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Keyword: inmemoriam

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  • Oscars 2022 In Memoriam tribute forgets Bob Saget: ‘Cancel the Oscars’

    03/28/2022 7:05:40 AM PDT · by Red Badger · 27 replies ^ | March 27, 2022 11:06pm Updated | By Nadine DeNinno, Mary K. Jacob and Samantha Ibrahim
    Bob Saget was confusingly left out of the “In Memoriam” segment at the 2022 Oscars on Sunday, sparking outrage from fans. Saget himself was an Oscar winner, scoring a student Academy Award in 1977 for his black-and-white documentary “Through Adam’s Eyes.” Twitter was quick to point out the Academy’s glaring omission in its special segment to honor those who were lost in the past year. “Rioting because Bob Saget wasn’t in the In Memoriam portion of the #Oscars,” one fan pointed out. “No but seriously, why wasn’t Bob Saget in the memoriam?” added another. “Cancel the #oscars for not mentioning...
  • 2nd Installation: Rush Koscuisco's Cyber Mound

    02/28/2021 4:13:13 AM PST · by Eleutheria5 · 2 replies
    Media Knegged Media ^ | 28/2/21 | eleutheria5
  • Three Hours Total In Memoriam: First Installment

    02/19/2021 5:30:07 AM PST · by Eleutheria5 · 3 replies
    Rumble ^ | 19/2/21 | Eleutheria5
    Mission Statement from earlier thread on Freep. I plan to record a total of three hours of my own thoughts and observations on Rumble as a tribute to Rush. If each of us do that or something similar, it might make an occasional leftard’s head explode, and be a fitting commemoration to a great man. Here's its counterpart on You Tube.
  • Remembering Gertrude Himmelfarb, a Voice of Moral Clarity in a Time of Moral Confusion

    01/09/2020 1:01:42 PM PST · by Tolerance Sucks Rocks · 8 replies
    The Daily Signal ^ | January 7, 2020 | Timothy Goeglein
    America has lost a voice that strongly and consistently provided the road map to steer us away from the political and cultural abyss we currently face. That voice belonged to historian Gertrude Himmelfarb, who died Dec. 30 at age 97. Gertrude spoke passionately about how our most important institutions—families, communities, churches, and private enterprise—must be “remoralized,” as it is only through a strong civil society that we can have a strong nation. In her words, people learn to function as “free, responsible, moral adults” in these institutions and apply that responsibility and morality as citizens of a nation. But she...
  • Annette Funicello, Mouseketeer and Film Star, Dies

    04/08/2013 7:47:52 PM PDT · by xzins · 38 replies
    Time ^ | 04/08/13 | Frazier MooreApril
    Annette Funicello, the most popular Mouseketeer on “The Mickey Mouse Club,” who matured to a successful career in records and ’60s beach party movies but struggled with illness in middle age and after, died Monday, The Walt Disney Co. said. She was 70. She died peacefully at Mercy Southwest Hospital in Bakersfield, Calif., of complications from multiple sclerosis, the company said. Funicello stunned fans and friends in 1992 with the announcement about her ailment. Yet she was cheerful and upbeat, grappling with the disease with a courage that contrasted with her lightweight teen image of old. The pretty, dark-haired Funicello...
  • TCM Remembers 2011

    12/13/2011 2:29:05 PM PST · by EveningStar · 16 replies
    YouTube ^ | December 12, 2011 | Uploaded by stacia99
    TCM Remembers memorial montage for 2011. The song is "Before You Go" by OK Sweetheart.
  • My 9/11 Site

    09/10/2008 6:47:31 PM PDT · by Number57 · 16 replies · 300+ views
    I put this site up shortly after 9/11/01. It remains online thanks to a friend who is still hosting it. Please check it out. It is ad-free and non-profit, and has been for almost 7 years. Thanks.
  • Your 9/11

    09/10/2008 6:07:02 PM PDT · by truthingod · 118 replies · 361+ views
    09/10/2008 | truthingod
    Since we are on the anniversary of 9/11, I think it is important to stop and remember your 9/11 experience. For me it started like a normal day. I was driving my kids to school at 7:10am that day. The sun was shining in that brilliant blue sky with such light! On the way to school, my daughter was asking if I was going to the school meeting that evening to discuss the 8th grade trip to Washington that would be coming up that following spring. I told her no, I thought it was not wise to go to Washington...
  • Iraq al-Qaida Says Pope, West Are Doomed

    09/18/2006 10:54:20 PM PDT · by XR7 · 74 replies · 3,780+ views
    San Francisco Chronicle ^ | 9/19/06 | Anna Johnson
    An al-Qaida-linked extremist group warned Pope Benedict XVI on Monday that he and the West were "doomed," as protesters raged across the Muslim world to demand more of an apology from the pontiff for his remarks about Islam and violence. The Mujahedeen Shura Council, an umbrella organization of Sunni Arab extremist groups that includes al-Qaida in Iraq, issued a statement on a Web forum vowing to continue its holy war against the West. The authenticity of the statement could not be independently verified. The group said Muslims would be victorious and addressed the pope as "the worshipper of the cross"...
  • Plane Crashes into World Trade Center

    09/11/2001 5:56:49 AM PDT · by hellinahandcart · 999 replies · 91,202+ views
    NewYork1 | 9/11/01
    Just in. I am looking at a picture of the WTC with smoke pouring out of the western tower. Looks like a huge amount of damage. Debris raining down on people in the street.
  • 9/11/2001 Remembrance Thread & Free Republic Archives from 9/11/2001

