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I'm so stupid, I signed up and got the Zot.

Posted on 12/21/2004 12:25:42 PM PST by hk409

Edited on 12/21/2004 12:54:14 PM PST by Admin Moderator. [history]



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To: Allegra

Baghdad? Are you a soldier?

34,181 posted on 07/17/2005 1:05:16 AM PDT by fhayek
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To: fhayek
Baghdad? Are you a soldier?

No, I'm a civilian contractor who works in support of the military here. I handle procurement. Been here for a year and a half.

I do get vacations from time to time, though. We work 7 days, 12 hours a day.

We have Terminal Tiredness Syndrome. ;-)

34,182 posted on 07/17/2005 1:17:05 AM PDT by Allegra (On the Rocks With Salt, Please...)
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To: Allegra

Well God bless you, anyway. We (well, I anyway) appreciate the work you are doing. Where are you from? If I can inquire.

34,183 posted on 07/17/2005 1:23:19 AM PDT by fhayek
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To: fhayek
Where are you from? If I can inquire.

The great city of Houston in the great state of Texas.

We Texans are known for our tendency to be very shy and reserved. And modest about our state. ;-)

34,184 posted on 07/17/2005 1:30:57 AM PDT by Allegra (On the Rocks With Salt, Please...)
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To: queenkathy
I meant this post for you...this thread is being weird...

"I know this has to be hard for you and it's good that you're in an open conversation with the Lord. He is putting you through a trial now and He will even understand if you get angry. He has big shoulders and he can take it. Please know that this will eventually have a conclusion and there will be light.

We are here for you. It must be a helpless feeling with your son, but you are there for him and he knows it and derives comfort from it."

34,185 posted on 07/17/2005 1:32:39 AM PDT by Allegra (On the Rocks With Salt, Please...)
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To: Allegra

Texas? Never heard of it. Say, do you remember the Bills-Oilers playoff game of 1993?

34,186 posted on 07/17/2005 1:37:00 AM PDT by fhayek
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To: fhayek
Say, do you remember the Bills-Oilers playoff game of 1993?

Oh, plunge me in the heart!

How painfully I remember. I was a loyal Oilers season ticket holder then. I am now a proud season ticket holder of the Houston Texans. (Even though I only got to one game last year and will probably only get to go to one this year. But in '06, I plan to go back to attending them ALL.)

The Travesty of January 3, 1993 and its sorrowful legacy is now the property of Bud Adams and the Tennessee Titans. :-)

34,187 posted on 07/17/2005 1:45:07 AM PDT by Allegra (On the Rocks With Salt, Please...)
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To: Allegra

Bills fan here, don't tell me about plunges in the heart. Of the major sports, Houston has had a couple of Champions. (The Rockets won a couple of Titles, if I am not mistaken). Nowhere will you read about Buffalo champions. (AFL '64 and '65 don't count). 0 for 6 in championship play.

34,188 posted on 07/17/2005 1:52:13 AM PDT by fhayek
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To: Allegra

This thread seems to be going ...back... in ...time...

34,189 posted on 07/17/2005 1:53:51 AM PDT by fhayek
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To: fhayek
The Rockets won a couple of Titles, if I am not mistaken

Yes, we did. '94 and '95. And the city celebrated wildly, madly, but in a civilized fashion as the valve of pent-up, repeated sports heartbreaks was opened.

The Astros have frustrated us for years on end. Getting to the playoffs so many times only to {hack! coff! gag!} choke. Why, they did it again just last year.

Houston has never appeared in a Super Bowl or a World Series, but year after year, we faithfully hope and support. Maybe they'll do it sometime this century.

If we're lucky.

I kow the Bills have been frustrating too, but at least they've gotten to the Super Bowl. (What was it...four times in a row?)

34,190 posted on 07/17/2005 2:00:46 AM PDT by Allegra (On the Rocks With Salt, Please...)
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To: tuliptree76
That picture kind of represents me. Sometimes I'm in my own little bubble. ;-)

That's good a girl! *patronizing pat on the head*

34,191 posted on 07/17/2005 4:56:06 AM PDT by Irish_Thatcherite (Terrorism is the modern name we give barbarism.)
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To: Darksheare
Aerokroil, the oil that creeps.

That looks good.

I think I could qualify to buy it, but it looks like they don't ship to Canada. I'll have to inquire.


34,192 posted on 07/17/2005 6:09:45 AM PDT by fanfan (" The liberal party is not corrupt " Prime Minister Paul Martin)
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To: fhayek

I noticed that too. I finally gave up and went to bed. Didn't sleep much though.

34,193 posted on 07/17/2005 6:58:44 AM PDT by queenkathy ("Eat a live toad first thing in the morning. Nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day)
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To: Allegra; All

Words can't describe how wonderful it is to be a part of this group. You have all been so good to me. I needed someone to talk to at 2:30 a.m. and I must knew there were people out there!
I spoke to Paul's nurse today and she said he is not responding well emotionally. Physically he's ok, but he's replaying the accident over and over to anyone who comes into the room. Although this is "normal" they had hoped he would be better. She said if he is handling things this way now, she is concerned for him after the funeral. So are we. Today is our family reunion and I'm the president. It's a responsiblity I feel I need to do since my brother is getting married today at noon but, my heart sure isn't in it. I miss her.

