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Keyword: prepping

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  • What to put in your "go bag" for a fire or other emergency evacuation

    01/09/2025 8:01:23 PM PST · by blueplum · 48 replies
    CBS News ^ | 07 Jan 2025 | Matthew Rodriguez
    One of the most important parts of an emergency action plan is a go bag filled with everything you need in case of an evacuation... Firefighters created a phonetic list, dubbed the "6 P's of Evacuation," to remember everything that should go with you and your emergency kit: People, pets and papers; phone numbers & important documents; Prescriptions, vitamins & eyeglasses; Pictures & irreplaceable memorabilia; Personal computer, hard drive & disks; "Plastic" (credit cards, ATM cards) & cash.
  • FBI Whistleblower Warns Americans: Stock Up on Food, Water, Guns

    09/26/2024 12:47:56 PM PDT · by george76 · 53 replies
    Slay News ^ | September 26, 2024 | Frank Bergman
    An FBI whistleblower has issued a chilling warning to the American people while testifying before U.S. Congress. Veteran FBI staff operations specialist Marcus Allen was called a witness during the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government hearing on Wednesday. During a powerful and emotional statement to his fellow Americans, Allen urged “brothers and sisters of all faiths” to “pray” and stock up on food, water, guns, and ammunition. Fighting back tears, he also advised citizens to connect with “three to four friends in your neighborhood and promise to come to each other’s mutual aid.” Allen issued the...
  • 50 Things That Everyone Should Be Stockpiling To Prepare For Election Chaos

    08/26/2024 8:59:09 PM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 190 replies
    The Economic Collapse Blog ^ | 08/26/2024 | Michael Snyder
    Are you getting prepared? Right now, millions of Americans are stockpiling food and supplies in anticipation of what they believe is coming. People are on edge due to the approaching election, the rapidly escalating war in the Middle East, the alarming natural disasters that we have been witnessing all around the world, and the potential for another great global pandemic. In all my years, I have never seen more concern about the next 12 months as I am seeing at this moment. There is a growing consensus that major history changing events are about to happen, and there are lots...
  • Suggestions for Rural Living

    08/25/2024 7:33:28 PM PDT · by ducttape45 · 93 replies
    Earlier today I created a post entitled "When Evil takes over (Is rural living safer?)." The link is below. When Evil takes over (Is rural living safer?) It got a lot of comments, and I am very appreciative of that as it generated a lot of conversation. It also struck a cord with me. As many of you know I am retired, forcibly so because of Covid/Long Covid. I have been searching for someplace to retire to, locally, with not much success. Housing prices are through the roof whether you're buying or renting, and of course everything else suffers from...
  • When Evil takes over (Is rural living safer?)

    08/25/2024 9:25:56 AM PDT · by ducttape45 · 123 replies
    Youtube ^ | 8/21/2024 | EKE ACRES
    I know many folks don't like it when someone creates a thread using a Youtube video as the source, and doesn't give a synopsis about what it's about, but I wanted to post this one because I think it speaks to the times we now live in. Long and short, he says that when evil takes over, rural living is not much safer then living in the city and he lays out the reasons why. It's a good listen if you got the time. Share your thoughts. Thanks all.
  • A Survival Knife Can Make All the Difference

    02/17/2024 2:42:10 PM PST · by nickcarraway · 30 replies
    OUTDOORhub ^ | 01.12.21 | Derrek Sigler
    When the going gets tough, the tough grab a good knife1. CRKT Karen Hood Chopper - Editor's Pick The Chopper is part machete, part knife, part axe and more. Designed by renowned survivalist Karen Hood, the CRKT Chopper has a 9.125-inch blade made from 1025 high carbon steel. It has a resin-infused handle that is sturdy and non-slip. The blade is slightly curved with a thick spine weighted at the grip. This gives this knife extended chopping power, making it good for cutting small trees, as well as brush and other stuff you might run into in the wilds. The...
  • TMS LIVE with Matt Bracken 3PM EST (Please don't miss this episode, archived from yesterday, 4 Feb, 2024)

    02/05/2024 4:05:05 AM PST · by MtnClimber · 12 replies
    Odysee ^ | 4 Feb, 2024 | Matt Bracken and Host Fernando Aguirre
    The Modern Survivalist (TMS) LIVE STREAM NOTIFICATION. - Matt Bracken (Free Republic: Travis McGee) and Host Fernando Aguirre. Note: This video was taken down from youtube as soon as the livecast was over due to COVID information that would have received punitive measures for Fernando against his youtube channel. This is an episode you don't want to miss. Broadcast from Spain and Florida, U.S.A.
  • 2023 National Household Survey on Disaster Preparedness

