Keyword: palinattacks
*snip* The Christys, of McAdoo, Pa., pleaded guilty in January to making harassing phone calls to Palin's attorneys. Attorney John Tiemessen testified that the men's calls threatened Palin and attorneys. Both Christys apologized Friday for their actions. *snip* In Friday's sentencing, U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Burgess ordered Shawn Christy to spend up to six months at the Scranton residential facility, where a bed will become available in mid-July. Christy wanted to return to his parent's home, where he had been living until his arrest last year. "Why can't I go home now?" he said. "Because I'm not letting you...
Appearing as a panel member on Sunday's Melissa Harris-Perry show, comedienne Margaret Cho wondered why some women are Republicans as she asserted that the GOP is "a party that's so against our rights, our reproductive rights, so many rights in so many ways." Cho also complained that Sarah Palin tries to "beat feminism down," claiming that "Sarah Palin wouldn't exist without feminism." After host Melissa Harris-Perry recounted a GOP drive to appeal to women, Cho wondered: What are women getting out of the GOP? That's, I always question that. I always wonder. This is a party that's so against our...
Ever since the National Enquirer leaked salacious details from The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin before the book was published, author Joe McGinniss has been embroiled in controversy. First, the tabloid revealed his book’s more lurid accusations against Ms. Palin: An alleged affair with her husband’s business partner, a pre-marital sexual encounter with former NBA player Glen Rice and snorting cocaine. Then The New York Times said Mr. McGinniss used his summer living next door to the Palins in Alaska to “chase caustic, unsubstantiated gossip.”
"What is the most damning allegation against me? 'Sarah Palin doesn't deserve to be President because before she was married she has sex with a black man?' What's funnier is that liberals think they should be congratulated for crossing the color line."
Gosh darn it! How long does it take for God to make up his mind whether he wants Sarah to run for President? He’s had plenty of time. Sarah has talked with him often, so he’s had ample opportunity to bring up the subject. What’s wrong with him? Is He scared or intimidated by her? Is he afraid that Todd and his buddies will beat him up?From the minute the election of 2008 was over, God should have been considering all options. What was he thinking? Tim Pawlenty declared his intention to run in March 2011.That should have been a...
WASHINGTON - Author Joe McGinniss says some of the people quoted by name in his controversial book on Sarah Palin have been threatened since its release last week."A couple of them have already gotten some blowback," McGinniss said Thursday in a telephone interview from Toronto, where he was in town promoting "The Rogue: Searching For The Real Sarah Palin.""One guy was even told he'd better watch his back because it's going to be a long winter; he might not see the end of it because he has such a big mouth." After months spent fending off similar threats when he...
he ABC’s 7.30 Report devotes an entire report tonight to the “toxic” political rhetoric that reporter Michael Brissenden suggests inspired the shooting of Democrat congresswomen Gabrielle Giffords. That rhetoric, Brissenden implies, doesn’t just date from the rise of Sarah Palin two years ago, but came with her. She is, after all, the only politician he singles out, and her political arrival is assumed as the date the trouble started. Not once does Brissenden try to establish the truth of the claim that gunman Jared Loughner was driven by this political climate to kill, or, indeed, that he was a Palin...
The Sarah Palin Network- on SNL
* In a feature article based on an interview with Sarah Palin, USA's Kathy Kiely cherry picked some old poll data to make the former governor appear to be less popular with the American public than she actually is: "But even as her book sales soar, Palin remains a divisive figure in American politics. In an October Gallup Poll, 50% of those surveyed viewed the conservative Republican unfavorably, compared to 40% who had a favorable view."That Gallup poll was conducted October 1-4, more than three two months ago. Since then, an Opinion Research poll conducted November 17-18 for FOX News...
Kudos to Daily Beast editor-in-chief Tina Brown for penning an anti-Sarah Palin tirade so vitriolic, I thought there had been a mix-up with her byline and Andrew Sullivan’s. Well, technically she’s blasting John McCain for allowing Palin to campaign for him, because…uh…it’s Sarah Palin, Personification of Evil! Get with the program! From the hit piece: "Cindy McCain was glacially self-contained in a trim, chic suit, at her husband’s side. When will high-def pick up the grinding of teeth? She introduced Palin as “a breath of fresh air” when in fact, as far as the McCains are concerned, Palin was a...
Sarah Palin sends liberals into irrational frenzies of contempt and, in the case of Bill Maher, fits of condescension which drive him to denigrate anyone stupid enough to see anything good in her. Maher began and ended his Friday night HBO program, Real Time with Bill Maher, with derogatory “jokes” based on the presumption Palin and her supporters are morons. He started with how at the health care summit the attendees recited stories about health care perils: “John McCain told how he once carried a brain-dead woman through an entire campaign.” About 56 minutes later, Maher raised Tiger Woods and...
