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Activism/Chapters (News/Activism)

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  • Happy Birthday, Jim Robinson, 2024!

    11/03/2024 3:27:10 PM PST · by Albion Wilde · 267 replies | November 3, 2024
    Freepers, this is Jim Robinson's special day! Be sure to vote early, be sure to vote conservative, and be sure to wish JimRob a very happy birthday! Without Jim and his brainchlld FreeRepublic, this nation would have gone completely to the dark side a couple of administrations ago!
  • Arizona State Senate... One more step ...

    09/01/2024 9:19:56 AM PDT · by Hildy · 108 replies
    Me | Hildy Angius
    received this in the mail the other day:
  • Inviting All Tampa Bay FReepers To A July 4th Meet-Up For Beer, Wine, and Wood-Burning Brick Oven Pizza!

    06/21/2024 12:14:31 PM PDT · by 4Runner · 33 replies
    June 21, 2024 | Self
    Trying to get an idea if this would work. How many FReepers are in our area? Was thinking adults only, since we are oldsters, and there will be alcohol. Trying to get some idea of level of interest. Also if any FReeper has done this before, how did you keep left-wing trolls/activists from gate-crashing your backyard? Pizza provided by us, hand-made from scratch with Italian ingredients, cooked either on the charcoal grill or in an 800-degree wood burning brick oven. BYOB, beer/wine whatever, and BYOF bring your own fireworks too. We have two large crated hounds, so no pets. But...
  • Pro-Trump Christian Leader: MAGA '1,000 Percent' Fighting 'Spiritual War'

    03/20/2023 11:48:40 PM PDT · by Syncro · 68 replies
    Newsweek ^ | On 2/2/23 | By Katherine Fung
    Sean Feucht, a pro-Trump Christian leader, thinks that the nation is "1,000 percent" in a spiritual war.Speaking on Steve Bannon's War Room podcast on Thursday, Feucht, who had visited the Capitol earlier that day, said he felt less spiritual "resistance" than he had in his previous visits."It says in the Bible, 'Battle is not against flesh and blood,' and I can tell you—I come to D.C. quite often—and today we were worshiping, actually on the rotunda floor inside of the Capitol, and you can feel it, man," Feucht said. "It's a real spiritual battle that we're in and it's time...
  • Advice to Trump Supporters Considering Protesting His Expected Arrest Next Week, from an Experienced Conservative Street Activist

    03/18/2023 10:20:25 PM PDT · by bitt · 279 replies
    gateway pundit ^ | 3/18/2023 | KRISTINN TAYLOR
    President Trump has called on supporters to protest his expected arrest next week by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg on bogus charges arising out of the alleged 2016 Stormy Daniels hush money arrangement. Several so-called influencers are warning supporters to stay home to avoid being entrapped by the feds into another January 6 riot. As one of the most experienced conservative street activists who was active in our Nation’s Capital for over a decade, I want to offer my advice on whether to go out and protest (yes) and how to do it. First, some background. I was active in...
  • Calling all anti-war conservatives: Call your senators! URGENT!

    12/12/2022 1:17:51 PM PST · by RandFan · 66 replies
    twitter ^ | Dec 12 | Scott Horton
    @scotthortonshow YEMEN YEMEN YEMEN. I know I'm trying yall's patience with this, BUT The Senate is supposed to vote on the War Powers Act resolution SJ Res 56 TOMORROW TUESDAY. Sanders says he has the votes. We have to make sure. Please please please call your senators today. (202) 224-3121 We have a chance -- you and me, regular people -- have a chance to end a war. A terrible, disgusting, no-good, very-bad war. Genocide and Treason. And that's not hyperbole.* Please do what you can to drum up support today and tomorrow. Get you partner and co-workers to call....
  • Remembering Pearl Harbor 81 Years Later

    12/07/2022 6:41:05 AM PST · by j.havenfarm · 47 replies
    My friend Lou Conter was on the deck of the USS Arizona when the Japanese attacked on December 7. Today he’s one of two remaining survivors of the Arizona. I’m please to report he’s still well at 101. I visited him a few weeks ago, and will see this great man again this weekend. Since 2017 I’ve posted here each year my son’s 2017 Eagle Scout Project video biography of Mr Conter. In honor of him and all those who fell, and those who lived to fight on to victory, I present it again now.
  • People's Convoy Rolling Out to DC Beltway Now

    03/06/2022 6:20:56 AM PST · by conservativeimage · 142 replies
    THEPEOPLESCONVOY ^ | 3/6/22 | various
    Watch live here: The convoy has updated their plans. They are in Hagerstown Maryland about 1 hour from DC right now . They will be circling the 495 beltway around DC at minimum legal speeds TWICE then returning to Hagerstown speedway for the night. They will NOT BE STOPPING or impeding traffic. They will NOT be going into DC. The convoy will repeat this slow roll encircling of DC every day until their demands - an end to national COVID emergency. President poopy pants has stated he will veto any bill ending national emergency. See the organizer's interview detailing...
  • USA Freedom Convoy

    02/13/2022 6:00:02 AM PST · by TianaHighrider · 42 replies
    Ways to join, follow, and support the US convoy: (Trolls working hard in there to damper))
  • LIVE Ottawa Raw Footage Freedom Convoy 2022 Day 14 Saturday Feb 12 from ZOKE

    02/12/2022 7:29:26 PM PST · by TianaHighrider · 15 replies Just started watching. Very good on the ground live feed.u Prayers for the truckers and all the supporters fighting for Freedom

    01/23/2022 7:10:59 AM PST · by 4Liberty · 244 replies
    America’s Voice News ^ | 01/23/2022 | Steve Bannon
    Live Coverage starts 10am EST, Real America's Voice. Rally & Speakers start at 1pm EST.
  • Remembering the men of the USS Arizona on Pearl Harbor Day

