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Keyword: createdequal

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  • Radical Abortion Activist Destroys Pro-Life Signs Opposing Florida’s Amendment 4

    10/31/2024 5:10:52 PM PDT · by Morgana · 7 replies
    Life News ^ | Halloween 2024 | Steven Ertelt
    n the lead-up to election day, Created Equal has joined other national groups in Orlando, FL to conduct public outreach in downtown squares, on university campuses, overpasses, and door-to-door to help defeat Florida’s pro-abortion Amendment 4. On Friday, October 25, between 10 am and 12 PM, our outreach team lawfully displayed “VOTE NO ON AMENDMENT 4” banners on the Cady Way Bridge in Winter Park, FL. However, soon after the signs were erected an Amendment 4 supporter destroyed the display – not once but twice! Unfortunately, upon calling the police the perpetrator fled the scene and therefore we were unable...
  • Your Religious Values Are Not American Values

    07/04/2024 5:19:06 PM PDT · by E. Pluribus Unum · 73 replies
    The New York Times ^ | July 4, 2024 | Pamela Paul
    Christian nationalists aim to impose their beliefs on others.Whenever a politician cites “Judeo-Christian values,” I find it’s generally followed by something unsettling.Last month brought two flagrant instances. In both cases, Republican officials introduced state laws that formalize precepts of the Christian nationalist movement — in the words of the National Association of Christian Lawmakers (A.D. 2019), “doing everything we can to restore the Judeo-Christian foundation of our nation.”On June 19, Gov. Jeff Landry of Louisiana signed legislation requiring public classrooms to display the Ten Commandments, a practice struck down as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1980. A rich endorsement...
  • Hard-Hitting New Commercial Exposes How Abortions Kill Women

    10/27/2023 8:50:17 PM PDT · by Morgana · 8 replies
    Life News ^ | October 27, 2023 | Steven Ertelt
    A hard-hitting new commercial opposing Issue 1 in Ohio exposes how “safe, legal” abortions are killing women. Pro-abortion advocates are lying in their campaign ads telling voters that Ohio’s Issue 1 will protect “women’s lives.” These ads are filled with propaganda “that doctors need to be able to make life-saving decisions that protect their patients.” In response, Created Equal’s new media buy features a TV ad that debunks these lies by revealing how unregulated abortion isn’t safe for women or children. Video Player VIDEO ON LINK 00:00 00:30 The fact is, if Issue 1 passes, all restrictions and regulations protecting...
  • Impeach Justice Thomas! Change.Org (Thomas Derangement Syndrome)

    07/14/2022 1:00:28 PM PDT · by mikelets456 · 27 replies ^ | 7/14/2022 |
    They need the house to vote 50% plus 1 and 67% in the senate. These people just don't stop! Justice Thomas has demonstrated a lack of conviction in upholding Law of the Land in terms of what is right for the majority of Americans. Roe v Wade is just one right that Thomas has had his eye on. Contraceptives, Same Sex Marriage, and Same Sex Relationships are next. This Justice does not belong in a position where he can impose his bigotry, homophobia, and fascist views on the majority of Americans who stand to lose so much from his forced...
  • The Case That Could Blow Up American Election Law

    07/11/2022 5:18:03 AM PDT · by libstripper · 87 replies
    MSN ^ | July 11, 2022 | Thomas Wolf
    embers of the Supreme Court’s conservative supermajority just last week took the next step in a little-noticed, but extremely dangerous, project: attempting to jam into law a radical misinterpretation of the Constitution’s elections and electors clauses, which, if successful, would create electoral chaos across the country. Before next summer, and well in advance of the 2024 presidential election, the Court could strip state courts and state constitutions of their ability to check and balance state legislators when they make laws for federal elections, giving partisan majorities near-total control over how voters cast ballots and how those ballots are counted. And...
  • Conflating 'Originalist' with 'Conservative' is a Deliberate Act of Deception

    07/09/2022 4:56:36 AM PDT · by MtnClimber · 12 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 9 Jul, 2022 | Richard McDonough
    The Left continues to push a narrative that the SCOTUS is compromised by "conservatives" -- let's set the record straight. In the exposition of laws, and even of Constitutions, how many important errors may be produced by mere innovations in the use of words and phrases, if not controlled by a recurrence to the original and authentic meaning attached to them! - James Madison, fourth president of the United States, often called the “Father of the Constitution” (1826) Immediately after the recent SCOTUS rulings on abortion and the EPA, many voices from the Left immediately labeled the justices “extremist,” undemocratic,...
  • Impeach Clarence Thomas Petition Hits 1M Signatures: 'Justice is Needed'

