; steamingpile; stifflersmom; stillzotting; stingmypinger; stingyourpinger; stoned; stonedtroll; stopmebeforeipost; stopvanitykeywords; strapaboardon; straponsrus; stune; stunedmybeeber; stuneme; stunememore; stunemybeeber; stunemybeeberbaby; stuningbeeber; subordinated; suckstobeme; sucktard; suicidebyzot; superduperman; swapmeet; swingclubs; swisscheesezot; syphilis; syphilliticdementia; tad; taintedtaco; takeanumber; takeittothelimit; takesonallcomers; taketurnsonmom; takeyourmedication; takeyourmeds; taraysuhheinz; tardextrordinare; tardzot; taxbrakesfortherich; taxchick; tbsshow; technicalfoul; tedkennedy; teethapart; teresaisthatyou; terrischiavo; tertiarysyphilis; thanosconcedes; thatsgonnaleaveaping; thegonokakakhackus; theicestorm; thejanetrenoclub; thekingofzots; theotherreindeer; thesaurus; theschlongranger; thethreadthatwontdie; thetrainkeptarollin; theykilledkenny; thezotfather; thingsthatgozot; thinkb4posting; thinskinned; thisdogbiteme; thisisgoofy; thiskeywordsux; thistardiszotted; threadstamina; threadthatwontdie; threadviagra; threadwithoutendamen; throwdown; thumbsuckingmaroon; thunderbird; tieaboardon; tijunnabeeberzot; timexsinclair; timid; timorous; tiny; tommydorsey; tonguetied; toolwhisperer; toomuchtimeonhands; topingornottoping; tossedsalad; touchmybonobo; touchmymonkey; touchmypingy; townpump; toys4zots; travel; trichomoniais; trifling; trivial; troll; trollgotthezot; trollgotzotted; trollingforassholes; trollingfordummies; trollingforzot; trollishigh; trollisinneedofazot; trolloncrack; trollonpot; trollonspeed; trollonweed; trollop; trollsinmyshorts; trollsoup; trollstoned; trollzot; trollzotted; trounced; trryhnzhasbigknckers; trs80; trydeodorant; tulipmafia; tuliptree76; twatdidyousay; twatsfordots; twit; typhoidmary; uberbeeber; uncontrolled; undeadthread2; undisciplined; unfortunate; unfunnytroll; unimportant; unimpressive; unprincipled; urwithusragainstus; useadultdiapers; usedupbeeatch; usetheforceluke; ut2; v; valueless; vanity; varmintkong; vastzotconspiracy; vd; vdforme; velveetaspread; verylongkeywordspam; verysmallgentils; vi; victimhood; vietnam; vii; viii; vikingkitties; vikingkittychow; vix; voyageofthedanged; vulnerable; waaaaaaaaaa; waaaaaaahhhhhh; waaaambulancechaser; wacktard; wackyposter; wackytroll; waffling; wahabbast; wanker; wankstain; wanting; wardtalktobeeber; watchout4zombies; weak; weakkneed; weakwilled; wearealljuwsnow; wee; weed; weeklyworldnuws; weeping; welcomeslip18; wellbutrin; wench; westfieldisinnocent; whack; whacked; whackedtroll; whackjob; whackman; whackme; whacktard; whahahahah; what; whataload; whatamaroon; whatatard; whatisthatsmell; whatsontv; whattabugger; whattastinker; whatzitallabout; wheeltrninhamsterded; whenpeehurts; whereistomdaschle; whhhhyyyyyyyyy; whimperingsimp; whineandcheese; whinecheese; whiners; whinetard; whinneyweiner; whiny; whipinflationnow; whippedcream; whitelightning; whodababydaddy; whopingedinmybed; whoreforgore; whoresrus; whoringaround; whoskenneth; whydoesmypeehurt; whyduzithurtwhenipee; whywasthiszotted; willthisthreadend; willwork4food; willwork4keywords; willworkforzots; wimp; windowlicker; worried; worthless; wrapitup; wreck; wretched; wtfiiwnm; x; xi; xii; xiii; xiv; xv; xvi; xvii; xviii; xvx; xx; xxx; yabbadabbadrool; ydoo; youaremrgrumpy; youareobsolete; youdamnman; youknow; youngandstupid; youramoron; youreouttahere; yourexwife; yourpingaling; yousillypinger; yousillypwanger; yoyodyne; yoyyoyyoy; yungs2pid; zappacrappa; zappalives; zapped; zappedtroll; zeitqeist; zero; zionastentity; zippidydozot; zoloft; zoopsia; zot; zot4jesus; zotabulous; zotadumbass; zotadummy; zotadunce; zotaholic; zotaholicsanonymous; zotalotadingdong; zotandzotter; zotanidiot; zotarama; zotarts; zotatardforscience; zotathon; zotatroll; zotauflambe; zotaugratin; zotbait; zotcrazy; zotfest; zotfest2004; zotforbrains; zotforfood; zotforvictory; zotgasm; zotgoestheweasel; zotgoestheweasle; zotharder; zothead; zotididitagain; zotiseverywhere; zotjudgegreer; zotloft; zotlover; zotmalldaylong; zotman; zotmaryrobinson; zotme; zotme247; zotme247365; zotmeagainandagain; zotmealldaylong; zotmeallmonthlong; zotmeallnightlong; zotmeallweeklong; zotmeallyearlong; zotmeatthepumps; zotmebaby; zotmebabyonemoretime; zotmeforever; zotmehard; zotmehardandlong; zotmeharder; zotmeimaidiot; zotmeimaloser; zotmeimanassclown; zotmeimanidiot; zotmeimdumb; zotmeimstupid; zotmeindanuts; zotmeintheass; zotmeinthebutt; zotmeinthecan; zotmeintheevening; zotmeintheface; zotmeinthemorning; zotmeintonextweek; zotmeintothesky; zotmelong; zotmelongandhard; zotmeoverandover; zotmesilly; zotmesolongipuke; zotmesolongithurts; zotmesomemore; zotmetilibarf; zotmetilithurts; zotmetillimdead; zotmetillipuke; zotmetilliscream; zotmeuptheass; zotmichaelshiavo; zotmobile; zotmyass; 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To: Omedalus
"What you're seeing is the rift between the Religious and non-Religious Right."
That oversimplifies it, as there are people in the right who are religious, but who don't believe that the government ought to be interfering in certain matters, this is the camp that I fall in
The old definition of conservative is someone who believes in as little government interference in anything as is possible.
You know, during the 1920s, in Alabama no less, the people who were on the "conservative" side of politics, were the wets, the businessmen, basically, what Graves ended up calling the "Big Mules", people who believed in the old Bourbon idea that no government was good government
The left in this state consisted of the League of Women Voters, Organized Labor, Evangelical Protestants, and the Ku Klux Klan (I'll explain that one later)
The thing that has changed in this state since the 20s is that we now have two parties, and, we now also have big government wings in both parties
posted on
12/27/2005 11:26:43 AM PST
(The enemy lies in the heart of Gadsden)
To: nmh
Ultimately He takes them when He is ready and it is not our decision to arbitrarily take an innocent life Then wouldn't extending someones life by artificle means be an attempt to stop God from taking them when he is ready?
posted on
12/27/2005 11:27:05 AM PST
Phantom Lord
(Fall on to your knees for the Phantom Lord)
To: Millee
Martinis, just what the doctor ordered, just go easy on the gin.
posted on
12/27/2005 11:27:18 AM PST
(Good morning heartache, if you're gonna stay, you gotta get a job, I've got bills to pay.)
To: nmh
To: Omedalus
You'll excuse me for not taking your "I do care about murder, especially the murder of children, doubly especially when it's coupled with kidnapping and rape" very seriously then.
To: proud republican woman
Dang...zotted before I could get a phone number.
posted on
12/27/2005 11:28:03 AM PST
Eagle Eye
(There ought to be a law against excess legislation.)
To: Hemingway's Ghost
you are tooooooo reasonable!
posted on
12/27/2005 11:28:15 AM PST
(Good morning heartache, if you're gonna stay, you gotta get a job, I've got bills to pay.)
To: Strategerist
High end call girls relocate to the city of the Republican National Convention every four years by the thousands, and I don't think it's for political conversation. No, it's usually for the press corps and the limousine-liberal protester crowd.
