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Keyword: angels

Brevity: Headers | « Text »
  • A Safe Place in the Midst of These Volatile Elections (Part 2)

    11/09/2024 6:47:15 AM PST · by Rev M. Bresciani
    New American Prophet ^ | November 9, 2024 | Dr. Michael Brown
    Psalm 91 invites us to take refuge in God alone, the ultimate place of safety. In part 1, we covered verses 1-4. Now, we continue with the rest of the psalm. Enjoy! Verses 5-6: “You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.” (NIV) The Hebrew word pakhad can refer to a “fear” or to the thing feared (as in something fearful), translated here as “terror.” Dwelling in that holy hiding place, we do not fear anything night or...
  • Ep. 5 - Entertaining Angels | UFOs and Alien Abductions (VIDEO)

    09/05/2024 1:46:40 AM PDT · by SaveFerris · 60 replies
    John Ankerberg Show YouTube Channel ^ | Jun 28, 2024 | John Ankerberg Show
    Dr. Ross explains that angels are not constrained by the laws of physics or space-time dimensions. What does that mean for us in terms of our interactions with them?
  • Video: Michael Heiser…Are Aliens Demons? Are Alien Abductions Real?

    07/28/2023 1:43:58 AM PDT · by spirited irish · 87 replies
    PatriotandLiberty ^ | 2023 | Michael Heiser
    Dr. Michael S. Heiser talks about the idea of there being alien life and what that could mean for Christianity. He discusses the popular idea that aliens are related to demons, or are demons. In addition, he takes a look at the phenomena of alien abduction and whether or not there is some truth to the events of what people have reported happened to them.
  • AMERICA Prayer Vigil June 8, 2022 ~PRAYER~

    06/07/2022 11:17:36 PM PDT · by Norski · 22 replies
    FreeRepublic ^ | June 8, 2022 | Free Republic Intercessors
    Join with fellow FREEPERS across the world to pray for AMERICA: For those in Authority in Government, Family, Military, Business, Agri-Business, Healthcare, Education, Churches, Technology, and the Media. "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone: for kings and all those in authority that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness." (1 Timothy 2:1-2) NOTE: Religion Forum threads labeled [Prayer] are closed to debate of any kind.
  • Anaheim Mayor Resigns Due to Corruption Probe Into Angels Stadium Land Sale

    05/24/2022 12:53:25 PM PDT · by ChicagoConservative27 · 13 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 05/24/2022 | Warner Todd Huston
    Anaheim Mayor Harry Sidhu announced on Monday that he has resigned from office amid an investigation that finds him accused of trying to shake down officials at Angel Stadium and other public corruption. Sidhu said he is stepping down after being accused of bribery, fraud, obstruction of justice, and witness tampering, according to the L.A. Times
  • (Catholic/Orthodox Caucus) St. Michael the Archangel Is the Patron Saint of Kyiv, the Capital of Ukraine

    03/05/2022 5:18:24 AM PST · by GonzoII · 2 replies
    CNA via National Catholic Register ^ | March 4, 2022 | Francesca Pollio Fenton
    A statue of St. Michael the Archangel stands in the center of Kyiv, depicted with a shield and a sword, as the protector of the capital of Ukraine and the entire country, which is now threatened by the invasion of Russia. Placed in 2002, the statue, constructed of bronze and gold, stands above the Lach Gates in Independence Square in Kyiv. St. Michael the Archangel is the patron saint of Kyiv and is also at the center of the coat of arms of the Ukrainian capital. The history of this devotion is reported by Catholic News Agency’s sister agency, ACI...
  • (CATHOLIC/ORTHODOX CAUCUS) Major Archbishop: Many Seeing ‘Luminous Angels Over the Land of Ukraine’

    03/05/2022 5:53:27 AM PST · by GonzoII · 17 replies
    CNA via National Catholic Register ^ | March 4, 2022 | CNA Staff
    Social media users have shared unverified images purporting to show cloud formations resembling angels in Kyiv. The leader of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church said on Friday that “many people” have told him that they have seen “luminous angels over the land of Ukraine.” Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk was speaking in a video message recorded on March 4 in the besieged Ukrainian capital Kyiv, whose patron saint is St. Michael the Archangel. “Here in Kyiv we perceive that the patron of our city is the Archangel Michael who with the cry ‘Who is like God?’ cast into the abyss Lucifer...
  • Lord, Open His Eyes...Elijah pt 26