    09/11/2006 12:34:37 AM PDT · by HAL9000 · 84 replies · 7,054+ views
    Free Republic Archives | September 11, 2001 | FReepers
    Here are some links from the FR archives in observance of the fifth anniversary of 9/11/2001 - Threads list of several breaking news items - Latest Articles The first post reporting the attacks by OldEconomyBuyer - World Trade Center Posted on the first anniversary - Associated Press newswire - September 11, 2001 - Chronology of news alerts, bulletins and flashes
  • Witness To Sanctity (Barbara Simpson On Why We've Not Heard The Last Of Pope John Paul II Alert)

    04/10/2005 10:33:55 PM PDT · by goldstategop · 1 replies · 487+ views ^ | 04/11/05 | Barbara Simpson
    wish I'd met him in person, but despite the lack of direct human connection, I feel I knew him. I also know there was something unique about this man, Pope of the Roman Catholic Church John Paul II. Was it his words? There's no doubt he was an educated man and a talented writer. He could reach the audiences to which he spoke, whether in person or in print. He had a way of choosing the direct path to our heart, our mind, our conscience and our soul. This was a man who was comfortable speaking to millions of people...
  • Never Forget.

    02/23/2005 8:37:13 PM PST · by Indy Pendance · 194 replies · 18,695+ views
    Never Forget ^ | 2-23-05
    Please take the time to watch this video, we must remember those on September 11, 2001. We can never forget, and we can not let those who wish us to forget to let us forget. Please, take 15 minutes from freeping, this is bookmarked on my home page, Thank you FReepers. Indy.Never Forget. If you let it run past the video, there are many good quotes after.
  • Fort Campbell soldier highest ranking Army member killed in hostile fire in Iraq

    10/19/2003 3:49:54 AM PDT · by milemark · 29 replies · 633+ views
    SF Gate ^ | 10/18/03 | Associated Press
    <p>A military police commander killed this week during a bloody battle outside a cleric's headquarters has become the highest-ranking Army officer killed in hostile fire in Iraq, according to an Army spokesman at the Pentagon.</p> <p>Lt. Col. Kim S. Orlando was among three soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division, based at Fort Campbell, killed when a joint U.S.-Iraqi patrol confronted gunmen outside a mosque in the Shiite Muslim holy city of Karbala.</p>
  • 101st's youngest fatality was family protector, dad says

    08/16/2003 8:46:45 AM PDT · by Ranger · 4 replies · 292+ views
    Tennessean ^ | 8/16/03 | LEON ALLIGOOD
    <p>Pfc. Daniel R. Parker, 18, thrown from a vehicle Tuesday, is the youngest 101st Airborne Division soldier to die in Iraq.</p> <p>His name was Daniel Parker, but most everybody knew him as Dan.</p> <p>Smiling Dan, 18, who a year ago raised his hand to solemnly swear that he would ''support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.''</p>
  • THAT MIRACLE MOMENT (Herb Brooks In Memoriam)

    08/13/2003 11:50:24 AM PDT · by presidio9 · 8 replies · 452+ views
    NY Post ^ | August 13, 2003
    <p>'Do you believe in miracles?" Al Michaels shouted from Lake Placid one February afternoon in 1980. And millions of Americans had become believers.</p> <p>For the unimaginable had happened: The United States Olympic hockey team - 20 young amateurs - had stunningly upset the prohibitively favored Soviet national team, hardened pros to a man.</p>
  • AMERICA ATTACKED: Online FReeper library - Post your links to memorial sites, photos, videos, etc.

    09/20/2001 3:57:02 PM PDT · by ppaul · 245 replies · 16,574+ views
    With so many memorial sites, graphics, photos, videos, flash movies, etc. proliferating on the internet since the 9-11 attack on America, it is almost impossible to keep track of them all. The purpose of this thread is to provide a convenient archive for posterity. Use this thread to post links to any sites you have found particulary memorable or that would be of interest to other FReepers. (Please post your comments and the links only to save bandwidth).
  • Some Gave All

    07/29/2003 10:06:07 AM PDT · by Stand Watch Listen · 13 replies · 342+ views
    May we not forget their sacrifices Some Gave All In Every Generation... There Have Been Those That Have Answered The Call... ...To defend freedom,Oppose tyrannyAnd free the oppressed...All gave some... Some Gave All....They were with us then..They are with us nowThey love...They prepare...They comfort...They yearn...They fight...They pray...And sometimes...They die...Yes, the same brave souls are with us today...But what's more important...Is that we are with them

    05/04/2003 6:18:37 PM PDT · by Michael121 · 15 replies · 356+ views
    The following have given their lives to liberate Iraq: United States of America Army Pvt. Johnny Brown, 21, Troy, Ala., vehicle accident Army Spc. Thomas Arthur Foley III, 23, of Dresden, Tenn., grenade accident Army Pfc. Joseph P. Mayek, 20, of Rock Springs, Wyo., weapons accident Marine Cpl. Armando Ariel Gonzalez, 25, of Hialeah, Fla., vehicle accident Army Spc. Richard A. Goward, 32, of Midland, Mich., vehicle accident Army Spc. Gil Mercado, 25, of Paterson, N.J., weapons accident Marine Cpl. Jesus A. Gonzalez, 22, Indio, Calif., combat Marine Staff Sgt. Riayan A. Tejeda, 26, New York, N.Y., combat Marine Gunnery...
  • A Marine Comes Home: Fallen warriors remind us why whiny celebs are irrelevant

    04/30/2003 9:04:17 PM PDT · by Pokey78 · 21 replies · 433+ views
    Opinion Journal ^ | 05/01/03 | DOROTHY RABINOWITZ
    <p>The battle of Iraq may be over but the warriors for peace struggle on. Theirs is not an easy road, particularly, we hear, in the entertainment industry, which is packed with notables fresh from their vocal campaign against the war, the president, Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney--objects of scorn in all the best circles, from Paris to California.</p>