Posted on 12/30/2023 2:57:46 AM PST by EBH
Both the Dutch military and society as a whole need to brace themselves for the possibility of a war with Russia, said Lieutenant-General Martin Wijnen, the departing Commander of the Royal Netherlands Army. "Our society should be preparing themselves for this," he told the Telegraaf in an interview published on Thursday.
Wijnen said that the Netherlands should follow the examples set by countries like Sweden, Finland, the Baltic nations. Those countries which border Russia, or are close to it, are better prepared for the outbreak of war.
"The Netherlands needs to learn that the entire society needs to be prepared for when things go wrong," he told the newspaper. For civilians, that means having food and drinking water in stock for times of emergency. "The Netherlands should not think our safety is guaranteed because we are 1,500 kilometers away."
Wijnen warned that Russia keeps getting stronger, and a strong army is needed as a deterrent. "There is only one language that Russia understands, and that is one of a strong military," he said. It is, therefore, important that the personnel shortage at the military is fixed.
Wijnen expects a lot from the voluntary service year for young people, which was implemented after a similar program in Sweden. About 600 young people took part in that, but Wijnen hopes to attract two to three thousand young people every year, a third of whom will likely choose a career in the army, and a third will become a reservist.
In the interview, he referred to an "outer shell shell of 18-year-olds," with which the professional army can be supplemented, and army losses can be absorbed.
Wijnen is leaving his military role to become the Director-General of Rijkswaterstaat, the infrastructure agency that is part of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. He begins the new position on January 1
Americans are being kept very ignorant to events happening around the world.
[Dutch Army commander warns of potential war with Russia]
Oh, good, Coordinated conditioning of the sheep for them to cover for their idiotic illegal invasion and monetary policies/inflation.
Nothing provides a good distraction like a World War.
[Americans are being kept very ignorant to events happening around the world.]
As long as they have their rap and their LGBTQ pride marches, the Lying Liberal Media tells them that everything is fine.
Are the defense ministers in europe still a majority of females?
Be interesting to see how their 12,000 or so troops do against Russia’s 1.5 million.
Remembering true civil defense.
Why would he say that? He cannot possibly believe that some day Russian tanks might roll through the Fulda Gap and head for Paris. Maybe he should worry more about the Muslim invasion of his country.
Ah, but what about the Baltic states? They are members of NATO. Suppose that some Russian leader decides to roll the dice and invade the Baltic states. That invasion would be completed in a day or two.
How would NATO respond? A letter of protest? WW III?
Something worth considering if this guy “wins” in 2024.
Stretching the Overton Window all through the west now
Be interesting to see how their 12,000 or so troops do against Russia’s 1.5 million.
Well that would be a problem, since Russia does not have 1.5 million troops. And most of what it does have is tied down in Ukraine, most of those are poorly trained and are dying like flies in human wave assaults.
Nor does Russia have any armor to spare. Artillery is also in a difficult situation - airs assets are in trouble as well.
Taking on another country and all of NATO by treaty is a fools errand - unfortunately, that defines the Master Strategist, Putin.
Our adversaries (foreign and domestic) have been brilliant in their tactics while keeping the masses ignorant of what’s actually going on. It’s all coming to full flower now. Recruiting for the armed forces (embracing woke) has resulted in a deficit of personnel, the endless wars have grievously wounded the veterans we will need to defend ourselves, defense spending in the wrong areas, depleting the store of munitions (Ukraine), destruction of the US$ and our economy, unlimited invasion of unknown individuals from around the world, unrestricted inflow of dangerous drugs (legal and illegal), etc., etc., etc. We will simply be incapable of doing very much to stymie a multi-front war (Taiwan, South Korea, Europe, Middle East, and right here in the good ole USA (terrorist attacks). This is the world Washington has made for us.
When these idiots get their war they’ll take the rest of us down with them.
Freaking idiots and morons.
Russian tanks might roll through the Fulda Gap and head for Paris.
Fulda Gap is in Germany so the Master Strategist™ would already be at war with all of NATO.
“What amazes me is how there is little to no coverage in the US media.”
Mark Twain said, “War is God’s way of teaching geography to Americans.” He was referring to the fact that Americans, not threatened by invasion since the final war with Britain in 1812, were uninterested in anything beyond local politics. To Americans, local politics is real. International politics is theoretical. The last several presidents are a reflection of America’s turn inward.
In other words, cannon fodder.
To which I can only reply: “Oh PUHLEESE…give the silliness a rest or save it for your most gullible compatriots.”
The Dutch Government must be drunk a lot. Shutting down their farms, legalizing dope, and flooding the place with muzzies. Seems their problems aren’t so much a Russia problem.
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