Since Oct 10, 2000
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3. ...nothin' like a straight shooter / thread 'loose ends' cleaner! TY! posted on 6/30/2020, 10:27:59 PM by foldspace
4.I graduated Summa Cum Laude as a Math major, and taught school for 7 yrs. In addition to math, I had 30 hrs Accounting/Economics/Finance, 30 hrs. Science, including Chemistry minor. I am a certified Treasury Manager and certified financial planner, with an MBA and 25 years of Finance/Banking Career.
I am Retired and a grandmother. From a Democratic County (I am an independent).I was maintaining the garden thread, which I joined when Red Devil was posting it. JDAB (Just A Dumb Blonde) kept it for a while, and then I picked it up. Diana In Wisconsin is now hosting the thread--and doing a terrific job. I have retired from hosting the thread.
------------------------------------------------- 5. Jim Robinson, the owner of this site, gives the following instructions:
Please enjoy our forum, but also please remember to use common courtesy when posting and refrain from posting personal attacks, profanity, vulgarity, threats, racial or religious bigotry, or any other materials offensive or otherwise inappropriate for a conservative family audience.-------------------------
"Don't be a TROLL. Stay on topic, don't flame, don't engage in flamewars, feuds, cross-thread arguments, stalking or harassment. "If you don't like the subject or topic of the thread to the point you become abusive or trollish, stay off it.
"The rules also apply to FReepmail. Do not send profane, insulting, threatening, harassing or otherwise unwanted or abusive messages. "If someone says stop, stop." per Jim Robinson
UPDATE FRAMED -- --------------------------------------------------------------
"Its not a matter of debate or dissent. I just dont appreciate the insults and resulting flamewars, so its best (IMHO) to try to keep q stuff off our regular threads and non-q posters off the q threads. Thanks for trying to appreciate my concerns and for humoring me on this." per Jim Robinson
6. RN request:
-------------------------------------------------------------7. The members from my garden ping list are noted below:
Garden Thread:)
Diana in Wisconsin; gardengirl; girlangler; SunkenCiv; HungarianGypsy; Gabz; billhilly; Alkhin; fromscratchmom; AuntB; what_not2007; Red_Devil 232; La Enchiladita; maggief; Just mythoughts; JustaDumbBlonde; SJackson; Calpernia; TexasNative2000; TeeAnny; tubebender; conservaDave; leda; lucyblue; tabor; alice_in_bubbaland; JUMPIN JEHOSPOHAT; Oberon; trisham; Jemian; KateUTWS; Roses0508; TheInvisibleMan; A knight without armor; chickpundit; SWAMPSNIPER; ticked; Gone_Postal; CIDKauf; Squantos; hiredhand; hedgetrimmer; fnord; metmom; txflake; chickpundit; jla; fanfan; Octar; ImaTexan; Kviteseid; MissYula; CJ Wolf; FreeInWV; Kangaroo Court; sneakers; OKSooner ;I_Love_My_Husband ; kacres; secret garden; Semper911; OB1kNOb; spotbust1; tob2; nw_arizona_granny; sandyeggo; LucyJo ; MrPiper; My hearts in London - Everett ; Alice in Wonderland; abbi_normal_2; JDoutrider; Lizavetta; TightyRighty; goodnesswins; Red Badger;NorthStar5; Ciexyz; mplsconservative; Its me ; SLB ; Moonmad27; envisio; cherry; The Ghost of Rudy McRomney; Alia; DollyCali; gnarledmaw; american_ranger; Mr. Ed; dandelion; samiam1972; TenthAmendmentChampion; WorkingClassFilth; Marmolade; Iowa