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Keyword: secession

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  • republic of texas, nationwide county by county secession (hypothetical proposal)

    08/06/2024 11:12:14 AM PDT · by SteveH · 146 replies
    me | 2024-8-5 | me
    i believe texas has explicitly reserved the right to secede when it joined the USA. also the constitution does not prohibit other states and while the war between the states was fought over this, there was never a court case to determine this. looking at a 2020 map of blue and red counties, it seems apparent that most counties favor trump. this can reasonably be expected to continue through 2024. if the election fraud continues in 2024 as is widely anticipated, what would prohibit 1. texas state from peacefully seceding and forming an independent republic of texas 2. individual counties...
  • Happy Secession Day!

    07/04/2024 1:01:10 PM PDT · by DiogenesLamp · 178 replies
    July 4, 2024 | DiogenesLamp
    On this day 248 years ago, 13 slave owning states seceded from the Union, (United Kingdom/Union of Crowns) Formed a Confederacy (See Articles of Confederation) and fought against the Union for their Independence. The Union forces offered Freedom to the slaves (See Lord Dunmore's proclamation), while the Rebel forces were led by a slave owning General from Virginia. (See George Washington). On July 4, 1776, they released a document called the Declaration of Independence, and the principles stated therein were accepted by the nation for "Four Score and Seven Years", after which the nation cast these ideas aside, and insisted...
  • Thomas Jefferson's Second Declaration (draft, 1825)

    07/04/2024 7:23:00 AM PDT · by Who is John Galt? · 32 replies
    National Archives ^ | December 1825 | Thomas Jefferson
    The solemn Declaration and Protest of the Commonwealth of Virginia on the principles of the Constitution of the US. of America & on the violations of them.We the General assembly of Virginia, on behalf, and in the name, of the people thereof do declare as follows. The states in N. America which confederated to establish their independance on the government of Great Britain, of which Virginia was one, became, on that acquisition, free and independant states, and as such authorised to constitute governments, each for itself, in such form as it thought best. They entered into a compact (which is...
  • Texas, Five Other States Considering Secession: One Nation, Indivisible?

    06/22/2024 9:47:53 PM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 47 replies
    Hotair ^ | 06/22/2024 | Jazz Shaw
    In one of the stranger stories we've needed to cover during an already bizarre presidential administration, conditions around the country have apparently deteriorated to the point where six states are currently considering seceding from the union and striking out on their own. Texas is leading the charge, with independence campaigners running advertisements and sending out promotional material encouraging others to get on board. The Texas state GOP included a statement of support for an independence referendum in this year's Legislative Priorities and Platform document. There are similar movements afoot in California, New Hampshire, Alaska, Florida, and Louisiana, so this clearly...
  • The Election of 1860

    05/29/2024 3:08:24 PM PDT · by Eleutheria5 · 2 replies
    The year was 1860. The nation was coming apart and yet, its political parties made plans to come together - to gather in convention despite deep-seated and festering sectional issues, each to nominate a candidate and approve platforms that, as it turned out, united regions but not a nation. That meant dark consequences, ensuring this country would reap a cataclysmic whirlwind. With today’s polarization as a historical backdrop, this is the story of the most divisive presidential election in the history of this nation - the election of 1860.
  • THIRTEEN conservative counties in Oregon approve ballot measures for SECESSION vote that would see them join non-woke Idaho - as they issue list of demands

    05/22/2024 3:26:06 PM PDT · by Libloather · 66 replies
    Daily Mail ^ | 5/22/24 | Bethan Sexton
    Thirteen fed-up counties in liberal Oregon have voted in support of measures to start negotiations to secede from the state and join conservative Idaho. Crook County became the latest to approve the 'Greater Idaho Measure' following a vote on Tuesday. The proposal seeks to move the Oregon border 200 miles to the west, meaning that 14 counties and several partial counties would fall under Idaho state lines. Organizers behind the Greater Idaho movement say east Oregonians are being alienated by the state's progressive policies which they blame for high crime rates. They claim a move to Idaho would allow residents...
  • The Tech Baron Seeking to “Ethnically Cleanse” San Francisco [Left-wing editorial about counter-progressives]