    Then the king of Syria warred against Israel, and took counsel with his servants, saying, In such and such a place shall be my camp. And the man of God sent unto the king of Israel, saying, Beware that thou pass not such a place; for thither the Syrians are come down. And the king of Israel sent to the place which the man of God told him and warned him of, and saved himself there, not once nor twice. Therefore the heart of the king of Syria was sore troubled for this thing; and he called his servants, and...
  • America Prayer Vigil – December 5, 2021

    12/04/2021 9:03:59 PM PST · by SisterK · 27 replies
    Free Republic ^ | December 5, 2021 | Free Republic Intercessors
    Join with fellow FREEPERS to pray for AMERICA: For those in Authority in Government, Family, Military, Business, Healthcare, Education, Churches, and the Media. I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone: for kings and all those in authority that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 1 Timothy 2:1-2 Religion Forum threads labeled “Prayer” are closed to debate of any kind.
  • The Best Christmas

    11/28/2021 6:11:30 PM PST · by Blood of Tyrants · 21 replies
    From a story I saved | Unknown | Unknown
    It was Christmas Eve 1942. I was fifteen years old and feeling like the world had caved in on me because there just hadn't been enough money to buy me the rifle that I'd wanted for Christmas.
  • [Catholic Caucus] Angels: Fellow Worshipers in the Liturgy of Heaven

    09/30/2021 6:46:56 AM PDT · by ebb tide · 3 replies
    One Peter Five ^ | September 28, 2021 | Peter Kwasniewski
    [Catholic Caucus] Angels: Fellow Worshipers in the Liturgy of HeavenLike all ancient liturgical rites of the Church, the traditional Roman rite of Mass—especially if one includes the Asperges me and the Leonine prayer to St. Michael—is full of references and allusions to the holy angels, and more than that, prayers directly addressed to them. To cite all these wonderful texts, let alone comment on them, would make a lengthy article in itself. Since my purpose here is not to analyze the text of the Mass but to present an accessible introduction to the angels, I will pass up this tempting...
  • Our Guardian Angels Watch Over Us.

    09/18/2021 6:24:31 AM PDT · by JAG 5000 · 8 replies
    Our Guardian Angels Watch Over Us. By JAG September 18,2021 Based on . . . Matthew 18:1-10 Hebrews 1:14 Psalms 34:7 many have concluded that each of we Christians have at least one, or more, Guardian Angles that are assigned to watchcare and protect us during our lifetime. Matthew 18:10 “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven." Hebrews 1:14 "Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?" Psalms 34:7 "The angel of...

    06/24/2021 8:37:13 PM PDT · by norsky · 22 replies
    . | June 24, 2021 | Free Republic Intercessors
    Join together with fellow FREEPERS to pray for AMERICA: For those in Authority in Government, Family, Military, Business, Healthcare, Education, Churches, and the Media. I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for everyone: for kings and all those in authority that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. ~ 1 Timothy 2:1-2 Religion Forum Threads labeled [Prayer] are closed to debate of any kind.
  • America Prayer Vigil May 14, 2021

    05/14/2021 5:06:45 AM PDT · by norsky · 21 replies | May 14, 2021 | Free Republic Intercessors
    Join with fellow FREEPERS across the world to pray for AMERICA: For those in Authority in Government, Family, Military, Business, Agri-Business, Healthcare, Education, Churches, Technology, and the Media. I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone: for kings and all those in authority that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. (1 Timothy 2:1-2) Religion Forum threads labeled [Prayer] are closed to debate of any kind.
  • Synaxis of the Archangel Michael & the other Bodiless Powers: Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Salaphiel, Jegudiel, & Barachiel

