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  • Kamala Family Dox: "Loophole" Birth (Statement)

    09/19/2020 12:38:25 PM PDT · by KamalaKancel · 36 replies
    KamalaKancel (Twitter ID) ^ | 9/19/2020 | KamalaKancel
    This post updates research results (thus far) by KamalaKancel (Twitter ID). Document excerpts (which substantiate this narrative) will continue to be posted at: KamalaKancelTwitterLink
  • Bill Binney States that the NSA Has 32 Pages of Communications Between Seth Rich and Julian Assange

    04/21/2019 1:49:40 AM PDT · by TigerClaws · 95 replies
    About six months ago, a blogpost by “Publius Tacitus” appeared regarding attorney Ty Clevenger’s FOIA request regarding Seth Rich: “But now there is new information that may corroborate what the human sources quoted in the Fox article claimed about Seth’s role in getting the DNC documents to Wikileaks. Borne from a FOIA request filed in November 2017 by attorney Ty Clevenger, who requested any information regarding Seth Rich and Julian Assange. The NSA informed Clevenger in a letter dated 4 October 2018 that: Your request has been processed under the provisions of the FOIA. Fifteen documents (32 pages) responsive to...
  • Spygate: The True Story of Collusion [Infographic]

    10/12/2018 7:29:46 PM PDT · by E. Pluribus Unum · 48 replies
    The Epoch Times ^ | October 12, 2018 Updated: October 12, 2018 | JEFF CARLSON
    How America’s most powerful agencies were weaponized against President Donald Trump
  • Jordan Peterson - The Truth About Addiction (very short but interesting video)

    07/19/2018 4:34:59 PM PDT · by RoosterRedux · 27 replies
    Video Link This short video does not in any way provide THE TRUTH about addiction...but it does provide some very useful information about addiction.
  • Classic FR Posts 'for the ages' Archive Thread

    04/20/2018 5:32:53 AM PDT · by JockoManning · 57 replies
    FR ^ | 20 APR 2018 | JockoManning
    Second mistake this year. You do know you can go to the mistake exchange and buy error credits from those of us who never make mistakes. We have surplus error credits banked from past years of mistake free living. That way, when you use up your allotted three annual mistakes, you can merely purchase more on the Error Exchange so you can continue going through life free from worry about those little oopsies that plague the error prone "Imperfects," as we perfect people call you, our customers. You can buy Error Credits singly, which have a one-month use-by expiration, or...
  • Remember This Day - Q Anon Tribute

    04/14/2018 5:03:15 AM PDT · by stars & stripes forever · 24 replies
    Free Republic ^ | 4/14/2018 | Unknown
    ‘Twas the night before judgment and all through the town, Not a swamp rat was sleeping, nor were the clowns. The IG report was ready to share, And cries for swift justice would soon fill the air.
  • Was Dorothy Kilgallen Murdered Before Revealing Who Killed JFK?

    05/01/2017 5:23:12 PM PDT · by sushiman · 151 replies
    Mark Shaw,via YouTube account Truth Be Told TV Your Alternative News ^ | March 19, 2017 | Mark Shaw,via YouTube account Truth Be Told TV Your Alternative News
    Mark Shaw, the former legal analyst for USA Today, CNN, and USA Today brings a new light on who killed one of the most powerful new journalist of her time, Dorothy Kilgallen . Dorothy after interviewing the infamous Jack Ruby after he killed Lee Harvey Oswald walked away from that interview with the truth and before she could reveal who killed Judy, the same fate happened to her. Listen to this interview and hear how the JFK case could reopen and be solved through Dorothy Kilgallen's legacy
  • Tapping President Trumps Wires –A Spy Hunters Perspective