    07/04/2022 10:15:58 PM PDT · by lowbridge · 54 replies
    Newsweek ^ | July 4, 2022 | KHALEDA RAHMAN 
    The petition -snip by advocacy group MoveOn after it emerged that Thomas' wife, Virginia "Ginni" Thomas, had repeatedly urged aides of former President Donald Trump to try to overturn the result of the 2020 presidential election, prompting calls for the justice to recuse himself from cases related to the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. The petition has gained hundreds of thousands of signatures since the court overturned Roe v. Wade last week, stripping away constitutional protections for abortion. It was addended to note that Thomas, who voted with the majority to overturn the landmark ruling, "made it...
  • Thomas Fires Warning Shot at Media, Organizations That Lie About Conservatives

    07/05/2022 6:53:57 AM PDT · by rktman · 17 replies ^ | 6/28/2022 | Hans von Spakovsky
    President Joe Biden and his liberal compatriots in politics, the media, and social media constantly are crowing about “misinformation.” Although the type of censorship they seem to support is not the answer, reconsideration of the legal standard governing defamation, as Justice Clarence Thomas has urged, might be. The Supreme Court denied certiorari Monday in the case of Coral Ridge Ministries Media v. Southern Poverty Law Center. In his dissent from the high court’s refusal to accept the appeal, Thomas once again urges fellow justices to reconsider the double standard for defamation that the court established in New York Times v....
  • Glenn Greenwald slams CNN’s Rex Chapman for ‘racist’ attack on Clarence Thomas

    07/04/2022 1:04:03 PM PDT · by nickcarraway · 9 replies
    New York Post ^ | July 4, 2022 | Ariel Zilber
    Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald blasted former NBA star and CNN+ host Rex Chapman over the weekend for what Greenwald called “a repulsive outburst of overt racism” directed against Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. According to Greenwald, Chapman had suggested that Thomas, who has been harshly criticized by liberals for being one of six justices who voted to overturn Roe v. Wade last month, “isn’t really black because he doesn’t go to NBA games.” Greenwald then accused Chapman of depicting Thomas as a “race traitor” for marrying a white woman.
  • The New American Slave Revolt, Led by Clarence Thomas

    07/04/2022 6:02:11 AM PDT · by MtnClimber · 7 replies
    American Greatness ^ | 2 Jul, 2022 | Ken Masugi
    With a Fourth of July resolve we would do well to remember that the Washington elite and the administrative state that serves it can only be defeated when the people arise against it. In practice, American politics has always feared but in theory sanctioned slave revolts. Slave revolts are denounced, at least by implication, in the Declaration of Independence itself. The charges against the King culminate in this: “He has excited domestic Insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the Inhabitants of our Frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known Rule of Warfare, is an undistinguished Destruction, of...
  • Supreme Court marshal calls on Maryland officials to enforce laws banning protests outside justices’ homes (took her long enough)

    07/02/2022 2:41:22 PM PDT · by PghBaldy · 17 replies
    Fox News ^ | July 2 | Timothy H.J. Nerozzi & Shannon Bream
    The Supreme Court's top-ranking security official has sent letters to Maryland lawmakers demanding they utilize police and law enforcement to prevent picketing at the homes of justices. Supreme Court Marshal Gail Curley sent two letters — one addressed to Gov. Larry Hogan and another to Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich — demanding that authorities put an end to picketing and "threatening activity" outside the homes of SCOTUS justices.
  • George Washington University Rejects Student Petition to Fire Justice Clarence Thomas as Law Professor

    07/02/2022 2:12:49 PM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 15 replies
    PJ Media ^ | 07/02/2022 | Robert Spencer
    You might think that students at any university would be thrilled to have a Supreme Court Justice — any Supreme Court Justice — on board as an adjunct law professor, and maybe that would be true in a sane world, but while America in 2022 can be called many things, “sane” is not high on the list.A petition to administrators at George Washington University to fire Justice Clarence Thomas from its law faculty has received over 9,000 signatures, but in a move that is decidedly at odds with campus culture today, the university has adamantly refused to fire Thomas and...
  • Delaware governor signs law allowing midwives to abort babies

    07/02/2022 9:49:36 AM PDT · by Roman_War_Criminal · 14 replies
    Life Site News ^ | 7/1/22 | Matt Lamb
    Delaware’s Democratic Governor John Carney signed legislation on Wednesday to further expand abortions in the state, including allowing midwives to kill babies in the womb. The legislation “authorizes” a physician assistant or midwife to commit an abortion before “viability.” Abortion has been considered a “right” in the state since 2017. The legislation expands on another pro-abortion bill signed by Carney in April. The Associated Press reported: In April, Carney signed a bill allowing physician assistants and advanced practice registered nurses to prescribe abortion-inducing medications including mifepristone and misoprostol. Lawmakers followed that up with a bill signed by Carney this week...
  • New York to Vote on Including Abortion in State Constitution Because…It's New York