    01/01/2024 7:05:31 AM PST · by FreedomPoster · 63 replies
    Key Findings | Individual and Community Preparedness Division  FEMA has conducted the National Household Survey on Disaster Preparedness annually since 2013 to assess preparedness actions, attitudes and motivations in the United States.  The survey measures preparedness of the American public across the whole community.  The survey was fielded from February 1 to March 14, 2023.  Data was collected using a web-based survey written in English and Spanish.  7,604 responses were received.  Everyone was asked general disaster and pandemic preparedness questions.  Some people identified as being at greater risk for one of the hazards...
  • Dutch Army commander warns of potential war with Russia

    12/30/2023 2:57:46 AM PST · by EBH · 69 replies
    NL Times ^ | 12/28/23
    Both the Dutch military and society as a whole need to brace themselves for the possibility of a war with Russia, said Lieutenant-General Martin Wijnen, the departing Commander of the Royal Netherlands Army. "Our society should be preparing themselves for this," he told the Telegraaf in an interview published on Thursday. Wijnen said that the Netherlands should follow the examples set by countries like Sweden, Finland, the Baltic nations. Those countries which border Russia, or are close to it, are better prepared for the outbreak of war. "The Netherlands needs to learn that the entire society needs to be prepared...
  • All Things Prepping, Simple Living, Back to the Basics [Survival Today, an on going thread] Coronavirus special thread

    03/24/2020 5:14:41 PM PDT · by CottonBall · 223 replies
    3/24/20 | Cottonball
    This is our ongoing prepper thread, re-invented to be more specific to prepping for, and of course during, pandemics. Where gave you found your preps have withstood this test? What would you like to have done differently? What are your current prepping plans?
  • Faraday Bags - RF blocking for home electronics

    09/18/2023 5:40:51 AM PDT · by Scooter100 · 56 replies
    Some questions about Faraday Bags.
  • All Things Prepping, Simple Living, Back to the Basics [Survival Today, an on going thread]

    09/16/2023 3:07:53 PM PDT · by CottonBall · 1,208 replies
    This is an ongoing thread – meaning come back to chat, post information, or ask questions any time. Hopefully the thread won’t stagnate and I’ll do better at posting weekly (or bi-weekly) topics than I have in the past. (anyone willing to post a topic now and then we'll be highly praised and appreciated). We are in for some bumpy rides, and prepping can only help. If for peace of mind, if nothing else. We have a wonderful gardening thread and a current-events survival/prepping thread, and hopefully this one can piggyback off of those, maybe having a longer discussion about...
  • Why Ohio is Going Beyond Just Pantry Staples: The State’s Quiet Preparation for the Unknown – Are Ohioans Privy to Some Secret we Don’t Know?

    08/25/2023 7:53:33 AM PDT · by Roman_War_Criminal · 11 replies
    American Media Group News ^ | 8/25/23 | Medeea Greere
    Dive into Ohio’s intense preparation strategy, moving beyond pantry staples to ensure survival against both natural and man-made threats. Discover why community and advanced stockpiling are taking center stage in the Buckeye State. Why Ohio is Going Beyond Just Pantry Staples: The State’s Quiet Preparation for the Unknown Are Ohioans privy to some secret we don’t know? Their massive stockpiles and unexpected additions might have you wondering if there’s a conspiracy afoot! There’s a silent storm brewing in the heartland of America. And no, it’s not another tornado. It’s the rapid, deliberate, and complex preparations Ohioans are making, far beyond...
  • Major US port is SHUT DOWN as employees stop showing up in dispute over pay that could shrink the supply chain ahead of back-to-school season and impact 12% of nation's GDP

    06/12/2023 7:24:32 AM PDT · by EBH · 36 replies
    Daily Mail ^ | 6/11/23
    The organization that represents port terminal operators said over the weekend that coordinated actions by dock workers led to the shutdown of cargo operations at the Port of Seattle. The Pacific Maritime Association stated in a tweet Saturday that disruptive actions by the International Longshore Warehouse Union, which represents the dock workers, have led to the stoppage of work at the port. 'On the first shift today, the ILWU refused to dispatch any longshore workers to container terminals,' said the PMA, which resulted in the port's shutdown. 'PMA will continue to provide updates on West Coast port operations, which are...
  • Households earning $100,000 or more are cutting spending more aggressively. What’s going on?

