Posted on 09/04/2022 11:08:50 PM PDT by Kartographer
Its been sometime since I posted a prepper thread as my life took a unexpected turn in 2016 my wife had a debilitating stroke and I became a full time care giver. we relocated in 2019 from New Mexico to Indiana to be close to family. She past in 2021 so I have had my hands full for a while. But things have turned so dark lately what with all the food processing plant fires and supply chain problems crime, unrest and very dark administration posing and threatening daily I thought I needed to once again call for readiness should the times turn even darker a but I saw this thread and thought I would provide a link to my Preparedness Manual for those interested.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I understand that FireMedia may not be convenient or preferred but its FREE. I lost my host and sponsor with the passing of Freeper Tom Eaker some time ago. I will gladding listen to suggestions of other was I can share my manual. I think you will find it useful in you prepping plans.
I’m so sorry to hear about Mrs. Kartographer. Bless her and bless you for being her caregiver while she was alive.
FrogDad did that for me when I had my stroke in 2013. I was and am SO grateful for him. I’ll bet she was grateful for you, as well.
I belong to a facebook group of stroke survivors and so many of them say that their spouse walked out on them, it breaks my heart.
Thanks for your work on Preparedness, I always used to download your updates, looking forward to this one!
Thank you Kartographer - downloaded.
Sorry for your loss.
Thank you for the link.
Been missing your posts. Sorry for all the battles you’ve been facing.
I am sorry for your loss
Prayers for peace and comfort, Kartographer.
May God rest her soul and omfort yours.
Thanks for your post.
Thank you.
Thanks Kart! Good morning and God Bless!
I was going to offer to host a copy on my cloud but it seems it’s already there,
I’ve been on FR since May 2016 so I’m guessing you posted/shared it before you took a break.
My prepping library also has a lot of self sufficiency, homesteading, gardening info because I feel it may just be a long slow decline rather than a fast collapse. In that case, we’re already into it.
“Lessons from Argentina’s Economic Collapse” by Ferfal
That brings back some memories. I was a member on the forum he originally posted that to at the time.
Thanks so much Pollard!
So here you go people!
This manual started me on prepping in 2014. Thank you!
Just going through the manual is an undertaking.
I recommend start reading at 3 Months without Hope on page 282 to the end.
Then return to the beginning with the kits and lists.
With all thy prepping supplies, prep the mind and soul too.
It’s good to see you back Kart. It has been a while. Hope all is going smoother for you and yours. Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans. Be well.
Bkmk for later.
Welcome back, Kart. You have been missed.
My sister had a stroke about 7 years ago. She is still with us and I thank my brother-in-law every day for all he has done for her. Love knows no bounds.....
I got a kick out of all the gear from pg 35-54. Reminds me of a thread I started on Frugal Squirrels called, “Too poor to survive?”
People would chat about all the gear they have, $35 flashlights etc and it was getting me down because I couldn’t afford to equip myself with a GOOD(Get Out Of Dodge) kit. I also had no desire to try and hide out in the woods and forage or try to make my way to someplace safer that might be many miles away, especially after watching The Road, so I went a different route.
There was always a lot of talk of having that safer retreat to escape to so I moved the fambly half way across the country to a rural flyover place. I’m at my bug out location so I don’t need a bug out bag full of portable tools/toys. That’s why my library is full of homesteading type info.
“ processing plant fires...”
He must believe in “man made global warming” also.
Kartographer : “ I think you will find it useful in your prepping plans.
. Its been sometime since I posted a prepper thread as my life took a unexpected turn in 2016 my wife had a debilitating stroke and I became a full time care giver...
My manual is on Fire Media at “:
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