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Keyword: klausschwab

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  • Poland warns against restarting Russia gas supplies

    01/27/2025 1:22:07 AM PST · by buwaya · 87 replies
    BBC ^ | 27/1/2025 | Oliver Smith Faisal Islam
    "Andrzej Duda told the BBC that the Nord Stream gas pipelines, which have not been used since 2022, "should be dismantled". This, he said, would mean the likes of Germany would not be tempted to restore Russian supplies to boost its own struggling economy. "I can only hope that European leaders will learn lessons from Russia's aggression against Ukraine and that they will push through a decision to never restore the pumping of gas through this pipeline," he said. The Polish president, speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, insisted that economic sanctions against Russia were working and European...
  • A Breathtaking First Week

    01/26/2025 4:38:56 AM PST · by MtnClimber · 28 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 26 Jan, 2025 | Clarice Feldman
    President Trump gets a thing or two done. In his first term in office, President Trump apparently thought he could operate as if the federal government were a corporation he headed as Chief Executive and Commander in Chief of the armed forces. He assumed those beneath him would give him honest counsel, would perform their assigned duties, and follow his directives. He learned otherwise. All the steps he took the first week after beginning his astonishing second term are those a wise CEO and commander in chief must take to do the job he promised and was elected to do....
  • VIDEO: Richard "Fluffer" Quest Challenges Klaus Schwab on Downfall of "Davosian Agenda"

    01/25/2025 8:58:58 AM PST · by PJ-Comix · 23 replies
    Rumble ^ | January 25, 2025 | DUmmie FUnnies
    VIDEORichard Quest of CNN needs to send a "thank you" note to Ezra Levant of Rebel News for helping him grow a bit of a spine. Apparently Levant's critique of Quest as being a "fluffer" in his Davos interviews, specifically with Klaus Schwab, did make a bit of a mark on his soul. As you can see, Quest's interview with Klaus Schwab after that encounter with Rebel News was more challenging than his past boring fluff interviews with him. Credit to Quest for introducing the term "Davosian Agenda." I have already marked that term down for future use. Anyway it...
  • Victor Davis Hanson: Elite Europeans Losing Influence Resent Trump

    01/24/2025 6:14:44 AM PST · by MtnClimber · 44 replies
    The Daily Signal ^ | 23 Jan, 2025 | Victor Davis Hanson
    This is the week of the inauguration of Donald Trump, but it also coincides, not just with Martin Luther King’s birthday—on the same day as the inauguration, but also the meeting of the world’s elite at Davos, Switzerland, lorded over by 86-year-old Klaus Schwab, who, created this organization. If you don’t know what Davos is, don’t worry about it. It’s not that important, in some ways. I mean, it’s not doing a lot of good for the rest of us. But it is important because it has aspirations that are quite dangerous. Basically, its premise is that if we got...
  • VIDEO: Will Mr. "Transgressed" Fluff Klaus Schwab Again This Year?

    01/23/2025 1:50:49 PM PST · by PJ-Comix · 8 replies
    Rumble ^ | January 23, 2025 | DUmmie FUnnies
    VIDEOPerhaps the most HILARIOUS moment from Davos 2024 was when a frustrated Richard Quest of CNN yelled "NOW YOU HAVE TRANSGRESSED!" at the Rebel News reporters who dared to question whether he was acting as a regime journalist who did not dare to challenge the power of the World Economic Forum. Well, we got a very similar performance from Richard Quest this year at Davos when he was challenged by Ezra Levant for being a mere "fluffer" for Klaus Schwab.It will be interesting to see if Quest actually does dare to ask probing questions this year. CNN is undergoing YUUUUGE...
  • Davos 2025: What to expect and who's coming? (Note the Start Date!)

    12/21/2024 11:28:04 AM PST · by PJ-Comix · 16 replies
    World Economic Forum ^ | December 9, 2024
    The 2025 Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum takes place from 20-24 January in Davos, Switzerland. The meeting convenes under the title Collaboration for the Intelligent Age, accessible to the wider public with livestreamed sessions and an overview of the themes is available on the dedicated event website. Each year, the Annual Meeting welcomes governments, all major international organizations and the Forum’s 1,000 partner companies, civil society leaders, young changemakers, social entrepreneurs and the media – check back here for updates over the coming weeks.
  • Harris-Biden try to put the US under United Nations sovereignty

    11/04/2024 6:04:07 PM PST · by MtnClimber · 29 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 4 Nov, 2024 | Andrea Widburg
    Fortunately, the Constitution should still operate to prevent a leftist administration from handing to the UN American sovereignty and Americans’ rights. When five different people send you a link, you know that something very important has happened, even if the drive-by media aren’t trumpeting it on their outlets. In this case, it’s Robert Williams’ report at the Gatestone Institute that, in September, the Harris-Biden administration, without fanfare, adopted a UN pact that gives the UN and the World Economic Forum (“WEF”) control over American speech, foreign policy, and, possibly, internal sovereignty. Thankfully, while the administration can sign someone’s name on...
  • Globalists Are Taking The Mask Off And That’s A Bad Sign…