    04/29/2024 8:11:28 AM PDT · by nwrep · 28 replies
    The New Republic ^ | April 27, 2024 | Gil Duran
    <p>To fully grasp the current situation in San Francisco, where venture capitalists are trying to take control of City Hall, you must listen to Balaji Srinivasan. Before you do, steel yourself for what’s to come: A normal person could easily mistake his rambling train wrecks of thought for a crackpot’s ravings, but influential Silicon Valley billionaires regard him as a genius.</p>
  • Texas Newspaper Issues Warning About Secession

    03/04/2024 3:59:06 PM PST · by Rusty0604 · 95 replies
    Newsweek ^ | 03/02/2024 | Natalie Venegas
    In an opinion piece published on Saturday titled, "Texas voters, beware of pro-secession candidates," the Dallas Morning News' editorial board raised concerns over Republican candidates signing the "Take Texas Back" pledge. "As Super Tuesday approaches, Republican primary voters in Texas should beware. A worrying number of candidates for the Texas House of Representatives and other offices have signed the 'Take Texas Back' pledge that makes them promise to advance legislation to help Texas secede from the United States under certain conditions," the opinion piece read. The "Take Texas Back" pledge asks candidates to promise that if elected, they will place...
  • Texas could vote on referendum to secede from the United States this spring

    12/19/2023 4:40:22 PM PST · by eastexsteve · 112 replies ^ | 12/16/2023 | Carl Gibson
    Leaders of the Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM) — which openly calls for the Lone Star State to secede from the United States and become an independent nation again — appear to have surpassed the threshold to put a secession ballot initiative on the 2024 Republican primary ballot this March..
  • New York GOP lawmaker calls for Staten Island to 'secede' [Malliotakis]

    08/29/2023 2:17:21 PM PDT · by Olog-hai · 26 replies
    Fox News ^ | August 29, 2023 3:09pm EDT | Elizabeth Elkind
    Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, R-N.Y., is calling for Staten Island to break away from the rest of New York City over Democrat Mayor Eric Adams’ handling of the migrant crisis. “What we’re simply asking is, for common sense. We want the mayor to end this. Stop doing what you’re doing and listen. Secure the damn border. We do not have a border. We do not have a nation,” Malliotakis said during a protest at a former Catholic school turned migrant shelter in the borough. “If you’re not going to do your job, mayor, then let Staten Island secede.” The call was...
  • The New Secession

    07/16/2023 11:54:03 AM PDT · by oblomov · 33 replies
    New Criterion ^ | 13 Jul 2023 | James Piereson
    The American Civil War decided the question of whether states have a right to secede from the American Union. The answer was no. That has long been settled. Yet today, more than a century and a half afterward, another kind of secession is playing out across America: individuals are seceding one by one from the national enterprise. Americans, to a surprising degree, are no longer proud of their country and do not trust their government, these misgiving being two crucial aspects of their disenchantment that portend troubling implications for America’s future. Public-opinion polls suggest that Americans are far less patriotic...
  • Happy Secession day!

    07/04/2023 11:54:31 AM PDT · by DiogenesLamp · 194 replies
    July 4, 2023 | Me.
    Today we celebrate the 13 original states seceding from the Union and forming a confederacy. (Articles of Confederation.)
  • Soft Secession

    06/16/2023 2:33:09 AM PDT · by Chad C. Mulligan · 13 replies
    Sultan Knish ^ | 15 June 2023 | Daniel Greenfield
    California began a soft secession when it banned cooperation with immigration authorities. Since then other states run by Democrats, including Colorado, Illinois and New Jersey, have declared war on ICE. The movement to make it impossible for ICE, an arm of the federal government, to operate in Democrat states has largely been successful. Some Republican states, like Tennessee, Texas and Florida, have responded by ordering law enforcement to cooperate with ICE. And while this is important in limiting the spread of illegal aliens in their states, it may also be time for them to consider their own forms of soft...
  • Greater Idaho Movement: Is This A Prelude to a National Divorce?