    11/07/2020 2:27:42 PM PST · by lightman · 10 replies
    Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America ^ | 29 October A.D. 2020 | Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Staff
    All the Angels, according to the Apostle Paul, are ministering spirits, - sent forth to minister to them who shall be heirs of salvation - (Heb. 1:14). God set them as overseers of every nation and people, and guides to that which is profitable (Deut. 32:8); and while one Angel is appointed to oversee each nation as a whole, one is also appointed to protect each Christian individually. He commands them to guard them that hope on Him, that nothing should harm them, neither should any evil draw nigh to their dwelling (Ps. 90:10-12). In the Heavens they always behold...
  • AMERICA Prayer Vigil 11/2/20 {Prayer}

    11/01/2020 10:05:15 PM PST · by Kitty Mittens · 53 replies
    11/2/20 | Kitty Mittens
    The “Donald Trump/Mike Pence Prayer Vigil” and “Pray for our American Heroes" Prayer Thread have Combined to Form the AMERICA PRAYER VIGIL Prayer Thread! Join with Fellow FREEPERS to Pray for our PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP/VICE PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE and AMERICA: Government, Family, Military, Business, Education, Churches, and the Media. 'And this is the Confidence that we have in Him, that, if we Ask Anything According to His Will, He Heareth us.' 1 John 5:14 Religion Forum Threads Labeled [Prayer] are Closed to Debate of Any Kind. Psalm 71:7,8 My Success—at which So Many Stand Amazed—is because You are my Mighty...
  • Demonic Foes: My Twenty-Five Years as a Psychiatrist Investigating Possessions, Diabolic Attacks, and the Paranormal (October 6, 2020 release )

    10/04/2020 12:03:57 AM PDT · by tired&retired · 281 replies
    Amazon Books ^ | October 6, 2020 | Richard Gallagher M.D
    The world’s leading psychiatric authority on demonic possession delves into the hidden world of exorcisms and his own transformation from cynic to believer over the course of his twenty-five-year career. Successful New York psychiatrist Richard Gallagher was skeptical yet intrigued when a hard-nosed, no-nonsense Catholic priest asked him to examine a woman for a possible exorcism. Meeting her, Gallagher was astonished. The woman’s behavior defied logic. In an instant, she could pinpoint a person’s secret weaknesses. She knew how individuals she’d never known had died, including Gallagher’s own mother, who passed away after a lengthy battle with ovarian cancer. She...
  • On the Ministry of Angels in Creation

    06/15/2020 11:33:29 AM PDT · by Salvation · 6 replies
    Archdiocese of Washington ^ | 06-14-20 | Msgr. Charles Pope
    Posted on June 14, 2020June 14, 2020 by Msgr. Charles Pope On the Ministry of Angels in Creation The conclusion of the Book of Tobit features the Archangel Raphael revealing himself to Tobit and others and explaining his ministry to them. This post I write is not a full angelology, it is just a grateful reflection for God, his angels and his creation. Book-length treatments are necessary for a good angelology. If you are looking for a readable, and brief account of angelology I might recommend The Angels and Their Mission According to the Fathers of the Church, by...
  • Thunderbirds and Blue Angels release map showing route over Philadelphia for flyover on Tuesday (& NYC, NJ)

    04/28/2020 2:25:20 AM PDT · by Libloather · 51 replies
    Pennlive ^ | 4/27/20 | Deb Kiner
    The U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds have released a map that shows the route they and the U.S. Navy Blue Angels will follow for a flyover on Tuesday, April 28. The “America Strong” flyover by the military precision flying teams is meant to be a salute to health care workers during the coronavirus pandemic and a sign of national unity. The flyover begins at Joint Base Maguire-Dix-Lakehurst at 1:45 then goes over Levittown and Trenton before heading south for three loops over the Philadelphia region around 1:55 p.m. The flyover then heads south over Wilmington at 2:15 p.m. President Trump announced...
  • What is this flying around Trump at the briefing?

    04/07/2020 5:06:12 PM PDT · by BookaT · 48 replies
    Can you tell me what this is flying around Trump during the briefing? Looks like a feather or an angel... If you were trying to kill the president would you think of floating a feather from the audience laden with toxins?