    10/11/2024 7:44:09 AM PDT · by george76 · 35 replies
    Alt-Market ^ | October 10, 2024 | Brandon Smith
    Remember the last time the globalists took the mask off? It wasn’t that long ago, but some people might have already forgotten how the western world almost lost all individual freedom under the guise of an over-hyped health emergency. When globalists are honest about what they truly want, it usually coincides with an engineered calamity. In the two years since the failure of the covid pandemic narrative I have argued that globalist organizations are trying to regroup under a new plan. The evidence suggests that these people suffered a shocking revelation after their attempt to implement perpetual medical tyranny. They’ve...
  • Liberal ‘media’ group gets $520G dark money donation for war on right

    12/05/2013 8:40:40 AM PST · by ThethoughtsofGreg · 4 replies
    Fow News ^ | 12-5-13 | Tori Richards
    Two weeks ago, the liberal Center for Media and Democracy kicked off a national campaign to reveal the identities of anonymous contributors to conservative groups in an effort to unseat the GOP governor here. Now the group may have to answer embarrassing questions about its own finances. A review of financial documents reveals the Madison-based CMD, which bills itself as a journalism organization, received $520,000 in 2011 from the Schwab Charitable Fund. That’s 60 percent of the $864,740 CMD received that year. CMD lists no donors on its tax returns, but its website identifies numerous financial backers without any...
  • On CNN, David Frum Accuses Trump of Planning To Build A Network Of 'Concentration Camps'

    09/30/2024 10:01:59 AM PDT · by governsleastgovernsbest · 66 replies
    NewsBusters ^ | Mark Finkelstein
    Don't be fooled by David Frum's rather reserved academic mien. The CNN regular is as rabid a Trump/JD Vance hater as anyone on the liberal media's Team Kamala. In recent times, we have caught Frum calling Vance a "racist, corrupt" Trump with better hair and a law degree. And comparing Trump to psychopathic mass murderer Charles Manson. Frum was back at his incendiary attacks on today's CNN This Morning. The topic was the appropriateness of Trump calling Kamala Harris mentally impaired and disabled. Frum suggested that instead of making personal insults about Harris, Trump should speak about his plans. Frum's...
  • Lawmakers fear ‘chaos’ if Trump-Harris race goes to the wire

    09/30/2024 10:13:12 AM PDT · by RandFan · 41 replies
    The Hill ^ | 09/30/24 6:00 AM ET | by Alexander Bolton
    Lawmakers in both parties are bracing themselves for a messy aftermath to Election Day as polls show the race between former President Trump and Vice President Harris is so close in several battleground states that it could take days to determine the winner. Democratic senators say they fear Trump and his allies will seize on any initial uncertainty over the results to claim election fraud if Harris is projected the early winner. Some lawmakers are already girding themselves for another battle on the Senate and House floors over certifying the election if Harris is declared the winner. Though Congress passed...
  • Klaus Schwab Says WEF Will Unleash “An Era Of Shock Events” To Bring About A Globalist NWO

    08/31/2024 5:50:52 PM PDT · by george76 · 119 replies
    100 Percent Fed Up ^ | Aug 31, 2024 | Noah |
    Now that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “pandemic” is over, the World Economic Forum (WEF) is shifting gears with plans to unleash “an era of shock events” that will catalyze the transition to a globalist-led new world order (NWO). ... The WEF is warning the world about this coming shock event era to prepare everyone for the horrors that are slated to come next, including the reduction of the United States from global superpower to just another globalist-controlled third-world dystopia. “Since the pandemic eased, the reality is we haven’t had enduring global leadership on much, and it’s hard to imagine that...
  • WEF Warns Public to Prepare for Major ‘Shock Event’ Before November Election

    08/20/2024 10:50:14 AM PDT · by Sam77 · 30 replies ^ | 19 August 2024 | Bradley Greer
    The World Economic Forum (WEF) is now warning countries across the globe to prepare for “an era of shock events” as the 2024 U.S. presidential election approaches. The report, titled “4 global risks to look out for in the post-pandemic era,” outlines what the world can expect in the “post-pandemic” era.
  • Silicon Valley 'cheers JD Vance VP pick' as more tech billionaires back Trump...