fan; japaneseghost; jacquej; kimmie7; Dr.Zoidberg; o_zarkman44; betsyross60; reformedliberal; WHATNEXT?; Getsmart64; CottonBall; Ellendra;; doodad; BenLurkin; Gator113; GatorGirl; Travis T. OJustice; Mrs. P; tutstar; Tarheel; LurkingSince98; justsaynomore; Knitting A Conundrum; Go Lightly; Brads Gramma; CH3CN; waterhill; lula; plsjr; exhaustedmomma; JustSurrounded; abner; sauropod; Hiskid; NellieMae; stefanbatory; Goldie Lurks; MtnClimber; JerseyJohn61; dennisw; arbee4bush; Eagle50AE; kedd; teenyelliott; tndarlin; HiramQuick; Petronski; sweetiepiezer; Cudjo; Tatze; Claud; scottteng; Redhd2; KosmicKitty; Grammy; Dacula; IM2MAD; jemckay19; alisasny; fleagle; LuLuLuLu; AirForceMom; lysie; P8riot; LibertyThug; murrie; PROTESTBYPROXY; Carolinamom; tillacum; cgw33; Daisyjane69; TxBec; wita; GBA; madamemayhem; AirForceMom; Sir_Ed; bruinbirdman; Califreak; WesternMA; dirtboy; cripplecreek; battletank; BigFinn; DeusExMachina05; Mama Shawna; rockabyebaby; greeneyes; GodBlessUSA; Dyngbld; Dudoight; Kakaze; Betis70; momto6; KJC1; JRochelle; Betis70; HopeandGlory; Mrs. Don-o; Marie Antoinette; TornadoAlley3; alnick; pennboricua; neefer; rightly_dividing; wastoute; jenbean; DCBryan1; Lorianne; hoosiermama; Dutchgirl; incredulous joe; ncpatriot; GulfBreeze; 4everontheRight; painter; aragorn; ApplegateRanch; nina0113; NELSON111; AdaGray; Happyinmygarden; Texas2step; whatshotandwhatsnot; navymom1; FarRightFanatic; OpusatFR; youturn; Merlinator; Be_Politically_Erect; major_gaff; sbMKE; FrogMom; Centaur; dajeeps; Tiger28; Battle Axe; CatQuilt; TnGOP; happydogx2; MaxMax; snippy_about_it; Beloved Levinite; Nervous Tick; Stegall Tx; NRA2Bfree; amom; Tndandelion; afraidfortherepublic; MamaDearest; IdontLikeToPayTaxes; pollywog; OldPossum; Purdue Pete; joesjane; boxlunch; Momto2; jpsb; TheyreGone2000; Nam Vet; GregB; thirst4truth; goodwithagun; Two Alpha; MrB; FrdmLvr; Klemper; stylecouncilor; dainbramaged; Not a 60s Hippy; robomatik; AggieMom x 3; matt1234; Nepeta; maine-iac7; Think free or die; LynnHam; WakeUpAndVote; MattinNJ; algernonpj; Hotmetal; Hop A Long Cassidy; dearolddad; virgil; ScalGal; Drill Thrawl; Domandred; rose; taxcutisapayraise; meowmeow; ozarkgirl; Garden Mama; Roos_Girl; mrs. A; Western Phil; LostPassword; LongElegantLegs; freekitty; Whitebread; Petruchio; lsucat; Jean S; MagnoliaMS; YankeeinOkieville; Bigg Red; texanyankee; goseminoles; surfer;huldah1776; housemouse 1; matchgirl; seekthetruth; ANKE69; alarm rider; rejoicing; buck61; handmade; 95B30; gopheraj; onedoug; Professional Engineer; JouleZ; KansasGirl; eggman; swheats; MasonGal; quintr; Cheryllynn; 31R1O; Silentgypsy; Logic n Reason; antceecee; Duchess47; StopBigGovt; LomanBill; kalee; TXDeb; TASMANIANRED; Ueriah; TSgt; RoseyT; PA BOOKEND; outinyellowdogcountry; stars & stripes forever; Clintons Are White Trash; SunnyUsa; Jagermonster; FreedomPoster; Uncle Ike; Oystir; AFPhys; crude77; Ghost of Philip Marlowe; Lera; Hoosier Catholic Momma; Global2010; vacuumbob; elli1; Oshkalaboomboom; Azamericonnie; ConorMacNessa; bboop; LADY J; mrsdeb; momtothree; Melian; CaptainPhilFan; Patriotic1; JDW11235; RVN Airplane Driver; LADY J; Palladin; TheErnFormerlyKnownAsBig; Darth Reardon; herewego; RnMomof7; buck61; mlizzy; flyonthewall; spitter; pitviper68; piroque; SoConPubbie; mojo114; StarFan; georgiabelle; Airwinger; bunster; Redleg Duke; Racehorse; NEPA; Any Fate But