Posted on 01/09/2025 8:01:23 PM PST by blueplum
One of the most important parts of an emergency action plan is a go bag filled with everything you need in case of an evacuation...
Firefighters created a phonetic list, dubbed the "6 P's of Evacuation," to remember everything that should go with you and your emergency kit: People, pets and papers; phone numbers & important documents; Prescriptions, vitamins & eyeglasses; Pictures & irreplaceable memorabilia; Personal computer, hard drive & disks; "Plastic" (credit cards, ATM cards) & cash.
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Energy bars.
Gold bars.
Lead pellets.
Lead pellet flingers.
Hickory Dowel.
Ar-15 and 500 rnds of .223.
And a 9mm Glock.
A go-bag is a short-term solution to suddenly having to bug out.
So, you should have it set for the weather you will experience and it should be able to carry you, if needed, for up to a week.
dust mask, goggles, work gloves, water, energy bars, bandages, water filtering straw, zip lock bags.
Or there’s the B-52 survival kit as leaked in the movie Dr. Strangelove:
“Survival kit contents check. In them you’ll find: one forty-five caliber automatic; two boxes of ammunition; four days’ concentrated emergency rations; one drug issue containing antibiotics, morphine, vitamin pills, pep pills, sleeping pills, tranquilizer pills; one miniature combination Russian phrase book and Bible; one hundred dollars in rubles; one hundred dollars in gold; nine packs of chewing gum; one issue of prophylactics; three lipsticks; three pair of nylon stockings.”
Not a Go bag item but make sure your vehicle is road ready and filled with gasoline.
The half wild outdoor cat will not travel well. :(
There are steps you can take, but generally speaking, yes, I agree.
Since you will be taking your bag to a shelter and not to the Yukon to live off the land, keep that in mind.
Take your battery pack and cord for your phone, maybe a thin cheap fleece sleeping bag and a fleece throw, a flashlight and headlamp for reading and a couple of books or cards or magnetic chess board, whatever suits you.
You will be fed, but take some snacks and something to eat anyway for the munchies and in case there are supply problems, socks, underwear and some hand washable clothes, ear plugs and a sleep mask, whatever is the modern version of a transistor radio and music.
Chapstick and Rolaids and your vitamins or medicine, the hotel stuff of soap and toothpaste and for shaving, a comb, a small towel, toilet paper, personal cleaning wipes, extra reading glasses, a drinking cup and spoon, back up shoes, sugar and salt if that suits you, a multi-tool.
Think about hanging around and being bored, being tired, wanting a snack, wanting to call people, wanting to sleep, wanting to cleanup and get fresh.
“Shoot, a fella’ could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff.”
Don’t forget a towel.
Don’t Panic!
Yaesu FT 891 or Xiegu G-90 transciever and a Rybakov Antenna and battery box. Yaesu FT 60 Handheld—easily programable from the front.
Blueplum (c/o CBS News) : ”One of the most important parts of an emergency action plan is a go bag filled with everything you need in case of an evacuation...
Firefighters created a phonetic list, dubbed the "6 P's of Evacuation,"(Emphasis Mine) to remember everything that should go with you and your emergency kit:
People, pets and papers; phone numbers & important documents; Prescriptions, vitamins & eyeglasses; Pictures & irreplaceable memorabilia;
Personal computer, hard drive & disks; "Plastic" (credit cards, ATM cards) & cash."
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