Posted on 09/28/2022 11:58:03 PM PDT by Kartographer
Things that I experienced in my case prior to SHTF, and things that you might recognize: Things that make differences between people are more and more problematic (race, religion, political opinion). Polarization is getting obviously stronger. People want to come to your country, but they do not want to “assimilate” or contribute to the greater good. They want to preserve their way of life which is often absolutely contradictory to the way that your country (society) works. The political way of solving those problems often fails, because, in essence, those problems are hard to solve in a democratic way (in the spirit of democracy). Your freedoms are “shrinking” as a result of that. Calls for “radical solutions“ for the problems are stronger and stronger. The media is absolutely working a dirty job, and it is hard to find out what is the truth anymore. Suddenly people and events from history are “brought back” so people can judge and argue about it, to write history again, to build myths sometimes.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
As kooky as it probably sounds I would not be surprised if we have blue helmets on our soil within the next decade
They will be wearing domestic uniforms, just as the Eastern Europeans that Trudeau brought in to quash the Truckers were.
Gotta give him credit. Must read for those who think SHTF is 'tin-hat'.Do people start to realize that their opinion means nothing in politics or do they still hang on to their illusions even after it all goes sideways?
Illusions were the first victims when SHTF. Here are a few of many:
“There are police, this cannot happen. There is law, this is against the law.“ Actually, the police are police when the system works. When it does not work, the police are just a bunch of trained people with weapons, and it is completely up to them what they are going to do.
“I have rights.” Yes, when there is a system and law to protect those rights. If you want to have rights when SHTF you have to be ready to protect them.
“I have gun and lot of ammo. I will firmly stand my ground.” Good luck with that. There is a huge number of people already organized in violent groups, ready and skilled in violence, who wait for the system to collapse to jump in. People with more guns, more ammo, more skills than you, and less morals and ethics. You need to lower your expectations.
“This kind of chaos can not happen here (in the US). We have the best political system in the world.” This is my favorite actually because in my case the S. did hit the fan. For some period of time I was repeating this to myself, and even more, something like “This can happen only in some country in Africa, not here. Somebody going to stop this.” It can happen, and actually, it would be very bad because fall is going to be bigger. It is going to hurt much more, and people are going to be shocked much more.
PING I forgot to ping you
Selco talks a lots of right on target references to disinformation and creation of distrust that we are seeing daily in this article
People want to come to your country, but they do not want to “assimilate” or contribute to the greater good. They want to preserve their way of life which is often absolutely contradictory to the way that your country (society) works.
and there it is...
When it does not work, the police are just a bunch of trained people with weapons, and it is completely up to them what they are going to do.
and there it is...
See post #6, and see how fast the illusions of lawful democracy can be affected by our current circumstance where 'up' is now 'down',
where political turmoil and hatred for opposing opinions (political, racial, religious, social class, etc.) create an unhealthy respect for others, whom you may know as "them".
Selco's entire original article at "Organic prepper" is well worth the 5-7 minute read, ..and then re-read it because it covers a lot of information, and includes subtle nuance.
Logic, devoid of emotion :'Take care of the things that you can change, and stuff that is outside your ability to control,..just let it go'.
Selco has lived it, dealt with it, and is a thriving survivor - heed his words and counsel.
H/T to Kartographer for finding this article
SHTF already happened in the USA for places like Atlanta, Georgia, between 1861 and 1865.
I think many people in Fl no longer have normalacy bias.
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