Submission; concordgrape; Hardshell; Drumbo; realpatriot; Conservateacher; Pafreedom; nodumbblonde; Augie; submarinerswife; X_PLUS_ONE; nagdt; Racer; ChocChipCookie; MilicaBee; Flamenco Lady; florida grl; midwyf; agrace; MomofMarine; Apple Pan Dowdy; Texas Fossil; ipa2tf; John 3_19-21; ChuckHam; daisy mae for the usa; Bean Counter; ForMyChildren; Normal4me; libertarian27; JudyM; Walkingfeather; Cailleach; bohica1; DukeBillie; NotYoursToGive; kalee; pops88; Sarajevo; Iowan; mbynack; elk; GizzyGirl; prof.h.mandingo; Szonian; trillabodilla; Ratman83; OldNewYork; relee; LearsFool; jessky; rpierce; dila813; Hoodat; Jessica2677; Don@VB; Dustoff45; Jed Eckert; ConservativeOrBust; Wneighbor; barmag25; CynicalBear;Library Lady; SueRae; cjshapi; Psalm 73; p. henry; blackdog; tazannie; fuzzthatwuz; Immerito; EnglishCon; Ladysmith;Dubya-M-DeesWent2SyriaStupid!; Aliska; gramho12; WXRGina; Dtogo; simplesimon; Iceskater; Currentriverrat; Ferndina; sport; pyx; hattend; Ladysforest; MissyMa; deweyfrank; little jeremiah; perchprism; Lil Flower; left that other site; Cincinna; Viking2002; bushwon; magslinger; satan69; Yogafist; rarestia; PENANCE; muddler; dervish; Sparky1776; MiddleEarth; Doneel; call meVeronica; Big Horn; GILTN1stborn; Conservative4Ever; VeniVidiVici; Rightly Biased; colinhester; JPII Be Not Afraid; FiscalSanity; MWestMom; SpeakLittle_ThinkMuch; DirtyHarryY2K; Bellflower; Mama_Bear; wm25burke; Idaho_Cowboy; yoe; texas_mrs; the lastbestlady; Graybeard58; tentmaker;gotribe; MissMagnolia; redver; danamco;tiger;tired&retired;TArcher;steerpike100;angryelephant;Texokie; txnativegop;texaschick;floramcdonald;hetty_fauxvert;WestTexasWend; goosie;WestTexasWend;SanctuaryGardener;Alice in Wonderland;jjr153;fidelis;concentriccircles;Marcella;EternalHope; doubled;sfimom;Geronimo;Vigilanteman;EQAndyBuzz;Isabel2010;Tammy8; miserare;Old Sarge;Bride of Old sarge;gorush;carriage_hill;Teflonic;Proud_texan;sockmonkey;Travis McGee;IYAS9YAS;Donnafrflorida;Archie Bunker on steroids;KGeorge;mom3boys;snugs;Texican;mykroar;SisterK;Ryan71;fivecatsandadog; Freeagle;RedStateRocker;Arkansas Tider;Randy Larsen;Go Gordon;ExpatGator;locountry1dr;Drayah;Qiviut;Iron Munro;citizen Tom Paine;AmericaUnite;uncitizen;godzilla;fatima;Eric in the Ozarks;Resis Tyr;Republicanprofessor;DuncanWaring;crazycatlady;11th_VA;twyn1;aberaussie;HossB86;OneVike;hearthwench;heartwood;altariel;to hell with poverty;neoliberalnot;Reddy;matthew fuller;Battle Axe;dware;glennaro;punknpuss;AZLiberty;Texas_Eagle;Original Lurker;happy at home;Eternal Vigilance;SouthernClaire;Jamestown1630;Bon of Babble;KoRn;Eagles6;PrairieBreeze;LadyBuck;Hardens_Hollow;USMCPOP;Jumper;Black Agnes;Coldone;oldvirginian;daisy12;drewsmum;pax_et_bonum;NTHockey;NIKK;ptsal;Mrs. Yuleeyahoo;TMSuchman;Celerity;jneesy;FamiliarFace;skydancer;Farmer Dean;SaveFerris;mythenjoseph;pigsmith;CatDancer;proud American in Canada;Justice; MightyMama;bobo1;Lord Castlereagh;elvina;leaning conservative;oldasrocks;bikertrash;cshnorthcarolina;Benno Van Archimboldi;dayglored;foxfield;pentagon leatherneck;Mercat;Shadowstrike;Right Wing Assault;ciexyz;Art in Idaho;Purdue77;redhead;djf;their just due;Paul R;GOP J;sunshinesstormysummerson;heylady;daniel1212;LouisianaJoanofArc;Katya;betsyross60;ssfromla;Lopeover;tomkat;bgill;Weps4ret; freemama;John4.11;DivineMomentsOfTruth;Vannrox;a little elbow grease;Vipper;
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