    07/02/2022 2:09:05 PM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 15 replies
    PJ Media ^ | 07/02/2022 | Mitch Picasso
    The democrat-controlled legislature in the state of New York has passed an amendment that, if fully enacted, would enshrine the right to contraceptives and abortion of pre-born children in the womb.”New York will always be a safe harbor for abortion care,” Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul stated in a tweet.New York will always be a safe harbor for abortion care, but we also need Congress to act.The Senate filibuster is preventing a majority of Senators from speaking on behalf of a majority of Americans. @POTUS is right: We must suspend it to protect reproductive rights.— Governor Kathy Hochul (@GovKathyHochul) July 1,...
  • NYS Passes Sweeping Gun Control Measures In Wake Of Supreme Court Ruling, And It’ll Blow Your Mind

    07/02/2022 9:51:25 AM PDT · by aimhigh · 64 replies
    Concealed Nation ^ | 07/01/2022 | Brandon Curtis
    In response to last week’s Supreme Court ruling that removed the requirement for “proper cause” when seeking out a concealed carry permit, New York has made a bold move to lay down a number of additional requirements and rules surrounding the permitting process, and carrying firearms.Places that will be off-limits (some are currently banned places) when the new laws take effect September 1st 2022 are:schools universities government buildings places where people have gathered for public protests health care facilities places of worship libraries public playgrounds and parks day care centers summer camps addiction and mental health centers shelters public transit...
  • White CNN Host: 'Why Have You Never Seen Clarence Thomas at an NBA Game?'

    07/01/2022 10:30:21 AM PDT · by Rummyfan · 127 replies
    PJ Media ^ | 1 July2022 | Matt Margolis
    Rex Chapman, a former NBA player who had a short-lived show on the short-lived CNN+ streaming service suggested that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is a “black white supremacist” in the wake of the Dobbs ruling, and seemed to suggest Thomas wasn’t authentically black because he’s never seen him attend an NBA game. Chapman first shared a video on Twitter of a 2018 graduation event at Christendom College that showed Thomas and the son of the late Justice Antonin Scalia, among other graduates. “Not another person of color in the picture…” Chapman observed. “I think the thing I think is...
  • Twitter just permanently banned a pastor after he told people the wages of sin is death and implored them to turn to Christ

    06/29/2022 8:39:29 AM PDT · by Red Badger · 33 replies ^ | Jun 29th, 2022 11:20 am | John Knox
    Apparently, Christianity is no longer acceptable in the marketplace of ideas, Twitter. An associate pastor in Texas, Gabriel Hughes, was just permanently banned from Twitter with no stated explanation from the social media site. Gabe is a popular Twitter user in conservative Christian circles and is often seen as "controversial" because he actually preaches the Bible. The tweet that got him the perma-boot from Twitter was one in which he stated that all sin is worthy of death, which is kinda the underlying premise for God's redemptive work throughout the entirety of the Bible believed over thousands of years by...
  • Hillary Clinton once again injects her ugly self into the arena to attack Clarence Thomas

    06/29/2022 7:46:48 AM PDT · by Starman417 · 25 replies
    Flopping Aces ^ | 06-29-22 | DrJohn
    Hillary Clinton is a truly ugly person. She was the architect of the Russian collusion accusation plot against Donald Trump, a plot created to distract the country from her abuse of intelligence and her emails. It put the country through years of unnecessary pain. Clinton condemned half of the country as "deplorable." This time, she puts her devious nature to work against one on the finest Americans alive today- Clarence Thomas. Without a doubt, Clinton solicited Gayle King to conduct an interview with Clinton on CBS Mornings as a vehicle for impeaching Thomas. In the exchange the harridan claimed: "I...
  • CBS Gets Weak Knees Over Hillary Clinton’s ‘Powerful’ Smearing of Conservatives, Thomas

    06/28/2022 9:07:35 PM PDT · by Morgana · 9 replies
    mrc NewsBusters ^ | June 28, 2022 | Curtis Houck
    Over the course of nearly 10 minutes on Tuesday (nine minutes and 43 seconds, excluding a whopping five teases), CBS Mornings sat enthralled by Hillary Clinton as she seethed over the Dobbs Supreme Court case overturning Roe v. Wade, boasting of her “fascinating” and “powerful” sit-down and “stark warning” for the American people that “women will die” and our system of government’s in danger because of abortion opponents. Co-host Nate Burleson teased the interview in the show’s Eye Opener: “And a stark warning from Hillary Clinton after the controversial decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.” Co-host and Democratic party donor...
  • Twitter OK with threat to kill Clarence Thomas, but censors COVID study [(Real) Insurrection Alert]

    06/28/2022 6:23:07 PM PDT · by fwdude · 20 replies
    World Net Daily ^ | June 28, 2022 | Art Moore
    Twitter's values were on display this week with the social media giant's censorship of a peer-reviewed study that conflicted with its COVID-19 narrative while allowing, at the same time, death threats against Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Just the News noted the threats reported by Center Square juxtaposed with the suspension of the account of Brown University epidemiologist Andrew Bostom for sharing the results of study published by the Andrology Society of America. … Meanwhile, Center Square compiled several threats against Thomas by users along with calls to burn down the Supreme Court building in response to the ruling announced...