The smoke blackened Christmas wreath that hung near the fire torched front door of Sarah Palin’s church 13 months ago is long gone, but her sincere apology for any unnecessary attention she may have drawn to the Wasilla Bible Church remains characteristically translucent. Palin told Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren she learned her church was burning by a friend’s visit at 1:30 a.m. on December 13, 2008. Yet Wasilla Mayor Verne Rupright still insists, “It had nothing to do with Sarah Palin.” He discounts connection to a “homosexual healing conference” the church co-sponsored, but he admitted a state arson investigation...
The entertainment media’s treatment of Sarah Palin and her family has been abhorrent. Like their biased and unjust hard news media brethren, entertainment outlets have gone out of their way to tarnish Palin’s image. While tabloids, semi-legitimate entertainment programs and celebrities issue incessant praise for President Obama and his leftist policies, Palin is showered with insults and inappropriate slurs. And let’s not forget the ongoing insensitive questioning about the birth of her special needs son, Trig. Since the end of the 2008 campaign, some of the most glaring examples of the entertainment media’s obsession with anti-Palin coverage have centered on...
Levi Johnston’s shameless exploitation by the liberal media is more than just a convenient cudgel for bashing Sarah Palin. It’s a modern minstrel show, with “Middle American” substituted for “African-American” as Levi capers for his condescending media “friends” wearing figurative blackface. And just as the minstrel shows of the past were tools to reinforce prejudice, the Levi Johnston show is meant to reinforce the prejudices and smug sense of superiority of its elitist liberal audience.
I have, over the past year or so, expressed occasional dismay over Sarah Palin. I think she has the issue understanding of a Kodiak bear and an Arctic wolf’s eye for the main chance, and I think the idea of her being president, devising a national budget and having access to nuclear weapons is the kind of horrific vision that might come to you after weeks alone in the Alaskan wilderness. But I don’t know what she did to deserve Levi Johnston. Johnston, if you miss both the political news and the supermarket tabloids, is the former high school classmate,...
Tina Fey recently won an Emmy for her uncanny resemblance and venomous impersonation of Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin. In accepting her award, Fey was her typical, obloquious self saying, “Mrs. Palin is an inspiration to working mothers everywhere because she bailed on her job right before Fourth of July weekend. You are living my dream. Thank you, Mrs. Palin!” 2008 marked a departure from the memorable, more cordial years of Chevy Chase as a clumsy Gerald Ford or Dana Carvey’s hilarious H.W. Bush: “wouldn’t be prudent.” Fey was downright mean.
Keith Olbermann is not one to pass up an opportunity to attack anything that even hints at being right of center. The repugnant MSNBC host devoted some three-quarters of his Sept. 16 show to claim criticism of President Barack Obama had to have elements of racism, no matter how you sliced it. And therefore, those critics were all despicable human beings, end of story. However, he did manage to find time to revert to old tried and true method of appeasing his angry left-wing desires - a little bashing of former Republican vice-presidential nominee and Gov. Sarah Palin, with an...
You know, those Palin Republicans are all such racist, fearmongers, right? Well if you didn't know it, Macleans of Canada wants to make sure you do with a piece headlined "The Palin Republicans." For Macleans, writer John Parisella thinks he's discovered why the GOP can't capitalize on the distrust that more and more Americans are feeling for the Obama administration and his Social-Democratic Party. It's because Sarah Palin is a big ol' meanie that told a lie about death panels. And what could save the GOP according to this loony leftist? Why capitulating to socialist healthcare, of course. Oh, and...
1. Opinion: Sarah Palin: Obama and the Bureaucratization of Health Care 2. Opinion: Read the Union Health-Care Label 3. Opinion: Rove: Obama's Big Political Gamble 4. Obama Makes His Health Pitch 5. Jobs Takes Stage at Apple Event 6. Opinion: Norman Podhoretz: Why Are Jews Liberals? 7. Opinion: Henninger: It's Still the Economy, Stupid 8. Opinion: Obama Doubles Down 9. Rep. Wilson's 'Lie' Yell Sparks Backlash 10. iPhone Apps Help Users Find Way ---- ...and 3rd most emailed. Not bad for a "dumb undereducated hick" from outside the Beltway, or whatever it is liberal are calling her these days. btw,...
I love the smell of easy traffic in the morning. Team Barry was grumpy over her Journal op-ed last night so they tossed this grenade at her in their daily talking points: On Gov. Palin’s AttacksEvery non partisan organization that has looked at her claims say they are false. And the ideas in her op-ed are both scary and risky. Eliminating Medicare and giving our seniors vouchers instead is a bad idea that we shouldn’t adopt. To which Palin, within the last hour, posted this reply/prebuttal of tonight’s speech: I’m pleased that the White House is finally responding to Republican...