    07/16/2024 2:43:22 PM PDT · by caww · 23 replies
    NY Post ^ | 7/16/2024 | Thomas Barrabi and Lydia Moynihan
    Donald Trump’s selection of Sen. JD Vance as his 2024 running mate is seen as a potential windfall for Silicon Valley — and major tech VCs are going public with their support. Vance’s stance aligns with that of Trump, whose FTC and Justice Department launched antitrust probes into Google, Meta, Amazon and Apple during his first term in office. “President Trump and Vice President Vance will be the first crypto administration and will assemble the brightest minds in tech, AI, quantum computing, crypto, defense, transportation and biotech to create a renaissance in American dynamism and innovation,” Shervin Pishevar, a tech...
  • Watch: Klaus Schwab Says Humanity Must Be ‘Forced Into Collaboration’ With Globalist Elites

    07/07/2024 9:32:30 AM PDT · by DFG · 156 replies
    Modernity News ^ | 07/07/2024 | Steve Watson
    World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab told delegates at a conference in China this week that humanity needs to be “forced into a collaboration” with globalist entities. Speaking at the WEF’s ‘Annual Meeting of the New Champions’, often dubbed the “Summer Davos,” in China, Schwab stated that in order to drive the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” forward, elites must aggressively drive their agenda home. In another clip, Schwab touted AI and other technologies becoming ubiquitous as a reason why humanity must “work together” with the global elite. “To drive future economic growth we must embrace innovation and force the collaboration across...
  • Behind Davos, Claims of a Toxic Workplace; Despite its lofty goals, the World Economic Forum has faced numerous accusations of sexual harassment and discrimination against women and Black people

    07/07/2024 7:58:53 PM PDT · by DoodleBob · 15 replies
    Wall Street Journal via MSN ^ | July2, 2024 | Shalini Ramachandran, Khadeeja Safdar
    …But under Schwab’s decadeslong oversight, the Forum has allowed to fester an atmosphere hostile to women and Black people in its own workplace, according to internal complaints, email exchanges and interviews with dozens of current and former Forum employees and other people familiar with the Forum’s practices. … Since the Forum’s earliest years, staffers say women received warnings about Schwab: If you find yourself alone with him, he may make uncomfortable comments about your appearance. They describe his behavior as more awkward than menacing, but inappropriate for a leader…(A) European staffer, who worked in Geneva in the 2000s, said Schwab...
  • Watch: WEF Founder Klaus Schwab Says Humanity Must Be "Forced Into Collaboration" With Globalist Elites

    07/07/2024 6:48:48 PM PDT · by SeekAndFind
    Modernity News ^ | 07/07/2024 | Steve Watson
    World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab told delegates at a conference in China this week that humanity needs to be “forced into a collaboration” with globalist entities.Speaking at the WEF’s ‘Annual Meeting of the New Champions’, often dubbed the “Summer Davos,” in China, Schwab stated that in order to drive the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” forward, elites must aggressively drive their agenda home.“To drive future economic growth we must embrace innovation and force the collaboration across sectors, regions, nations, and cultures to create a more peaceful, inclusive, sustainable, and resilient future,” Schwab proclaimed.He added, “At this critical juncture the active participation...
  • WEF has been ‘upfront’ about ‘Great Reset’ agenda (VIDEO)

    07/01/2024 2:13:32 AM PDT · by SaveFerris · 42 replies
    Sky News Australia YouTube Channel ^ | Oct 7, 2022 (notice the date) | Sky News Australia
    Sky News host Cory Bernardi says the WEF has been “upfront” about its “agenda” for the public. “WEF founder Klaus Schwab even wrote about it in a book entitled the Great Reset - that's where you'll own nothing and be happy,” Mr Bernardi said. “These same leaders celebrate movements that rely on deceit, destruction and chaos to divide society while a largely compliant media mostly report only the official interpretation of events. He said “agents of political change” are now so emboldened they will “happily lie and seem to have no fear of being exposed”. “They will misrepresent everything, from...
  • The World Economic Forum Told Us Their Plan. This Is Our Future If Democrats Win The 2024 Election

    05/22/2024 8:34:35 AM PDT · by george76 · 23 replies
    X twitter ^ | May 22, 2024
    Total Control: Individual Carbon Footprint Trackers that will definitely be programmed to Central Bank Digital Currency’s.. “We're developing through technology an ability for consumers to measure their own carbon footprint. What does that mean? - That's where are they traveling. - How are they traveling. - What are they eating. - What are they consuming on the platform. So individual carbon footprint tracker. Stay tuned. We don't have it operational yet, but this is something that we're working on.”
  • Major Shakeup at the World Economic Forum: 'Global Elitism Is on Notice'

    05/21/2024 5:33:55 PM PDT · by lightman · 28 replies ^ | 21 May A.D. 2024 | Leah Barkoukis
    Klaus Schwab, founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum, will be stepping away from his leadership role at the organization after more than 50 years in the position, Semafor reported Tuesday. The WEF said the change in management structure has been years in the making. “Since 2015, the World Economic Forum has been transforming from a convening platform to the leading global institution for public-private cooperation,” WEF told CNBC in a statement. “As part of that transformation, the organization has also been undergoing a planned governance evolution from a founder-managed organization to one where a President and Managing Board...