    06/09/2023 6:01:17 PM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 28 replies
    Red State ^ | 06/09/2023 | Jeff Charles
    Here’s an interesting one for you. The “Greater Idaho” movement, which advocates for several counties in Oregon to secede from the deep blue state and join Idaho, has sparked a passionate debate among residents and politicians. Supporters argue that secession would allow conservative-leaning counties to align themselves with a more politically compatible state, while opponents believe it would be detrimental to all parties involved. But this regional debate raises another issue: the possibility that it could be a precursor to a national divorce. A significant chunk of Oregon’s counties has signaled that they wish to leave the state and join...
  • 24 Republican governors commit to help Texas defend its border

    05/17/2023 5:33:33 AM PDT · by eastexsteve · 34 replies
    Highland County Press ^ | 17 May 2023 | Bethany Blankley
    Twenty-four Republican governors have responded to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s call for help to secure its border with Mexico.
  • The Threat of Secession in Modern America: Our government seems hell-bent on maintaining its power over the American people, even if doing so increases the chances of something truly ugly happening

    04/03/2023 7:20:06 AM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 55 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 04/03/2023 | Michael Ange
    Texas state representative Bryan Slaton introduced a bill, on the 187th anniversary of the fall of the Alamo, to allow Texans to vote on seceding from the United States. Yes, secession, as in the pre–Civil War abandonment. Slayton said in a tweet, "After decades of continuous abuse of our rights and liberties by the federal government, it is time to let the people of Texas make their voices heard." In fact, history teaches us that there are a few ways that this movement may be successful even without secession. First the history. Most Americans may believe that this war was...
  • Irreconcilable differences but no divorce? Is there any hope to save this union?

    03/23/2023 6:18:20 AM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 30 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 03/23/2023 | Silvio Canto Jr.
    As a colleague once told me about a friend's divorce, the marriage reached a point where it could not be saved and the couple could no longer live in peace together. They call it "irreconcilable differences" and it was obvious to anyone watching that the couple had reached such a point.Are we there as a country? I wonder, reading what goes on every day.Over in Los Angeles, a teen is arrested with two stolen guns after threatening the school but DA George Gascon declines to charge. In New York, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has a terrible case of Trump...
  • Oregon’s Rural-Urban Divide Sparks Talk of Secession

    03/18/2023 12:30:10 PM PDT · by thegagline · 43 replies
    DNYUZ ^ | 03/18/2023 | Staff
    Corey Cook still holds a fondness for her days living in Portland, where the downtown pubs and riverfront cherry blossoms made her proud to call the Rose City home during her 20s. But as she started growing wary of the metro area’s congestion and liberal politics, she moved to the suburbs, then the exurbs, before heading east, eventually escaping Portland’s sphere of influence on the other side of the Cascade Mountains in 2017. But even here, where she now runs a Christian camp amid the foothill pines overlooking the Grande Ronde Valley, she cannot help but notice how the values...
  • A Startling Document Predicted Jan. 6. Democrats Are Missing Its Other Warnings.

    03/10/2023 9:50:31 AM PST · by Red Badger · 32 replies
    Politico ^ | By ALEXANDER BURNS 03/09/2023 04:30 AM EST
    In 2020, one hitherto unknown report accurately predicted what was to follow Biden’s election. It also laid out a plan to preserve democracy in an uncertain future. Weeks before the 2020 election, a secret 87-page document outlined in matter-of-fact language the threat posed by Donald Trump’s still-to-come campaign of election denial. The private paper — the existence of which has not been reported before — forecast with chilling confidence the likelihood of violence during the presidential handover and proposed a far-reaching set of political reforms to thwart Trumpism in the future. Americans remember that dark winter well. But the impetus...
  • Texas state representative introduces bill to vote on secession

    03/06/2023 7:06:51 PM PST · by CFW · 92 replies
    Fox News ^ | 3/6/23 | Lacey Christ
    Republican Texas State Representative Bryan Slaton introduced a bill Monday to allow Texans to vote on whether the Lone Star State should secede from the United States. If the Texas Legislature passes the Texas Independence Referendum Act," or TEXIT, a referendum will be placed on the ballot during the 2024 general election. "The Texas Constitution is clear that all political power resides in the people. After decades of continuous abuse of our rights and liberties by the federal government, it is time to let the people of Texas make their voices heard," Slaton said in a statement.