Since Oct 24, 2004

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20 Years on FR, that’s a long, long time.

Frankly, we lost in the arena of ideas.

Time to let the world teach the lessons of dumb ideas, I believe “they” call it Darwin.

You Don't Get a Mea Culpa

No, it’s not as simple as offering a mea culpa and moving on. Don’t you dare act surprised, don’t even pretend you didn’t know. We all knew. We saw it. We felt it. We knew from Day 1 what was happening—and the fact that you still try to gaslight us into thinking otherwise is beyond infuriating. The truth isn’t some dramatic, sweeping revelation that will “wow” the world—it’s crawling out from the shadows, inch by painful inch, revealing the ugly truth of what you’ve done. The reality is undeniable, and it’s been in front of our faces all along.

It’s time to face facts: the Democrat Party is the architect of the mess we’re in today. The political landscape we now struggle under is the direct result of the manipulation and corruption you sowed in 2020. You thought you could pull the wool over our eyes, but the damage is done, and the truth is not going back into the closet. It’s out, and it’s not going to be hidden again.

For five years, the fraud has been paraded, protected, and hidden in plain sight. Every Democrat, every cabinet member, every media stooge who was complicit—you are responsible. This wasn’t a mistake. This wasn’t some accidental error. This was a calculated, deliberate effort to undermine this country. It’s not enough to just shrug it off with an apology or a weak excuse—you cannot be allowed to simply skate by without facing the consequences of what you’ve done. This isn’t about forgiving or moving on. This is about demanding accountability.

What did you really get out of this, huh? Power? Control? Maybe a little of both. But now it’s time for you to pay the price. We saw the intimidation, the threats, the silencing of anyone who dared to speak out. You debanked, you cancelled, you did whatever it took to make sure your narrative stood. People’s lives were destroyed. Careers were torn apart. You didn’t just rig the system—you broke it, trampled over it, and shoved it into a pit of lies and corruption. And the blood is on your hands. Don’t even pretend you’re innocent in this. Every action, every word, every maneuver that allowed this to go forward has led to this moment.

Now, the curtain must be yanked down for everyone to see. All of it—the fraud, the elder abuse, the drug smuggling, the human trafficking, and everything in between. These aren’t accusations; these are charges, serious ones that need to be answered for. You’ve committed high crimes against this nation. Every single piece of this corrupt operation needs to be exposed, no matter how dirty, no matter how ugly it gets. The American people deserve the truth.

And let’s be clear about one thing: when an elderly person with no mental capacity signs official documents, those documents mean nothing. Nothing at all. But you stood by and let it happen. You perpetuated the illusion. You built a house of cards on the back of a broken man. Your entire party is disqualified. It must be dissolved. The damage you’ve caused is too great, and the truth cannot be allowed to be swept under the rug any longer.

This isn’t a “Poor Old Joe” moment where we all feel sorry for someone caught up in this mess. This is the time for the truth to be laid bare and for every single Democrat involved in this criminal conspiracy to be held accountable for their part in this travesty. You’ve gotten away with it for too long. You’ve laughed in our faces, you’ve rigged the system, and now the time has come for the reckoning. We cannot rely on you, your cronies, or the system you’ve corrupted to do the right thing. Every honest Democrat—yes, they existed—knew what was going on. They knew the truth. And they chose silence.

But let’s not pretend the Republicans are innocent either. You knew more about what was happening than any of us did, and you did nothing. You stood by, silent or complicit, while this country was hijacked. You had the power to stand up and fight for the truth—but you chose not to. Now, we’re all paying the price. The time for inaction is over. The time for accountability is here.