Posted on 09/21/2003 12:13:53 PM PDT by pc93
Terri's Call to Action Part 1 is over 5000 posts. If you don't want to get caught up to speed at Part 1:
Simply visit Terri's official web site at:
There are contact numbers at her web site for her core media team, legislators, media and for press updates.
See flash movies of Terri interacting with her mother, responding to a physician and see for yourself that she's not in PVS "persistant vegetative state").
In addition to access a text file with a lot of information see:
If you want to join Terri's fight, it's important for us to CONTACT BUREAUCRATS, THE MEDIA and also your friends and family. It's up to you how you choose to Help Terri.
Pinellas Pasco Judge Greer set October 15, 2003 at 2:00 p.m. for her feeding tube to be removed. There's something wrong with Florida's exit protocols and the way the courts handle new information re: criminality (misrepresentation, attempted murder, etc.) affecting a case. There was no living will, only the assertion of a very suspect, so-called husband, his brother, etc. that Terri would not want to live on life support. Terri is not on life support, she is not comatose or PVS and she is not living "artificially". She does get sustenance from a feeding tube but only because she has been denied rehabilitation by her so-called husband after he won a malpratice lawsuit three years after her collapse (cause unknown but probably due to strangulation or physical abuse, or both) which is why Terri needs an army of supporters to spread her story from coast to coast. Terri has retained rights that are being sidestepped because she is disabled and has been denied rehabilitation! The technologies of rehabilitation have greatly improved exponentially yet Judge Greer has not let Terri have a chance to learn to eat or to be able to learn to speak/communicate again. Also new information bearing on the case which shows criminality on husband's side has not been considered by the 2nd District Court of Appeals who handed down Mandate for termination of Terri's feeding based upon testimony of criminal husband and brother as above stated. Who is next?
Let's make a difference! Thank you for your efforts.
I didn't know that.
I think it is strange that he would kill himself if he thought he had a won a real "victory." Something seems to be missing from the picture.
The whole thing in St. Louis just fascinates me because the culture is one of a very conservative, religious city overall.
That might have been offset a bit by the city's location along the Mississippi River. A lot of the cities along the Mississippi have tended to be a little more liberal than the surrounding areas in recent times.
I don't know if that trend was in effect around the time Nancy Cruzan was killed.
JOE CRUZAN: If the decision's wrong, if we're playing God, thenI'll have to live with that, and I'm willing to
Odd that the nurse's comment was cut off here...
Mr. CRUZAN: What are you having today, steak?NURSE: Iamolite.
Mr. CRUZAN: Boy, she sure responds to that voice.
NURSE: Yeah, she does. I can come in here and--
Too bad he can't recall and edit all those books in which he reveals his wacky thinking patterns. If his acolytes edit enough books with black magic markers, they might be able to undo some of the harm his own words caused his reputation.
It's apparent that Felos thinks he is on a "higher plane" than the rest of us. I hope Floridians have learned enough about him to know they should distance themselves from him.
You do know she ate scrambled eggs, and many other foods, before they decided to put in the feeding tube?
This feeding tube is like a doorway to being killed right now. Once it is in, the patient is labeled dependent on artificial food and fluid.
This country is going backwards - from a culture of caring for people to a culture of institutionalizing and dehumanizing them. It makes me ill that we are starving and dehydrating people like Nancy.
bwt, thanks for the links the other day.
She is just the same old academic mouthpiece. As I am sure you know, Wesley has written about these bioethics and ethics committees at hospitals. They were apparently the brainchild of the good doctor in Minnesota, and that seems to coincide well with some of the early stuff I found in the NEJM the other day.
We're very, very far-gone. It is way past the hour.
"JEFFERSON CITY - Nancy Cruzan's father said Tuesday that Attorney General William Webster had sought political gain with abortion foes by leading Missouri's 3 1/2-year legal fight against disconnecting the comatose woman's feeding tube. ''My daughter Nancy was used for political purposes,'' Joe Cruzan of Carterville said in an interview. ''Bill Webster is first, last and always a politician,'' Cruzan said of the Republican nominee...."
"Attorney General-elect Jay Nixon will act within his first week in office to end the state's fight to prevent Christine Busalacchi's family from removing her feeding tubes, a spokesman said Thursday. Spokesman Bill Chiang said that Nixon immediately wanted to fulfill his frequent contention during the campaign that the state of Missouri had no business being involved in the dispute, which is at the center of a right-to-die controversy. Nixon, a Democrat and a state..."
There was also a letter to the editor about the money spent by the state to defend the lives of the two women.
I'm sorry. I couldn't resist telling the good folks on FR about Melone's column.
Let Schiavo fade away, as so many others do
stevenmc has already asked a good question over there.
I haven't followed this case as much as some people have. My question is: what do this woman's brain scans show? Is there any activity going on up there? I've seen the videos, and they are compelling, but I'm not an expert and her reactions to stimulus could be merely reflexive. So what do her brain scans show?
Your head would explode if you saw Mary Jo Melone's column today. She went too far this time and I spoke to the about it this morning and left a message on her voicemail.
There are two numbers to call to ASK FOR THE ACTION LINE TO COMPLAIN ABOUT her 9-25-03 column.
Call 1-800-888-7012 to COMPLAIN by asking for Action Line.(if you have a subscription threaten to stop your subscription) then ASK to be transferred to THE ACTION LINE. ACTION LINE'S #IS: 727-893-8171 for locals.
More than one employee at the paper is praying for Terri Schiavo, in addition to Howard Troxler. A St. Pete Times employee doesn't read Melone's column at all because of their blood pressure. lol
IMO, Mary Jo Melone should "issue a retraction" or "be fired". I'll only give you the headline and you can find her column at Prepare yourself - The Headline is:
The News Desk also directed folks to DO LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: (no attachments but name, address, phone number which aren't published)
The Dixie Chicks' comments pale in comparison to what Melone has put in the paper today. HER INFO: or PHONE #813-226-3402.
IMO, she should be fired but a retraction would be APPROPRIATE even though columnists have more free rein than reporters.
It's up to you what you should do but those are the options per times staffers sympathetic to Terri's fight. THEY WERE APPALLED BY THE HEADLINE TOO.
Let's see...
But in Florida, the State Judge Greer has the final say on the killing of disabled people like Terri. Right?
This is confusing.
Who is in charge of defending the most vulnerable?
I THINK SHE SHOULD BE FIRED or ISSUE A BIG RETRACTION, even if being a columnist gives her more latitude.
Thanks for the information. Since her sense of smell was good, I wonder if they bothered to try reaching her through that sense?
Seems like it would have been a good place to start.
Immediate family and the good caring doctor in your life.
You see, it is about privacy and family rights. Things we care about on our end of things, of course. As a homeschooler, I don't want the state telling me what to teach my kids, for instance.
Though you do know the insurance companies have been running the show for quite some time now. Trust me, I have disabled kids who are very expensive to care for.
By far one of the more chilling things I have read recently was the blurb I posted about Jason Childress, in which one family member who wanted life for Jason, spoke about the *hospital* having decided to not do any rehab with him and to not provide antibiotics if he were to get sick.
This is a chilling and *real* warning of the futile care policies Wesley has written about in his books and elsewhere. Looks like they are coming sooner than I had thought in some parts of the country.
Ultimately, it's Judge Lazzara who will decide this matter. He's a fair Judge.
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