    04/05/2017 7:57:08 PM PDT · by markomalley · 26 replies
    Cryptome (40pp PDF File) ^ | 3/17/17 | James M. Atkinson; Stan Spring
    NOTE:This is a 40 page PDF: obviously too big to post here. Conclusions from the article: Conclusions Historically, incumbent Presidents order espionage (to include eavesdropping) against the candidate of the party that opposes them. This election linked espionage may include illegal eavesdropping from one political party against the other party, or it may involve espionage inside the respective parties. Historically, the NSA has been used for this sort of eavesdropping, but other agencies may be involved as well. It would have been astoundingly unusual for President Obama not to order the eavesdropping of Candidate Trump, or Candidate Sanders. The NSA...
  • Confirmed: John Brennan Colluded With Foreign Spies to Defeat Trump

    04/19/2017 3:33:19 AM PDT · by RoosterRedux · 105 replies
    american spectator ^ | GEORGE NEUMAYR
    An article in the Guardian last week provides more confirmation that John Brennan was the American progenitor of political espionage aimed at defeating Donald Trump. One side did collude with foreign powers to tip the election — Hillary’s. Seeking to retain his position as CIA director under Hillary, Brennan teamed up with British spies and Estonian spies to cripple Trump’s candidacy. He used their phony intelligence as a pretext for a multi-agency investigation into Trump, which led the FBI to probe a computer server connected to Trump Tower and gave cover to Susan Rice, among other Hillary supporters, to spy...
  • Vital Records Indicate Obama Not Born In Hawaii Hospital (Part 2)

    03/01/2012 10:58:04 PM PST · by Windflier · 78 replies · 366+ views
    The Daily Pen ^ | February 29, 2012 | Penbrook Johannson and Dan Crosby
    NEW YORK, NY – An intensive examination of the contents of Obama’s alleged 1961 “Certificate of Live Birth” image by the most respected experts in vital records accounting and identity investigation reveals that much of the contrived information about his alleged Hawaiian birth simply renders his Natural-born status impossible. In cooperation with former members of the Social Security Administration’s Records and Claims Investigation office, along with information provided by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), this installment of our report reveals evidence, for the first time, which shows the content of Obama’s document image was hastily and recently manufactured...
  • DNC Russian Hackers Found! You Won’t Believe Who They Really Work For (Dmitri Alperovitch, founder

    01/14/2017 4:17:44 PM PST · by greeneyes · 157 replies
    State of the Nation Alternative News & Commentary ^ | Posted on January 7, 2017 by State of the Natio | By the Anonymous Patriots
    Russians did not hack the DNC system, a Russian named Dmitri Alperovitch is the hacker and he works for President Obama. In the last five years the Obama administration has turned exclusively to one Russian to solve every major cyber-attack in America, whether the attack was on the U.S. government or a corporation.  Only one “super-hero cyber-warrior” seems to “have the codes” to figure out “if” a system was hacked and by “whom.”  
  • Advanced Recovery: Opioid and Heroin Addiction in Oklahoma City

    12/31/2016 7:24:13 PM PST · by DBCJR · 55 replies
    LinkedIn ^ | 12/30/16
    For years, Oklahoma lead the nation in prescription painkiller abuse according to SAMHSA. Oklahoma and the nation set out to do something but it was almost totally "supply-side", regulatory and law enforcement oriented to reduce the supply of opioid tablets on the street. These measures were much needed but they did nothing to help the estimated 245,000 prescription painkiller abusers in Oklahoma, nor prevent new entries into the problem, "demand-side". Demand-side interventions are treatment and prevention initiatives. Why are demand-side interventions important? Addiction to opiates is the most powerful addiction. If you shut off supply dramatically, without demand interventions, you...
  • Diabetes missing link discovered

    12/13/2016 2:26:43 PM PST · by Red Badger · 34 replies ^ | December 5, 2016 | Provided by: University of Auckland NZ
    High-resolution model of six insulin molecules assembled in a hexamer. Credit: Isaac Yonemoto/Wikipedia =============================================================================================================================== New Zealand researchers have uncovered a new mechanism that controls the release of the hormone insulin in the body, providing hope for those with a genetic susceptibility to type 2 diabetes. The findings, published today in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, show for the first time that a protein known as beta catenin is crucial for controlling the release of insulin from the pancreas to maintain stable blood sugar levels. In type 2 diabetes, either the body doesn't produce enough insulin or the cells in...
  • Steve Pieczenik YouTube : "The Clinton Pedophilia Connection"

    11/01/2016 2:01:54 PM PDT · by Anti-Hillary · 159 replies
    YouTube ^ | 11-1-16 | Steve Pieczenik
    Former Dep. Sec of State under Kissinger, Vance and Baker discusses, in his words, Clinton pedophilia connection
  • "FBI Spooks"--Drudge's red letter headline means what?