To: freepertoo
And Glenn Miller. Don't forget dear Glenn.
posted on
12/27/2005 11:29:26 AM PST
(Outsource the US Senate to Mexico! Put Walmart in charge of all Federal agencies!)
To: Phantom Lord
"Then wouldn't extending someones life by artificle means be an attempt to stop God from taking them when he is ready?"
It's up to Him to take it; otherwise it is murder.
With your lack of logic ... murder and suicide should also be legal. Murder of an INNOCENT life that is NOT guilty of a crime should NEVER be taken because they are ill or inconvenient.
Sometimes I can't believe how shallow people are ... when I see responses like yours ... . Geesh!
posted on
12/27/2005 11:29:37 AM PST
(Intelligent people believe in Intelligent Design (God))
To: freepertoo
posted on
12/27/2005 11:31:16 AM PST
(Intelligent people believe in Intelligent Design (God))
To: proud republican woman
I work full time and provide for my child; whom I teach to be courteous, respect his elders, be a hard worker, have respect for all of humankind as well as the earth, and not to 'cram' his opinions and beliefs down other people's throats...And yes, I do belong to a several 'Swing Clubs', so I DO KNOW what I'm talking about. First of all, NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 21 IS ADMITTED (clubs do check id)!, no drugs are exceptions!, there is no prostitution!, safe sex is highly encouraged, NO MEANS owners and managers DO NOT tolerate anyone getting out of line what so ever!
I know she was zotted...but...
I'm glad she is a law abiding tax payer...I guess somehow she is immune from the social and possibly financial costs of intentionally raising a sexually and possibly behaviorally DYSFUNCTIONAL child. (One day Junior's going to realize that daddy stuck his wee-wee in alot of places and that mommy was a skank.) It's "family's" like this that have a good chance of producing illegitimate children, sexual predators, rapists, etc., not to mention STD's and an unhealthy and backwards attitudes about sexuality and human relationships. Polygamy and adultery have concrete reasons for being immoral...there are a few thousand years of doesn't take a PhD to understand that.
posted on
12/27/2005 11:31:17 AM PST
(The 2005 Chicago White Sox---World Series Champs---WOO! HOO!)
To: Omedalus
Westerfield didn't belong to the swingers clubs.....the parents did.
posted on
12/27/2005 11:31:27 AM PST
(Kaufman County, Texas)
To: Flyer; Bacon Man; Hap; humblegunner; Allegra
posted on
12/27/2005 11:31:50 AM PST
(Save Ferris!)
To: proud republican woman
A. Slavery was legal for a long time. Was it good? Was it moral? Should it still be legal?
B. Killing Jews and other "undesirable subhumans" was legal for a number of years. Was it good? Was it moral? Should it be legal?
C. Ripping unborn children from their mothers' wombs and slaughtering them is legal. Is it good? Is it moral? Should it be legal?
D. In some states/localities incest is legal. Is it good? Is it moral? Should it be legal or illegal?
E. Some groups of people want to lower the age of consent or eliminate it altogether. Is this good? Is it moral? Should child/adult sex be legalized?
Etc etc etc.
To: King Prout
Oh, very much the latter.
posted on
12/27/2005 11:32:24 AM PST
(Save Ferris!)
To: nmh've won the my almost 8, almost 9 years here at FreeRepublic, I have never seen such a change of topic done in such a weird and preposterous manner. I understand why you would rather be on ground that you might have a leg to stand on! LOL! You want to debate Terri Schiavo with me, fine...I've never been afraid to talk about it. But this thread is about SWINGERS. Try again.
posted on
12/27/2005 11:32:56 AM PST
(Keyboard warrior princess - typing away for truth, justice and the American way!)
To: nmh
We are to value life. We are to care for our ill in whatever way we can. To take it because it is inconvenient is wrong. He would expect us to care for the terminally ill till He decides it is time to take them home or wherever their next destination is.
posted on
12/27/2005 11:33:13 AM PST
(Intelligent people believe in Intelligent Design (God))
To: Jrabbit
How do you KNOW Westerfield didn't want to get involved and took it out on the little girl instead?
To: nmh
posted on
12/27/2005 11:34:20 AM PST
Phantom Lord
(Fall on to your knees for the Phantom Lord)
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