Posted on 10/04/2020 12:03:57 AM PDT by tired&retired
The worlds leading psychiatric authority on demonic possession delves into the hidden world of exorcisms and his own transformation from cynic to believer over the course of his twenty-five-year career.
Successful New York psychiatrist Richard Gallagher was skeptical yet intrigued when a hard-nosed, no-nonsense Catholic priest asked him to examine a woman for a possible exorcism. Meeting her, Gallagher was astonished. The womans behavior defied logic. In an instant, she could pinpoint a persons secret weaknesses. She knew how individuals shed never known had died, including Gallaghers own mother, who passed away after a lengthy battle with ovarian cancer. She spoke fluently in multiple languages, including Latinbut only when she was in a trance.
This was not psychosis, Gallagher concluded. It was, in his scientific estimation, what could only be describe as paranormal ability. The woman wasnt mentally disturbedshe was possessed. This remarkable case was the first of many that Gallagher would encounter
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
He earned a bachelor's degree at Princeton University in Classics, Phi beta Kappa, winning the class Stinnecke Scholarship Award in Latin and Greek. After teaching and playing basketball in France, he came back to the U.S. for medical school and eventually trained as a resident in psychiatry at Yale University.
He is the longest-standing member of the International Association of Exorcists since the early 1990's, serving for a time as a scientific adviser on its governing board. He has devoted many years to distinguishing the rare cases of overt demonic attacks from the much more common conditions of medical and psychiatric disorders. In this capacity Dr. Gallagher has undoubtedly seen more cases of possession - many quite harrowing - than any other physician in the world.
He lives in Westchester, N.Y., after serving for many years as the county's psychiatric emergency and crisis director.
I’ve had many sessions similar to Dr. Gallagher.
It’s time for this battle to become public as the weeds are now sprouting and the battle has begun.
There are many levels of incarnate souls or spirits around us. They range from the lost souls of aborted fetuses, to ghosts that are afraid of the Light from Heaven, to the truly dark evil demonic spirits here to disrupt God’s work.
They don't dare try anything in a red state or they will be rehabbing in mom's basement for many months. And Mom will NOT like that!
Are you on the right thread?
What say you?
An honest comment...
Anything’s possible, but maybe it was time for something to happen, real or perceived, after that lengthy 25 year investment.
Likely mentioned somewhere, but no doubt that particular event was recorded, right?
Hell, yeah. timestax is speaking in tongues... lol
In the early 1990’s an 38 year old emergency room nurse came to me due to severe pain in her left arm and shoulder. It was severe to the point she could not work and was going on disability. She had run the gamut of medical tests and the only diagnosis was arthritis.
This woman was merely sitting in my office explaining her situation when I asked, “If that pain in your shoulder could speak, what would it say?”
A male voice answered through her mouth shouting, “Get out of here!”
Startled, I asked “Who said that?”
He replied with his name and went on to explain that he was killed in a car accident on Rt. 15 in South Williamsport on the corner near McDonald’s. He explained that he followed his body in the ambulance to the hospital ER, where he saw this nurse in distress and he entered her.
After an extensive discussion with many details, I realized that her shoulder pain was his memory from the pain experienced during the auto accident. With some prayerful words, I escorted him to the Light and her shoulder pain was gone.
This was the very first such experience which at the time was way outside my belief system. The words doing the work just flowed from my mouth and “I” just listened. It was the first of many, many far more bizarre sessions over the past 30 years.
Allow me to say, I am Christian, Jesus is my Savior, and the Bible is the word of God.
I love early Sunday mornings on FR.
I thought it said “demonic fees.”
I have had total strangers approach me, start shouting and screaming at me. I raised my hand, palm toward them and started praying. They fell to the ground, started growling, hissing and barking at me.
They then go into a fetal position and go limp as the deman exits their physical body.
Thanks...just what I need is another book. I’ll never get to read all the other ones I have in my bookcases before I die. This one sounds fascinating though. I may have to get the Kindle copy. By the way, did you happen to watch the first season of “Evil” on CBS? It’s the first thing I thought of when I read the book description on Amazon. It’s a pretty spooky show. The only other program I watch on CBS is SEAL Team.
I trust you to be telling the truth.
HUH? By what authority do you speak on the supernatural?
There is only one such book, and that is the Bible. There are demons, and there are angles. That is it.
Two years ago I visited New Orleans for the beginning of Mardi Gras. I was walking down Bourbon Street, listening to the wonderful music coming out of the open doors of the clubs. I was not drinking at all.
One club had a live band playing Credence Clearwater Revival songs, and they were pretty good, so I entered.
The smell of Sulphur was so strong, I couldn’t stand it and had to leave. No one else could smelling, and the place was packed.
There is a lot more to this reality than meets most people’s eyes.
I got the chills reading your comment. God Bless you. Is that Route 15, Williamsport in Pennsylvania? If so, I used to drive that sometimes when I went to Gettysburg after visiting my sister when she lived in both Corning, and Rochester, NY.
I’m partial to acute angles myself. :)
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