    12/07/2021 9:08:36 AM PST · by j.havenfarm · 25 replies
    80 years after the day that will live in infamy, let’s remember the men who lost their lives on the USS Arizona. I’m so privileged that one of the two remaining Arizona survivors, Lt. Cmdr. Lou Conter (Ret.) has become a dear friend. I attended his 100th birthday celebration in September, and visited him recently. He’s doing great, but the rigors of traveling to Hawaii and attendance at the public observances would be a bit much. As I do every Pearl Harbor Day, I offer my son’s 2017 Eagle Scout project video biography of Mr Conter.
  • US CAPITOL Rally LIVE VIDEO will appear here when the stream starts at or before Noon Eastern.

    09/18/2021 10:10:13 AM PDT · by FR_addict · 172 replies ^ | Sept 18, 2021 | Matt Braynard
    live rally for J6 in DC I wish I was there. Can't believe what is happening to our country. Matt has great speakers! All the talk about the rally being a setup played into the DEEP STATE hands.
  • World Wide Demonstration (AKA World Wide Rally For Freedom

    08/19/2021 8:20:14 PM PDT · by \/\/ayne · 12 replies
    World Wide Demonstration ^ | 2021 | World Wide Demonstration
    WORLD WIDE DEMONSTRATION 4.0 18th September, 2021180+ Cities around the World.One Weekend - Everyone Together.#WeWillAllBeThereWhat is the World Wide Demonstration?The World Wide Demonstration (AKA World Wide Rally For Freedom) is an internationally syndicated community demonstration dedicated to emboldening citizens to push back against Coronavirus related Restrictions in their countries.The Event is deployed by our member organizations in each city, with full local autonomy at the grass roots level.Demonstrations are coordinated in a decentralized manner using international consensus to align the date, and leaving all event related decisions in the hands of our local implementers.All Events operated by the World Wide...
  • Walkout Wednesday- Declare and Stand for Freedom

    08/07/2021 5:48:39 PM PDT · by TianaHighrider · 55 replies
    Walkoutwednesday ^ | Good question
    Walkout Wednesday Take a stand. Protest FORCED drugging of population. Please share. Need to show the elite the do not own us.
  • Maryland Worldwide Demonstration May 15, 2021

    05/13/2021 6:41:57 PM PDT · by Tolerance Sucks Rocks · 7 replies
    Facebook ^ | May 13 | Lis Kick
    We will stand side by side with people from all over the world for our freedom! One day - all together! Come together and show everyone that we will not silently stand by and lose the Freedoms that we hold so dear. Our Unalienable Rights are being given away in the name of Safety. Let's show everyone: #WeWillAllBeThere, #MyBodyMyChoice, #Freedom, #BelAirMaryland, #Maryland, #peace, #NoMask, #OpenOurSchools, #OpenOurCountry
  • University of Pittsburgh Protest THIS FRIDAY - aborted baby parts trafficking

    There will be a protest on the Univ of Pittsburgh campus this Friday at 11 am. Watch the video and see: the FBI has found Pitt to be a major hub in the trafficking of aborted baby parts and well as a training ground for some of the nation’s most horrific abortion providers.
  • FREEDOM CAR CARAVAN AND RALLY!!! Saturday, April 17th8:00am (1001 Sunvalley Blvd., Concord , CA 94520(details below

    04/13/2021 11:27:20 AM PDT · by Vendome · 35 replies
    My VainGlorious Self | April 13, 2021 | Vendome
    FREEDOM CAR CARAVAN AND RALLY!!! Saturday, April 17th Join the Patriots of Contra Costa for a car caravan from the Sunvalley Mall in Concord (in front of Sears) to Los Gatos for a Freedom Rally. Decorate your cars, attach your flags, bring signs and banners. Come out and celebrate Freedom!!!Meet: 8:00am (1001 Sunvalley Blvd., Concord , CA 94520 – Sear’s parking lot at the intersection of Sunvalley Blvd. and Contra Costa Blvd.) and be on the road by 8:30am Drive: To the Bear Creek Overpass at Highway 17 and the Bear Creek exit overpass Bring: Items to decorate your cars,...
  • Flashback: Rush Limbaugh Meets FReepers at DC Book Party for Brother David, April 18, 2001

    02/17/2021 10:12:54 AM PST · by kristinn · 48 replies
    Free Republic via the Wayback Machine ^ | April 18, 2001 | Angelwood
    DAVID LIMBAUGH -- BOOK SIGNING PARTY FOR "ABSOLUTE POWER" WAS AN ABSOLUTE DELIGHT -- 4/18/01 News/Current Events Breaking News News Keywords: DAVID LIMBAUGH, RUSH LIMBAUGH, SEAN HANNITY, ANN COULTER, MONA CHARON, KATE O'BIERNE, AND MORE Source: Self Published: April 18, 2001 Author: Angelwood Posted on 04/18/2001 21:20:16 PDT by Angelwood Morton's Steak House is located in the Washington Square Building at Connecticut Avenue and L Street in DC. It has been in the news at various times since its opening due to the clientele -- Monica Lewinsky has dined there frequently. I happen to work in this building and found...
  • I am LIVE at the March for life 2021!!! Why are YOU Prolife?

    01/29/2021 10:34:20 AM PST · by Morgana · 33 replies
    Father Frank Pavone ^ | January 29, 2021 | Father Frank Pavone
    I am LIVE at the March for life 2021!!! Why are YOU Prolife? Live stream of the March for Live on the anniversary of Roe vs Wade