    01/20/2023 3:05:09 AM PST · by EBH · 27 replies
    Market Watch ^ | 1/19/22
    Consumer spending slowed and household finances weakened across all income levels last month. But households earning $100,000 a year or more reported shaving more off their spending than less well-off households did, according to a report released this week by Morning Consult, a decision intelligence company. The report also found that real monthly spending among U.S. adults fell by 4.3% from November to December. Even so, 21.3% of U.S. adults said their monthly expenses exceeded their monthly income in December, up from 19.2% in November. On average, households earning $100,000 a year or more said they spent about 10% less...
  • Nobel-Winning Scientist Says He Found a Cheaper Way to Make Pasta — and Chefs Are Mad

    01/09/2023 2:43:19 PM PST · by nickcarraway · 61 replies
    Food and Wine ^ | January 9, 2023 | Jelisa Castrodale
    Whose side are you on?Giorgio Parisi, an Italian theoretical physicist and professor at Sapienza University, has studied some of the universe’s most complex problems. He even won the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics for his “discovery of the interplay of disorder and fluctuations in physical systems.” He also happens to be an enthusiastic amateur chef who enjoys the “theoretical and experimental part” of meal prep. So when Parisi explained a more energy-efficient method of cooking pasta on his Facebook page, he may have thought it was just another interesting observation about the world. Instead, Parisi launched a country-wide controversy and...
  • How the SHTF in Bosnia: Selco Asks Americans, “Does this sound familiar?”

    09/28/2022 11:58:03 PM PDT · by Kartographer · 12 replies
    The Organic Prepper ^ | 11/14/2019 | Daisy Luther
    Things that I experienced in my case prior to SHTF, and things that you might recognize: Things that make differences between people are more and more problematic (race, religion, political opinion). Polarization is getting obviously stronger. People want to come to your country, but they do not want to “assimilate” or contribute to the greater good. They want to preserve their way of life which is often absolutely contradictory to the way that your country (society) works. The political way of solving those problems often fails, because, in essence, those problems are hard to solve in a democratic way (in...
  • The super-rich ‘preppers’ planning to save themselves from the apocalypse

    09/09/2022 4:55:22 PM PDT · by Roman_War_Criminal · 59 replies
    Guardian ^ | 9/4/22 | Douglas Rushkoff
    Tech billionaires are buying up luxurious bunkers and hiring military security to survive a societal collapse they helped create, but like everything they do, it has unintended consequences. s a humanist who writes about the impact of digital technology on our lives, I am often mistaken for a futurist. The people most interested in hiring me for my opinions about technology are usually less concerned with building tools that help people live better lives in the present than they are in identifying the Next Big Thing through which to dominate them in the future. I don’t usually respond to their...
  • Preparedness Manual

    09/04/2022 11:08:50 PM PDT · by Kartographer · 26 replies
    Kartographer's Preparedness Manual ^ | 9/5/2022 | Kartographer
    Its been sometime since I posted a prepper thread as my life took a unexpected turn in 2016 my wife had a debilitating stroke and I became a full time care giver. we relocated in 2019 from New Mexico to Indiana to be close to family. She past in 2021 so I have had my hands full for a while. But things have turned so dark lately what with all the food processing plant fires and supply chain problems crime, unrest and very dark administration posing and threatening daily I thought I needed to once again call for readiness should...
  • 'Rich Dad Poor Dad' Author Robert Kiyosaki Touts Canned Tuna As The Best Investment Today — As Gold, Silver, And Bitcoin Aren't Edible

    06/14/2022 8:44:54 AM PDT · by blam · 70 replies
    Business Insider ^ | 6-14-2022 | Theron Mohamed
    * Robert Kiyosaki touted canned tuna as a better investment than gold, silver, or bitcoin. * The "Rich Dad Poor Dad" author warned soaring food prices could lead to starvation. * Kiyosaki noted cans of tuna and baked beans can be eaten, unlike metals and cryptocurrencies.Hoarding cans of tuna is a better strategy to ride out inflation than buying gold, silver, or bitcoin, Robert Kiyosaki declared in a bizarre tweet on Sunday night. "Best INVESTMENT: Cans of Tuna Fish," he said. "Inflation about to take off. Best investments are cans of tuna & baked beans. You can't eat gold, silver,...