34,194 posted on 07/17/2005 7:02:39 AM PDT by queenkathy ("Eat a live toad first thing in the morning. Nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day)
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To: SandyInSeattle
Having a nice vacation? It's drizzling here. Nice and gloomy!

I am envious. Drizzle over sizzle, anyday! Hot, hot, hot.... I am about to dry up and blow away.

This morning we head off to camp.

34,195 posted on 07/17/2005 7:08:09 AM PDT by sionnsar (†† || Iran Azadi || Kyoto: Split Atoms, not Wood)
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To: Irish_Thatcherite
"The big question is; is negative energy possible? (Does antimatter have negative energy?"

"The key to Alcubierre's warp drive is something called exotic matter. Exotic matter has the curious property of having a negative energy density, unlike normal matter (the stuff that makes up people, planets and stars), which has a positive energy density. Two bits of matter that have the same energy density are attracted to each other by gravity. In contrast, bits of positive and negative energy matter would be repelled by gravity. It is the negative energy density of exotic matter that powers the warp drive. A negative energy density is not the nonsensical thing it appears to be. Indeed, in 1948 the Dutch physicist Hendrik Casimir first predicted that one could observe the effects of negative energy densities. He reasoned that if negative energy densities existed, two closely spaced parallel conducting plates in a vacuum would be attracted to one another. This phenomenon, now called the Casimir effect, was measured in 1958 by M. Sparnaay, and is usually taken to be a confirmation that negative energy densities are possible. Exotic matter of a slightly different type is also invoked in the modern theory of cosmology known as inflation. According to the theory of inflation, exotic matter in the early universe (moments after the big bang) had a positive energy density, but a very large negative pressure. The negative pressure was so large that it counteracted the effects of the positive energy density. The result was an expansion of spacetime so rapid that two observers originally very close to each other would be carried apart faster than the speed of light."(Emphases mine)
While any pursuit of exotic matter is , I believe, doomed to failure, a synthesis of its properties may not be. I have heard of the experiment involving closely spaced parallel plates, and I am curious about what the formulation for them would have to be. How large the plate?; How close is close?; and primary to our discussion; What is the manner of extraction of negative energy from the phenomenon?

It would seem logical that beams of light, or even higher energy waves, could pass parallel to the parallel plates, and have some kind of effect. In this case, the image we have of the Star Trek warp nacelles emitting blue light may be prophetic.

The blue light could be an indicator frequency for ultraviolet energy, or it could be the result of Cerenkov radiation.

Early Science Fiction writers spoke of light collected and condensed until it actually had an appreciable mass. It may not be necessary to reach that level, but a high energy laser effect passing through the parallel plates might be the trigger for the development of negative energy. Lasers can be used to remove energy from a system in a refrigeration effect, if they are tuned properly. It may well be that the key to travelling faster than light involves a better understanding of parallel matter interacting with parallel light.

34,196 posted on 07/17/2005 8:25:45 AM PDT by NicknamedBob (Mighty and enduring? They are but toys of the moment to be overturned by the flicking of a finger.)
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To: Monkey Face

I hope you enjoyed lunch with your Brother and Wife.

We went out to dinner as well. Tried a new Cafe with a belly dancer.

34,197 posted on 07/17/2005 8:47:01 AM PDT by TASMANIANRED (Democrats haven't had a new idea since Karl Marx.)
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To: NicknamedBob
For ZPE (Zero Point Energy) plates, you would want millions of tiny plates hooked together in parallel stacks. These arrays could then be ramped up together in series. Trying to make big plates, just a few angstroms apart, would be a daunting task. Making ooddles of small ones should be no big trick. Standard X-ray lithography techniques should do the trick for producing the proper gap width. Use a magnetic scanner to "polarize" the plates into a self organizing structure and use a standard IC expoy to cement them in place.

After that, rack 'em and stack 'em. Vaccuum/"Negative" energy on tap. And if anyone suggests calling them a "Zed P M" or that they would at some point "run out of energy", I'll throw the beat down on 'em for an SG-1 junky. These things run for as long as the distance between the plates holds up.

34,198 posted on 07/17/2005 9:57:04 AM PDT by Dead Corpse (Never underestimate the will of the downtrodden to lie flatter.)
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To: Darksheare

"So your typos were due to my presence...

Yep. It figgers. Great minds, eh?

34,199 posted on 07/17/2005 10:20:34 AM PDT by Monkey Face (Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.)
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To: Capn TrVth; sionnsar; Darksheare; NicknamedBob

Welcome to the Undead Thread 2, Capn. We all hope you will come and visit with us more often. We actually have a lot to offer.



34,200 posted on 07/17/2005 10:24:01 AM PDT by Monkey Face (Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.)
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