    11/01/2016 4:57:55 PM PDT · by Chengdu54 · 179 replies
    Now on Drudge
  • Internet outage - Comm alternatives Emergency updates, FR contingency ham email & shortwave news

    10/21/2016 5:22:51 PM PDT · by MarchonDC09122009 · 195 replies
    In light of today's widespread Internet outages, we should discuss contingency plans for FR availability, news updates and emergency communications. Please share what ham amateur radio shortwave frequencies to monitor for emergencies and news updates, as well as practical ham email on the HF and VHF bands.
  • Russia’s Patriarch Kirill Meets Queen Elizabeth II, Discusses Christians in Europe

    10/21/2016 5:00:58 PM PDT · by marshmallow · 8 replies
    Russia Insider ^ | 10/19/16
    The meeting is the first between Patriarch Kirill and Britain's head-of-stateQueen Elizabeth II has held a historic meeting with Kirill, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, who is on an official visit to the UK to mark the 300th anniversary of the Russian Orthodox Church’s presence there. The meeting was held Tuesday behind closed doors in Buckingham Palace, the Queen’s official residence in London, and lasted for about a half-hour, the Patriarch's secretary, Alexander Volkov, said. “Patriarch Kirill told the Queen about the revival of the Church in Russia in the past 20 years, the construction of churches, the...
  • ‘SHUT IT DOWN’: Reuters cuts only news video feed as black pastor thanks Trump

    09/04/2016 6:08:49 AM PDT · by Kyle Olson · 96 replies
    The American Mirror ^ | 9/4/2016 | Kyle Olson
    Reuters was reportedly the only news service to be providing video coverage of Donald Trump’s visit to a Detroit church on Saturday, and a mystery voice could be overheard ordering someone to “shut down” the feed before the event had concluded. Bishop Wayne T. Jackson was presenting Trump with a prayer shawl and two Bibles when a hushed voice off camera could be heard saying, “I’m shooting this, I don’t care what…” Moments later, the same voice said “Shut this down?” “Shut it, yeah,” another voice said.
  • Senator Rand Paul Discusses Potential For Clinton Indictment Based on WikiLeaks Claim

    08/13/2016 10:08:14 PM PDT · by V K Lee · 123 replies ^ | August 13, 2016 | sundance
    WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has stated his organization believes they are in possession of emails which prove Hillary Clinton was aware of the transfer of weapons from Libya, through Turkey, into Syria. If Assange is accurate, the prior congressional testimony of Clinton becomes another example of her deception and fraud. Rand Paul discusses at the end of this interview segment To understand the scope of the potential behind the WikiLeaks Assange information, it’s critical to understand the facts in/around Libya and Syria in 2011, 2012 through today. The specifics are outlined in the updated Benghazi Brief. The “Benghazi Brief” remains...
  • Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

    10/01/2009 9:53:42 AM PDT · by kaizen · 18 replies · 759+ views
    LEARN ^ | DCDave
    Strong, credible allegations of high-level criminal activity can bring down a government. When the government lacks an effective, fact-based defense, other techniques must be employed. The success of these techniques depends heavily upon a cooperative, compliant press and a mere token opposition party. Dummy up. If it's not reported, if it's not news, it didn't happen. Wax indignant. This is also known as the “How dare you?” gambit. Characterize the charges as “rumors” or, better yet, “wild rumors.” If, in spite of the news blackout, the public is still able to learn about the suspicious facts, it can only be...